Feel like something stuck in my throat
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Hi. I'm really hoping somebody can help me, can't find any discussions on here! For the last few months I've had a feeling of having something stuck at the base of my throat or like a lump. It's not there all the time and comes and goes. I went to visit the doc and she had a look but said couldn't see anything and all looked and felt good, but to be in the safe side would refer me to ent to have a look. So today, a month after seeing doc, I had a letter from hosp. I have an urgent appt in 5 days to be seen so that they can rule out more serious conditions such as cancer. This letter has completely freaked me out and I have been in tears all day and am now thinking I have some form of cancer! I'm a 41 yr old lady and a complete mess today as I can't phone or speak to anybody for assurance or advice!
Could my go have seen something and not told me??? Thankyou x
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wendy90211 samantha29269
bruce67 wendy90211
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wendy90211 bruce67
Hi Bruce! I was wondering how are you doing?? Unfortunately mine cameback 🙁it’s so annoying! So I don’t even know what to do anymore! I guess just wait for it to go away on its own again! What exactly did you do to make it go away?
bruce67 samantha29269
wendy90211 bruce67
bruce67 wendy90211
wendy90211 bruce67
bruce67 samantha29269
wendy90211 bruce67
Are you still feeling the lump sensation in your throat?
sierra18927 samantha29269
i’ve seriously had the same exact problem ever sense i choked on a chip a few months back. the sensation has caused me to not even want to eat for the fear of choking. i’ve had anxiety my entire life but this sensation has caused me to have panic attacks for the fear of me not being able to breathe (even though i can physically breathe fine and i’ve seen doctors that have assured me there in nothing in my throat). i’ve spoken to my counselor about this thinking that me being anxious about it all of the time was making it worse (which is does) but she also told me that it could possibly just be my body making me feel like there is something there. i’m still finding that hard to believe because it’s not just the feeling that’s bothering me, but the fact that it’s actually painful sometimes. i also feel like when i swallow that i can feel it moving? it’s not a constant feeling, and it’s worse when i’m alone and thinking about it. the only thing i’m terribly worried about is the fact that i’m scared to eat, and haven’t eaten for days (only things like apple sauce and mashed potatoes, even then feeling like i’m choking) and i’ve lost about 10 pounds or so (i’m by no means small so loosing the weight isn’t a huge problem, it’s just the fact that i’m basically starving). i know that i’m hungry and i can feel my stomach growling, but i just can’t seem to get passed the fact that there seems to be something in my throat. hopefully someone has had something similar to this and can give me some advice!
wendy90211 sierra18927
tanu38595 samantha29269
I have same problem since last 6 months I have been to 4 doctors and nothing helped please help if anything helped you.
deb_86956 samantha29269
I have been having a lot of problems with my throat also. feels like something in there constantly! I've had the scope down my throat a few times and they say theres nothing there. I know I'm not crazy! I'm miserable! no one seems to be listening to me. I had my throat stretched and it made it worse! now I found a hard lump and a mass on the outside of my trachea. I cant stand for that area to be touched or pushed on. it makes the sensation worse. I told my throat doctor and he says theres nothing there! but he didn't feel the trachea! so now I have to wait to see my other doctor that stretched my throat! someone has to help me! I don't see him until march. its a waiting game and frustrating! I hope you get good news!
bruce67 samantha29269
You guys are going to think I'm nuts for this post, but I have figured mine out and have two solutions for everyone
1. Its either your thyroid OR
2. Google silent reflux.
I know number 2 sounds crazy, but Im on week three with no issues. i wanted to come back and comment on this thread because most of the time people figure out what is wrong with them and never go back and post their answer.
Try this experiment. Go to the store and get some Prilosec 20 MG. Take one at bedtime and one when you wake up. Do this for about 2 weeks and see if the pain goes away. I had three tests done
1. the scope where they put the camera in your nose and it comes out of your mouth. Showed damage top of esophogus. but it couldn't see all the way down. Showed damage from reflux. I didn't believe it, because i have ZERO burps or acid reflux. This guy said it was silent reflux.
2. calling his BS I went and saw a gastro. I had horrible pain and it radiated down to my chest. He ordered a barium swallow test. I was very worried i had cancer or something. This test showed damage from reflux.
3. the next day they put me out and put a scope down my throat and confirmed that i had damage from silent reflux.
Also since i started taking the prilosec, the pain has not only gone, But The chronic stomach issues i have had for 8 years. I think the reason so many people have this issue is because its a bizarre, shocking surprise diagnosis. I had NO IDEA.
wendy90211 bruce67
crispyswinger1 bruce67
Thanks for this suggestion! I will give it a go too if I can find those tablets at a chemist in the UK! I previously took them when I had a feeling of a golf ball stuck in my chest which turned out to be a hiatus hernia!
?Anyway, my current issue is that I feel like there's an irritation in one side of my throat (left side and about 2 inches to the left of my adams apple)...I'd say it feels like there's a piece of food stuck there, and feels quite small and localised but I have no visible lumps externally and no swelling etc.
?I also have no issues swallowing, eating, breathing etc. No symptoms apart from there feeling as though something is stuck and the irritation which is further agitated SOMETIMES when I eat a spicy meal. All of this leads me to believe it's internal, so inside my throat.
?I've had a Thyroid blood test, came back clean. I've also had a Laryngoscope and an Ultrasound...both clean! My doc seems like he is happy to just let this go away on it's own but I've had the issue for 2 months now and it's no better than when it started and it's driving me mad!!!
?It's NOT Globus as that never felt localised last time and didn't feel sensitive and agitated like this issue does...I'm stuck about what to do next