For anyone starting sertraline....... Hang in there! It does work!!!!!!
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Hi, I have previously posted, but not for a while as like many others, when u feel better u don't use forums anymore. I just wanted to let others know that r on or just starting sertraline to hang in there. I know it's hard and u will feel worse before it gets better, but the good days will come. To get me through the rough crippling anxiety start up days I used rescue remedy alongside starting on 50mg sertraline. I highly recommend it. Also to keep busy with a hobby ( I learnt how to knit on YouTube ) and doing lots of puzzles ie word searches and suduko and reading magazines. Anything just to pass time and keep my racing thoughts at bay. I started on 50mg and took them for 8 weeks, then went to the doc for my review but I was still feeling abit anxious so she upped me to 100 mg ( which I didn't want to do as wanted to give it more time ) but I took her advice and took the upped dose of 100mg. I did have some start up side effects again but they were mild, nothing like the first time side effects. Anyway I have now been taking the upped dose of 100mg for 11 weeks now and I feel really good. Just like my old self!!! So for anyone starting or still in the early stages of taking sertraline, hang in there and take everyday as it comes. U survived yesterday and your still here!!!!! Think positive, keep yourself busy, try to challenge yourself out of your comfort zone, even if it's just washing up!!! Good luck to everyone who reads this. U will get better!!!!! X
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deborah28875 vikki2303
vikki2303 deborah28875
jkm34698 vikki2303
dl283278 vikki2303
Ranger507 vikki2303
melissa66574 Ranger507
How r u feeling now? I know it’s been over a year but curious to see if sertraline worked for you. It’s always worked for me in the past but this time around it’s taking much longer. Ive been on 200mg for three weeks and not sure if I’m feeling better. Sometimes I feel like nothing has even changed.
julie96604 vikki2303
Hi Vikki , it's so hard getting through these days when you are climbing the wall with all these awful feelings . I'm on sertraline 150mg from Tuesday this week and I'm praying these work for me . I get so frightened inside that I won't b myself again .
vikki2303 julie96604
julie96604 vikki2303
Hi Vikki I did read ur post it's so reassuring for me , for those of us at the worse time of all this are so frightened I can't see past this at the moment but at wat week if possible did you start to feel like normal again?
julie96604 vikki2303
sparrow- julie96604
hi julie, i know it is very difficult for you at the moment. sertraline needs some time to settle in and work effectively on you, and then you will start to feel better
it varies from person to person regarding how long sertraline takes to work. many people find relief early on in the treatment though, so don't worry there is a good chance you wont have to wait too long to feel better again.
so keep going and try to do things to take your mind off of yourself, eg. cleaning the house etc as that is good exercise, or taking some walks. and also of course keep regularly in touch with your doctor
taylor41 vikki2303
I am currently on my sertraline journey. How are you now?
vikki2303 taylor41
Hey Taylor, I am great compared to what I was like. I have ups and low, but that is normal in anyone's life. I wish you well on your journey and remember to just stay positive x
claire43316 vikki2303
Hi all,
I nothis post is old but just wondered if anyone is able to give advice still?
I was on 100mg of sertraline for around 3 years my doctor then lowered the dose to 50mg about 18 months as I was feeling great.
Since Xmas my anxiety has returned leaving me unable to work and having to increase my meds back up to 100mg 3 weeks ago, under the advisory of my gp.
I’m not feeling the full benefits and wondered if it will still work the same as it did before when I was taking 100mg?
Any advice is greatly appritiated 😊
vikki2303 claire43316
claire43316 vikki2303
Hope your feeling well? X
vikki2303 claire43316
claire43316 vikki2303
It’s still early days 3 and 1/2 weeks x