Had pip assessment Waiting decision
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I'm new here..I'm claiming PIP as I can't work due to my bipolar,I had the ATOS assessment a month ago and a text from DWP a week ago to say they have all they need and are making a decision,I have been beside myself with worry,anybody assure me at all that it won't be much longer?
Thank you
6 likes, 233 replies
deborah55950 tracy69588
I'm in the same situation as u, I have been told that after ringing themselves couple of days ago they have received my f2f assessment report and are making their decision!!!! I'm going insane waiting.... We have been living off my child benefit and child tax credit for the last month n haven't had any pip or carers allowance since beginning of Feb!!!!! Really struggling and I'm bursting into tears over stupid random things as it's proper getting me down!!! First time I've ever been signed of work n haven't gone back in 3 yrs!!!!!! I'm only 37 n really struggling to deal with my health problems etc n my kids n partner r suffering with it as well. Even though they don't moan but I know it's getting to them!!!!! This waiting game is proper bringing everything into perspective.......... Sorry for rambling on.......
roxanne51419 deborah55950
I had my assessment with ATOS and had to wait 10 days for their response you can phone up and get a date from them and lucky I received the higher rate, I've got MS, good luck don't be afraid to chase up, they will tell you the date they received it from ATOS
Sydney1993 roxanne51419
roxanne51419 deborah55950
nat37742 tracy69588
hicky46 tracy69588
Hi i am in the same boat had a letter last thursday saying the same thing i suffer with depression and very bad anxiety so i phoned them yesterday and they said it's still with the dishion macker and he told me its up to 4 to 6 weeks wate i have been waiting 4 weeks now so i guess i got 2 weeks left to wate
jamesh2o tracy69588
Hi tracy69588, they said the same to me! And around two weeks later i got a later saying I don't have enough points for the pip! And that's me that broke my back last September and has multiple blood clots on my brain....the new system is one big joke....I'm now waiting for them to look at it again,
Hope you have more luck then me...
bravo2zero94 tracy69588
Hi. It can take about 6 months from the day of your original phone call to pip for everything to be completed. I'll try and explain as I've also applied for pip. When you initially ring them, they will send you an application form to complete. You will then have to send the application back and wait for a letter to attend the pip assessment. When attending the assessment to then take all tablets with you and all sicknites if your not working due to your condition. Take along proof if radiology reports if you have been for x-rays for slipped discs in your back etc. Take along proof of address. Proof of you by way if passport or driving licence and proof of bank account for pip as well as a utility bill. If you have been on ESA employment support allowance and been turned down for this after having they're own assessment, then do not think you will be turned down automatically for pip. Pip is entirely different and a benefit you can claim even if working. After your assessment and depending if you have brought everything pip has asked from you to bring, then your application will be submitted to DWP to make the agreed payment every month that the pip assessor believes you should receive after your assessment. The average minimum time for pip to be processed is four weeks after the assessment. But don't worry too much on this as your claim will be back dated from the original first point of contact. In my case the 14th November and I'm still waiting. I only had my initial assessment on 22nd December and the claim wasn't dealt with till the 4th January. On on the 14th January did I receive a letter from dwp saying my pip claim is being dealt with. Your claim if successful will be backdated so expect a nice tidy little sum of money going into your account. Once you receive your award letter and if your not able to work then you do not have to any longer claim jsa or universal credit because you had your ESA claim stopped if the was said you were fit to work. Once pip is awarded then take your award letter to the local council and they will pay all your housing benefit and council tax depending on your mobility and disability ratings being high or low. If you receive the low rates on mobility and disability then the council will still award you housing benefit. You will also qualify for several other benefits as of your pip award too which is a dam sight more than jsa and universal credit plus you won't have to go through all the hassle of completing job searches every week and signing on. Sorry my reply is long but I have certainly come to know these things through my own experience. I would recommend that if claiming pip then to always put in a new claim for pip 6 months before your old one runs out. This won't interfere with your existing pip entitlements. It's recommended you do this from pip and the DWP as it can in some cases take up to a maximum of 6 months for some claims to be processed. Normally the maximum pip you can get a month is about £500 so if your claim takes 6 months to process and your entitled to full entitlement then expect a lump sum if three thousand in your account at the end of that 6 month wait. Hoped this has helped a bit. Oh and if you were turned down for ESA then don't bother appealing they're decision as it still be a no from the ESA appeal as they're not interested in taking appeals seriously. Been there already and I can't even walk tidy. Good luck with your claim
denise15811 bravo2zero94
That's a very long reply for a post that was started 2 years ago. I'm sure by now the person has been successful in their PIP claim. It's always worth checking the dates of the posts, especially when you're searching a forum.
bravo2zero94 denise15811
Sorry didn't see the date. Hope the info still helps others though.
bravo2zero94 tracy69588
Hi. It can take about 6 months from the day of your original phone call to pip for everything to be completed. I'll try and explain as I've also applied for pip. When you initially ring them, they will send you an application form to complete. You will then have to send the application back and wait for a letter to attend the pip assessment. When attending the assessment to then take all tablets with you and all sicknites if your not working due to your condition. Take along proof if radiology reports if you have been for x-rays for slipped discs in your back etc. Take along proof of address. Proof of you by way if passport or driving licence and proof of bank account for pip as well as a utility bill. If you have been on ESA employment support allowance and been turned down for this after having they're own assessment, then do not think you will be turned down automatically for pip. Pip is entirely different and a benefit you can claim even if working. After your assessment and depending if you have brought everything pip has asked from you to bring, then your application will be submitted to DWP to make the agreed payment every month that the pip assessor believes you should receive after your assessment. The average minimum time for pip to be processed is four weeks after the assessment. But don't worry too much on this as your claim will be back dated from the original first point of contact. In my case the 14th November and I'm still waiting. I only had my initial assessment on 22nd December and the claim wasn't dealt with till the 4th January. On on the 14th January did I receive a letter from dwp saying my pip claim is being dealt with. Your claim if successful will be backdated so expect a nice tidy little sum of money going into your account. Once you receive your award letter and if your not able to work then you do not have to any longer claim jsa or universal credit because you had your ESA claim stopped if the was said you were fit to work. Once pip is awarded then take your award letter to the local council and they will pay all your housing benefit and council tax depending on your mobility and disability ratings being high or low. If you receive the low rates on mobility and disability then the council will still award you housing benefit. You will also qualify for several other benefits as of your pip award too which is a dam sight more than jsa and universal credit plus you won't have to go through all the hassle of completing job searches every week and signing on. Sorry my reply is long but I have certainly come to know these things through my own experience. I would recommend that if claiming pip then to always put in a new claim for pip 6 months before your old one runs out. This won't interfere with your existing pip entitlements. It's recommended you do this from pip and the DWP as it can in some cases take up to a maximum of 6 months for some claims to be processed. Normally the maximum pip you can get a month is about £500 so if your claim takes 6 months to process and your entitled to full entitlement then expect a lump sum if three thousand in your account at the end of that 6 month wait. Hoped this has helped a bit. Oh and if you were turned down for ESA then don't bother appealing they're decision as it still be a no from the ESA appeal as they're not interested in taking appeals seriously. Been there already and I can't even walk tidy. Goid luck with your claim
sukes bravo2zero94
well done for replying, but you are commenting on a post that Tracey sent 2 years ago, so this may not even be relevant now.Â
bravo2zero94 sukes
I didn't look at the date. Sorry. Hope the info still helps others.
sukes bravo2zero94
sarah_81699 tracy69588
denise15811 sarah_81699
I would advice you to start a thread of your own because posting on a thread that huge like this one people can miss it. Any help you need could be missed.
People do work and claim PIP but if the work they do contradicts the reasons why they are claiming PIP then this can go against them.
sarah_81699 denise15811
sarah_81699 denise15811
denise15811 sarah_81699
The thread is 2 years old which i why i commented on your post. I wasn't getting at you, just saying if you need advice i'm happy to advice you. I know all about autism, anxiety and depression because my daughter has it all.