Found out girlfriend of 5 months has herpes- HSV2
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Good afternoon,
Yesterday was quite the day. I've always had a fear of STDs, I'm not sure why, I'm just a germo. I've gotten better as I've gotten older, but I've tried to be careful to protect myself. Yesterday, my girlfriend received test results from her gyno appointment. She apparently requested a full battery of tests, to try and fully ease my mind as we discussed my worries in the past and she was confident she didn't have anything. Well, it turns out she test positive for HSV2. Bummer. We've been dating for 5 months, probably have sex about 3 times a week on average. We have used condoms every time except twice. She was quite shocked, as was I. I didn't, and don't know what to say. Statistically speaking, I know the odds I contracted it are very small. Most of the data I've read indicate somewhere around 2% per year from female to male with regular condom use. I believe her when she says she didn't know she had it, else why come clean now.
I guess the point of this thread...I'm searching for advice. Has anyone dealt with this situation? I'm sure they have. Finding out down the road that their partners has herpes. What did you do? What mental steps did you take to move forward? What options do I have?
As far as I can figure if I want to try and stay with her, perhaps just suggesting we don't have sex while I sort through this is a good approach. I care a lot for her, but I'm also realistic. Taking the risk of contracting it (assuming I haven't already) is a big risk even if statistically small as women I'd date in the future I'd obviously have to tell assuming I tested positive. I've always had trouble connecting with others, so limiting the future dating pool sounds like a bad choice. ANY thoughts are appreciated. My brain can't seem to spit them out. Thank you.
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feelbroken BummerKC
currychic BummerKC
feelbroken currychic
stressed feelbroken
feelbroken stressed
stressed feelbroken
feelbroken stressed
This post is old and popped back up because of a nasty internet troll who posted. it's old and he's not been on here for awhile.
currychic feelbroken
phil6736096 BummerKC
phil6736096 BummerKC
FancyN BummerKC
Toodone BummerKC
I hope your situation turns out better than mine.
kenneth57797 BummerKC
christy14815 BummerKC
Most people have HSV, (statistics vary), but something like 70% to 80% of the human population have some form of HSV. If you've ever had chicken pox, then you have an HSV virus living in your lower spinal nerves. So if you break up with this woman, there is a likelihood that your next partner also has HSV. You might already have it, but not necessarily from this girlfriend. In other words, HSV is a reality for most humans. You and your girlfriend have the advantage of knowing about it and can educate yourselves.