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I had a lumbar puncture done last night at the ER to rule out Meningitis. The ER Doc tried 2x and couldn't get it. Then they called for Anesth to come and do it he had to do it 2x and FINALLY got the sample. BUT, the back pain I am having today is UNRELENTING!!! I cannot sit or stand without excruciating pain and pressure, it feels like something is pushing out my back!! I don't know what I should do. Is this normal? Has ANYONE ever had this happen to them??

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  • Posted

    Never getting out of here!! Aspetic Meningitis is the DEVIL!! It has been my WORST ENEMY!!!
    • Posted

      Hey there,

      So I just looked that up. Do you have viral or bacterial meningitis? The thing I was reading says that most people recover with no long term effects.  And it says most people actually recover in a fortnight - whatever that is.  I'm sure they are keeping you because it can be life-threatening.  Also, I read they h ad to do the lumbar puncture to verify where the germ came from.  I had a lumbar puncture once - they thought my spine had an infection - that's when they kept me in the hospital for 3 weeks waiting for the results, which were negative.  Anyway, rest, try to relax, you are in good hands.  Ask for pain meds to help with your headache and if you are throwing up, they should be able to give you something for that too.  So sorry you are going through this.  Take care of yourself, and try to rest. I think that's what you need the most right now.



  • Posted

    • Posted

      That's great news well done, bet you can't wait for a little normality.

      Let's hope everything is behind you now.

      George x

    • Posted

      You are soooo right!! Normalcy, the ability to come and go as I please, the 'simple' things you take for granted, the food that you can't decide if you want to eat lol. I just cannot thank you ALL enough for having my back and being here for me theough it ALL! I will never forget you!!

      Hopefully, we can all stay in touch!!

      Cheers🍀 Janene

    • Posted

      So glad you are going home. We were quite worried about you Gyrl. Go home, eat what you want, watch tv, listen to music, relax.

      Take care,


    • Posted

       I just had 1/2 shot of tequila for you!  Wooo!  Too strong for me!

      So glad you are okay!


  • Posted

    Hey Cindy:

    Welcom home, like you said, yay,yayQuute an ordeal you had. Now at least its over and now you can recuperate at home. Everybody was quite concerned for your well being. Now you have to continue to chat with us. I hear that you have been on this forum awhile. As you can see, Linda and I have been chatting for some time now. Linda being your freind, you can't ask for anything more. She is really caring person, I would like to be to you as well. Hope you don't have any of these problems anymore. Feel good, be happy and just take each day as it comes.

    Write back soon.


    • Posted

      I have been on this forum for 20 days and I feel like I have known you all for years. The concern, love and care that you have ALL shown me has been unbelievable!! I cannot begin to express the graditute I feel towards you guys and the happiness I feel for the fact that I have met new friends and the excitement I have in me to continue these friendships in the future!! So CHEERS to a 'crappy' event that made a 'happy' event!! 💞

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