Health anxiety!

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Hi, newbie here looking for... well to be honest I don't know whether it's answers, reassurance, or just a friendly opinion I'm looking for, but all are welcome. I'm a man in my 30s and for the past few years have been suffering from anxiety. Before the anxiety I was confident, enjoying work, had more friends than I had time to spend with, and was earning good money. Everything revolved around my social life. It was the reason I worked, and all I thought about during the day - what I could get up to at the weekend. Stress and anxiety was something that other people suffered from, but not me. I wasn't interested in settling down, not unusual for a guy in his 20s. Then completely out of the blue, I met a girl. A wonderful, gorgeous, kind, and funny girl, and immediately this changed me. She was the one. In case anyone assumes this is a story about how this girl broke my heart, this is not the case. We are still together, very much in love, engaged, and have a beautiful 2 year old son.

Immediately after getting together with Lisa, I was paranoid about losing her. I knew there were other guys interested in her before we got together but she assured me countless times she was happy with me and wasn't interested in anyone else. I still couldn't shake the thought that someone would take her away from me. After 6 months of us being together I noticed that I'd developed a strange irregular heartbeat. My entire department was about to be made redundant, which was on my mind as well, so it could be that these combined stresses caused this heart beat problem. Every now and then my heart would skip a beat and then catch up with a heavy beat, and I'd feel a flutter in my chest and have the urge to cough. I thought this was the beginnings of heart failure or an impending heart attack, however after a bit of research, a couple of visits with my GP, a chest X-ray and a 24 hr ECG, it was deemed to be premature ventricular contractions (PVC's) which are apparently harmless and very common, but I believe that by the time this was diagnosed the damage was already done and I was convinced my death from heart failure was just around the corner.

Six months later and I'm in a new job, mostly dealing with upset clients on the phone and sometimes face-to-face, and handling their complaints. I have always had a habit of taking things to personally and this type of job certainly had that effect on me. I was now also suffering from bouts of chest tightness and occasional dizzy spells as well as the PVC's and my fears about my health increased as a result. At the same time I had a house move hanging over my head as myself and Lisa were moving into our first home, which gave me added stress. I was going home every day fed up of dealing with angry and upset people and this brought me down. Rather than enjoy my spare time I would spend my nights dreading the return to work the next day, and this was causing frequent panic attacks. I had realised that all these symptoms I was experiencing were down to either stress or anxiety rather than heart failure, which was both good news and bad news; good news that I wasn't suffering from heart disease, but I was ashamed that it seemed I wasn't mentally strong enough to deal with the kind of stresses that millions of other people take into their stride on a daily basis. It made me feel weak.

Moving forward another year, I'd now grown fed up to the back teeth of being a complaints person and had found myself another new job. Not only was I looking to get out of that job but I also needed something with much more flexibility in its hours as we now had a 6 month old son. I was looking forward to a fresh start and had assumed that as soon as I was out of this job, all the stress and anxiety would just float away. Unfortunately this proved not to be the case. 1st day on the new job and they told me that, since my interview, they had removed the flexible hours option from all employees, and I was now expected to do shift work, meaning the child care plans we had made were useless. The job was over an hour commute each way and I found myself in constant trouble for being a few minutes late due to late trains. During the next 4 months I went through the worst time of my life with anxiety. There were times I would just freak out for no reason. I'd be struggling to breathe, my heart would be thumping, my entire body was tense, and I could feel my blood boiling inside of me, for no apparent reason. There were times I was thinking of jumping out of my top floor window rather than spend another minute suffering with whatever the hell was going on in my head. I knew there was no reason for it, but I could not stop. Thoughts of doing every day things, like being in a crowd, or in a supermarket, or on a plane or a roller coaster, a bus, in a queue etc. filled me with dread and I felt I couldn't handle such routine situations. My GP put me on propanolol and, to be fair, it did help. Whether it was actually the medication or the placebo effect of just taking it that helped I'll never know, but sure enough it started to get better. On my next visit to the GP it was decided that I would now take the propanolol every 2 days. I had left the new job after only 4 months and had taken a part time job which allowed our son to spend more time at home with me. I was improving and after another month I had completely removed myself from the propanolol. 9 months ago, my GP told me I could take one as and when I needed to. I haven't taken one since. I haven't had an anxiety attack for ages and I feel I can handle things much better. I haven't got my confidence back fully yet and every now and then I do feel a little overwhelmed, but my attitude has changed.

So, why am I here? Well over the past 6 months, I have started suffering with terrible health anxiety, or as it used to be called, hypochondria. Despite me managing to get on top of my anxiety, my mind doesn't seem to want to let go of it and I find myself racing away with thoughts about my health. Now, every headache I have is a brain tumour. I get an occasional tingling in my face sometimes which I know can be attributed to anxiety or a trapped nerve, but to me that's the start of a stroke. I have a cough for a couple of days and I'm convinced I have lung cancer. My arms get tired easily and all of a sudden I'm diagnosing myself with MS. If I have a stomach bug which causes unpleasant bathroom episodes, and all of a sudden I've got bowel cancer. I'm now convinced again that my PVC's (which I still have but are less frequent) are heart disease and I'm on the cusp of a heart attack. Over the past 6 months I've diagnosed myself with more diseases than I've got teeth (and I've got all my teeth!). If you looked at my web history you'd be forgiven for thinking I'm studying pathology!

Could it be that my mind is so used to anxiety that it's now creating more? Did this health anxiety stem from the general anxiety I was suffering from? Can it be overcome? I'm fed up with convincing myself I'm going to drop dead tomorrow and worrying about leaving a son without a father, and worrying about how my family will pay the bills and keep a roof over their head when I'm gone. I want to embrace these years and live them fully, without fear of cancer, or strokes, or locked-in-syndrome, or heart attacks, or MS, or any of the other multitude of ailments I've been convinced I've got. My doctor is fed up of seeing me, I'm fed up of seeing him, and my colleagues have stopped listening to me when I tell them of my latest disease! Can CBT help? I don't want to go onto any meds, as these forums seem to be full of horror stories of medication and withdrawals from them! My worst fear is that this will bring back the anxiety I was suffering a year ago. I can't go through that again. It's a long way down from my top floor window and I'd rather just use it to admire the view! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Posted

    I am a 34 year old woman. I am healthy supposedly according to my doctor, blood work, etc...HOWEVER, I am always convinced with every ache or pain that its cancer, brain tumor, aneurysm etc.....I am so scared all the time. I have anxiety everyday. My stomach has been bloaty and indigestion constipation from time to time. I think right away I have a deadly illness and I wont be around to see my precious kids grow up. One thing that does help me is to PRAY!!!

    Some of you may not pray but it does help. So I have to get an ultrasound for a pelvic pain (mild as can be) thats on and off but more on when I dwell on it. I am terrified to get it thinking its going to be bad. I went to ER with a panic attack. I am focusing on this ultrasound and the outcome. I wish this fear would go away. I pray to GOD that there is nothing seriously wrong with me. I pray for all of you too. It is so scary to live like this. I dont want to leave my kids without a mom. Every twitch, ache, pain, spasm, etc... makes my heart race. I am always feeling my body for lumps, or changes. I googled a few symptoms (BIG MISTAKE!!!!) Dont do that!!! I had symptoms of cancer of course. Everything leads back to cancer. every normal bodily function can be a symptom of cancer so DONT google anything. It makes it way worse.

    So I was told to do CBT which is suppose to be the most effective. I was given Lorazepam from the ER doc and I took 4 so far. Keeping my last one for the day of the Ultrasound which I am dreading. I then got to wait for my doctor to call with results which is going to drive me crazy.

    I also fear doctors but I do FORCE myself to do my annual physicals. Other than that I avoid all medical people as much as I can. I have a fear that I will hear bad news. I think its called WHITE COAT SYNDROME... I get shakiness, sick stomach, nervous stomach, panicky feelings whenever I have to go to the doctor. I ALWAYS have catastrophic thoughts and I always think the WORST!!

    I just want this EVIL mental illness to go away so that I can enjoy my life with my family and be happy when I wake up each day not afraid everyday of the "what ifs". Its such a painful, depressing way to live and I wish all the best for everyone who suffers from this. God Bless!!!

    • Posted

      Hey there

      I have also been worried about every little thing

      Thinking i have this and that

      This then leads to a very anxious feeling and dreed

      My back shoulder tenses then the front tenses and I think omg heart attack

      Then like you i get on the web and omg heart attack (agreed Google can be the worse thing)

      Now I feel more tense

      Like someone pointed out if it were heart we would def know

      Our minds are such a powerful thing and can play havoc with our bodies

      I really try breathing deep breaths and say I will be ok it will pass and it does

      I myself am 52 female and wonder if this onset may be harmonal

      Still get my cycle reg but I read that anxiety /panic can be a sign of perimenopause

      This site is fantastic

    • Posted

      Hello Amanda.  I'm so glad I found this site.  Hope you are still here though.  I am and have been going through the same fear and phobic anxiety as you have.  What I have done in the name of "fear" they would lock me up.  I have a terrible fear of cancer as you do.  If I have an ache, it must be cancer....if I have diahrea(sp) it must be cancer.  If ruins my life. 

    • Posted

      Hello Sandy,

      I am always fearing the worse.  At the moment I am worried about my heart and wouldn't you know it that every time I get an ache in my chest it on on the left.

      I also have a fear of taking medication, how about you?

  • Posted

    Also, when the doctor tells me she thinks everything is fine and everything feels seems normal to her, I dont believe her. I think shes lying to me to prevent me from having another attack. I mean I should trust what the doctor says but I dontsad Why do my brain do this???
    • Posted

      Hi Mandi! I so understand what yo are going throug. I am there myself along with the man othe peopl on this m ssage board. It is a God send just to find my way here and know that I am not alne. I did not see a post from you after your ultra sound. Did that go ok? Are you doing better now? I am praying that the meds I have started will help me and these thoughs will stop. My mother had it and it stole her life. She started worrying at age 40. She is now 84. She still has it and never leaves her room or has a happy day. She is my guiding light to know that I have to find help or be doomed to a life that holds no hope. My family deserves better and reading anout others who suffer and are working to find help makes me feel that I am not alone. I would love to hear from you and know if you are doing better now.


  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I registered only this morning and I'm so glad I did. I am currently anxious about dying from oesophageal cancer, last month it was ovarian cancer, the month before that it was motor neurones (Google has a lot to answer for!). The list goes on but there is no need for me to elaborate further because you all have had similar experiences and know exactly what I'm talking about! That, in itself, is a relief. I occasionally mention my fears to my husband but it makes him worry and I feel guilty so I won't do that again. Hopefully I won't need to because I think I've found the place where I can vent my fears. I am determined to get through this without medication but I think being able to share and empathise with other sufferers is a good way to avoid having to take pills.

    My mum died 20 years ago, my dad died 2 years ago and now I'm raising my young kids without their love and support and it's scary. My husband's family live in NZ so aren't around either to provide support. We had our kids late in life so we're older parents which provides more anxiety, plus money worries, plus an old house to refurbish, oh, and plus the menopause is looming, hot flushes etc. I don't know how many of my aches and pains can be put down to the menopause but there are apparently 35 symptoms of menopause. Which ones should I go to the doctor about?

    I try and be rational and only go to the docs when necessary. I'm currently waiting for a date for an endoscopy because I've been having difficulty swallowing for a couple of months but that could also be a symptom of anxiety. The more you think about a symptom, the more you think you have it! What prompted me to register on here this morning was that I walked to the shops planning my own funeral in my head. I am convinced that my cancer is advanced (thanks to Google) and that I will die quickly. I found myself feeling grateful that my family wouldn't have to watch me suffer for long and was glad it would be all over quickly for them. I made peace with it and felt happier once I got home, but then I felt the tightness in my neck and shoulders which has been a permanent presence for years. It was at that point that I thought it wise to join a forum in an attempt to address my anxiety.

    If it turns out I do have cancer, I'll be visiting this forum regularly I'm sure.

    I hope you are all managing your anxieties well. I think some of us will always have anxieties and I think the first step to dealing with it is accepting it. I've accepted that I'm one of those people and already feel a little lighter. I just wish I could get rid of the neck and shoulder tension. That always serves as a reminder that I'm anxious. Good luck everyone!

  • Posted

    Hi lara66 I have had very stiff sore shoulders in the last 2 weeks everyday right around the time I had a big panic attack. I've had really bad anxiety for 2 weeks straight as well. Before my panic attack, I had no shoulder pain at all. I've suffered with anxiety & panic for yrs but it's gotten really bad the last few weeks. Google searching ruins your life. Well especially if your searching symptoms of illnesses and especially for people like us who suffer from health anxiety.

    It is very scary to live like this. I was told that the best thing to do asap is cognitive behavioural therapy. I am going to try is right away. I live in canada and all medical is mainly free here. We have excellent free healthcare and great benefits so I have to take advantage. I wish you well. I wish you all well. This site is great to vent anytime we need tosmile

  • Posted

    Hi mandi32309. Thanks for your response. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with stiff neck and shoulders. It's a permanent fixture but, when I think about it, I'm always anxious about something. I'm scared NOT to be anxious in case there's something bad around the corner! Figure I'll be better prepared for it if I'm already anxious. It's a cycle, isn't it? You're lucky to have such good health care where you live. Take full advantage of it, I reckon smile

  • Posted

    Hi your welcome. I was told that anxiety can do so much to our bodies physically and when you convince yourself you have a physical symptom, your mind is strong enough to make that physical symptom feel like it's really there. I feel totally healthy strong and fine when I'm not worrying but as soon as I google illnesses and see the symptoms, I believe I have it all. Before reading it I had nothing. Isn't that something?

    You are definitely not alone in this. I too have fears of ovarian cancer because I was having some of the symptoms I googled. I'm getting an ultrasound to be sure but thanks God, some of those symptoms have gone away. Those symptoms I had were also symptoms of 100 other illnesses but I convinced myself I had cancer and nothing else. I get shaky and a sick stomach when I dwell on it. My anxiety makes me lose my appetite, makes me tired, groggy, very gassy, nauseous. When I am not having anxiety I feel great.

    Anxiety can make us believe so many things are wrong with us.

    I pray to God for us all to have a good outcome and that all of us who suffer from this will find the right help to getting back to a normal healthy happy life. God bless us all!

    P.S prayers do help!!!

  • Posted

    Firs post on a anxiety forum and I have to say reading this has helped control my anxiety symptoms many times. I've been dealing with GAD for the last 7 years. Needless to say, it frustrates me not being able to fully concentrate myself in order to finish my graduate studies. However, I've been able to turn things around a bit and hopefully it can also help many of you block all the negative thoughts we experience. CBT really helped me realize all the things we do which get us even for anxious and we don't even notice it (abnormal breathing , crunching teeth, etc...). Excersising and meditating daily have proven to be the best tools to combat anxiety. I still get twitching muscles, massive headaches, PVC's, left arm numbness almost daily but I've manage to become more effective at not thinking its some terrible disease(after tons of visits to all sorts of doctors). Their are also many natural alternatives to those who a have resisted to take medications(including me). Lavender, Valerian and chamomile are some of the things i use to calm myself down. However, if things get out of control I do have a Klonopin prescription which blocks any rare anxiety attacks almost instantly. I hope this information is useful and wish you all the best all the way from Puerto Rico.

  • Posted

    Hi everyone. It's really quite refreshing to read that I am not the only one struggling with health anxiety. I have had 'brain tumours, skin cancer, bower cancer' (spot the trend there??) and am currently awaiting an optician appointment this week because I am convinced I have a tumour in my eye.

    It's so frustrating because I KNOW how stupid I sound to other people and I sometimes even laugh about it with my friends but as soon as I'm at home or alone again, the Googling begins... I know where this fixation with cancer comes from- I have recently lost a young friend and a family member to it and have managed to convince myself that this will happen to me. Does anybody else feel as though the anxiety itself creates physical symptoms like headaches, muscular tension, lack of energy etc?

    I feel sorry for my poor boyfriend who has to deal with it! Currently checking my eyes for me daily as I am.comvinced that one pupil is larger than the other and therefore I have a tumour in my eye...

    Feel daft just writing it...

    • Posted

      Hi Madge, I too am in the same situation as you...I've got health anxiety and am currently going to CBT sessions...they are helping slightly but that doesn't stop me from worrying at night, my boyfriend too gets a little frustrated at my almost OCD behaviour. I am very much fixated on cancer and any slight symptom that I get I google it, and convince myself I have it. At the moment typing this I have a pain in my ribs, and I keep thinking about it and wondering what it is...could this just be a physical symptom like you say? Very recently i've been very bloated everytime i eat, as well as lack of energy and odd muscular pains...but once again the worrying sets in! You're not alone madge, dont feel silly, my therapist is telling me to stop googling symptoms but I just can't stop, so i've joined this forum hoping we can all share together smile it would be nice to hear from you all.
  • Posted

    Nigel, I went thru the same things you´ve told here. And I am healed from this hypochondriac behavior going through a very nice way to spiritualism, hinduism and budhism. When I understood some important things that makes life understandable, like for instance reincarnation and when I started meditating, all the fear went away.

    If want to know more about my case, feel free to contact me. Best wishes, Airton

  • Posted

    I am new to this forum and stumbled across it through a search engine. I was diagnosed with depression around three years ago. I am unable to sleep without the tablets and one of my symptons initially was the health anxiety many of you describe here. I have had my depression somewhat under control until very recently where my dose of tablets has increased although that hasn't helped a lot. My health anxiety has also come back full force. I've had a tickly throat on and off for around three weeks and i have convinced myself that it is either throat or lung cancer. The logical side of my brain tells me it is my anxiety putting thoughts in my mind but the fearful side has got me terrified. Even writing it down, it sounds ridiculous but i can't control the way i feel. I am 31 and during my wild uni days i smoked a lot of pot and took other recreational drugs which i am convinced has been a main instigator to my mental health issues later down the line but we all do stupid things when we're young. The fact that i smoked so much between the ages of 19 and 21 makes me think that this could have damaged my lungs beyond repair and i come up with so many reasons on why it could be cancer and don't try to come up with any other logical explanation. My Doctor has told me to take counselling/talk groups to help but i haven't attended any sessions because there wasn't anything that brought about my depression. There wasn't and isn't anything in my life that i am depressed about. I just feel low and suffer from frequent anxiety attacks. I ,like others have mentioned, am terrified of not seeing my son grow up. I want to take control of my life and my future but it seems a daunting task and i don't really know where to start which is why i have decided to write on this forum. I know my past may be different to others on here but from what i have read my present feelings are the same as a lot of you.
    • Posted

      Hi everyone, I'm 22 and like everyone else here I've been suffering from severe health anxiety since october 2011. It's had it's ups and downs over the last 2 and a half years some months I've even felt back to my old self being able to play football and other things, but now it seems worse than ever, I get PVCs pretty much everyday which even though I've had them for this long i still panic everytime.I saw a cardiologist 2 years ago had a 24 ecg and the other basic tests which all came back as normal.I also frequently get headaches which usually end up with i must have really high blood pressure and am about to have a heart attack or a stroke or i have a brain tumor. Also have panic attacks a few times a week, infact just had maybe my worst one ever, which is why I came onto here searching.My heart just felt so fast and hard i thought it was going to explode, which a PVC was the cause, i felt that, then my pulse felt a bit irregular them bam full panic attack in seconds. I was on Propranolol about a year and a half ago but it didn't do anything for me so i stopped.  I also sometimes think I have cancer and diabetes and a number of other diseases. Also suffering from depression as in recent years I've lost mostly all contact with my friends, no girlfriend, no job, due to my anxiety making me feel like i can't. so Most of the time i just stay in my room by myself. Which then also makes me eat lots of junk food which in turn contributes to my symptoms and fears but its just one of the coping mechanisms for it, I've tried stopping but after a few days i find myself at the shop again buying tonnes of junk. I started seeing a therapist a few weeks ago and was about to go for my third session when i get told it's cancelled as my therapist gone on long term sick leave, so now I've got to wait a few weeks to get assigned to someone else. I knew people had the same sort of problem as me but i didn't know how exactly the same it is for some people. It's just so frustrating that after 2 years of being told it's just anxiety i still always assume the worst whenever i feel and sort of symptom, i feel bad for my mum too i always go to her saying i think i have this and that, which makes me feel even worse knowing that I'm making her worry. I wish i could just snap my fingers and be back to the person i was at school, never worried about anything, hang out with friends,had fun, played football every day nearly. But it's just no that easy. It just feels like i have nothing and my life is going nowhere. I'm 22 never had a proper girlfriend,still a virgin, only had one job, no real useful qualifications, no friends anymore, I just don't know where to go from here.

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