Posted , 18 users are following.

I had a lumbar puncture done last night at the ER to rule out Meningitis. The ER Doc tried 2x and couldn't get it. Then they called for Anesth to come and do it he had to do it 2x and FINALLY got the sample. BUT, the back pain I am having today is UNRELENTING!!! I cannot sit or stand without excruciating pain and pressure, it feels like something is pushing out my back!! I don't know what I should do. Is this normal? Has ANYONE ever had this happen to them??

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110 Replies

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  • Posted

    I hope they finally get your problem sorted! How horrible to be going through this ordeal! And you know my suggestion by now...make sure all this gets documented and you get copies of your records. Praying for your swift recovery.
    • Posted

      I'm glad you are getting help finally! Hope you start feeling better, keep us updated on what happens, your friends on the forum!!


      (Cindy) USA

    • Posted

      You know that great feeling where your whole foot aches all the way around like someone is squeezing the crap out of it, the burning pain on the bottom of  your foot, the needles of fire that pop out of your toes?  Well, I'm all about that today!  Can I get an AMEN SISTER!

      Maybe I could write a song about it.  I'll call it "Great Toes of Fire"



    • Posted

      OH GOODNESS!!! Hope you feel better and get some relief SOON!!! I think we should DEF make a book full of songs of our trials and tribulations....or at least just a book. I bet a book in a comedy form would and could be a best seller!!!

      Hope you get some relief soon and I am here if you need me!!😝

    • Posted

      Love the idea of a book of comedy about our trials and tribulations!

      Like Gilda Radner's book about cancer "It's always something".  I'm low on pain meds, get more Tuesday afternoon, and I'm seeing the real doctor at the PAIN Clinic on Thursday. They want to do the RFA next week, but I'm not sure they have the levels right.  The first sympathetic nerve block actually helped my neuropathy for a week!  It didn't take the "dead" feeling away, but it helped with the numbness.  Not much I can do right now.  thank goodness I can just lay around - don't have kids to chase after or anything.

      Been watching netflix all day.

      Thanks for writing.



  • Posted

    Update: on the MRI of my spine they found that I have discitis(sp). I am on IV antibiotics and they are also doing an MRI of my brain today to make sure I'm not still leaking CSF fluid.

    Just wanted to AGAIN THANK YOU ALL for your AMAZING support!! It has REALLY helped me out!!

    Hope you are all keeping well and wish you an AMAZING DAY!!!

    Cheers🍀 CG

    • Posted


      Oh my!! I'm so glad you are now on the path of healing and glad with everyone's input you didn't wait any longer!! So happy that you are getting the treatment that you needed!!

      Feel better!

      And pls keep us all posted!

      Cynthia ( cindy)

  • Posted

    Hi celticgirl. When I read your post, the tesg that you had with the puncture is unbelievable. To have jr doctor do it is also a risk jn itself. The procedure in itself is risky because your spine is so intricate with all the nerves in various parts of the body to the brain controlling all motor functions. One slip can become a dangerous situation and can cause paralysis or even death. By having it done with a doctor who wants to have this procedure signed off and probably hasnt done ma y of them, than I know that is a major consideration to think about. But you had it done already and you suffered much having it. In my case, an attempt to have a spinal tap was a bad experience for me. It was to be done bt a radiologist. I would have thought it would be by an anesthesiologist. Most of them are also pain specialists. I thought my doctor who is also a pain specialist would have done it. After the xray and prep, deadening the area, the radiologist inserted the needle and I felt so much pressure, not pain that I moved. I couldnt help it. He warned me not to move or the needle can damage a nerve and possibly cause paralysis or even death. He was loud and perturbed when he told me this. He said he was finished and wont do it. I was being cgecked for RA and I wanted to have the procedure done to rule it out. I said that to do it agai but he was very hesitant do do so. Afterwards he gave in. Again I moved and he just threw up his hands in disgust and stopped. I also asked him if I can have it done by sedation. He wouldnt listen. I told my pain doc what happened and said he will ask for sedation. But the insurancd company denied it. So here it is not knowing. Some of these procedures have to be really thought out and you the patient has the lasf say in this. When this post was originally written, I dont know but I thought I would share. Thanks for reading.


    • Posted


      So sorry you had to go through this.  I went through a spinal tap once, but I had a very good doctor and it was not a particularly painful experience. Which is how it should be!


  • Posted

    Hi Mel!!

    Thanks for your input!!

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience as well!! I guess next time I will think twice about letting a 'student' anywhere near me, but I am always up for someone learning, that's how they become drs, and truthfully the Anesth I had after who took 2x himself to get it right as well was like 80 lol!! Not to mention the Anesth who did the blood patch was about maybe 60 and he had a difficult time as well, so I am going to chalk it up to the fact that I am obviously not an easy poke, nothing in my life EVER comes easy so why would something like this be any easier...HA HA HA HA!!! I am FINALLY on the road to recovery.

    I am HOWEVER still having the KILLER headaches which brought me to the ER to the first place which they are trying to find out what's going on in that sense. But they have said they aren't letting me go home until I am better!!!

    All I know is I am SO THANKFUL to have found this cool site and to have met the peeps I have on here as I feel I have met friends for life!! The support that you all have shown to a complete stranger during my time of need was unbelievable, in fact, I felt more compassion from you all then from some of my friends and family....pretty sure they all thought I was nuts, until I was admitted and have been stuck here since ha ha ha!!

    What area of the world are you all from?? I live in Canada.

    Thanks again guys!! Hope you have a FLAWLESS day!!!


    • Posted

      Hi CelticGyrl,

      I read that you are all for students learning - that's how they become better doctors.  Just wanted to mention that I'm donating my body to science - specifically for medical students to study my back.  Maybe they can learn something from it to make them better surgeons.  They will have my body for 3 weeks, then they will cremate it, and send the ashes to my daughter.  If you want to know more about it, let me know and I'll send you a private message.



    • Posted


      How are you doing? Did things get any better? Was just reading old messages and wanted to see how you made out.

      Cynthia (Cindy)

  • Posted

    FYI-An MRI of your brain when you have a Migraine SUCKS!! Why they HAVE to shake your head like you are on a roller coaster I don't know but GEEZ, what torture this has been!! I hope you are all having an AMAZING PAIN-FREE NIGHT!!



    • Posted

      Yeah, it's so LOUD, and it feels like it's sucking your brain out.

      I take it you are still in the hospital! I was in the hospital for 3 weeks once.  I was lucky - the hospital food was superb and they served it in little black suits - it was like being at a first class restaurant.  My doctor sucked though.  I had about 4 doctors.  One was the hospital doctor, and he got it in his head that I was there for the drugs.  The other 3 doctors were very sympathetic and worried.

      Hope you have good doctors at least.

      Take care


    • Posted

      Actually, I have 4 Drs, 2 Drs and 2 student Drs and I feel like I am in an episode of house lol. They are brilliant and young all of them. They aren't cocky, they already told me they don't think I'm crazy and that they won't let me leave until they come to the bottom of what's going on (not sure if that's a good thing though lol) they have NO PROBS giving me the pain meds needed for the migraine, I NOW know why Dilaudid is the new 'Heroin' on the streets!! LOL!! Hopefully, I will get some answers as to what this migraine is all about as to what was the original cause to this WHOLE fiascal!! HOPE YOU ARE FEELING BETTER!!! Have a good night, Janene
    • Posted

      Hope your young doctors are cute at least!

      I'm taking an ambien tonight - hopefully it will help me sleep better.

      Have a good night Janene.


    • Posted

      Maybe we could come up with some funny definitions for our ailments, pains, and woes.  It would be a funny idea. We could invite Cynthia and Mel and anybody else who wants to. We could make up a whole list.  Just for grins, because we need grins really bad sometimes.
    • Posted

      ABSOFREAKINLOUTELY!!! I think it would be a blast!! Let's do it!! HA HA HA!!
    • Posted

      Well, I couldn't figure out where would be the appropriate place to discuss our "humorous" section, so I'm just going to start a discussion. 

      What should I call it?  How about:

      (And Mr. Moderator, t hese are ideas off the top of my head for our discussion)=

      Living in Pain with Humor and Sarcasm

      Pain is No Joke, but here we are

      Living in Pain, One WHine at a Time

      Whining and Dining with Chronic Pain

      If I come up with more, I'll let you know, but I'm at an awkward angle.

      Love ya,



    • Posted

      Great, i am for it. Poetry is ingenious. Why not make this post more than just a lot of people who are in so much pain. There is always a good side of things. smile We also have to keep our hopes high. There are so much support here that how can you not feel better. When I post here, I don't have to think about having pain. My mind is so occupied in writing what I believe and know that others can benefit, then I am doing something that is so worthwhile. Let's keep it up and learn. Have a good night's rest and I will say goodnight.


    • Posted

      Great Idea! Poetry could be submitted as well.  I think entries should be fairly short and upbeat.


    • Posted

      Mel, just wondering if you read Reader's Digest? They have "short short stories - like 100 words or less where people tell about something intereting that happened to them or someone else they know that are humorous or miraculous, or talk about the goodness and kindness in others, etc..  We could take short short stories too.
    • Posted

      Geez, I was writing you a note, and some patient popup asked if it was allowed, i said yes, and my whole note went away. Anyway, I just don't want all of this to get too complicated, you know. I was talking to celticgirl and making a joke and I said we should make  new discussion for posting humor about chronic pain.  It could be something we make up or see somewhere else.  There already blogs and stuff in pininterest and all kinds of things.  Remember, the title that I use when I first start this discussion will be the Title of the Discussion.  we can always expand later or make more discussions.  I want to keep it light for now.  Do you have any opinions on the title I came up with?  I'm going to give it more thought. Have a good night.
    • Posted

      I love limericks.  Let's see if I can make one up real quick.

      My back hurts real bad, you know it,

      The doctors said they could sew it,

      But it hurt just the same

      Now I can't play the game

      So instead, I've become a new poet.

      Wow!  That just popped out!  Am I good or what!


    • Posted

      OK! Are we making a new discussion now for this new blog or topic I am confused with all these conversations lol!! Or maybe it's just the drugs, LOL!! I am HOPING that I would be getting out of here today, but I don't know what the heck is going on!! GRRRRRR!!!
    • Posted

      Okay, I did it.  I called it "Pain is No Joke, but while we're here, let's cope."
    • Posted

      P.S. Miracle of miracles I had some good energy today.  Still only slept 4 hours, but I got up today and got dressed.  Invited 4 kids over and had a little painting lesson for them in my garage, and then each kid got to be the teacher and lead their own painting project.  I love doing things with the kids. 


    • Posted

      That is so good Linda and proud of you. I will try to work on some limerick as well. Meanwhile keep on going with this and before you know it, others will take part. By the way the forum is ehaving for me now. I hope it stays that way or at least I get a decent computer. Meanwhile I will type here unless it wont let me do to glitches and so on. Meanwhile I constantly have tocharge the battery on the ta let. I have been doing it so much now that the battery wont be able to charge and replace it altogether. However it is not easy to cange because the stupid company who makes the tablet decided to somehow glue where the battery is to the case itself. Now it is so difficult to take the case off to change the battery. If yiu are nt careful, the case can easily be broken. Unlike changing the battery on a cell whi h is so easy, these companies that make tablets make it extreamly hard to get into. Even if you can get in, you still have to remove the mounting screws which hold the battery in and then unplug the connector to it. The screws are so tiny that you can easily lose it. The connector is a microminiature type that you have to be careful when you plug it in. Of course these companies want you to send it in to replace the battery and charge you almost $100 includig shipping and service charges. To do it yourself would be just the cost of the battery whi h shouldnt cost more than $25. That is all I will say aboutthis.
    • Posted

      Sorry about your tble.  I bough a pretty decent laptop for about $350 last year. I even dumped a soda in it once, so I took it all apart and dried it for 2 or 3 days, and it is fine now.  Can't believe I got so lucky.  I'm more careful now.  I don't have any income right now, so I can't afford to get a new one.

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