Doxycycline has ruined my life!

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Hi all. I started a 2 week cycle of doxy for a tick bite - no other symptoms just had a tick in my leg. I was put on 100mg x 2 daily for 2 weeks. 4 days in I thought I was going to pass out and I called the pharmacy and they said to stick on it. I made it to day 8. Since then I’ve had sever heartburn, chicest and back pain, burning in throat and now diarrhea. )sorry, gross) anyway went to my pcp and 2 GI docs. I was put on a prescription Prilosec ( that caused the toilet issues I think) and probiotics (which I already taken previously) and have had blood work, given samples (fun) and had an endoscopy last week. ( Heaven forbid they call me with results of the biopsies ) anyway all blood stool and various other tests were ok. I was told take magnesium ( more toilet issues) and otc antacids vs the stronger ex versions.  Anybody else going through this kind of mess from that devil drug doxycycline ? I’m a wreck and feel like this will never end. I should have yanked the tick and moved on with my life - but noooo I go to a clinic and get prescribed the antibiotic formulated by Satan  himself !

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    I'm so sorry that you're going through this I was prescribed doxcycycline in May of this year for tick bite preventative measures and I started showing signs and symptoms of neck pain back pain headaches that were so severe I couldn't think straight body aches low grade fever go to the ER they test me for Lyme treat me more put me on a different antibiotic and a drip here these were all side effects of the doxycycline, ended up having drooping of my left eye and vision problems dizziness ,hypertension.. cranial hypertension is a huge side effect for women of any age and luckily I stopped taking it after day 10 went back to the ER because I physically could not do anything I didn't eat or drink for 12 days I was so physically sick so they finally said it has to be the docycline flushed me out at the hospital and it took 3 days for my body to feel semi normal and to this day I still have dizziness I'm a lot better my vision thank God was not affected but yes this is the devil drug and I would never ever recommend this to anyone as a physician there are other drugs that don't have the side effects of doxycycline whether you're taking it for acne infection so on....

    • Posted

      I'm taking a 10 day course of doxycycline, and I have pain in my neck and on my shoulder on the left side of my neck and my lymph node on my left side of my neck Is swollen is this the same pain you felt?? thank you for your time.

    • Posted

      I had this in Oct 2021 for Bacterial Pneumonia. I've felt horrendous ever since same pain in left side of neck, sore throat, my tongue swelled up. Feel like I have thrush in my throat. It seems to have played havoc with my mouth and throat.

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      I am hoping you are a physician? I was just prescribed doxycycline (today) for a severe sinus and ear infection. I have had a bad reaction to amoxicillin in the past. after reading these comments and horror stories, I'm wondering if I shouldn't just take the amoxicillin and deal with those side effects??? I've only taken one pill so far, can I switch to amoxicillin now?

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      how did you get on in the end now that its 8 weeks later.

      i was put in it for persistent throat infection . i have taken it for 2 days and feel awful . thw left side if my throat is on fire - and also the left side of my face is extremely painful to touch . weird sensation .am going to stop today ..

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      Hi, how long for you to get rid off the dizziness? Its been almost 2 months for me since i stop doxy and still getting lightheadedness and dizziness.

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      Can you or someone pls tell me what other antibiotic i can take for lyme besides doxycycline? pls help thanks.

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    I have just spent 3 days so sick I could barely move; the worst head and neck ache of my life;

    I had taken doxy before due to ehrlichiosis from a tick; but this time--it was given to me for horrific GI infectiin;

    so the painimproved from that but there's no way I can continue the doxy; seeing a GI dr. tomorrow.

    no idea what he will,do about any of,this. waiting for Aug. appt. at major teaching hospital.

    ugh and ugh; I agree with everyone in regards to side effects; I am NOT taking another dose.

  • Posted

    I was infected with Lyme's about 10 years ago. I had a tick removed from my scalp 2 weeks ago and my Dr. prescribed Doxycycline, 100 mg for a month. The 1st and 2nd time I took it, I became severely nauseated, blamed it on coffee and alcohol I had ingested hours previously. The third time I took it, I started heaving and retching so severely I couldn't breath, so severely my husband was on the telephone ready to call an ambulance because we thought I was having a heart attack. I am a 73-year-old woman in very good physical shape and on very little medication. I have NEVER had a problem with any other medication. I am now taking the Doxycycline with bland food which is mildly helping with the nausea. I dread the 2 times a day I have to take it. Terrible.

  • Posted

    Was just looking for doxycycline adverse effects online and came across this post. I've just lived through 2 weeks of doxy hell personally. Hospital prescribed it for a chest infection/cough. The course was 8 x 100mg tablets over 7 days. So on day one you took 2 tablets, all other days 1 tablet. I took the first 2 and ended up throwing up intermittently in the bath for 4 hours. (was already weak after having been unwell for previous 4 days and not eaten anything. (Appaerntly you should have this with some toast or something.) So day two - I had the pill with toast, it stayed down. Day 3 and 4 stayed down. Day 5 threw it all up despite having had the toast. (drank lemon afterwards which may have upset it).

    But nowhere on the box did it say have with food, or any advice. I decided not to take the last 2 as I had headache and pain in one leg and slight unsettled tummy feeling.

    Dr then said he will prescribe something else. Went to pharmacy, paid for prescription, looked in the bag - Doxycycline!! I'm like - I don't want these. Pharmacist then began to preach how great doxy is at doing the job if I can keep the tablets down. He said have it with a substantial meal - like dinner.

    So like a fool - I went home - took first 2 tablets with my lunch - all good - stayed down. Day 2 - took single tablet with lunch - all good. But by evening I had a horrendous pain start in my left side - like my kidney or something was being ruined. At one point thought I might have to call an ambulance. Pain stayed all night - could hardly sleep - called Dr in morning - he said not to take any more. I asked why is my side hurting like this - I'm still waiting for an answer. This is Day 3 - havent took the tablet - still got the horrendous pain.

    I have a new prescription for Erythromycin - think I'll start tomorrow. Dont knpw how long this pain will last - but I'm in agony. I cannot take deep breathes or it hurts more and makes me cough. My eyes are a bit fuzzy and it gave me dark circles under my eyes after day 1. DOXY Hell - I'll NEVER take these ever again.

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      Any antibiotic that has mycin, at the end is ototoxic medication. beware.

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      To make a long story short my Dr switched me from Keflex to Doxycycline as a profalactic due to cellulitis. Ive been on Doxycycline before together with keflex but never alone and it made me sick before but was told the same just stick with it blah blah blah. Anyhow 2 weeks into this horrid medication by itself and I'm sick as heck my right upper side hurts I can't find a comfortable position and to make things worse I'm currently bedridden due to a long stint in a nursing home that did minimal PT and left me sitting in bed the rest of the day. Anyhow I will not be taking this mediation anymore and will call my Dr in the morning. I'm positive the pain on my right side is due to The doxy oh another issue is I'm super dizzy when I sit up to fast that has happened before when I was on this antibiotic. Did you get an answer yet as to what your side pain was?

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    Sorry you are suffering with Doxycycline. I have had this drug for many years on and off for infected sinus mainly, currently taking them for a chest infection.

    In my experience, if I take them on an empty stomach I am always sick, after a meal, no issues. I have also been told do not take calcium products or iron supplements.

    Don't know if this will help you.

    Good luck

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    I sympathise with you 100%. I just now googled doxycilline heart burn and your message came up.

    I had a really bad chest infection back in March this year . Prescribed doxy and have had mucas in my throat and heaviness in the chest ever since.

    I work as a pt so i was eating really well before all of this but now all i have been eating is fish, chicken, fresh veg and oats to try and flick this horrible illness.. Your symptoms sound exactly like mine. Nexium did nothing for me. Diet is the only thing that has helped me improve slightly. However every night i got to bed praying this heartburn and sore throat will just go. WTF do we do ? is it just going to take time ?

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