Feel like something stuck in my throat

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Hi. I'm really hoping somebody can help me, can't find any discussions on here!  For the last few months I've had a feeling of having something stuck at the base of my throat or like a lump. It's not there all the time and comes and goes. I went to visit the doc and she had a look but said couldn't see anything and all looked and felt good, but to be in the safe side would refer me to ent to have a look.   So today, a month after seeing doc, I had a letter from hosp.  I have an urgent appt in 5 days to be seen so that they can rule out more serious conditions such as cancer.  This letter has completely freaked me out and I have been in tears all day and am now thinking I have some form of cancer!   I'm a 41 yr old lady and a complete mess today as I can't phone or speak to anybody for assurance or advice! 

Could my go have seen something and not told me??? Thankyou x

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    I cant believe i just read this whole thread.  Its amazing how long this thread has gone on for.    I have really bad thyroid issues and i can tell you that you folks with thyroids need to get them checked.

    But I'm curious if anyone ever had anything show up on a scan?    i mean i have spent almost $100,000 in scans on this.   The pain underneath the adams apple,  radiating around to the side of my neck.   The trachea area.   Everything NEGATIVE.       does ANYONE have any solid answers?   

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      I had mine checked not that long ago Bruce they just do a blood test for it right because that’s all they did . I can’t believe you have spent that much . What other symptoms do you have? 
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    Hi Sam looking at your message 3yrs ago how did it go,,,Iam going through the same thing x
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    Have you lost weight without trying. Have you coughed up blood. Have you lost appetetite if so may be cancer pretty sure you have GERD which can be serious. Acid can really mess up your esophagus.

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      William, I’m not sure telling Samantha she may have cancer is very helpful 🤔

      I have acid reflux, have also lost weight but have also had many investigations, telling someone that will add anxiety to something that can make you feel anxious in the first place 🙄

    • Posted

      I know this is 3 years old, however there may still be someone looking for answers about the feeling of something stuck at the back of throat! I had this uncomfortable feeling for about 2 months and it was making my life miserable, it felt as if i had phlegm then it felt like it was a hair and lastly it felt like a lump I was so scared and  I tried everything, from ginger and honey to allergy pills, sinus infection pills and nothing helped until I went in for an endoscopy and the gastroenterologist said I had H pylori, he prescribed amoxicillin 500 for 2 weeks and Metronidazole 500 for 2 weeks, today is my 4th day on antibiotics and my throat feels 90% better, I no longer feel like there’s something stuck in there,! Hope this helps someonesmile
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      Hi Wendy, that’s great! 

      Unfortunately they tested me for that and sibo so I haven’t got any bacteria, I’ve had an endoscopy, barium swallow and all that it shows is a slightly loose sphincter.

      so pleased you have found an answer though 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Katie, I noticed on one of your posts that you had a gurgling noise after swallowing just below your adams apple area? I get the exact same thing, mainly get it in the morning when I first wake up with saliva. Did you ever find out a cause? I'm currently suffering with globus. I'm on a ppi for acid which has stopped the heartburn feeling but not the throat feeling and throat clearing. I've now been referred for an endoscopy within the next couple of weeks and I'm terrified. You are about the only person I have seen online with the gurgling symptom!

    • Posted

      Hi chris, yes I do! I’ve had it for months now! It’s mostly every time I swallow saliva, I was told I was swallowing air but I sometimes have it when I haven’t even swallowed.

      I’ve had an endoscopy, I was also petrified but it wasn’t as bad as I’d feared, I was sedated but was still awake, just took the edge off it! 

      I’ve had a Barium swallow too, all fine, now waiting for PH testing to see how much acid is coming up, I came off my lansoprazole as I didn’t like being on them, if it shows I have acid coming up I’ll obviously have to go back on them but won’t be happy, they also didn’t get rid of my throat problems.

      Sorry I can’t be any help! 

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      Mine also does it sometimes when I'm not swallowing. I was terrified it was a tumour and told my GP that, he seemed less than impressed.

      My main fear is oesophagus cancer but I know how rare that is for someone my age (32) - doesn't stop me fearing it though!

      How are you getting on with your symptoms?

    • Posted

      I’ve also feared oesophagul cancer! I still do! I’m petrified of getting Barrett’s oesophagus, hence why I’m having the ph testing to see if acid is coming up into throat, although on my endoscopy there was no irritation and I’ve had this problem for 10 long months now!! I still think acid must be coming up due to the gurgling! 

      I’m also scared to take lansoprazole long term as I was told by nutritionist we need acid to digest and absorb our food and I’ve read bad things about taking them, so in a bit of a quandary🙄

      I don’t feel like I’m being strangled anymore but clear my throat constantly and of course the gurgling!! 

    • Posted

      The throat clearing and gurgling are my most annoying symptoms! 3 GP's brushed off the gurgling but its so annoying. The globus is annoying too but its not always there. I've been getting some abdominal pain but had an ultrasound and nothing could be found!

      I actually feel I've been worse since on the lansoprazole, it's made me more gassy (burp) than I was before. It did stop the acid feeling within a couple of days though.

      I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow so hopefully he can help calm my fears, I always feel better after a visit to the doctor!

    • Posted

      Hi Chris, I’ve also had abdominal pain so having my ultrasound tomorrow! Having bloods Friday as have been loosing weight too ( I have a low bmi anyway so could do without)

      If you read, most acid reflux is caused by having too little acid so taking lansoprazole makes things worse!! That’s why I came off, now taking digestive enzymes and apple cider vinegar.

      Good luck with dr and endoscopy, let me know how it goes.

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      Oh right, your case really does sound similar to mine!

      Ah okay, I'm off them at the moment anyway for my endoscopy so things might get better....

      Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow, let me know how you get on.

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      Very similar.

      Coming off them made my acid really bad! 

      Good luck 😊

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      Hi Chris, the ultrasound was all clear thank you 😊 one more test ticked off! Had bloods today and on the 26th I’m having the 24 hour ph monitoring done which I’m not looking forward to 😬

      How are you doing?

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      Good I'm glad! Were the blood tests for something new? What does the 24hr test involve?

      I'm struggling quite a bit today, my swallowing isn't great and I'm convinced it's cancer, pretty much given up hope of it being anything else now....

    • Posted

      Hi Chris ! don’t know why I got ty  notification to your comment, but I really wanted to comment on it! Have you have any test done? I totally thought mine was also cancer until i had an endoscopy and it was all clear! I know the anguish that comes with the thought of having cancer, and it’s horrible but let me reassure you a little! Throat cancer is rare and it mainly affect older heavy drinker and smocking men, idk your age and your habits but just think of the odds of you actually having cancer... I think we get too worried when in fact worrisome is what causes it in the first place... I really hope you feel better! And I’m going to pray for you!!! 
    • Posted

      Hi Chris, the bloods were just to test that haemoglobin hasn’t dropped ( bleeding from anywhere I guess) and just to see if weight loss caused by anything else.

      For the ph monitoring they’re going to put a tube through nostril, down into oesophagus etc and left there for 24 hours, because my endoscopy and Barium is showin no acid damage yet they want to see how much is coming up.

      I completely understand how you’re feeling, I think most of us have thought the worst, as Wendy said it’s very rare!! I do know that anxiety and the unknown makes everything so much worse!!

      Once you’ve had your endoscopy you can relax a little more!!  

    • Posted

      Hi Katie

      That's good they are doing a lot of testing for you and it all seems fairly quick. Are you going private or through the NHS?

      24 hour test sounds a tad uncomfortable..

      Yeah I know, everyone is telling me how unlikely it is but the symptoms are getting worse which leads me to the one conclusion! Im going to be one of the unlucky ones. I still haven't had my letter through for endoscopy yet but fingered crossed it's soon. I can't keep up this level of anxiety much longer.

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      Hi wendy, I think it's just because you also posted on the same thread.

      I've had lots of blood tests and an abdominal ultrasound for pain and all of that was clear. Waiting for an endoscopy now. Terrified as I'm sure it's going to find cancer. I sound like all other people with health anxiety I know, but I'm sure this is what I've got and with pain in my stomach area it must have spread by now....

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      I really do think anxiety is making it worse, as soon as i read about having the 24 hour test done and what they have to do my acid was bad all day yesterday! It’s amazing how much your brain is involved 🙄

      I’m having it done privately so has all been quick, but believe me even waiting a week has made my anxiety go through the roof and made my brain work overtime!! 

      I have suffered with the not being able to swallow and it was all anxiety so please don’t think it’s something more sinister, I know that doesn’t help though as you just want results!

      I really hope you don’t have to wait long for the endoscopy.

      I’ll let you know how my ph testing goes.

      Remember you might feel worse as you’ve just come off the omeprazole haven’t you? 

    • Posted

      Chris if it had spread they would have seen it on the ultrasound, I had the pain too and nothing there! 
    • Posted

      Thanks Katie. The non anxiety side of me can agree with all of that and reason with it all - but that side often doesn't win over the anxiety!

      The doctor referred me a week ago and said it should be within two weeks so hopefully soon, the waiting is the worst.

      Is your private care expensive or do you have it through work/insurance?

      I know I guess I'm thinking its spread to my stomach and thats not picked up on abdominal ultrasounds, I don't think?

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      Hiya, we only pay £9 per month as it’s not private like some private hospitals, it was originally from where my mum used to work but now anyone can join, it’s worked out pretty good for me and all my ailments 😂 we are not seen the next day like a lot of ‘private’ but we are seen a lot quicker than the NHS! 

      Not sure where you are in the country.

      I know about the anxiety side and that side always wins we me too 🙄

      Even though I’ve had all these tests done I’m still not happy, hence now the ph studies! 

      Really hope you get your appointment through quickly 

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      The sonographer did say she can see all organs just not bowel, maybe ask for Barium swallow too as that shows the stomach 😊

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      If the endoscopy shows nothing that might be my next test. Have you had one?

      I'm in Edinburgh, I wish I had something simular so that i was seen quicker but I wouldn't be able to get it now after all these tests and GP appointments with symptoms! Where are you based?

      At least with all of your tests you have ruled out all of the big and scary things, I'll be mich less anxious if I get that far with no results!

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      I’m East Sussex.

      I had endoscopy then the Barium swallow, also sibo breath tests, now having Ph testing, if this shows no acid then I’m off the the psychologist 🤪

      It’s defi the fear of the unknown that causes more anxiety then more symptoms, well it’s slways the case for me 🙄

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      I'm off to the psychologist anyway as even if I do or don't have anything wrong with me I haven't dealth with any of this well at all. Anxiety has brought on some of my symptoms but not the big and most scary ones...

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      I joke about it but most of my symptoms over the last 20 years and im only 39 have been brought on by anxiety.

      Best of luck with the endoscopy, let me know how it goes .

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      Hi Chris! I’m truly sorry that you’re going through this much anxiety and pain. I’m going to tell you a little bit of my story with health anxiety and how much it affects life and loved ones! So I’ve always been anxious about my health wondering what If I ever get cancer or MS or anything! But this past November it got to a whole new level! It all started with my eye seeing flashes and floaters, went to the ophthalmologist and said I had a possible retina detachment I was terrified then they refer me to the retina specialist right away and he said is not a retina detachment but I have some spots on my eye that are linked to colon cancer (I know it’s crazy) but this spots are called CHERPE they sent to to get a colonoscopy and at that point I started to feel dizzy, nauseous, fatigued, lightheaded and I had to wait 2 weeks to get the colonoscopy and it was pure hell, my anxiety was so bad I couldn’t sleep...at that point I’m thinking it is colon cancer and that’s why I’m feeling so fatigued and nauseous etc! The day of the colonoscopy came and woke up from the procedure to good news they said “Wendy your colon is great, there is no cancer “ but then the relief didn’t last long since they draw blood and my results were not normal, they said I had high bilirubin levels and I need to get a liver ultrasound and again I panicked thinking I had liver cancer or much worse pancreatic cancer, I was so anxious I started having symptoms of pancreatic cancer and random pains in my stomach, I said “I know I have pancreatic cancer” and was literally wondering how much longer I had on earth” I go in for a abdomen ultrasound and doctor called me to give me the results and she said, your liver and pancreas look good but we found a solid mass on your pelvis, and then doctor looked at me and said “it’s not a cyst bc Cyst are Made of water and yours is solid and she got pretty serious and said this could be cancer” I started to cry and she sent me in for a MRI , at that point I was having issues at work I was missing a lot, and issues at home, it seemed like my family were annoyed with everything that was going on, and I felt very alone and hopeless! But I started seeking God! They were able to schedule my MRI for the following week, and as I was inside there I started to pray and cry like I never have, and asking God to please destroy whatever that mass was and then I started to feel warm and I know it sounds crazy but I felt That God had answered my prayer bc I started saying to my self “ I’m going to be okay” and then they called for results 2 days later and the doctor smiled bc she knew I had been going through a lot so she said “Wendy your MRI was good, you don’t have a solid mass, you only have cyst and it’s getting smaller so you don’t need any further treatment” I was so happy but it didn’t last long lol bc days prior to the MRI I started having the Globus Sensation and thought oh it’s probably throat cancer, my doctor seemed annoyed also that now I had a new symptom so she makes a referral to get an endoscopy and again my anxiety levels were crazy high and the doctor right away told me when I woke up “ I didn’t see any cancer” but he took biopsies to check for bacteria etc. He called me a few days later saying everything is ok but I need to get on antibiotics bc I tested positive for H pylori . That was it !! I had 2 stressful months thinking I had cancer in my body and I didn’t ... but I’m sure all that stress caused  the Globus Sensation and I don’t know how to get rid of it now...😞 ... wow that was a long message but remember you’re not alone, and if you feel like you can’t take it anymore , seek God, he will be there , I promise!!  And if you want to talk to someone message me, I’m here ...

    • Posted

      Wow Wendy! I’m so sorry to hear that you have gone through all this stress too, it does seem a very common theme on here that we all have suffered some sort of anxiety or stress.

      I am intrigued by your spots in your eyes? I too have suffered from flashes in my eyes and sparks etc but I have always put this down to anxiety as I know it’s a symptom, I have brown freckles in the coloured part of my eye, are they what you mean by spots? My opthalmist told me they were freckles? How can they be colon cancer? I’m scared now!!!

      my globus also started after thinking I had breast cancer, plus moving from Australia to the UK so there was a lot of stress.

      Did you ever suffer from acid with your globus? 

      I think my acid only started after I read about globus then a friend of mine told me about Barrett’s oesophagus so I then panicked I have that, ever since I have daily acid 🙄

      our brains are incredibly strong!!

      im so pleased all turned out well for you in the end 😊

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      Hi Katie!! The “spots” in my eye are called CHRPE and they’re freckles at the back of the eye , so you won’t be able to see them. Eye doctors usually find them when  they dilate your eyes ! It’s crazy how something in the eyes can be related to the colon! But don’t worry I came to find that flashes and floaters are harmless specially if you have had them for a while! Please let me know how everything goes with you, I’m praying that we all find peace and stop worrying so much😊??

    • Posted

      Hi Wendy, yes I looked on the internet and saw! It’s amazing what they can tell! I’ve had a photo taken of the back of my eye and apparently they can tell with that, phew!

      So pleased yours was all clear too! 

      Yes this anxiety thing is crazy 🙄

      I hope you are relaxing more now 😊

    • Posted

      Wow Wendy that's quite the journey you've been through!

      I've not had anywhere near as many worries as you but I did start off in december worried about a brain tumour, then testicular cancer and now oesophageal cancer. Everyone thinks this is just anxiety as I did the same the previous two times, but I almost know that this endoscopy is going to find something sinister. My symptoms are too similar and gone on for too long not to be. I'm just engaged and scared I wont ever make it to my wedding day

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      Chris you will make it to your wedding day!!! It is anxiety, we all believed the same thing!! 

      I hope you get it done soon so you can relax and look forward to your wedding 😊

    • Posted

      Thanks Katie, it's a week since I was referred and I was told two weeks so should be soon. I dont think this is anxiety, I have a constant indigestion feeling even when not eating, pain in my upper back and clearing my throat lots. Feels like my throat is closing up right at the bottom of my neck, and I've still got that gurgling coming up when I swallow. Seems to much to be anything else!

    • Posted

      Well we mustn’t always put everything down to anxiety, I just know anxiety can play cruel tricks.

      i also feel acidy and feeling of indigestion even when I haven’t eaten but of course it’s someth that needs checking out.

      please let me know once you’ve had your endoscopy done.

      best of luck 😊

    • Posted

      Thank you Katie💜 I am more relaxed now ! But this Globus thing is very annoying! Sometimes it’s gone for like 3 days then it comes back! The thing thought is that I’m always thinking about it, I’m always trying to swallow to see if it’s there! But I have no pain whatsoever, like no other symptom just that feeling of something stuck in there 🙄 so tomorrow I’m going to see a doctor in Mexico!! I have so much faith in this doctor bc 2 years ago I had a problem with tinnitus and my doctor didn’t know what to do she referred me to the ENT and he pretty much said that I had damage in my ear and he was telling me I had to learn to live with it and I was pretty bummed bc the noise in my ear would not stop and wouldn’t let me sleep I was like that for nearly 2 months so I went to see this doctor in Mexico he checked me and prescribed me treatment and in only 1 week my tinnitus was gone. So hopefully he can treat this Globus thing too!! And I will let you know how it went and if the treatment worked...😊

    • Posted

      Awww Chris 🙁trust me I know the fear... I’ve gotten engaged recently and I also have 2 kids and the thought of dying this Young terrifies me! And I really hope with all my heart that you get nothing but good news after your endoscopy so you can start pinning your wedding! But please let us know when you find out!! Best wishes Chris! 

    • Posted

      Ahh Wendy, that sounds promising! Let us know what he says!!

      As you say you’re always thinking about it, me too! Mine isn’t a problem with swallowing it’s constant feeling like I have phlegm in my throat so have to keep clearing my throat, so frustrating!!

      Best of luck with the dr In Mexico, that will be really interesting to see what he says!


    • Posted

      Hi Katie! I wanted to let you know how it went with the doctor in Mexico! So I got sent straight away for a neck ultrasound and X-rays... it amazed me how quick the results cameback(only 30 min) unlike here in the United States but anyways doctor said my ultrasound was all clear and there are no masses or cysts or anything like that, he did mention I have a chronic sinus infection and post nasal drip, so he mentioned that since i can’t breath normally through my nose bc of the sinusitis I use my mouth a lot to breath and it’s causin my throat to get dry and inflamed plus the postnasal drip and the acid reflux it’s irritating it more. So he injected some steroid to help with the inflammation and the infection and he also he injected B12 to help my body fight the infection, and he prescribed meds for the sinnus, the acid and post nasal drip, and no kidding I haven’t had the Globus Sensation all day after I saw the doctor! I have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks to see how it’s going and I have faith this is the end of it!! I will let you knowsmile how have you been feeling?
    • Posted

      Hi Wendy! 

      Thank you for letting me know, that’s fantastic news!!! I’m so pleased the ultrasound was all clear!

      Well it’s funny you say that as I do suffer from post nasal drip, I was also a mouth breather but for a few years now I sleep with my mouth taped up at night, I know this sounds mad!!! I saw a Buteyko breathing specialist to help with my anxiety ( look Buteyko up online) anyway they suggest sleeping with mouth taped up! This has helped with my anxiety but not the globus!!

      Can you remind me what investigations you had for the acid? Did you have a hiatus hernia, I can’t remember!! 

      Anyway so pleased you are feeling better 😊

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      Hey Katie! I had en endoscopy and that’s how they found acid reflux, but no I don’t have a hernia,  I was on omeprazole 40 mg per day with no change, so this doctor prescribed another acid blocker, we’ll see how it works. How long have you had the Globus? And what exactly do you feel? I haven’t had the Globus since yesterday morning, so I’m sure that whatever steroid he injected worked. I hope you’re feeling better 😊💜

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      Hey Wendy!

      Mine started 10 months ago with a sharp sudden pain in my throat, felt like I’d swallowed a bone shortly after which lasted for a few months, then it went into globus, feeling like i was being strangled, then some days like a furball!! Now it is just like I have continual phlegm that needs clearing!! 

      My acid didn’t start until a few months into all the problems.

      When I had my endoscopy he said it was all clear apart from a very slightly loose sphincter!! 

      The Barium was clear so now having the ph tests to see how much acid is coming up!

      So glad you feel better 😊

    • Posted

      I’m sorry you have been dealing with this awful sensation for this long! Mine started right after I had a bad cold, I felt like I had phlegm stuck in there and I couldn’t sallow or spit out, it was driving me insane but I thought it was just another symptom of the cold. Then 2 months passed with no change but I started to feel like if I had hairs all over my throat and tonge, then it just felt like I had a piece of food stuck ugh!! But thankfully I haven’t felt it in over 24 hours now!! So I’m really praying that this is the end of it.. and I pray that yours goes away too! Please keep me posted of any changes. Best wishes Katie 😊

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      It’s a nightmare thing isn’t it but I just tell myself some have much worse.

      I’m so pleased you have some relief!!!

      I’ll let you know how my PH testing goes.

      Take care 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Chris, how are you doing? 

      I went up to London yesterday to have the 24 hour ph testing done and another test to see how well the oesophagus is working, I must say it was hideous, I still have the tube in, can’t wait to take it out!! Awful feeling! 

      From the first test he looked at, he said it didn’t seem to look 100% 😒 my los was not working efficiently, bit gutted.

      Will now have to wait and see how much acid is coming up, feeling very stressed again.

      How are you doing Wendy too? 

    • Posted

      hi wendy i know you posted 18 months ago but worth a try ive had tinnitus for last 12 months i thought it was incurable. was diagnosed it after a hearing test and told basically nothing they can do and given tips to ease it like play low music in background etc. ha. i dont tend to hear it during the day with all that goes on but can hear it clearly if im in a quiet room or in the morning and at night when its generally quiet i hear it clearly. what medication was you prescribed that cleared it ? would love to know. ha.

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