Doxycycline has ruined my life!

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Hi all. I started a 2 week cycle of doxy for a tick bite - no other symptoms just had a tick in my leg. I was put on 100mg x 2 daily for 2 weeks. 4 days in I thought I was going to pass out and I called the pharmacy and they said to stick on it. I made it to day 8. Since then I’ve had sever heartburn, chicest and back pain, burning in throat and now diarrhea. )sorry, gross) anyway went to my pcp and 2 GI docs. I was put on a prescription Prilosec ( that caused the toilet issues I think) and probiotics (which I already taken previously) and have had blood work, given samples (fun) and had an endoscopy last week. ( Heaven forbid they call me with results of the biopsies ) anyway all blood stool and various other tests were ok. I was told take magnesium ( more toilet issues) and otc antacids vs the stronger ex versions.  Anybody else going through this kind of mess from that devil drug doxycycline ? I’m a wreck and feel like this will never end. I should have yanked the tick and moved on with my life - but noooo I go to a clinic and get prescribed the antibiotic formulated by Satan  himself !

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    I was recently prescribed doxycycline for rosacea and clogged hair follicles. I read the papers describing side effects and am scared beyond words that I am going to have an adverse reaction. I am a single Mom of five, without family and only long distance friends. I am wondering how soon or how late I would know something is wrong, if anyone can help answer because I am getting no answers. I can't afford to be sick.. I don't want to be hospitalized or die... as well, for whatever it's worth, I am really sorry that all of you had such adverse reactions and I pray you all are well.

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    3 years ago.

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    hi guys.

    i know this is old but hoping for some advice if possible.

    im on doxy at the min. 200mg for the 1st day then 100mg for a further 6 days.

    iv felt fizzy right from the off but woke up today on day 4 with a tightness across my back and chest. is this just a normal side effect or is this a possible allergic reaction? im so close to finishing the course i only have 4 tablets left and i hate all antibiotics so would rather finish if possible but i feel a little worried incase the tightness is something to be alarmed by. thank you xxx

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      That was a year ago. I hope the chest tightness was evaluated.

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    I had a tick bite & by day 12 the lymphnode by where the tick was, was enlarged, slightly swollen & very painful. I had been having mild symptoms that I blew off of nausea, body aches (which I just thought from working more hours bc I'm a Pharmacy tech) & a headache that seemed to get worse by the day. When I woke up on the 12th day I could barely move my body hurt so bad - think worse than the flu ache & nausea that was worse than morning sickness!!! I took 800mg ibuprofen & went on to work. this helped tremendously ease the pain. I called the Dr while at work, after talking to my Pharmacy Mgr. The physician called in Doxycycline 100mg capsule twice a day for 7 days. I will need to get another 7days bc treatment is 14days especially with a bad infection.

    My pharmacy Mgr sd (1) do NOT take the medication on an empty stomach & (2) stay out of the sunlight while on it bc you will burn easy. I was also told me that the symptoms of the doxycycline should start to wear off after 4 or 5 days of taking it. But also to NOT eat HEAVY meals & to eat light. Let me tell you, the eat with meds & eat light WORK! But if you don't, you will feel it for the day. I would rather deal with this, even though it can be miserable at times, than Lyme Disease & the heart & numerological problems that can bring.

    Doxycycline is a tetracycline & is a strong antibiotic & works on certain types of infections. Just follow the advice I commented above & it should, hopefully, make things easier. And when I say with food, like I'm talking 2 bananas or something & not just a cracker or a cookie or a protein shake or coffee.

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    I have been prescribed these and I requested Amoxacillin originally but the Dr refused. I know my body and the only antibiotic I do not get side affects with is amoxacillin. I am refusing to take these. also its lovely weather in UK and not to be able to sit out in it due to these tabs coz I could blister... I am not taking them. Dr's don't want to listen so I am not going to bother.

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    i have extremely bad photosensitivity when on doxycycline. i cant be in the sun at all. day 3 of doxy for spider bite infection.

    dizziness and fainting and woozy feeling continuously. I have to wear wet long sleeves for the duration of this antibiotic course. ever since having COVID 19, my body is super sensitive to things that never bothered me before.

    But doxycycline given by IV is the best way to go. you bypass all of the systemic issues by putting it directly in your circulatory system.

    If you have additional swelling of face, neck, or trouble breathing, go to an emergency room. Other wise, yes. stay out if the sun and try to cope.

    • Posted

      It is outrageous that you would state that doxycycline given by IV is "the best way to go." You do not "bypass all of the systemic issues."

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      what photosenstivity did you get an did you find a cure for the damage i have been left with dark red blotches all over my face they say i will need laser as its permanent damage

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    My boyfriend just started Doxy for acne on his back. started it Wednesday of this week and will *Not take anymore of it. so far he's had diarrhea very dark urine and a boil i. his butt!!!! Is there anything else tht is less misery inducing for back acne?

  • Posted

    Doxycycline has side effects because it's effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

    The side effects are real, but unless severe(yours are modest) treatment should continue.

    I live in Lyme central and am currently on doxycycline for both Lyme and anaplasmosis. Anaplasmosis is no joke and landed me in hospital for 4 days.

    Take the meds and consult with healthcare professionals concerning the side effects.

  • Posted

    Hi, I had just got to my 5th day of that horrid antibiotic for a sinus infection when I woke up with the worse chest pain and pressure along with upper stomach pain. It was, still is ( it's been 2 days since I stopped it) excruciating to even swallow water. I went to the ER because I was afraid I was having a heart attack and because the pain was so severe. As soon as I told the doctor I was on Doxycycline he diagnosed me, right there in triage. Doxycycline Induced Esophagitis. He did a cardiac work up as well to be safe. Needless to say I will NEVER take that antibiotic again!! I'm 50 years old and have been on my share of antibiotics and I have Never had such a Terrible reaction. I actually feel worse now than I did 2 weeks when I first started feeling sick!! It can also cause Erosive Esophagitis, basically ulcers in your esophagus. If my pain gets worse or I start spitting up/vomiting blood I have to go back to the ER. I'm already on a high dose of prescription Prilosec which is the treatment for this and they gave me one Whole dose of lidocaine in the ER. Which helped a little but obviously has done Nothing since. If I'm still this miserable when my doctor's office opens I'll be calling them. I hope this information helps someone.

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      You could not pay me to take any version of Prilosec. I wonder if the doxycycline taken on an empty stomach with very little water.

  • Edited

    Im currently taking Doxycycline for tonsilitis as im allergic to penicillin really bad. Also cant take eurothmycin or clarithmycin due to an interaction with the heart rythnm that i can get whilst on my antidepressents (citalopram).

    all these comments quite confusing. Havent had any issues on them so far. i take 2 x daily for 7 days and on 100mg. onky experienced headaches, dizziness and general feeling of unwell. its my second day & no issues so far!! please stop scaring people

    • Posted

      Excellent advice. I hope you tried increased hydration that might have relieved the symptoms you did have.

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