Has anybody had this ? Strange dizziness and weird feeling

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I managed to pull myself together and go out ‘for an  hour’  and for ‘one drink ‘ home by 9pm as I’m screwed if I don’t go to bed early .

I got a dizziness when I arrived home that was so weird thought I was going to faint ... not like vertigo at all  . I then proceeded to feel ‘weird’ even when in bed and had to take 1/2 Xanax as was panicky . Almost like my mind had been taken over . 

Wondered if anybody else had this ? Was I dehydrated or is this just another meno symptom ? 

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    Lori - depending on how long this lasted for you...it sounds like a HOT FLASH (with or without feeling hot or sweating).

    If you go on that 34 menopause symptom site- they describe these very common physical and emotional symptoms that go along with a hot flash. Dizziness, anxiety, weird feelings, nausea, weak legs - etc - ALL VERY common with a Hot Flash. Duration on average is 1 to 30 minutes of feeling this way. ("they" also describe anxiety attacks like this, too; but I know for me it's a hot flash).  

    YOU CAN SWEAT or not SWEAT with a hot flash! That's what makes them hard to figure out.

    I am learning as I go along that my hot flashes don't always include feeling hot or sweating. This phenomena of sweat or no sweat with a flash is also listed on NUMEROUS menopause websites. It's fascinating what the body does with each flash. I've had weird feelings and physical symptom events 7 times this week. Two of them lasted just 3 minutes or so and then 4 of them lasted a lot longer - like 20 minutes. They all have different "features" each time. 

    • Posted

      YES! The dizziness has been my worst symptom by far. See stars a lot. The vomiting is so disturbing when it happens out of the blue. Today my mouth was watering, as if I were going to vomit, but didn't. Terrible anxiety!

    • Posted

      Yes lasted a while that’s why I had to take a pill. And no I never knew that it could be a hot flash as I don’t really get those anymore .... I was sweating all night in bed so yes.... maybe it was.
    • Posted

      Hi Lori - when I was in peri, I had a lot more of the typical ‘hot flashes’ with sweating - but now in full blown menopause I seem to get what you described - ugh!
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      Gosh it’s horrible I have a phobia anyway of passing out somewhere and being completely alone..... just don’t need this right now ! 
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      Does it happen just at night ? Or has it happened in the daytime ? 

      I’ve had the weird boat feeling and can handle that ... but have had the seeking stars a few times nausea faint and it’s most at night 

    • Posted

      I had one of the dizzy/nausea flashes this past week for the first time. Such a weird feeling - I can't imagine how scary it must feel to vomit with these; but I have read some women do...so sorry you've experienced that!

      I'm noticing I have flashes mainly during the week before and during my period (IF I get a period - as of now I've been due for days and no period). These along with night sweats are a lot more often during this week. 

      Although I have a friend who is post-meno - 5 years! She gets hot flashes and night sweats every single day! oh my!

    • Posted

      Debra - this is really interesting. It would be so much easier if we had a little handbook and we were all the same with this journey! Example: open your handbook up to age 51, 4 months and 3 days - "this week you will experience tingling, nausea, ear clogging, lower back pain and itchy skin for approximately 2 days."  It's a journey. 

    • Posted

      Lori - I'm starting to figure out that when I feel "weird" it's most likely a hot flash/flush. I had more of these experiences this week along with sweating all night off and on in bed for three nights. This was the first time I had a panic/sad/worried feeling in the middle of the night - ugh! 

      Mine tend to ramp up in occurrence the week before my period and the week I'm having a period (even if I don't have a period). I don't have one this cycle! - I'm reading that your body can continue these symptoms each month; cyclically, for months and years even though we are no longer menstruating. It's as if our bodies are rebelling against the loss of what they once did.   

      Someone on the forum recommended keeping a chart of symptoms. I was doing so well and haven't kept up this week. I really need to as my symptoms seem to come the same time week 1, week 2 etc. I wouldn't have had a need to do this...but I hit a hormone crash with all NEW and disturbing peri symptoms. 

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      No kidding!  My sons calculator came with a 50 page instruction booklet...and we have to speculate and guess about our health! 🙄

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      Yes you are so right .it was my time of the month ( albeit very light) so that was probably the reason . Only started getting periods back when went on the BHRT ... so will have to monitor next time it comes . 

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      If only there was a rhyme or reason to this .. We could at least be better prepared ! 
  • Posted

    Lori I swear you sound just like me!! I could have written all your post!!! The dizziness and motion sickness have been really bad for me lately ... hope you are feeling better!!  And yes, I took take a half a Xanax, especially when it feels like my brain is going in circles!!!  Very scary!!!    Hope it went away for you!!! 🙏🙏

    • Posted

      Yes ! It happened then I got that crazy mental feeeling like I wasn’t in my own body or mind .... almost like I had taken a bad class A drug . 
    • Posted

      like depersonalization? you dont feel your normal self, just doing the motions of being  you?

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