Electric/Energy surge to brain when trying to fall asleep.

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Hi guys, I'm new to the site but glad I found somewhere to share my symptoms.

I'm getting a sort of electrical shock when trying to fall asleep. This electrical shock seems to be described on other sites as 'jumps' or 'zaps' or 'surges of energy'. It happens not when I'm sleeping but the moment I am about to fall asleep. Its like a sort of butterflies feeling in the stomach and then a rush/surge of energy to the brain which gives you a 'jump' and electrical feeling in the head and sometimes upper body. The more extreme they are sometimes produce a twitch in maybe the arm or leg. Its not painful but I guess is quite scary when it happens. These can happen numerous times a night.

Many friends/family I have spoken to say this is normal and they are familiar with the symptoms (I understand what they mean as it can be quite similar to when you suddenly wake from a bad dream) but mine seem to be a lot more often and extreme. I know my symptoms don't seem to be normal.

I've been having these for about 5-6 weeks now (some nights are worse than others) but generally its been more or less every night. This has turned into a vicious cycle because when you actually close your eyes at night to go to sleep you are actually waiting for the 'shock' to happen instead of trying to sleep. Obviously the less sleep you have, the less functional you are the next day and so on and so on. You then get sleep deprived which I believe also may trigger this.

The only other thing I can add to my symptoms is sometimes during the day I get a spaced out/empty/dizzy/cloudy feeling in the head (hard to explain). Sometimes this can turn into a sort of brain/head sensation where you feel you need to kind of 'shake it off'. Again, its hard to explain, something like if you have restless feet and you need to kick out of it but its in the head so you need to give yourself a shake to snap out of it.

I have read quite a bit about anxiety/stress and these symptoms may fall into this category but the issue I have with this, is that I have nothing to be anxious/stressful about! All is OK with job, money, house, relationship etc so I'm not sure how this all started. Could I be anxious about this illness? Again, a vicious cycle?

About me - I'm a fit and healthy 35 year old guy. I actually exercise quite a lot (go to gym/swim 4 times a week and have run numerous marathons over the past year). Although this fitness regime has stopped since I have started having these symptoms as I am feeling quite weak/tired due to not getting much sleep due to it. I have no major prior illnesses and I am not on any medication. I don't want to get in the habit of taking sleep medication.

I have been to the hospital and spent the night where they performed numerous blood tests/Heart ECG/X Rays/Urine and all came back OK. The only issue I had was slightly high blood pressure (but not high enough to be put on any medication). I have also been for an MRI scan and EEG epilepsy test. I will find the results with these in about 5 weeks time.

Anyway, that's my symptoms and hopefully someone might feel at ease that they are going through something similar.

Reading similar posts on the internet I don't think anyone has come to the conclusion on what in fact is causing these problems, even though a lot of the people actually been for tests and seen doctors. Has anyone experienced these issues?

Thanks guys, feel free to get in touch smile

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  • Posted

    i have had this since i was 18 im 51 now dont wanna lay down and sleep the shaking inside and outside gets pretty bad
    • Posted

      Repair gut flora. Try above suggested, it worked for me!!


  • Posted

    Well I have had some fairly sustained relief the last couple of weeks. The zaps have calmed down quite a lot, not gone but 80% less active.  I started drinking half a cup of aloe vera gel at night, and about a quarter cup in the morning first thing when I get up.  This seems to have helped. I had a round of illness just prior to starting this that "seems" to have lessened the zapping as my stomach shrank due to not eating very much for a week or so. Reduced food consumption along with the aloe vera gel together seems to have calmed down the zapping sensations.  Now when I have them at all its more like gentle waves with the occasional slow zzzzaaaap. That is even an improvement over the hard "almost knock your eyes out of socket" zaps. My doctor wonders if the aloe vera gel is protecting my tummy from an antagonist.  My ultra sound and all my blood work, including Lyme test came back negative.  I'm waiting on the EEG and spinal MRI for now as this zapping sensation seem to be gut related and seems to be resolving gradually with only the interventions I noted. I forgot to note in previous postings, tell me also if anyone else has had "belly quivers" right before the zaps. Hows that for weird? Yeah, obvious, externally visible "belly quivers".  No way can I consciously repeat that. Oh, and the belly quivers only happen while all other muscles are perfectly relaxed, then the zaps happen. 

    • Posted

      Aloe vera is very great since it repairs and calms down inflamation.

      Taking probiotics Garden of Life 50-100billion first thing in the morning with glass of cold filtered water repairs your gut/intestinal flora. Bad flora is effecting our mood , brain and in general wellbeing!!!

      Get /make beef or chicken broth.

      I had this problem twice and I fixed it 100%. I feel great

      Please guys, try this it can't harm you , it is natural and healthy whatsoever.

      Let me know how it worked for you.

      Get better fast


    • Posted

      I've started taking some good probiotics and I've been craving broth such as chicken soup etc. Now I know why! Thank you. Will try adding some quality organic broths.

    • Posted

      Depending on where you live, you can cook or even order it online..."Pacific" Organic broth is convenient and fairly inexpenaive.

      Just add fresh organic veggies, coconut oil, Himalayan salt, Cayenne pepper, , flaxseeds, garlic, ...etc and you can blend it.

      Also , don't eat too late at night, you might take probiotics before bed. Read above about checking candida. Stay away from stress, listen relaxing music.

      Good luck

      Get well fast


  • Posted


    I read about your symptoms and they are very similar to mine. It has been 2 years. I have been through all kind of blood tests, nerve stress test and ECH test but no conclusion.

    Kindly advise are you able to find any conclusion to-date. Thanks and appreciate. 

    • Posted

      Ok, where is my latest update. Lime tests were negative, blood work all great. But, I think finally we are on to something. It seems my sympathetic nervous system is out of wack. The sympathetic system regulates the fight-or-flight response. The final clue came when I noticed that that occasionally the zaps would be a response to a loud or unexpected noise. Also if I had a random, unexpected pain sometimes the zap would be like a mil-second after, as if my nervous system was "responding" to my external and internal factors.  This clued in my doctors that suddenly everything started to make sense with the zaps. As for re-balancing my parasympathetic and sympathetic systems; it seems to be about "everything" in my life.  As I calm down and re-balance my gut with diet and pre and probiotics, I am also having to lower my stress over all, at work and even all the little things I used to ignore. I had to "lower the noise" in my life; such things as anything loud, such as noisy TV shows, the news, radio stations with the obnoxious ads, music with a lot of jittery highs/lows. I enjoy the quiet more now, and I can feel the difference in by body almost instantly. Any activities that cause me stress or make me feel pressured to participate in, I am trying to cut back, or eliminate.  Being gentle with my body and mind is defiantly helping lessen the severity and frequency of the zaps. I previously posted how aloe vera gel at night and in the morning seems to be helping, (it does), and the golden milk in the evening also helps my body in other ways. I didn't get out of wack overnight, so it will take some time to get re-balanced.  Before I forget, I also added a product called "Restore" to promote gut health. It's too soon yet to see a difference yet, but one of my doctors believes the inventor should have gotten the Nobel Prize in Health for this creation. His faith inspired me to try it. The only ingredient is "Aqueous Humic Substances" - which is apparently a trade marked substance called: Terrahydrite.  I'll get back to you within a week or two on this Restore product. This stuff is not cheap. I do hope it works.

  • Posted

    Did you ever find a resolution to this?  I tested for Lyme and it was not it.  It only happens when I try to fall asleep.  And usually just at the point where I go into a deep sleep.  It seems if I “over do” it on any given day the sensation is much more likely to occur.
  • Posted

    Hi guys....în my case its about CIRS (chronically inflammatory response syndrome)....I'm also elektrosensitiv, have a mild MCS and I recognise sick building syndrome. But if u ask me...we are all carrying fungus whether it's Candida, aspergillus or whatever...it reached our brain trough first of all leaky gut...and than trough blood brain barrier which got opened under the influence of elektrosmog. I am taking binders, essential oil of oregano, garlic with coconut oil..and much more...colloidal silver also..and many more...I started to be less elektrosensitive and MCS has backed down....it's just me, I'm no doctor...but take into consideration fungus as main danger factor... it's possible that u also have Lyme, u have to inform yourselves about CIRS. AVOID MOLD! change diet...no gluten, sugars...Buil ure gut flora... there's where it starts. Wish u the best!

  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I've started getting these brain zaps for the past two months which only happen right as I'm about to fall asleep. I get such a fright and it seems to affect my heart as well. My heart seems to take a huge dip when I get the zap and I'm not sure which one causes which. I suffer with anxiety but have done all my life and it has only started to happen recently. I'm 35 and smoke but am relatively fit. Alot of similar stories here but has anyone gotten a diagnosis. Would appreciate any info on the matter. Thanks

    • Posted

      There is no diagnosis for this. U see medicine is looking to label a symptom in order to offer the pill for that symptom. It's much more than that...read my last post. Start doing some changes...we are full of poison... no wonder it got that wears with those symptoms. Cheers!

  • Posted

    Beside the Zap in the brain, has anyone experience a mild pulsation and tingy feeling on the top of head?

    ​At times, I can also feel pulsation on other parts of my body. [color=#333333]Anyone has the same symptoms?[/color]

    ​After all the tests, my medical problem so far is only high blood pressure.

    I will be glad if anyone can share to know that I am not alone. Thanks


  • Posted

    Yes, I have had the tingling skin you are describing. I describe it as "crawling skin". It can be on a limb, or half by body. It can feel like someone just pulled a sheet over my bare skin. Pretty creepy when you KNOW you are alone. It didn't take long to conclude it's a neurological sensation, not a haunting. LOL


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