Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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  • Posted

    Hi everyone, I was so happy to find out the cause of my problem was the SUPPLEMENTS I was taking!!! My doctor said vitamins have side effects! I stopped taking them, problem solved!

    Vitamins are not benign. 

  • Posted

    I relate to the "shaking it off" sensation.  I have been struggling with this recently as I fall asleep, jolting bolt upright as I am about fall into a deep sleep.  It is not quite like a falling sensation or electrical surge that I see others complain about, it is very very hard to explain, but I do sometimes have to jump out of bed and "shake it off".  Tonight something extremely weird happened and it has prompted me to write this.  When falling asleep tonight I felt an "explosion", but it was not and explosion in the sound sense, it was an explosion of horizontal and vertical lines rushing toward me.  It was like I halucienated.   It is completely freeking me out.   I had gone to bed a little early and my wife, sons and their girlfriends were downstairs and heard me scream as I woke up from this horrible sensation.  It was so embarrassing.   I don't do drugs,  and have not done them in the past, I am 43, I recently lost my job so have been a little stressed recently, but never have had panic attacks  which from an outside observation is what this looks like to other people.  But this was a very very real sensation and it has me totally freeked out.  PLEASE HELP ME.

    • Posted

      HI MC5555,

      apperently we are all here because of something similar or the same as that. I had  head MRI...i donno how is cald in english...but it came out that i had some (6) points.....we calle it Herd in german which means oven....bassicly some spots which should't be there( in the brain)......in paralel i checked for Lyme.....i got a lot of viruses....starting from Coxackie Virus, Echo 7, EBV, Ureaplasma Ureliticum and some more....Heliobacter Pyroly.......i'm under treatment...a lot of supliments...detox.....and antiviral medicine..... I am also elektrosensible. This sensation occurs always when:

      1. I stay under current (next to current sources - computer, machines)

      2. I am not protected from high frequencies (WLAN, 3G, 4G...DECT...etc) - i use a special jacket here

      3. I inhale  exsausting gases from the cars and Co.

      So....all these viruses develop inflamation in our body....brain is no exceptioin...that's the way multiple skrelose develope. I'm not gonna write more about it...but my advice.....make a brain MRI....and check for Thicks...Lyme and Co....find the right doctor!...and protect from what i mentioned above....use earthing....those are not always simple ways to protect and prevent a further development of the symptoms but the clearly helped me...a lot....there is no doctor who will tell u that! except the environmental doctors....or whatever u guys call them....so..hope it helps! Peace out!

  • Posted

    Hi Gd10

    I don't know the answer,  but I'm glad I found someon having the same symptoms as me.   It only happens when I go to bed, sometimes I get a strong feeling of energy then start to shake or convulse.   If I'm falling asleep thoughts flow thru my mind if a bad thought or negative thought goes thru my mind I start convulsing or having a seizure,  I start jerking all over, sometimes it happens 3 or 4 times in a row at that point I get up And say forget it Im not going to be able to go to sleep

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    Dear GD10

    I forgot to mention,  sometimes I feel like nothing looks real at times during the day. 

    • Posted

      Have u looked into Lyme disease/co infections/other bacterial infections similar to Lyme/and its strains?
  • Posted

    Have u looked into Lyme disease/co infections/other bacterial infections similar to Lyme/and its strains?
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    to whoever reads this and is going through this horrible brain zaps. I know you are probably tired of looking for answers, all I have to tell you is that I have been drinking Gatorade one full bottle before going to sleep and it does bypass the shocks most of the times. I got the anxiety attacks under control, unfortunately I have the weird out of body thing going but now is less. I get to sleep 4 out of 7 days a week. the first time I thought I was. being abducted by aliens or something. all I can say is keep calm you got this. it'll get better. 

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    Had some similar experiences. After a bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic and stress I was actually seeing white flashes inside my head ( as though someone  and on the lights when the room was dark ) it would be a jolt/flash experience in my head. My legs would feel twitchy/nervous. 

    Read a few years ago that people took Zyrtec and they got relief vs medication. I still have strange experiences and have constant battle with yeast in my system after the antibiotic episode. I watch the amount of sugar I consume. Hope this helps?! 

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    after scouring the internet yet again, this is the most accurate and similar description of exactly my same issue.

    I've suffered these many years yet I've noticed this was posted 4 years ago so if this is still an active site I can be more precise with my own symptoms,

    hoping you have previled as I very much need advice with this affliction,



    • Posted

      Jerry,  I know it's frustrating. I often feel we are all chasing rabbits as there are so many different trains of thought most with mixed success it's hard to make sense of it all.   A few days ago someone posted a video that I almost missed, on the subject of Roemheld Syndrome.  There are videos on youtube by a Cardiologist (Dr. York) discussing how the Vagus Nerve affects the gastro AND the nervous system. Bear in mind the heart generates its own electricity, and the Vagus Nerve is hard wired to the heart as well as the rest of the nervous system (brain certainly included). I have had zaps so hard my eyes, ears, fingers and toes felt like they were going to blow out. I too have seen flashing lights, like lightning during these body events. The hard zaps are down right painful.  I would post the link I referred too above,  but when I do add links, my posts sometimes don't show up. Just go to youtube and look up Roemheld Syndrom Dr. York.  For me, this seems very close to what may be going on with me, due to my history of Premature Atrial Contractions.

  • Posted

    I'm going through the exact same thing you talking about and it's pretty scary but also when it happens to me I get some type of paralysis and can't move.. actually it just got me off my sleep right now so I Google cause I was worried. . So is this really normal?

  • Posted

    Please take in consideration GUT HEALTH!!!

    We are all under stress, weather it is oxidative, mental or physical.

    Our gut and stomach respond to that.

    I have pretty much sorted out my symptoms by focusing on intestinal flora and healthy gut.

    Get the analysis for Candida immunoglobulin ImG ImA ImM. ..

    Test for infections and bacteria in your gut ...check are you exposed to MOLD!!!

    Get good Raw probiitic 50 billion and take it with water first thing in the morning.Also it helps if you take it before you go to bed.

    Make good beef or chicken broth to heal the gut. You can also buy it-"Pacific" organic broth...on Amazon...if you don't have time for preparation


    Niacin ,

    B complex,

    L-Arginine+L-Lysine 1000mg each 3 times a day on fairly empty stomach.(reduces cortisol lavels in blood)

    Go on Candida diet whic is actually a healthy diet anyways

    Be positive, think / feel Love with your Heart and entire body

    Do the breathing exercises for stress and anxiety reduction.

    Do yoga stretching, pranayama asane nidra

    Moderate sport to oxygenise your body

    No alcohol/ smoking/ junk foor, remember, your body needs good quality "fuel"to run well!!

    These steps will generally improve your overall health

    REMEMBER: We are physical as well as spiritual beings

    Connect mind and body and change bad habits, work for your self not against . Most of the world expect that problems get fixed with one PILL prescribed by a "Dr." who observe you nothing more than a client for big pharma. Realise reality and move forvard.

    Go to Naturopathy Md. instead.

    Reduce blue lightning before bed. No TV. Use the app on your phone to reduce blue light of your screen "Blue light filter"

    Listen to relaxation music and fill yourself with positive energy. NO FEAR!!! BE BRAVE. THIS COULD BE JUST A TEST TO RE-CONNECT WITH YOURSELF.


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