does anyone have these symptoms?

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Hi there

I have always had a bit of a dodgy stomach but for the past year or so i have been diagnosed superficially with oes reflux

I get worried that there missing something

i get pulsing in my stomach which radiates up my chest to my head so my whole body pulses, i get dizzy and my legs sometimes fell weak and that i'm walking like the man in the mr soft advert!!

the worse is the breathing, its like i can't get air in my lungs, like something is pushing up from my diaphram and pushing the air out and then like someone has there hands on my neck, i have to lie down and breath no matter what i'm doing as i feel i might pass out, i also get very itchy like i'm uncomfatable in my own skin!

CAN IT REALLY BE THIS BAD. cause if it is i can live with it, but i'm so scared its something else and i'll be found dead from a heart attack or something (i'm 35 years by the way)who will look after me dogs then LOL

any response appreciated, just want to know that i'm not alone!!


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  • Posted

    Hi guys

    I have been told i have acid reflux too it's scary for me as i'm convinced it's throat cancer due to me being an ex smoker I'm 38 by the way ,I just can't seem to relax and am worried all the time I try to say to myself that it's gerd but can't believe pshycological issues can make me have such real symptoms, I'm going to see Ent specialist and hopefully it will give me some piece of mind and be clear of cancer , my symptoms seem to be a strange feeling when i breath in the back of my throat and a tight chest occasionally when i take a really deep breath, i can swallow ok although have been worried bout that since Doc asked if i can swallow ok but it's my mind running away with me. Do any of you have any of these symptoms guys?

    I hope you all get better and it's good to find somewhere to let out some emotion.

    • Posted

      I know it is very hard to believe acid reflux can cause such wide spread and diverse symptoms but if you look up silent reflux the answers will put your mind at ease as what happens is the acid shoots up the back of your throat and hit the nerve endings ears eyes etc also the spinal nerves get burned with it and the lungs, so you end up with sinus ear and balance problems muscle and nerve pain and coughs along with the stomach trouble and a lot of Drs, are not aware of silent reflux so you end up in every dept in the hospital!  Even if someone does not have a burning up their neck try acid medicine something OTC and modify your diet and see does it help, don't forget all this pain and discomfort is naturally causing anxiety and that in turn causes more acid

    • Posted

      Omg. I m glad there’s someone knows.  Can you share how to get rid of all this completely? Especially the chest discomforts. 
  • Posted

    I'll try to keep this short(ish) and as informative as possible for others who find this vine/blog. 

    I've Had GERD (Gastro Esophegal Reflux Disease) or at least been on Nexium Esemoprezole (or weaker UK alternatives sometimes) since around 2001 when I was 22 yrs old and diagnosed without a camera inspection or scan. 

    Living in the UK I am now pushing for an operation to fix this once and for all as my meds 20mg once per day of Nexium aren't working any more. I need to have a camera down into the Esophegas in about 4 weeks as (believe it or not) I've only ever had 1 (in 2007) which came back with no issues. However I was kept on the meds I'd been on as clearly there was a sever problem. 


    The problem I think is that the Esophegas gets burned by stomach acid coming up into it. It gets sore, red and swollen. This makes it feel like you can't get air. But take a deep breath, the air comes in right? Your chest inflates? You're fine. But it FEELS HORRIBLE. 

    Bare with it as it will pass. It comes in waves for me. Funnily enough when I gain a few extra pounds. I'm 15 stone (210lbs) and when I dip below that I don't get these symptoms as bad. Because I'm eating omelettes and tuna and salad. 

    If I start eating pizza and McDonalds and fizzy drinks, I suffer. After a few weeks it gets really bad and now I'm looking online for help. But I know the problem. Diet. 

    Want to know what not to eat?

    Here's a rough guideline but it might differ for you generally speaking. 


    * Fresh Orange Juice

    * Raw Onion

    * Garlic

    * Spirits or alcohol anything over 5% vol

    AND IF INEAT AFTER 9PM I'm in trouble and munching Rennies (orange ones are the best) like 3-5 before I sleep. 


    * Junk Food

    * gaining weight - Body Fat is our enemy

    * Greasy Food - Takeaway basically and fried stuff

    * Booze - especially wine or spirits

    * Laying down after eating - give it  4 hours. 


    Place wooden blocks under the top legs of the bed to give you an incline which 'should' reduce acid running out of your stomach and into your esophegas when you sleep. 


    Eat better


    These things will limit the severity of your problems, that's a fact. But if you're in the UK push for surgery as I've been on tablets for 13 years and it's just unnecessary. 

    You might have:


    If you haven't been tested, get tested. Many people have this and it's an easy issue to fix. Some certain anti-biotics which clear it up and you'll never suffer again. You may be one of the lucky ones so hope you have this. I didn't. 😞


    If you're here I'll assume you know what this is. 


    This is when part of your stomach finds its way into the sphincter muscle (yes your arsehole isn't the only one you have) which is located between your esophegas and your stomach. If that's the case it'll need to be repaired. 

    This is what I'm hoping the camera will find in January as it's an easy fix, relatively. But I can't see how I've developed this 13 years ago and lived with it. 

    Or the sphincter can just be damaged. This can be repaired also. 

    The problem we have (especially in the UK) is that nobody cares. They don't care. They treat cancer patients and have to give bad news to people daily. Your little heartburn problem isn't high on the agenda and my doctor looks at me like I'm wasting his time. 

    Get past your GP and go to a gastroenterologist. Get a referral and do your best to see the resident / Specialist. Don't be fobbed off be use that will keep happening for 13 years. Believe me. 

    In the short term, relax. You're ok. We all think we have Cancer. The older you get the more you'll worry about this. Don't. Worry is making you ill. Believe me. I'm sat here writing this because I feel so ill and worried. Ha. It's kind of thereputic. 

    So what to do now:

    1. Don't ruin your xmas 

    2. But stop eating sh*t food

    3. Relax and know that you can breathe

    4. Make some small lifestyle changes, exercise more and eat better

    5. Make an appointment with your GP

    6. Get a referal to the Gastroenterologist. 

    7. Have a camera down to see the issue. 

    8. Don't give up. 

    I should say that although I'm a bit overweight I'm not obese but when I start to feel the GERD symptoms I do feel like I am. 

    I have never smoked

    I don't really drink much (I would if i didn't have this condition)

    But info ray rubbish quite a bit and don't train often. Especially not cardio. 

    I hope this has helped and I've followed this chain now and will offer help if I can if it sends me an email alert. 

    I'm not a doctor just a long term sufferer. Hope his helps. 

    Good Luck


    • Posted

      Hi Tom,

      That's a very helpful post, thanks, and I wish you luck with getting your op. I wouldnt like to be on meds for 13yrs either!


      I haven't yet been diagnosed, but am sure its GERD though the symptoms are apparently so similar to heart trouble that am being routinely sent for cardiac tests next week to rule that out. Obviously a stomach problem is a better option!  But pretty difficult to live with all the same.  Current symptoms are:

      Nausea (no vomiting)


      Sharp stabbing pains in breastbone.

      Lightheadedness, and also sometimes head feels like its been pumped up like a balloon.

      Pain (more an ache) in left shoulder.


      Hard to take a breath quite often.

      Very tired when these symptoms present.

      Feel generally unwell a lot of the time.

      Blurred vision suddenly, for hours.

      The first 3 symptoms often start after walking at a steady pace, or going up a slope.

      Does this sound like you? Have only found one online comment about the walking, which is a little bit worrying. And again one for the blurred vision.

      I'm reluctant to take prescrip meds for acid reflux till I know whether its too little acid or too much being generated. Do they give you a ph test? Don't want to take prescrip meds that reduce acid if there isnt enough being produced in first place, which is often how come people stay on the meds for years because the meds alleviate the discomfort at first, but actually perpetuate the problem!  I am finding that Apple Cider Vinegar does a good job of calming my symptoms, and ACV can be taken as and when you like as opposed to meds.  Also drinking water helps quite a bit!

      I also cant take garlic as I just found out!  In fact it could have precipitated all this.  I ran out of blood pressure meds over a weekend and online advice was to take concentrated garlic and/or cayenne pepper capsules.  These did work, but not consistently, meanwhile whole load of heartburn set up!  

      About 5yrs ago I did have a camera down the throat and they said mild gastritis, for which i took the lansoprazole and nowadays was only taking those if plannng a spicy meal or even a glass of beer. My gastritis symptoms then were abdominal burning and heartburn, but never did I have this dizzyness and nausea and chest pain and feeling absolutely sh*te!

      Best of luck everyone,


    • Posted

      i got it once after i walked 2 miles hoe from work which i usually do- i did some research on over production of acid  due to nervous or anxiety constantly- and poor diet rcih in acidic foods- i have been diagnosed with reflux thoguh my gi doc isnt 100 oper cent sure, but the research says that your lungs will try to expel the excess acid resulting in diminished intake of air, tries to expel it through your kidneys so if they are being taxed(they can only expel so much acid daily) u will feel unwell , etc good luck with it
    • Posted

      ty so much -my doctor isnt convinced yet it is acid reflux cause i dont cough with it , but anyway ive read its bad to prop your head up if u ahve a hernia -it will press against it and make it worse just lie sttraight with the head of our bed elevated- and i hope if i do need repair its simple and lasting 
    • Posted

      I had a lot of these symptoms. Didn't realise it might all be connected. Mostly reflux in my case.

      When medication failed. Taking Milk thisle tablets from Superdrug worked like magic for me. I stopped having all symptoms eventually. I now take them approx twice a year for three days. Usually after a party. (Maybe eating or drinking something I shouldn't) I hope this might help you, and every one else.

    • Posted

      Hi, these posts are amazing, but yours is so helpful, Thank you I've had the chronic cough, constant throat clearing, wheezing breathlessness, heartburn, sore throat, and papitations, I can't. eat tomatoes , raw cabbage, raw peppers, butter, oranges or anything fatty and wine. Of course like everyone I thought it must be cancer, either lung, throat or stomach, after reading this site it all makes sense. Saw a Doctor who sounded my chest said it sounded fine and to go back in a few weeks if it didn't go away. I firmly believe this is my problem, not the cardiac failure or one of the cancers I thought. I shall be taking your advice Tom re eating, lifestyle etc. I'll be trying that rather than visiting the Doctor again. I don't feel so alone with my symptoms now and am sure I can do something about it. Thank you

    • Posted


      I was wondering how your surgery went. Here I am right now typing and I was relieved that indeed I can breathe, although the feeling sucks. I've noticed symptoms since 2010 but only this year where I got the worst ones: chestpains, dizziness, trouble breathing. Made a  trip to the ER and after the cardio screenings I was cleared and diagnosed with GERD. I was made to take omeprazole but even after 4 days of taking I still feel worst.

    • Posted

      Hello there.I was reading this post although it's now a year old. I certainly can sympathize with you. I too have been dealing with Gerd.

      By all means push for testing, even surgery if you have to. I had a Gastroscopy 14 months ago..all was well, yet the General Surgeon who performed the procedure also arranged for me to have an Esophageal Manometry. That appointment took 7 months to get. I had to travel to the city, & spend money on a hotel room because the drive back/forth simply was ridiculous. Result?..normal. The male nurse who performed the procedure was training someone, & the trainee said.."look have a hiatus hernia"..but the nurse said..."no..not really...look here". I don't understand those things, so I didn't pay attention. The 24hr tube was inserted, & I wore a monitor during that time. I reported to the hospital the following morning, & had the tube removed. The results were sent to my General guessed it..normal. BUT, the nurse did say like with anything, there can be false negatives/positives. The reason for all of these tests in the 1st place was a hard, dry unexplained cough which my previous GP was blaming on the medication but I had the cough prior to taking those meds. Now I STILL have Gerd along with a burning sensation that seems to be located on the sternum or just behind it. I get bouts of nausea, & a feeling of 'floating'..almost to the point of being lightheaded. This can last for anywhere from 1hr to a few hours, then suddenly clears. My GP renewed the prescription of Nexium, but I had to quit taking it because the side effect of headache was unreal, feeling like someone hit me on the head with a hammer. 

      So, now I feel I'm back to square one. This morning was absolutely horrid. I woke up feeling ok, then suddenly started feeling weakish, a little nauseated, & certainly my pulse was raised. You can be sure it made me very nervous. When I do get the feelings of nausea & lightheadedness, I my legs feel weird too as does my arms., almost as though they would start shaking but they don't.

      The General Surgeon told me that if I were a candidate for the fonduplication procedure, before that could be carrried out, there had to be documented evidence that the acid production, sphicters, etc. weren't as they should be. So, considering the results of the manometry was normal, does this mean I have to start over. 

      I hope you've managed to get some headway into your problem. I wish you the best of luck. Please let me know what has transpired.


    • Posted

      Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I'm up at 5am searching for answers because I'm at my wits end with this. I have noticed a big difference with cutting out caffeine. But I'm also 3 months pregnant and have been noticing that it's getting worse. Pregnancy makes everything worse lol. I'm determined to not let this consume my life and my time with constantly being in the ER. I can't thank you enough for your advice. I'm going to stay away from the things u said and try to improve my health and weight some. I'm not obese either but I'm about 20 lbs over weight. Hope you are continuing to do well. 


    • Posted

      Hi. I ve been suffering from all the wierd symptoms for 7 months and now still some wierd thing and jumping in my stomach or chest.  Can you share what exactly you took and how you took it to get rid of all the troubles. ? I could never drink or eat acid food for all those months. 
  • Posted

    Thankyou for posting this. It's 4.00 in the morning and i'm up waiting for my pulse to return to normal,the pain in my breastbone to subside and for the dizzyness and neusea to go away. It has been so good for me to read all of these accounts.  The first time I had this I my gf phoned the doctor (101) and they sent an ambulance out. it was very embarrasing but at least i know it's not my heart!  so far i have worked out that light excercise is good,apples are good, taking antacids early on is good.

    garlic is bad,coffee is bad,oranges, tomatoes,chocolate is bad.

    I would offer comfort to anyone suffering with this (gerd).

    IT WILL PASS.  it feels awfull, but.


    • Posted

      Hey.  Thank you with the post of sharing your experience s.  It’s really comforting to read. I had all the wierd symptoms from 2017 July all of a sudden. And then it took four months to heal and only a little jumping stomach left then it came back and got worse but since now I sleep with elevated upper body and really watching what I eat. It’s better again. I just want to know how long it took you to completely get out form this and what can I do to get rid of it and never scared of coming back again ? So I just have to wait on it or ignore it and goes on with jobs  ? 

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