Has anyone else got or had medication induced akathisia?

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Just wondering if there's anyone else out there who either has or has had akathisia as a result of taking ssris or anti pcyhotics? It seems like an uncommon thing.

I am very sensitive to meds and have severe akathisia from SSRIs. I got it on citalopram, came off that and was put on sertraline and quetiapine. It's all continued. I'm now just off quetiapine and almost if the sertraline.

I have to keep pushing through it every day. If there's anyone else who's experienced this, it would be great to hear from you.

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    I'm sensitive to drugs as well. I was put on 1/4 tablet of citalopram for two weeks all it did was make me sleep for 15 hours a day. Doctor said I didn't need it as my body was producing sufficient serotonin. He prescribed instead  Melatonin 3mg which I take at 9 pm each night  to regulate my circadian sleeping pattern so I go into REM sleep.

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    Hello, my name is Gordon. The doctors and medical community will lead you to believe that akasathia is rare, but as a paranoid schizophrenic I can personaly say this is untrue. I've tried all anti psychotic medications and they all gave me akasathia. It's a well known side effect.. It's actually the main reason mental health patients refuse to take medicines. The longest I had the condition was 1 year. Every waking moment was he'll.. Paced around my kitchen in circles all day. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sit. And on top of it all was the aggression. I couldn't explain what was wrong i told my doctor and he denied it was the medicines. It wasn't until I was hospitalized with psychosis that I was diagnosed. The hospital pyschiatrist seen me pacing back and forward and diagnosed me with akasathia. I stopped all medicines and the condition disappeared.

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      Hello Gordon, thank you for your advices. I have had Akathisia for 9 months and lessened a lot when I stopped all medication. But I couldnt handle the benzo withdrawal either the akathisia and after a month I needed to take klonopin again (0.25 mg). It has been a week since then, and I feel that I dont pace as before and can sit longer. But my anxiety is to the roof and still have some light tremors and tensión headaches. Do you think these symptons are related to the akathisia? I m going to the doc on Monday and ask for Propanolol to aliviate the symptons. Do you think the anxiety and fear is going to improve as the akathisia goes away?

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      Hello, in my experience and honest opinion. The fear will only go away when the anxiety is treated properly. I realize benzo withdrawal is serious in it's own. I would ask the doctor for a higher dose of benzo. stabilize first then cut back. Akathsia can be cause by benzo withdrawal. So please be careful

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    any updates from those who have posted here?
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    I have both dyskinesia and akathesia. Like you I am very sensitive to medications and am now on very little. This week has been tough as I feel like I am crawling in my skin. I have had little success in finding ways to cope with the effects of the symptoms. I keep myself busy as much as possible but symptoms take over when I stop. Dyskinesia involves the upper extremities whereas akathesia involves the entire body. My condition is worsening despite being off the meds that triggered the akathesia. I have told myself to eliminate the word " can't" as I find it more difficult when I say I can't go through anymore. Despite the symptoms do your best to remain positive or use positive words even though you don't feel it. This is no small task.

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      I agree. I had medication induced akasthia for 1 year. Unrelenting pacing around in my kitchen. I would avoid all medicines that cause this condition. It will improve slowly day by day until it's gone completely. Please be positive I lost everything because of it. I still have schizophrenia and it will always be part of who I am. But anti pyschotics are the main culprit. This condition is not rare as doctors would have you believe.

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      Hey Gordon,

      How long after stopping the medication did it take for the akathisia to go away?

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      6 weeks, maybe longer. I've had the condition a few times. Every time I take anti psychotic medication this condition rears it's ugly head. I'm glad it disappeared when I stop the meds, others have not be so lucky. Unfortunately I live with schizophrenia everyday, but I'd rather suffer this and be able to sit at peace. Akathsia is honestly the worse condition I have ever experienced the longest I had the conditions was 1 year, after a few months of taking amisulpride anti pyschotic, I was still having pyschotic episodes so my doctor increased my dosage. That's when the symptoms appeared. After a year of total he'll pacing around my kitchen and my house I stopped my medication. I have since tries all anti pyschotics on the market and all have akathsia as a side effect

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    I don't know if my message got through.  So I'll try again.  I had akathesia in 1988 as a result of Haldol prescribed by my psychiatrist.  He apparently thought I was lapsing into schizophrenia, but I'd only seen him on two occasions and it's not clear why he jumped to that conclusion so quickly.  The Haldol was prescribed in November of 1987, and prior to that I'd never taken psych meds before.  When I visited the psychiatrist I had been feeling stressed out at work and was very unhappy.  I was melancholy.  I have a dark personality, and have always been prone to melancholy and nostalgia.  I'm crazy about Ingmar Bergman films, and at an early age I liked the sad poetry of Edwin Arlington Robinson, an American poet of the early 20th Century.  So I was unhappy, but unhappiness is my specialty.  But after taking the Haldol the psychological pain I experienced was unbearable and I had to go to the hospital.  I paced the halls of the hospital and wore out the carpet, so to speak.  My acute, PTSD-like anxiety continued to be very high for the first week.  The psychiatrist must have realized his mistake in prescribing Haldol when I was not psychotic.  So Haldol, which is designed to treat psychosis, actually made my condition far worse than it was when I showed up in the office of the psychiatrist.  The psychiatrist switched from Haldol to Mellaril, a drug of the same class which doesn't have the side-effect of akathisia.  Then to reduce the anxiety he'd caused by prescribing Haldol, he gave me Xanax, a dangerous, addictive drug not recommended for long-term use.  But Xanax only served to deaden the psychological pain.  I was never the same after that time.  Almost 30 years after taking the Haldol I still have periodic episodes of PTSD-like anxiety, usually when there are stressful events in my life.  Like I said earlier the psychiatrist only saw me twice before prescribing Haldol.  He didn't know a damn thing about my condition.  I was born with a developmental disorder like attention deficit.  I had a terrible childhood with harsh and critical parents, bullies and social rejection.  I had a high IQ and showed strengths in things like history, philosophy, foreign languages, art and music, but my parents never stopped trying to turn me into someone I wasn't.  Society condemns brilliant historians and linguists because they're not mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, engineers, lawyers and all that other rot.  The elementary school psychologist said I had problems in a 1967 report that my parents received.  My parents could have told the psychiatrist about this but they didn't.  I don't think I ever got over the Haldol, and my attention deficit and high IQ weren't know until it was too late to do any good.  It's not always a good thing to be intelligent or have a high IQ.  In fact in American society, which has a long history of anti-intellectualism, it is frowned upon to "think too much."  I'm 54 years old and it seems like I never had a chance to get ahead in life, and I'm very bitter about that.  I've had dull badly-paying jobs in various types of industrial hell, when I would have wanted to work in an academic setting.  I still have to live in a society where ignorance is a point of honor, and "book learning" is for fools.       

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      WOW, i thought i was the only person in the world that has this for life. its been 35 years for me. i took Prolixin and was given the gift of akathisia. i have been trying to describe it to psychiatrists for literal decades. they look at me like im an alien and tell me they have never heard of my symptoms. ive been called "atypical" bi-polar, manic depressed, etc. when i first started knowing my episodes would continue and why i thought i had them, i told doctors. they said it would be impossible to have these side effects for over a year. so i stopped barking up that tree after hearing it was impossible from a few psychs.

      a few years ago i was in the ER one time for major digestive probs, i was having an akathisia episode too(thats another thing you say about stress can trigger it. me too. most times its just very random though). anyhow, the er guy gave me ativan and my terror attack went away instantly. i have never had anything take it away ever. i dont abuse the stuff. i only take it when i am at the end of the rope. when i take it literally 5 seconds go by and i feel calm coming. no other benzo has any effect on me. and if i dont need ativan for an episode ot the episode isnt severe, all it does is make me dizzy.

      my last psych would not give me ativan because some people get addicted and other probs. i looked it up and saw people with this, new to me, akathisia. everything they said to describe it was exactly the type of thing i tell my psychs. how did i get this far and just get confirmation, that my first instinct of my problem being from Prolixin, was most likely correct. i never felt this terror/hell before i took it. i have been an extreme insomniac since too(some times 1 hour a week combined). i dont know what to say, thank you for letting me know im not the only lifer. i will not let any psych tell me its impossible to have it this long ever again.

      thank you and everyone else who understands and helps


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      You've had it for 35 years? Is it constant? Or is it just episodes like you say?

      And yeah, doctors have no clue about akathisia. Even if they know what it is they'll say things like "it's impossible to have it long term" etc etc when they have no way of knowing.

      I've had it for a little under three years. When it first happened, psych said it would go away in a few weeks. Which at first made me hopeful but then she just kept pushing back the date as it never went away...revealing how little is really known about the condition...and now I have no reason to believe that it will go away soon. But I also am not completely hopeless as I've known others to have it for years and it eventually fade.

      But you are not alone. I've seen people around with it for ten years. Which I makes us all scared to see, but is at least validating for the "lifers" out there, as you say.

      I hope you are able to get some relief and don't live in 24/7 discomfort. I currently take cyproheptadine for it with some succcess.

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      i have episode but they can last 6 months. sometimes ill get 20 small ones in a day that come in waves. sometimes i wont see it for 6 months. when i was a kid they came only 2 or 3 times a year for a couple weeks at a time. the older i got the more frequent they come. i thought it would be the other way around. i rarely am "pushed" to pace and shake, but it does happen in extreme episodes. i mostly get the indescribable terror and mental anguish nightmare emotions and they come at any moment. ive been in situations where i had no worry in the world and my life seemed perfect, then Bam, i get hit for 4 months. ive been a total jock hiking mountains every day for months in tip top shape and Bam i get hit. one of the most annoying things about this BS is people always think its your fault and you need to just get sleep or exercise or think "positivity"(whatever that means. subjective). or they straight up dont believe me and ill lose literal best friends. im down to only a few friends these days. maybe if a doc will diagnose me, i will start to be listened to. so sad when people are so shallow and self centered. if everyone could live by the motto, "live and let live", our world would be so much nicer of a place to be.

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    I can categorically state that, yes, I have. In my first case, tricyclic antidepressants (in particular Endep - amitriptyline) was (yet to be determined to be) the cause. Read on for elaboration. The only treatment that worked to a degree for me was Valium. I suspected that amitriptyline was a strong factor (my doctor dismissed this!), I tapered off it on my own. It took 3 months to go from 100mg to zero by cutting off a piece of each tablet until down to a mere sliver. My RLS and restlessness finally subsided.

    Now, being that the cause was not (yet) medically determined and that this was the very first time I was diagnosed with this horrible malady, it was to happen one more time. In the 2nd instance, I became severely clinically depressed after witnessing the twin towers collapse from only a few blocks away. I was then prescribed Effexor. Guess what? Within 2 weeks, my RLS and even worse restlessness returned with a vengeance. It was only then that I needed to remind my GP of the 1st instance and how I dealt with it. He looked at my history and again prescribed Valium 5mg twice per day plus a quick taper off of Effexor. This 'relapse' took nearly a year to subside, with the added problem of tapering off Valium! 

    I've been free of all antidepressants and benzodiazepines for 18 months now. I don't get restless legs or awful anxiety (internal restlessness) any more. I will never, ever take antidepressants again. I consider myself fortunate to not have developed a permanent form of akathisia. There are many others out there not so fortunate.

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    Thank you to everyone posting here. You've helped me solve a mystery. Because I wasn't aware that there really was something called akathesia and that it might occur during tapering off psychiatric meds, I didn't connect what was going on when it started and usually occurred at night. I knew of Restless Leg Syndrome, and wondered if something like that could occur throughout your body. I have creepy crawly feelings inside my body and am feeling compelled to move around. I can’t fall asleep, because I keep needing to move. I’m going nuts! 

    For a few years I had been taking Risperdol, Effexor, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Lamictal, Valium, and sleep meds to treat bipolar depression. My current psychiatrist is helping me taper off several meds. I did not experience akathesia while tapering or eliminating Risperdol, Wellbutrin, Lamictal, Lexapro, or Effexor during the first few rounds, probably because I had so much other med in my system. The doc said with the latest big dosage cut of Effexor that I might have "anxiety". I don’t know what “anxiety” means to her, but this is not what I would describe as anxiety as I know it. I have been on the lowered dose of Effexor for 3 weeks and started to experience akathesia after 2 weeks. I hope this will not continue for long.

    When I started  feeling weird and restless, I began researching to see what might be causing it. I thought it might be connected to spinal problems. Frankly it actually could be related to that too, but then I remembered the doc’s comment about  anxiety in reference to tapering my med. I also remembered  experiencing this in the past when I had tried Abilify, so I thought it might be related to the meds. With Abilify, I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I marched in place and ran laps around my kitchen island and couldn't sit still. I stopped taking it after about a week and the symptoms went away.

    I did not experience akathisia with antipsychotics other than Abilify or when tapering off them but did develop dyskinesias while using almost all of them. Those experiences were awful.

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      Get off the pharmaceuticals. God has created natural herbs to solve all our problems. There's a sleep aid called Seratonin FX which is l-tryptophan and Valeria root. My husband had insomnia while taking meds and this was safe and worked. He still takes it. Sleeps 9 hrs every nite. It's a godsend. Read The Peoples Chemist.

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