Extremely painful colonoscopy

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Hi, I had a colonoscopy yesterday... I would like to share my experience... I have a pain in my abdomen for 4 years and feel unwell, bloated and in pain almost every day. After many tests - almost all negative, a test for calprotectin came increased so my dr sent me to have a colonoscopy to have a look if there is any sign of IBD. 

After almost a week of searching on the internet and reading discussions I thought it's gonna be ok.. many people described it as uncomfortable and said that the prep was worse for them. Also my friend has this procedure done and said she didn't feel anything as she was sedated. 

I was really anxious and scared about having the colonoscopy because I have abdominal pain constantly and very sensitive gut but thought that many people had it so I will be fine. 

The preparation was not really good but it was bearable. I had moviprep and didn't really mind the taste. The worst was the pain I had during drinking the liquid. My tummy was like it should explode... But I managed to drink it all and was ready to have the colonoscopy. I wasn't feeling very well and I was still going pooping that morning - even 10 mins before the procedure. I finished 2nd litre at 2am and my appointment was 8am.

Ok after few minutes I lied on my left side and was ready... the nurse gave me gas and air and it started... The doctor was a surgeon and everything but not gentle! He almost shouted on me to relax and it was just terrible - I was so scared! He put the endoscop in and after few seconds I was in so much pain! He didn't seem to stop and I started crying and screaming so he stopped and the nurse sedated me and gave me a pain killer. I have no idea why but the sedation didn't work at all - I was 100% conscious and I wasn't feeling relaxed whatsoever! They didn't give me more unfortunately and the doctor continued and asked me to lie on my back.. when I turned I never ever felt so much pain! I was in shock and pulled the endoscop out without realising how dangerous this could be! And that's how it finished... ( I had two gastroscopies before without any sedation and it was absolutely nothing compared to colonoscopy). 

I couldn't stop crying until late afternoon and I was pretty in shock. Didn't feel any effect of sedation at all. 

Sadly this wasn't over... at about 6'pm after a slice of bread and banana I was in pain again! Can't even describe how painful it was and I was shaking and so sick! I went to emergency where I stayed until 4am. Fortunately strong pain killers and some other pill they gave me helped so I went home. Today I had some more pain but it's so much better!

I don't want to scare anybody but just a give an advice to take strong sedation and pain killers make sure you are sedated. I think I've got something wrong with my bowel and therefore I reacted like this... 

Has anyone have similar experience? I feel like looser but I am so happy it's over and will ask for MRI or CT scan instead or for conoloscopy in full anaesthesia. NEVER AGAIN! :D 


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45 Replies

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    So sorry to hear about your experience. Like many others, I thought this was a pretty simple procedure. I hsve had two in the last 6 years with no issue, mild discomfort, that's it.

    Yesterday I went in thinking it would be the same. I'm in canada and they use a sedative where you are conscious , but groggy. Within s minute or two, I was screaming thst it hurt. They increased themeds, but with very little effect. I tried to tolerate it, but it started to hurt so bad, it was literally like there was a knife inside me and someone was turning it. Eventually, they abandoned it. They got through 80% but it was the worst 15+ minutes of my life. I know exactly how everyone on this forum feels and I don't know if anyone who has not been through it can truly understand how excruciating it is. I could never have imagined pain like that.

    I have to go back and see him in a month and while I understand how important this procedure is, I'm not sure I can agree to it if the do not make me unconscious. I will update once that happens. Btw, he said it is usually caused by the chord getting twisted inside, but he checked and thst was not the issue. What I don't understand is how it could hurt so much this time and not at all in the past. That concerns me. Could it be some kind of inflammation? Or something like Cones or diverculitis? Has anyone gotten any reasonable explanation why we are so different? Thanks everyone ??

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      I have heard that some Endoscopists are much rougher and/or rushed than others.  Also some pump in more gas than others.  But if it was the same Endoscopist that shouldn't be an issue.  Do you have Diverticular Disease?  That causes thickening and narrowing of the bowel and can make it increasingly difficult  to pass the scope over the years.  That happened to me - I had my first colonoscopy in 2001 but when I had the 2nd in 2016, the entrance was so narrow, they couldn't even insert the scope (same Endoscopist).  So it wasn't a painful experience, it was a non-event, and I had a CT scan instead.

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    thanks Felinia

    it was not the same Dr. , so that may be a factor for sure. It seems unlikely ( to me) that it could be such a dramatic difference just from technique. To go from barely remembering and only mild discomfort, to pain like I have never felt before ( and never want to again).  For example, when he would do small blasts of air to clear that area out, that was the worst, I literally was screaming, please stop!  They must have done that in the past as well I assume, but I don't even remember that being an issue. So strange...............thanks for your reply. 

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    I had a colonoscopy yesterday....I opted for gas and air,and they put a cannula in just in case I couldn't cope so could give sedation.....so literally seconds in and asked to move from my side onto by back the pain was unbearable,so they gave me some painkiller (buscopan and fentanyl)And that with gas and air I could still feel it so plodded on but the pain was awful and alot on my lower left lower abdomen/ pelvis.....he was shocked I could still feel the pain after the pain killer told me I must have a sensitive bowel!!!so I'm puffing away on the gas and air,he said everything looks fine but I'm going to take some biopsies.....went to recovery had some tea and biscuits and mother in law came to take me home,felt fine all day no pain up until 8pm last night and still feel uncomfortable in the abdomen and pelvis(is this normal?and how long does it take everyone else to recover afterwards?)

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    Wow.... I guess I am lucky. I just had mine completed 3 hours ago. I’m home resting, have had a nice little breakfast & am planning on working out later this afternoon. No pain during the procedure whatsoever. Just a little gassy now. I did get fentanyl and obviously it was the right dosage. 

    When meeting with the Dr’s billing dept last  week, they did mention that I had great insurance coverage ( through my employer), and I only paid $50 out of pocket. Perhaps insurance dictates what kind & at what dosage the sedation is? 

    Either way, I’m sorry for those of you experiencing issues. But I’ve had paper cuts that have been more painful than my colonoscopy! They should put me in a PSAfor it I guess.

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      Sorry.... my drug was Propofol, not Fentanyl. My understanding is that Propofol is even better than Fentanyl for this procedure. And it wears off quickly. I went home 30 minutes after the Dr finished up. 
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    Had procedures before with sedation never knew a thing until wakened up in a ward. Had colonoscopy last week which was barbaric sedation had no effect + gas & air which had no effect. I was screaming in pain G&A tube fell apart with me gripping it so tight still screaming at this point with drew my consent had to wait while surgeon undid a loop which had got stuck in my bowel as the corner as it was referred to was to tight 

    Which coursed an alpha loop. I now believe they don't give the strength they used to in  sedation I was give a 2 when strength used to be a 5. Now waiting for a CT scan. I would have gladly paid for the sedation Never Never again !!  Frees up more bed space as you don't need to sleep sedation off afterwards. What is happening to our NHS


  • Posted

    I had a colonoscopy this evening the prep is definitely worse this is my 5th colonoscopyI've only had sedation once which I found more painful so I've always gone without they are trialing a new prep called plenvu which I found was 90% better than moviprep and picolax still taste pretty nasty though. Even though I had this procedure numerous times I still get nervous so I started on the gas & air before it started everyone in the room was lovely they kept telling me to push the air out which definitely gave some relief I say everytime this reminds me of labour contractions haha . They told me round lie on my back this bit I know they have reached my appendix and are now making they're way back with scope from this point I don't need the gas and air and quite happy chatting away (I could talk a glass eye to sleep) felt totally relaxed. They removed an adenoma and found that I'm starting with divictolitus may of spelt that wrong!

  • Posted

    Hi Lina.  I found your post when I googled "painful colonoscopy".  I had my first colonoscopy two days ago and still feel as though I am in shock from the experience.  I, like you, was led to believe that it would be uncomfortable and unpleasant but that the day before would be worse.  Well I got through that okay and was reasonably relaxed going in to have the procedure.  However, almost as soon as the endoscope was inserted I had the most excruciating abdominal pain I have ever experienced (and I have had four children).  My normally high blood pressure dropped to 60/40 and my gown and bedding were completely soaked due to the degree of the pain I was in.  The sedative was increased but the pain continued.  By the time it was all over and I was wheeled back to the cubicle I was in shock.  When the specialist came by to tell me the results were clear, I asked him, through my haze, what had caused such severe pain.  I felt as though he fobbed me off in saying he didn't know but it might have had something to do with a pain I had told my GP about, which is why I had the colonoscopy in the first place. Two days later I am back at work but still cannot concentrate and are having continual flashbacks.  They tell you the sedative is the one used for "date rape" and that you cannot remember anything afterwards.  Well that is a pile of rubbish, in my case at least.  I don't mean to sound dramatic but I still feel traumatised by the whole thing and will never ever again have the procedure unless this is done under GA.

  • Posted

    Hi lina,

    Really sorry to hear that you have joined the Very Painful Colonoscopy club. I do not know what is going on with hospitals not properly sedating patients for the procedure. Something is terribly wrong out there and I suggest anyone getting this procedure  talk to someone before it evens starts. Women have smaller colons so we tend to have more problems than men, not that men won't have their problems, too. I get the impression that there are two things that are at play here, 1) the cost of the 'extra' medication (from what I can find out it's about $1,500 extra)  and 2) they are all terrified of meds with the 'drug hysteria', that they prefer that their patients suffer instead of risking any problems. God, only knows what's up, but the this has got to stop! People will stop getting this life saving test if this continues.


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    I had a colonoscopy today. Now, I am not a wimpy person, my pain tolerance is quite high. I gave childbirth natural and thought,..why does everyone say this is bad, had fingers broken, and replaced myself as well as my shoulder. Thus when my Physician stated I should get one, I thought no real big deal. After all, I am also a Nurse and I know something about it. I go in, they miss starting IV three times, not comfortable but that is survivable. Then I waited for my approx 30 min colonoscopy. Laying there waiting for the Dr, listening to the other nurses gab gab on. Dr stated, sure not a big deal I thought, they did give me a sedative but, I was wide awake, As he progressed, I had the most horrible sharp, stabbing pain, I have ever experienced before in my life. I would think cutting my arm off without anything would hurt less. They gave me more meds which did nothing, was it saline? who knows. I am quite by nature but I was screaming my head off for that for I could not help it. I just kept hearing, it is almost done, your bowels have a twist and it is hard to go around, just deal with it. I thought OMG I am going to have injury after this young snot nosed, know it all. Well, my 30 mins colonoscopy lasted 3.5 hours. Now, I have horrible cramping, bleeding, etc. So, off to the ER I go
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    • 1. > im sorry to read all your bad experiences with regards to having a colonoscopy. I thought I would add mine experience to the many others. I had mine two days ago! I've had them before without any problems so naturally thought nothing of it. Okay the preperation is not nice but i was not prepared for the excrushating pain that i had when the nurse entered the camera into my colon. I had been given sedation but the previous times i knew nothing about the procedure. This time i was wide awake and in so much pain they topped it up and gave me gas and air to no avail. i was screaming in pain so they had to stop the procedure. The thought of having to have this repeated so how feels me with dread.
  • Posted

    Hi Lina

    I had my procedure today and after being told it would be pain free, came away feeling like a failure and just a little traumatised! The first part of the procedure was fine, just uncomfortable but they found a twist in my bowel and tried to straighten in - i was screaming in pain but let them continue. They found another twist a little further along and this was incredibly painful as well. They did get to the appendix but there was no way they could go into my small intestine.

    I had a double dose of sedative and gas and air but it wasn't effective at all. I have a really high pain threshold but this procedure had me crying out in pain. I was lucky that the nursing staff and the dr were really good with me but not something I will ever want again xx thank you for your comments as it has made me feel like I'm not as mad as I initially thought!

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    I know this is an old post however i just had my first colonoscopy today and like yourself i used the moveprep it was uncomfortable but manageable.

    Arrived at the appointment prodecure was explained to me and i was offered sedation or gas and air i chose sedation.

    Doctor seemed nice at first he put the sedation into the line in my arm and applied a cool gel to back passage.

    He inserted the camera into my back passage and it was slightly stinging but manageable he then began feeding the tube around a bend in my bowel and the pain was excruciating.

    I was screaming in pain and the doctor was telling me to relax they had to cut away part of my bowel for biopsies i also felt this and the pain was excruciating.

    After the procedure was over they told me i wouldnt remember anything due to the sedative but i can remember every bit of the procedure so the sedative didnt work i was in the recovery ward for 15 mins before i got dressed and they let me leave as the sedation clearly hadnt worked i will never get another colonoscopy done again in my life.

  • Posted

    I had a colonoscopy 4 days ago to screen my bowel as I have diverticula disease. I was given a sedative and pain relief via a cannula prior to the procedure. They may as well have given me water as the whole thing was excruciatingly painful from start to finish. A short time in I was given an anti-cramping drug plus gas and air. They kept saying take deep breaths, easier said than done when I couldn't catch my breath for the pain. I asked them to stop but was told I was doing well, through all the tears and pain ridden groans!! I have given birth to 4 children, combine all labour pains together was a doddle by comparison to this pain. If I ever have another colonoscopy I will demand that I am knocked out completely!!!!

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