Facial tingling with sinusitis
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Hi... was wondering if anyone else has experienced this... I have sinusitis but no mucus but have facial pain with tingling around my nose cheek and pain above my brow.. I thought it might be my teeth.. but my dentist took an xray and it wasn't... but she could see sinus congestion on the xray! I've had this on and off for about 10years and have been referred to both max fax and ent... who have both discharged me.... the pain gets worse when I'm stressed or anxious which makes me think it's pycholological.... but the pain definately feels real.... I've been prescribed amoxicillin and been told to increase my amitriptyline to 50mg.... I'm at the end of my tether as is my husband.... has anyone else has tingling pain with sinusitis???? Many thanks
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sandra47728 Sue654851
victor30564 Sue654851
Hi Sue,
For 30 years I was misdiagnosed with sinusitis. I had a septoplasty, CT Scans, antibiotics, nasal sprays, nasal rinses and nothing stopped the pain from periodically occuring. My symptoms are typically facial pain around the temple, behind the eyes or cheekbones. Often it will be only on one side of my face. Tingling pain sometimes occurs with me. The pain often starts at night and will last for a day. Most days, I will have low level pain in my face, although I won't necessarily have a blocked nose. In extreme attacks I get very nauseous and will vomit.
Anyway, I recently went to a new GP in desperation and she diagnosed my pain as a result of migraine headaches (could also be a cluster headache). The pain is caused by the blood vessels in my head dilating and increasing the blood flow to my face, which causes the pain. Triggers appear to be dehydration (I often get these headaches on long flights), preservatives in some wine, too much alcohol, fatigue or stress.
My GP prescribed Sumatripan, which I take when I feel a headache coming on. There are also migraine prevention tablets, which some people take every day. I am about to try this treatment out. Anyway, the Sumatripan works for me. I have not had a bad headache since seeing my GP about a month ago.
I am not saying that this is your diagnosis, but after my experience, I think it is worth asking your GP if your symptoms are not migraine related.
sandra47728 Sue654851
I found out it because I can't hardly see out of my left eye and I'm strain my eyes causing all the pain
JeanniE4oo6 Sue654851
JeanniE4oo6 Sue654851
Sue654851 JeanniE4oo6
Hi Jennie.... it's been quite some months since I posted anything on this site... but my problem has returned and I thought I'd see if you've had any news about your problem and whether you've any tips you can share with me...many thanks
janine95693 Sue654851
Hi Sue,
I have a funny tight numb sort of feeling in the right side of my face from the bottom of my notril and under my cheek circling up to my right ear.
My right nostril feels blocked, but no mucus.
I take 20mg of amiltriptylene and have just tried vicks inhalation with my face over a stemaing bowl of water. Relief for now but I don't know how long for.
I have seen ENT specialists twice and the both said I have atypical facial pain associated wth my sinuses.
They said they won't operate for a little bit of pain, and to keep using amiltriptylene.
This first started with bad eye pain in my right eye , below my eye, above my eye and in my eyebrow several years ago.
This is the first time Ive had facial pain.
Carl150 Sue654851
Hi Susan
I was interested to know if you have now had any treatment for your symptoms. I have been suffering from almost the same symptoms, ie tingling in my nose, throbbing under right eye and on my brow and a constant blocked nose. Originally when it stared 8 months ago I had shooting pains in my head. This seems to have gone away with amytripteline.
During the last 8 months I have had 2 CT scans and 2 MRIs, seen 2 ENT specialists a neurologist and a maxillo facial specialist. So far no diagnosis. I can't fault the nhs as they have done their best but have now hit a brick wall. Recently my sister has been diagnosed with an auto immune disease and through this we have found out that many others in our family have been diagnosed with various auto immune diseases so I am wondering if this may apply to me.
If you or anyone else on this thread has an idea of what auto immune disease this may be, I would be keen to hear from them, as it is driving me mad!
Many thanks
margaret22116 Carl150
hi Carl, yes this does apply to auto immune disease. I have an auto immune disease and have these awful sinus symptoms. REcently a scan showed changes to my maxillo facial sinus whatever.... can't remember the exact terminology. But needless to say all related to inflammation which is all related to auto immune disease. Sympathise with you. Try to get a diagnosis but it is hard.
margaret22116 Carl150
Carl150 margaret22116
Much appreciated Margaret. I'll try anything, Gone through at least four nasal drops and sprays to no effect.
Having a permanent blocked nose just grates on you. But its the throb & pins & needles around the right eye which irritates me more.
I'm going to have to try and find out which Auto immune disease could be connected, if indeed it is that. Then i can have the correct blood test done.
lisa93669 Sue654851
adymarsh Sue654851
Hi @Sue654851
I'm actually quite happy that I've found a group of people who have the same or similar symptoms as i currently have. For the past 4 weeks I've had aching joints especially fingers (however these have subsided slightly). I've also got a strange tightening sensation on my scalp, and pain above my eye brows and temples also immense pressure in my forehead. I've also had Iritis which is an eye infection that is subsiding under treatment. My Doctor sent me to the eye clinic where they diagnosed it, however the other symptoms are still here 3 weeks after the Iritis. I've had 2 blood tests which only show that i have a very high ESR. I saw the Dr again this week, the 3rd different Doctor btw. She said it's sinusitis as did previous Dr, 1st Dr gave me Doxycillin, which did nothing, this time they've given me a steroidal nasal spray and Amoxicilin which don't seem to be doing anything. As soon as I open my eyes i feel this strange tightness in my head, pressure too and pain on the bones on my eye brows and in my skull. I thought that with sinusitis your nose became blocked? I've not had this problem and breathe ok. My nose is cold all the time too. Can anyone suggest what I should be asking my G P next time I see him or her. I'm really desperate now and I'm really depressed and sick of being sick!! Someone please help it you read this reply to Sue. Many thanks in advance from a very upset man 😢
margaret22116 adymarsh
nika93765 Sue654851