Elevated PSA

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I am a 75 years old. My PSA last year was 4.03 this year it has elevated to 5.83. This has me stressed and worried. My urologist has recommend I have a biopsy. I have been reading and go ogling about prostate cancer and biopsies. The more I read and learn,the more confused I get. I am 50- to get a biopsy and 50 not to get one. Taking my life span in consideration I could die of something else if I did have the cancer. This is what I have been finding out through my research. I am presently taking Flomax to help my frequent urination. I Have also learned that they are risks involved with the biopsy. I am going nuts thinking about my elevated PSA result. Any advice coming my way, would be appreciated.

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    Hi Roger2Dodger, I live in South Africa. My urologist has also worked in the USA for a while. According to the Histology report, he removed what he considered to be an unspecified number of right pelvic lymph nodes and three left pelvic lymph nodes during the prostatectomy op. The specimens from the right showed only fat tissue and no lymph nodes, The specimens from the left turned out to be lymph nodes with fat infiltration, but no tumour. However, the cancer had apparently started to break out of the prostate into the seminal vesicles. According to the histology report "the vesicula seminalis shows in both (vesicles) tumour infiltration at the base of the vesicula seminalis. The distal ends are free of tumour."

    I suppose this slight spread of the cancer is what caused the PSA to go up, and that is why I now need the hormonal treatment.

    I have a great deal of faith in the urologist. The DaVinci robotic surgery machines are fairly new in the country (2 1/2 years ago the first one was installed, I believe - now there are already three). This type of surgery seems to have definite advantages over the older "open" operation. While the first urologist, who wanted to do brachytherapy, mentioned surgery as an option, he didn't recommend it - probably because he hasn't been trained to do the robotic op and had no easy access to a DaVinci machine, being at another hospital. Also, he probably felt my age counted against me for the open op.

    You're probably going in for your biopsy right now or very soon. (It's now 3.15 p.m. here in SA.)

    So good luck, I'm sure, you'll be allright!

    • Posted

      It's 9:35Am here, got aways to go before kick off. I have been informed A benign enlarged prostate can cause your PSA reading to elevate. Mine elevated for 4.03 to 5.83 in one year. This is a concern for me. I read somewhere, where a rise in one year over.75 is cause for concern. Your thoughts! Say...sure does help to converse with others with same issues. kinda softens the anxiety. Beleive me I have plenty of that. And just want to say How much I appreciate all the afvice and kindness.


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      Dieter: Thank you for replying. I had the same testing done on lymph node samples taken during the Robotic operation some three weeks ago. All clear in my case, and the PCa was confined to one lobe of the removed prostate. I have the post-op PSA testing to come.


    • Posted

      Biopsy over,was a piece of cake. Just a little sore in the rear. Uroglist said a ultra sound biopsy was performed. I am somewhat confused. The ultra sound only takes samples of abnormal tissue. If this is correct tissue was taken.I thought a biopsy just took tissue at random and not just abnormal. If this is true.then I had abnormalities in my bioosy!!!
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      I am unaware of such a biopsy. Someone else may have had such a procedure and can comment.
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      I Google ultra sound biopsy....they do have them....cannot understand the procudure.
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      So glad you are done with the biopsy. I am not familiar with an ultra sound biopsy. When I had mine done, the urologist did do a sonagram image of my prostate. He gave me a copy to take. He also said he didn't see any abnormalities. The method used for the core samples was not pleasant. He took small samples - 12 to be exact. He said that 12 was a good sampling. In the past, 6 to 8 was the norm. Those sometimes missed cancer cells. He said 12 really gave a good sampling. My results showed 2 out of the 12 samples had small amounts of abnormal cells. 10% in one sample, 2% in the other. All other samples were normal. He told me the cells were called acenocarcinoma which is a slow growing cancer... and that I had time to consider what options I wanted. So the biopsy tissue should be sent to a pathology lab for analysis. They can identify what type of cells and also the gleason score. Hopefully, that will be a low number too. Then you also will have plenty of time to decide your next course of action... even active survailence.


    • Posted

      It is called a TRUS biopsy and it is the most common type done. If they went into your Rectum with an ultra sound probe and took samples at the same time rectally then that is what you had. Trans Rectal Ultrasound Biopsy. It is a bit risky due to infection, but the easiest way to do them. You can google TRUS biopsy and there is a lot of info on the proceedure. I hope all went well for you. If you develope a fever make sure you contact your doctor right away. Take Care.
    • Posted

      Hello Craig,

      I did google TRUS biopsy and found a lot about this type of procudure. The biopsy itself was very easy no pain and seemed not to last long. They gave me an anxiery drug called Versed and they did numb the prostate gland. Just a little bleeding through the anus, none thus far through urinating.

      Ultrasound of the prostate uses sound waves to produce pictures of a man’s prostate gland and to help diagnose symptoms such as difficulty urinating or an elevated blood test result. It’s also used to investigate a nodule found during a rectal exam, detect abnormalities, and determine whether the gland is enlarged. Ultrasound is safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. Because ultrasound provides real-time images, it also can be used to guide procedures such as needle biopsies, in which a needle is used to sample cells (tissue) from an abnormal area in the prostate gland for later laboratory testing.

      Actually I was amazed how easy and painless the procudure was.

      NOW, I  Have 12 days to sit and wonder if I have cancer. Next appointment April 12 for results.


    • Posted

      Charles, I am also glad the biopsy is done. I was amazed how quickly it went and virtually no pain. Sime bleeding through rectrum , none through penis. (so far that is) Now a wait of 12 days for results.

      Trans Rectal Ultrasound Biopsy

      Ultrasound of the prostate uses sound waves to produce pictures of a man’s prostate gland and to help diagnose symptoms such as difficulty urinating or an elevated blood test result. It’s also used to investigate a nodule found during a rectal exam, detect abnormalities, and determine whether the gland is enlarged. Ultrasound is safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation.

      Because ultrasound provides real-time images, it also can be used to guide procedures such as needle biopsies, in which a needle is used to sample cells (tissue) from an abnormal area in the prostate gland for later laboratory testing.

      Thanks for all of your encouragment, will keep you informed of resuits.



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      My reply to you was not sent because for some reason the reply has to be moderated. I don't know why? Did not say any thing out of order. Oh well. they have rules. I just wanted tyo let you know the procudure went well. (Piece of cake) I did google the TRUS biopsy. So far, so good with bleeding. I thank you for your info and concerns.


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      I am glad your biopsy is over - and better yet painless. I wish I would have been offered the Versed for mine. Hopefully your results will come back with good news. Elivated PSA can be caused by prostatitis that can be treated with anitbiotics. If your results do come back positive, there are many treatment options for a cure. Even if you choose active survailence. I opted for the Brachytherapy - low dose radiation seed implants. A one time treatment. They used Versed on me for this procedure and I knew nothing until it was over. A little discomfort in the beginning, but ibuprofen works well for that. It has been 6 weeks since I had the procedure and all is going well. The side effects are managable and should become less and less with time. Keep us posted on your results - and the best of luck to you.

    • Posted

      Hey Charles,

      Yep it is over. Now the wait, 11 more days for that. Doctor did not schedule an appointment until March 12. Why? I don't know maybe his scheduile is full. I am sure results will be back before then. Sit and wait and wonder, that willl be me. Thanks for all the support. Will post results as soon as I get them.

      Take care,


    • Posted

      Glad to hear it went ok. I have to be super careful when it comes to this kind of biopsy as I have Crohn's disease that affects my entire colon. I am at high risk for developing fistulas as a result of this kind of test. I would probably end up having done through the Perineum instead of rectally. It is much safer and lower risk of infection. I am sweating bullets that I may need one soon as yesterday I woke and tried to urinate and nothing came out for what seemed like an eternity. If I have PC then it has spread as I am having all sorts of pain.

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