Handy tips after a laparotomy cyst removal
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Having had a laparotomy a few weeks ago I have been asked lots of questions on this forum regarding my recovery. I thought it may help anyone who has just had the operation to remove cysts (including a laparoscopy) or facing the operation in the near future to have a few ideas to help them. Everyone's experience is different, but there does seem to be similar problems after the operation, so hope this helps ladies -
1. You will feel tired, bloated and in pain after the operation. I felt very nauseas for a few days and unable to eat. This is normal and is the effect of the anaesthetic used during the operation combined with strong painkillers. It will pass after a few days, try to sip water frequently to flush out the toxins.
2. The nursing staff are very helpful and concerned with your wellbeing. If you don't feel ready to go home, say so, you know your body better than anyone. I stayed in for 7 days in the end as I was in a lot of pain and had severe swelling. Don't be afraid to ask!
3 The nursing staff will remove the dressings after 3 days and if like me you have ster-strips underneath these will come off on day 5 or 6. When I removed mine the wound bled a little, but it was nothing serious and the nurse put a temporary bandage on for 2 days until it stopped. You will be shocked at the size of the wound. Mine reached from my pubic bone to above my belly button. It does start to look better after a few weeks and once healed, I will be using lots of bio oil to help it fade.
4. You will have trouble having a bowel movement. Constipation is normal following a major operation, a combination of painkillers and lack of movement. Drink plenty of fluids combined with a healthy diet (lots of fruit & vegetables). Try to move around as much as possible. Go for short walks once you feel stronger at least once a day. If like me you still haven't been after several days you could try LAXIDO and or LACTULOSE, both effective at clearing any blockage. It worked for me
5. Take the painkillers they give you, they will help. Try to take them at the start of the pain, not when it has you in its grip (not so effective). Only stop them when you feel you can cope without them, don't try and be brave.
6. If you have had your ovaries removed you will suddenly go into the menopause. I am having terrible night sweats now, which keep waking me up I bought a summer quilt 4.5 tog and am using a fan, to keep cool, it helps. I am trying to cope without HRT due to a family history of female cancer and will be trying natural herbal supplements instead. Hope they help
7. Lets be honest it will hurt and I am only starting to feel better after 3 weeks. I expect to be off work for at least another month, as my job is quite physical, and my muscles/wound are far from healed, but every day I feel stronger and I am off the painkillers now. I go for a short walk every day and potter around the house. My wound is healing nicely (its not pretty) but at least my alien is gone!
Good luck everyone X
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lourdes09855 jenny13771
katy08921 lourdes09855
lourdes09855 katy08921
jen55222 lourdes09855
Hi Lourdes,
How did things end up going for you? I have been scouring the internet for information and one of my biggest concerns is my two young children and how I'll care for them post-op. How did things go for you with your girls? I have a very active 2 year old and a 7 month old who co-sleeps and breast feeds. I'm nervous about how I can meet those needs after surgery. Any tips?
Thanks in advance,
jessicao jen55222
Hi jen
Wondering how you really doing? I'm scheduled for 3/29 laparoscopically bu am worried they will have to open me up. I don't know what type of cyst mine is but wanted to see how your surgery went. I too have 7 and 3 year old and worried this will turn into a full blown hospital stay. Mine is slightly larger at 10cm. Hope you're doing well.
jen55222 jessicao
Hi Jessica,
I'm sorry but I have nothing to report. My surgery was rescheduled from March 22 to April 14 due to a respiratory infection. There's a risk of the breathing tube moving it to my lungs and causing pneumonia.
I hope that your procedure goes well and that someone can help you w your kiddos post-op.
Best wishes,
jessicao jen55222
Well since I wrote last night things took a turn. Woke up with severe lower abdominal pain and was throwing up. Now in the ER to determine if they will remove it today. Don't think I can withstand the pain til my scheduled surgery date. One of my cysts must have leaked. Will post back after to let you know what route of surgery they went with.
Fee better. Best wishes to you.
jen55222 jessicao
Wow! I'm so sorry you've been going through all of that. I hope that the doctors there will quickly ease your discomfort. I'm sending lots of positive energy to you. Please let me know how things go for you as time and energy allow.
You can do this!
jen55222 jessicao
Hi Jessica,
Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing. Sending well-wishes
jessicao jen55222
I wound up getting it removed later that night after going to the ER. Removed it laproscopically, one incision in belly button and two on either side, just above hips. Mine was a 10cm ovary with at least one 7cm cyst. There were other cysts too so they took the whole ovary. The incision where they actually removed it hurt the most. The other two incisions healed fairly quickly. The bloating days after the surgery was pretty bad and it took me 4 days before I moved my bowels. Took about two weeks before I felt close to my normal self, walking at a normal pace and able to sleep on my stomach again . Did you get yours done last week? Hope your on the mend and feeling better.
kelli3432 jenny13771
sharon1919 jenny13771
Thanks a lot for the tips. I am due for a laparatomy in a weeks time to remove cysts from both ovaries. I am wondering if you or anyone here had a discussion with the dr on worst case scenarios of the possibility of losing both ovaries and the option to freeze eggs should it happen. I am not married yet but would like to have children someday so I thought i should at least be prepared to face the worst case consequences. I haven't asked my dr about it yet so would like to know if anyone else here has had the option to freeze your eggs. thanks.
Jellytot jenny13771
lindsay55193 jenny13771
I'm 19 and getting my procedure in a few weeks.
one of my questions I haven't seen answered is;
are you able to get up to use the restroom the day of surgery and a few days later?
really are you able to get up at all? I just feel like with a big incision like such, moving up and down can not be comfortable at all.
I feel like really all you can do is just lay in bed.
I'm upset about the scarring, I recently lost 30 pounds and started to show off my midriff more
I just feel so young to have such a major operation but it will be worth it once the pain is gone.