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hi, ladies

in the being of 2016 I started going through menopause I don't which stage but I started losing weight. did any of you ladies lose weight gain it back than start losing it again. do any of you lovely ladies have Thyroids problems going through menopause. do these symptoms every go away I am really scared about all this. ladies if you can help, do this come with stomach issue, thinning hair, ringing in the ears, flashing lights in your eyes, left side sore, always waking up in the middle of the night. my bowel sometimes loos and sometimes normal is this part of menopause.

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    This was me 4 yrs ago. in the beginning i lost weight them gained 12 lbs the following yr. The weight suddenly came on and i was depressed. I went to the dr and did test, my thyroid was fine and came to the conclusion that it was my hormones playing games. i ate the same which was clean but was unable to exercise because of my debilitating joint and body pain . I also had awful panic and anxiety attacks, upper and lower back pain, ringing in ears. insomnia, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, vision problems, feeling unbalanced, memory problems, rib pain, IBS, headaches, depression and the list goes on. Now 4 yrs later alot of the symptoms have subsided or are gone, hoping to never see them. not saying that i don't have bad days because i do, but i have leaned to cope and accept this stage in my life. Everything you're going through is menopause and find comfort knowing that we have all been there. If you're having bad days feel free message me. hang in there. God bless

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      ih, hun

      I am lost in so many ways I just been thing about alot I trying not to stress my self out. what did you do in the beginning of these stages. what are your symptoms in menopause. how long did perimenopause last. did you get alot of symptoms.

    • Posted

      kim it seems you are still in peri menopause. The symptoms you are having are the same i had in the beginning of peri menopause. i am still in peri menopause. i am still getting periods. You enter menopause when you don't see a period for 1 to 2 yrs. i am not there yet. Are you still seeing your periods?

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      hi, hun

      no I am not still seen a period I haven't seen a period since May 2016. I went to the Dr. again this year she look on the in side and told me your walls are changing.

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      so i guess your post menopause. I really don't know what to say. the symptoms you named are the symptoms i had in the early stages of peri menopause 4 yrs ago . How long did your peri menopause last?

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      I saw my last period in May 2016 and It was off and on my period was. the Dr told me it wasn't any stages your body just change. I read that perimenopause can last up to eight years..

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      are these menopause symptoms or perimenopause symptoms because I stop seen my period in May 2016.

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      perimenopause you still have periods, you said you havent had one for years! have you had tests to rule out other things kim? x

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      other things like what I have fibroids I see the Dr tomorrow I am going ask her to test me for eveything.

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      Kim i am still in peri menopause. I am still seeing my periods. Waiting for the day i stop seeing them. Have you had a period since 2016 ? if so how often ?

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      kim in the beginning when things were really bad i was thinking about it but decided not to because i spoke to some women who felt worse on them or once they got off them felt worse off them. i decided to work with my body give hormones time to settle and ride it out. i became an advocate for me because drs were helpless in my battle. i took the time to study the menopausal body and gave it what it needs. less stress, made dramatic food changes, studied the vitamins needed but most life changing event was to accept the stage i was in .i found that fighting it and wishing i could get back to the old me was putting me in depression and ramped up my symptoms. This has been a jouney but i am so much better than where i was yrs ago. when i say i had it bad, i mean i had it bad. Trips to the hospital weekly, body pain all over, vision, nausea, heart palpitations, panic attacks to the point where i was afraid to leave my House. suicidal thoughts, internal tremors, teeth and jaw pain, sinus problems, ringing in ears, feeling of falling over, waking up shaking, tight throat, constant crying and the list goes on. To all the ladies reading this that just entered peri just know things do get better. keep your head up , brighter days are coming. God bless

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      Corinne i meant to reply to you but addressed it to kim. please check my post, i do apologize.

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      God bless you for your kind words . im intears when reading it i see myself im having all of the crazy syptoms on your list tired of going to a doctor and coming back with no solution im surpised how come one women doc can't relate my syptom with peri ? any way im praying this will pass and give my testimony to my other sisters who go through my journey .

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      thank you Hope i am on HRT and alot of my physical symptoms have gone away, i am fighting it still and wishing i was my old self i have been so depressed i now am on wellbutrin i dont know if i have sold my soul to feel a bit better. the emotional part of this is so hard i am still emotionally ill every single day. i have not found any joy.

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      Thank you toria. Yes i did. I suddenly became allergic to mango and coconut. As far as itching yes, my arms but that's gone. I also get itchy red rashes on my neck from time to time, which i current have at he very moment. Its driving me crazy, hoping that will be gone within a week. These symptoms are a part of menopause so we must be careful of what we eat. Always have benadryl with you. I do not leave home without it. Be blessed

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      Hello Beth. Glad to be of some comfort. I understand your frustration when it comes to woman drs not having a clue of what's going on. I have been there with mine as she looked at me crazy . She then wanted to proscribe me xanax which i declined. After awhile of the continuous nonsense of blood test coming back normal and the continuous trips to hospitals and dr's office ,i stopped and started taking care of myself. In time things will be better trust me. You just have to work with your body and give it time to do its thing. Keep looking ahead better days are coming. God bless

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      Hello Corinne. I know its hard but we cannot go back to our old selves. She no longer exists. We must accept this stage of life that we are in ,this new woman. Once i did that i began to heal. The menopausal woman cannot do the things what she once did example, eat like she use too or else heighten symptoms, bloat , constipation and headaches. I had to cut out all dairy it became my enemy also sugar and caffeine. Lets not talk about caffeine it drove up my anxiety to knew levels and my heart palpitations elevated. The emotional side is the hardest to accept but once you do then the physical symptoms will somewhat start to calm down. I was like you depressed out of my mind, now i am happy, i cried all day, i mean all day and night, now i don't cry at all. You must work with your body and study it. But most of all eliminate all stress. Love yourself Corinne because Jesus loves you. Be blessed

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