Health Anxiety! Obsessed with cancer!
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About a year or so ago i found a pea size lump on my neck i was bored at work at decided to google what this could be! Lo and behold all websites sent me to the dreaded C word mainly Lymphoma, I was driving myself crazy poking at it constantly feeling if it had changed shape or grew in size until i finally decided to go to the Docs! My GP practically laughed at me and stated the node was just swollen and would go away over time and assured me he did not suspect cancer, The node has never gone down nor grew or changed shape/size and now i have practically become obsessed with the fact i have cancer and i am being fobbed off. Any ache or pain i suspect is another symptom i am constantly poking around my body and if i find any slight lump/bump i am at the GPs demanding scans etc part of me feels like i am going mental but another part of me thinks this is my gut feeling and i have got cancer! I have basically runined the last year of my life with the constant worry panic and stress but the thoughts just dont seem to be going away. My family are very supportive but i feel like they are losing there patience with me as each week i have a new "Symptom" i have discussed my anxiety with my doctor but i dont feel like they understand the extent of it. I just wish i could move on with my life! I am 30 yrs old 2 years ago happy and outgoing now a shell of my former self! Anyone in the same boat or anyone with advise i would love to hear your thoughts on this.
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linzi27029 stephanie03505
So glad to have found this thread I am exactly the same since I had a bowel infection I convinced myself it was bowel cancer I have ins which is of course bowel cancer I had bloating so that was ovarian cancer then a cough which was lung cancer a sore tongue mouth cancer you name it its ruining my life I have just started cbt and I'm on sertraline but nothing really helps it's the knowing it could be going on and I can't stop it. Nice not to be on my own
cfiddy79 linzi27029
Hi Linzi! Rest assured you are in good company. I am dealing with the same thing right this moment. I have myself convinced I have lymphoma. I had bloodwork a few months back and the results were great. My white blood cell and red blood cell counts were right where they should be. The doctor has checked the lymph nodes in my underarms twice now and they are fine. I just can't let it go. Last night I slept wrong on my neck and it hurts pretty badly. I was rubbing my neck and think I felt a bump. I checked the other side of my neck by my trapezius muscle and it doesn't feel as large. I have been panicked all day long. I even made my husband check. He told me they feel exactly the same, but I just think he wanted me to calm down. I think the best we can do is reach out to one another on these forums for reassurance. I hope you feel better soon!
josh12261 stephanie03505
I have been dipping for about 9 years. I also have bad sinus and allergies but have never taken meds for it. I have noticed two nodes or glands on either side of my thoat right up under my chin and like you started googling. I have been worried about having cancer for a year. Like you part of me feels I'm going crazy and the other half feels it's a gut feeling. Doctors laugh at me while not really examining the problem. I do clear my throat a lot but I guess I have silent reflux but the glands in my neck feel bigger then normal but in eight months haven't gotten any bigger but haven't gone away. I feel just like you.
nicola3536 stephanie03505
So glad I found this thread ! I be been suffering terribly with health anxiety and literally no one listens to me or takes me seriously they just tell me to pull myself together and it's not cancer for god sake ! Which as you know doesn't help at all ! I can't explain why I feel
This way and I certainly would y choose to be like this ! It's been so bad I've been having panic attacks while trying to look after three kids and get through college , I'm so terrified of having cancer it makes me feel ill ! My sinuses have been playing up really bad so my ears have been bunged up and I found a tiny movable lump by my ear (swollen nodes from infection ) but I can't seem to grasp it's anything other than cancer and that I'm riddled with it and about to die , I even told my mother that I'm dieing I just know I am ?! So far I've convinced myself I've had about 6-7 different cancers maybe more !!! I just want to not feel like this anymore I just want to not be scared al the time I just want to get on with my life 😭
tiffany82780 nicola3536
I completely understand what you are going through. I have had a swollen node on the back of my neck since April 10th (that's when I noticed it anyway) and I have made myself sick with worry ever since. I'm driving my husband insane, telling him I'm dying soon. I go from one thing to another and it literally is ruining my life. I see the doctor tomorrow and I'm terrified. I don't know what else to do.
kristin1988 tiffany82780
gram66555 stephanie03505
I've had around 4 nodes up in 5 mounths I'm terrified I've also had fever and aching in my face, I've seen 7 doctors none seem concerned but I just keep getting little different symptoms I'm 28 years old and I almost consider myself on the recovery from social anxiety but the kicker for me is I also have bipolar type 2 and it's driving my mood so low I can't do anything the now and I was doing so much to combat the bp2 and social anxiety but health anxiety is ruining me.It doesn't help Im having genuine symptoms too it's really hard to shift my focus when my face is sore, I don't want to ramble on so I'll just leave it at I'm that I hope you're in good health right now all of you.
tiffany82780 gram66555
Since you have a fever, at least that explains why the nodes could be enlarged. That makes perfect sense, so I would try to calm down and relax on that part. I know it's way,easier said than done though. I can't seem to calm myself, so I sound like an idiot trying to tell someone else to calm down. I hope you feel better soon.
gram66555 tiffany82780
Appreciate the message back thank you Tiffany, it's most likely to be the case even if my mind tells me otherwise at times.Keep helping I too try help others when I can't practise what I preach from time to time
cfiddy79 gram66555
I think this entire message board is helpful and comforting. I had regular blood work done in February and it was totally normal. But since then I think I have pain in various lymph nodes are my neck and underarms. The doctor has checked them twice and says they aren't even swollen. She thinks I am on sensory overload and the anxiety is making me exhibit the pains. I need to trust my doc and therapist that I am ok. Now I have started losing weight because my doctor had me start taking wellbutrin. One of the side effects is weight loss, but I am convinced there is something more sinister happening. Nevermind that I want to lose weight and I am never hungry from the medicine. My therapist told me yesterday that if something is wrong with me, like me losing weight. I have about 8 explanations that this is nothing harmful and is because of the medication, but my anxiety just jumps to the worst thing that could be happening and I am stuck there. He said I need to find a way to accept the present and find a way to jump off the wall where I think everything is cancer. I even saw my regular doctor last week and she wasn't concerned with the weight loss. I guess the reason I am rambling is that we all have reassurances from medical professionals that our symptoms are nothing major. And, for me, knowing others suffer in the same manner as I do helps me feel better about my thoughts. Try to focus on positive things and try not to think non-stop about your fears. I hope you find some relief.
gram66555 cfiddy79
Thank you I also lost weight from going to gym a lot and convinced myself it was something sinister, today I've been more relaxed because Some of my aches were not as bad, I really think I need to be ok with the fact I may get ill one day or it will haunt be till the day i do.I can't be on medication theirs to many cons anyway enough prattling on about me I hope you're doing ok !
tiffany82780 cfiddy79
I agree that the forums help ease fears knowing we aren't alone. I had blood work done Monday and don't have answers yet so of course I am thinking it's the worst. My doctor said she doesn't think this is anything serious as I don't have any other symptoms other than the swollen lymph node. If it's not down in 2 weeks I have to have an ultrasound. I just wish i could relax based on her saying she suspect anything serious. I don't know how to just accept it and stop with the nonsense.
michelle92962 tiffany82780
I also am going through a possible health anxiety. In March 2017, I found a lump in my lower right breast really mobile and felt like a pebble . Went and got an ultrasound and they said they suspect it's a fibroidadonema. That wasn't good enough for me though I start picking and feeling and go and find another lump under my arm. My doctor orders another ultrasound and it comes back a cyst and noted small lymph nodes under my arm which I cannot feel. So I convinced myself I had breast cancer and shortly after that inflammatory breast cancer because my chest felt different on both sides and I was experiencing break outs on my chest and red skin ( probably from me touching it constantly). Now I have two lymph nodes on the back of my neck one on each side really small. I run back to the doctor only thing I have is a runny nose from allergies. She says they feel small soft and mobile. My blood work comes back normal. But that's still not good enough for me because I can't figure out why these lymph nodes would appear out of nowhere. Now I'm convincing myself there's a possibility of lyphoma. Before I googled up breast cancer I didn't even know what lymph nodes were. You would think by now I would be grateful that nothing is wrong with me and just be happy. Maybe if I stopped googling I would feel better.
michelle92962 stephanie03505
I also am going through a possible health anxiety. In March 2017, I found a lump in my lower right breast really mobile and felt like a pebble . Went and got an ultrasound and they said they suspect it's a fibroidadonema. That wasn't good enough for me though I start picking and feeling and go and find another lump under my arm. My doctor orders another ultrasound and it comes back a cyst and noted small lymph nodes under my arm which I cannot feel. So I convinced myself I had breast cancer and shortly after that inflammatory breast cancer because my chest felt different on both sides and I was experiencing break outs on my chest and red skin ( probably from me touching it constantly). Now I have two lymph nodes on the back of my neck one on each side really small. I run back to the doctor only thing I have is a runny nose from allergies. She says they feel small soft and mobile. My blood work comes back normal. But that's still not good enough for me because I can't figure out why these lymph nodes would appear out of nowhere. Now I'm convincing myself there's a possibility of lyphoma. Before I googled up breast cancer I didn't even know what lymph nodes were. You would think by now I would be grateful that nothing is wrong with me and just be happy. Maybe if I stopped googling I would feel better.
tiffany82780 michelle92962
Yes Michelle, googling things male it so much worse. So very much worse as it brings up the worst of the worst. I definitely would recommend to stop doing that. I have stopped and I seem somewhat calmer as it's been a week now since I did it. I still don't have the results of the blood tests so that scares me. If you feel so strongly and have those symptoms, maybe get a second opinion to ease your mind. I hope you feel better soon.
cfiddy79 michelle92962
Michelle, we are dealing with EXACTLY the same thing. I found some lumps in my breast during my period. I went to the doctor and she thought they were cysts and sent me to have a mammogram and ultrasound. They weren't even able to find the cysts but did find what they thought was a benign fibroidadenoma. The doctor thinks the cysts were caused by an acne medication I was taking. I go back in 6 months for an unltrasound to make sure it hasn't changed. I am a little worried about that appointment looming in the distance. But the whole episode just derailed my anxiety and I had no control over my panic attacks. I was googling things as well and feeling pains all over my neck, shoulders and arms. I began thinking I have lymphoma as well. The doctor checked under my arms where I was hurting on two occasions and could find nothing wrong. I STILL can't accept it. She put me on Wellbutrin to help ease the anxiety and it made me start losing weight because I have no appetite. That made me panic even more because weight loss was associated with lymphoma when I was looking. My doctor said I shouldn't worry unless the weight loss continues over the next 4 weeks. Turns out the weight loss has stopped. And I even went to the dentist yesterday and they do an exam on my neck, under my chin and cheeks for growths and everything was good. I am STILL anxious though. I would recommend you STOP Googling right away and keep a journal of your thoughts. That has helped me a lot. And try to find a therapist if you can.
michelle92962 tiffany82780
Yes some days are better than others. I've been trying my very hardest to stop googling things. I just wish these lymph nodes would disappear so I can stop worrying . Then again I may just find something else wrong once I find out this is nothing .
michelle92962 cfiddy79