Feeling depressed
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I posted a few days ago about my new diagnosis. I am 25 years old. I really feel that I need to express how I am feeling right now because I am driving myself insane. I am currently having a lot of redness and burning. I was on the phone with this guy in London who I have been dating for three months and all I wanted to doo was cry on the phone. I feel like running away so I don't need. To explain what this is it what I am going through. I told a few of my friends and they don't really get it At theoment I am feeling very hopeless
I am frustrating because when I had the biopsy done the doctor said this is a classic case of lichen sclerosis. She didn't tell me how I would feel after the biopsy or what I could do while travelling without any steroid cream. She just booted me out of there and I took the underground back home in tears. I now look all scarred down there and it has made my self esteem go down very low. I feel like since I am so young who is going too accept me like this?? I have been using coconut oil and tries to find some pure aloe vera but I haven't come across it yet. I am travelling by myself in Europe and all I want to do is go home. Can someone please provide me with some positive feedback. I am crying everyday.
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j02359 nicole1990
lyn4668 nicole1990
nicole1990 lyn4668
sampleremix nicole1990
It will get better.
Can I recommend asking to see Dr Walsh at Kings College London. She sees me and has made such a huge differance on my LS. I use Diprobase as a moisterizer in the day and tend to use after the loo.
At home I use Eperderm.
I also use Deromvate once a week as advised, this is a maintance dose to keep my LS in control.
Its tuff, no denying it. Be strong. You will heal, if you tear with intercourse I recommend saline soultion (cold) after going to the loo and diprobase.
i do still tear after sex sometimes. Not much but it can happen. When I do I follow the above and im healed in a few days. I also can not recommend lube enough! Get a good quality organic pure lube.
Also the thing that helped me a lot was my vibrator. So much nicer than those cones, I had the cones for years and didnt get very far. But a vibrator works both as its more bendy and the vibrations stimulate your blood flow making you mpre relaxed down there.
I was scared about telling my partner but he understood and was very supportive. Its best to be open about this.
Take care
nicole1990 sampleremix
I am going to pick up a vibrator once I return to London . Thank you very much for your support!
sampleremix nicole1990
id say for me the key was stretching, using a vibrator every other day. Massaging the area with moistorizer. It will involve effort on your part but worth it! Id say if I dont have sex/use my vibrator for a week I def feel it and sex is a littke painful. We have scar tissue and that doesn't stretch so we have to keep it stretchy.
If your not happy to talk to him just yet wait. I waited about 4 months as we wasnt in a single us relationship. The end of the day you dont want to have negative thoughts on sex if it hurts. Positions can help and hinder it. I had such negative thoughts on sex my body actually tightened up on trying to have intercourse which made it worse! I did sew a sex thearpist that helped me.
The lube will help a lot dont be afraid to put loads on
nicole1990 sampleremix
carolina80209 nicole1990
So sorry to hear about your situation, I am 26 with LS so I do understand and that was the first thing that crossed my mine, who would accept me like this? I was diagnosed on february this year, was suposed to go to turkey for a year but instead of that use all my money to see an specialist on USA because I live on Ecuador and there are no doctors here. I was very depressed pretty much suicidal, meditation and deeksha which is a practice that helps you be more in contact with God(did not believed in God at that time) pretty much saved my life.
You will accept things eventually, but know that things will get better, there is people that have very good results with steroids, some people dont, like me, but there are other alternatives. There are many cases of people healing autoimmune condition and bunch with LS that have healed by changing to organic diet and products, taking supplements and detoxifying from toxins (there is even a post here of a girl that has been cured for years) I really suggest you find a vulva specialist , try steroid but parallely start and organic diet and the other things I mentioned, this second things will healed you after several months, clobetasol relieves symptoms does not cure and you will have to use it forever, so giving the organic lifestyle a try is worth the shot.
Things WILL improve, you need to commit on doing changes to heal and have to understand you are not less than any other girl or anyone.
Have faith and hang on, take good care
nicole1990 carolina80209
Meditation sounds like a great idea. I feelblike I need something like that because I am feeling utter doom. I have not told my mum because she is a nervous person. It is a very isolating disease.
I am willing to make the changes! Thank you very much for your advice !! I truly wish you the best !!
carolina80209 nicole1990
About the doctor in USA I spent like five thousand dollars to see him and he just told me to use steroids haha and they did not worked for me so it was like a waste of money, I should have started with the organic lifestyle right away, I really encouraged you to try that alternative , seek for both the traditional and alternative treatment to get better results, and meditation to help you deal with any anxiety that comes along.
Take good care
dertater nicole1990
I know this sounds bad but there truly are worse things. I also know I don't want to here that when I have a flare up and can't pee without burning pain.
I suggest two things for you now. Get some kind of ointment for your bottom that protects your skin. I use, believe it or not, diaper rash ointments. I bet you could find some at a apothecary. A & D ointment is good stuff. Second, if you can get some antihistamine. Benedryl works wonders. Is suppresses the histamine your body is making which is causing that aweful iching/burning sensation.
I'm sorry for you on holiday with this aweful, painful disease. Please know I'm with you on finding better treatment.
nicole1990 dertater
suedm nicole1990
You consultant may be able to put you in touch with others withthe condition and you could start your own group. You could phone up the clinic in Kings College Hosp they may well know of a group.
Hopefully you will be feeling a tad better than you did 5 days ago. I have been out of town and not on the site. Please dont worry about the future. What ever you do you wont improve the situation if you worry, in fact you could make things worse - cos you are getting too stressed. Sitting for hours on burning coals is not fun and i do feel for you. I found i have a gene mutation that could be the answer to why i have LS and while that cant be changed there are those who believe that changing ones abitlity to digest and absorb the protective aspects of the diet can alter the course of the condition. We shall see.
Not long before you return to the UK Good luck and your new job will help you take your mind off your current worries. Your lovely new boyfriend will understand if you tell him the stress of travel has made your auto immune condition worse and that you have to take things slowly and gently at first. ....
d7beck nicole1990