Doxycycline has ruined my life!

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Hi all. I started a 2 week cycle of doxy for a tick bite - no other symptoms just had a tick in my leg. I was put on 100mg x 2 daily for 2 weeks. 4 days in I thought I was going to pass out and I called the pharmacy and they said to stick on it. I made it to day 8. Since then I’ve had sever heartburn, chicest and back pain, burning in throat and now diarrhea. )sorry, gross) anyway went to my pcp and 2 GI docs. I was put on a prescription Prilosec ( that caused the toilet issues I think) and probiotics (which I already taken previously) and have had blood work, given samples (fun) and had an endoscopy last week. ( Heaven forbid they call me with results of the biopsies ) anyway all blood stool and various other tests were ok. I was told take magnesium ( more toilet issues) and otc antacids vs the stronger ex versions.  Anybody else going through this kind of mess from that devil drug doxycycline ? I’m a wreck and feel like this will never end. I should have yanked the tick and moved on with my life - but noooo I go to a clinic and get prescribed the antibiotic formulated by Satan  himself !

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    Your having a negative reaction to it. Doxy is acidic and its tearing up your intestinal system. I had this happen to me after just a couple days on it. I stopped taking it and its taken me days on a very bland diet. I took pepto just to get the diarrhea under control but no other medication. I would get a different doctor and if your showing symptoms or testing positive for Lyme disease there are other treatments than Doxy

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    I was prescribed and started doxycycline on 8/11/2021 for a stubborn rash originally thought to be folliculitus, but my new dermatologist suspects adult acne. The medication has worked a little bit, perhaps. I have LGL leukemia and have been at the blood disorders clinic every week for three weeks. My bloodwork for leukemia seems to be stable but my creatinine levels ate increasing every week. Today they were at 1.46 (top of range is 1.2). I've never had a problem with kidney function. My water intake is excellent at ~80 ounces daily. I'm stopping the doxy until after my next blood draw on Tuesday. Anyone else have this issue?

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    first of all the Lyme Protocol is 28 days, Not 14 days...

    You most likly need to fet back on it for 28 days ..


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    I know this is an old thread ...

    But these sound like the same symptoms you get if you lay down before an hour after taking.

    You have to wait at least one hour before laying down. I can tell ya I found this out the hard way. I thought I was having a heart attack the pain in my chest was so bad.

    Not sure if that was the case here. But I figured I would throw it out there for anyone looking for answers on this topic.

    • Posted

      Exactly, me too

      when i started using this drug, all of a sudden i starting feeling severe pains and tightness on my cheat and back.

      I had to rush to the hospital, everything was checked, no displacement or issue in my heart but the said i had pericarditis(heart inflammation)

      as i am typing i'm still feeling this pain.

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    has anyone developed pruritic lesions on skin on doxycycline that wont heal?

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      hey after taking this doxy garbage i started getting allergies. i got rashes and hives. experiencing hives now. its the side effects of the medicine. what is crazy is i took the medication in Nov 2021. had allergies, like a rash. went away and now bc of it all this time later ive started getting hives. its similar to like what u have. its driving me nuts. did u treat or cure it?

  • Posted

    I'm laying in bed with a bottle of doxycycline in my hand. My health is not as good as it once was, but after the age of 18 I began to have severe allergic reactions to antibiotics I'd taken many times before. Now at 56 I'm allergic, as in anaphylaxis to 15 different antibiotics. Yay me! So I have major oral surgery last Thursday. Doctor reviews all my allergies, asks what works for me, I tell him, "Not taking any!". He sends me out with a prescription I promptly get filled. Due to my history I have my epi pens sitting next to me. I take 1 pill, I wait, right about the 2 minute mark I feel like my throat is closing. I don't panic, I instead take a Benadryl. That helped, but then I started coughing and couldn't stop, not even to breathe. I gasp to my Fiance, "EPI, NOW" it's administered, but I'm not getting better. 911.... allergy to add. So now I'm laying here contemplating what could happen. Doctor's are very aware of my situation, but they're somewhat at a loss to figure out the best antibiotic for whatever I'm being treated for. I'm also a

    MRSA carrier, making things even more difficult. I'll hopefully be able to tell everyone it worked...but honestly I'm not very optimistic!

    • Posted

      have they checked you live panel for g6pd. it's an enzyme that helps your body metabolize medications. my body doesn't

      produce it or very little. I have 19 allergies to antibiotics. it's not down in a normal test you have to t


  • Edited

    its IBS. and if u: - stop taking the probiotic (this being the main culprit and thereforemost important) (ppl will Try and tell you they are so healthy and what not blah blah blah but in reality you will be just fine if you eat healthy and you take your daily vitamins. but research your vitamins) , - try to drink at least 5‐6 water bottles in a day. (tech. more but i cant stand wer so i replace a little with things like watermelon and popsicles. lets be real, like 70% of the US doesnt drink water like they should either).- drink vitamin d milk (not within 3 hours of taking any antibiotics due to bad stomach absorption). your seems to be more on the more common Side of IBS symptoms(diarrhea) . Mine is more the opposite. I don't go but once a week so I therefore would not be drinking a whole lot of milk because it could make my symptoms worse. but should help yours. - and finally exercise when you can (lightly till symptoms fade) eat healthy and get sleep . it will get better

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    This medication made my condition so much worse. I had sores & blisters over my whole body. I couldn't sleep at night. My skin was just going crazy. My body temperature is all over the place. My legs & feet swelled worse. I felt like mentally I am in a scary place. Being extra careful with my checkbook. This is a very dangerous antibiotic. I called Dispatch Health since they prescribed it. No call back. Called PCP for a callback, still waiting. After 3 1/2 days of taking it, I stopped. Nobody gives a rip anyhow. Are there any considerate & caring doctors still working? It's all about the money. That's it.

  • Posted

    hello.I'm also going through the worst due to doxycycline.It left me with a hurting lower back, peeing frequently and shoulder and neck pain.i feel so uncomfortable when i sit or sleep I'm so stressed and all alone.they were given to me when i had a mild bacteria infection.its the only antibiotic that has destroy my health

  • Posted

    I was put on doxycycline a year ago last Sept. for a rare tick disease HGE. I got the bad heart burn and later was told it caused esophagitis. But 10 days into the treatment I almost blacked out and couldn't hardly walk. my son got me to the ER. were I had a seizure, spitting up blood. my body was shutting down. liver, kidneys and my lactic acid was very high. I was hospitalized, and the next day had a seizure that lasted over an hour. I was air lifted to another hospital and spent 4 days in ICU. since then I've had 4 surgical procedures, 6 hospitalizations and countless doctor visits. and I'm not done. alot of stomach issues also. being sent to a GI. I know the med caused this. I was bit by the tick end of July that year. the tick disease was not diagnosed till mid Sept. You are right it is a bad drug, and sadly the only one I know of to treat tick disease. you wrote this over 3 years ago. I do hope your health has improved.

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      I would not trust the reporting of these incidences.

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    I just started this today, I usually never have problem with antibiotics and with all the reports here is scary the living out of me. lets see how it goes. I do take omeprezol for acid but that is at night and as long as it is at least 4 hours in time it is okay. I alway get neck pain so I am expecting it to be worse. I will buy some ginger extract pills for any nausea cause I get that so this might worsen it. I am trying to prepare for the worse. Wish me luck.

    • Posted

      Hello, I just read your post and was wondering if you had any adverse effects from the doxycycline? I am sitting with my prescription and honestly feel like I am playing russian roulette. I have yet to read anything positive and just don't know which way to go. I hope you are doing well..

    • Posted

      For anyone new who is reading this old thread: the comments in this thread are, overall, lacking in knowledge, and high in drama. Doxycycline, like any drug, can have some unwanted effects. Some very severe. In many cases, an individual's existing medical conditions are not being stated. But it is important that whomever prescribes any drug, knows your medical history, and knows more pharmacology than most medical providers, and that instructions for use are followed.

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      i doubt it. People who are posting here are just like me. They had bad reaction from doxy and trying to find support and validation. I had a tick on me for 2 weeks and had to go on doxy. I went for 3 weeks and relapsed from rocky mountain spotted fever and was prescribed another 2 weeks of doxy but my head felt bad pressures at night laying down that I had to stop it. This is not just one night but about 70 percent of the nights i took doxy. I really tried. i am hoping now for no relapse because rmsf is fatal. I decided to see homeopathic dr instead. Will see.

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