Help me with my **possible** perioral dermatitis
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Hi Everyone.
I am at my wits end with my skin and wondered if anyone could suggest anything.
About eight months ago I went on a course of antibiotics for a wound that wouldn't heal. It did the trick, but a couple of days after I finished the course I began to get huge flakes of skin coming off each side of my nose and just under it. There was no real redness at first, just extremely flaky skin, which Ive never had before.
This then turned red on one side and was quite sore. This cleared up, but switched to the OTHER side of my nose and this is what I have had ever since.
It has come and gone in various degrees of severity, but generally, it is red and mildly flaky/dry with lots of little bumps which look like acne but never come to a head. Having said that, I have been getting cystic type acne right in the fold of the nose recently.
TREATMENT: I initially googled the problem and concluded it was perorial dermatitis. I didn't want steroids as I know that makes it worse, so I went to the doctor (who didn't know what it was and had to GOOGLE perioral derm!?)who gave me DUAC cream. That helped a bit but it just came back.
I have since been to numerous doctors who have given me everything which I have eventually tried.
I was advised to use an anti fungal cream,so used canesten (without steroid in it). This gave me some kind of allergic reaction and i got eczema all around the area where I used it. To treat this separate condition -ergh) i was prescribed a steroid cream, daktacort, which made the eczema go away but then the PD came back worse and now I'm back to square one.
I'm almost positive its a classic case of PD, and since I tried everything the only option is antibiotics. However, I am EXTREMELY reluctant to take any seeing as it would seem that anti biotics gave me it in the first place! It all started as soon as I finished a course of them, having never had it in my life before.
I have no idea what to do, and would appreciate ANY advice. Apologies for the huge post!
Note: I should also add that I have tried lots of home remedies like coconut oil, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar which have helped mildly but not gotten rid of it. In the past three months I've also cut out wheat, sugar, dairy and yeast (considering it may be candida overgrowth). I even switched to fluoride free toothpaste. Nothing has gotten rid of it! (except the steroid/anti-fungal, and only temporarily!)
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The post by Harry was as copied below. I can't just "undelete" it but can retrieve the content.
As your symptoms woke after antibiotics I am 100 certain that your issue is Candida Albicans. These have perforated your intestinal wall and colonised else where in your body. This is quite a Serious long term issue if not addressed. Leaky Gut is one problem caused by Antibiotics but I believe Candida Albicans are the root cause of Cancer and Many Breast lumps that have been removed are in fact Candida Clonies (White in Clouor) be very Careful NOT to use Antibiotics unless it is a life saving necessity. Once your intestinal tract is compromised it is VERY Hard to rid the Body of Colonised Candida Albicans.
Recommendations: take ProBiotics for at least a year after Antibiotics and use Apple Cider Vinegar (With the Mother) to help kill the Fungus overgrowth. Drink in warm water Morning & Evening. Start and take Super Enzyme caps before every meal (for the rest of your days) Your intestinal Tract is the MOST IMPORTANT part of your system, if it is compromised then a LOT of Toxins are freely able to enter your Blood Stream which will overwhelm your system and cause you all sorts of problem including Allergies that you never had before and your Hair and Eyesight will effected by long term Antibiotic Abuse.
Please note that Alcohol also has an antibiotic effect and will also kill the good bacteria in your intestinal tract which is the only natural defence against Candida Albicans overgrowth. Candida Albicans are NOT affected by Alcohol or Antibiotics. Candida Albicans are responsible for Hair loss and this is why you see a lot of Hardened Beer Drinkers with no hair. GOUT is caused by Candida Albicans. (Leaky Gut). If you use the Enzymes and Apple Cider Vinegar as I spoke of earlier you will never have another Gout attack. Candida colonised Kidneys is a Serious problem.
This is an unknown Epidemic of Magnanimous proportions and if not addressed will see Cancer rates through the roof.
Points worth noting:
Food intolerances are governed by the state of your intestinal tract.
Your intestinal Flora is VITAL to Your overall Health
Candida Albicans are Naturally present in your intestinal Tract and are designed to consume your Body (from the inside out) after your Death. It's the Natural Good Bacteria that keeps Candida Albicans under control.
Candida Albicans are what give you a Craving for Sugar ( That's what they thrive on)
Candida Albicans are A-sympathetic to Stress and Shock and become active if Dormant in a colony (Why Stress can Kill)
I think you should have the Picture by now. The info is out there for all to see you just need to use it.
Inform yourself as to why Processed foods is Bad for you
Inform yourself why Enzymes are VITAL to Digestion and how cooking Foods over 85 degrees Celsius Kills them.
Inform yourself why Organic Food is Vital to the Survival of the Human Race.
Inform yourself why Fat is Good for you unless it's Contaminated or Processed.
Inform yourself of the Enzyme levels in GM foods as apposed to none GM foods.
Ok that's enough for now. Food for though. Don't ignore it :-)
I will repost my comments this evening when I return home, as I may have a copy on my Desktop of the original.
I will say one thing though, I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE a 100% result if you follow my instruction. I will give you this information free of charge with a Personal Guarantee that it will cure PD and change your life with regard to your future Health, When your members are cured they can buy me a Fresh Organic Carrot, Apple & Ginger Juice next time you are here in the Algarve.
Kind regards
I can elaborate later if anyone is interested.
ashleighd2010 Harry33122
How long did you have the rash, and how long did it take for you to see improvement, following the guildelines you outlined above?
I have an appt tomorrow with a holistic DO to speak to her about candida and the possibility it's the cause of my PD.
I apologize for veering off from the topic of Perioral Dermatitis but I wanted to clarify:
Harry.....Your information startled me because I have ocular rosacea and have been told by my GP, ophthalmologist and dermatologist that it can lead to (among other horrors) damage to my eyesight and thinning of the eyelids. All three stated that I would need to take Doxycycline indefinitely. Of course, I always look for alternatives to antibiotics but all three MDs and the research that I have done point to the same outcome.
Also, your information is so encompassing that it made me feel a bit paranoid. To be honest, I read it before bed and quickly responded and there you have it.
No more from me on that score. I will look more into what you advise.
Hey Tash,
I am glad that I read your post about the Cicalfate. I know that I read about it somewhere else here but I can't remember who it was.... thank you also. It's getting a bit much playing mad scientist in my bathroom every time that I have to mix up the zinc powder and the diaper cream is a goopy mess so I am excited about the Avene cream....or is it a gel? Gels have never provided enough moisture for me but you said that it feels really good so I'm in!
To the Thermal Spray...I used to keep a bottle of it in the refrigerator in the summertime at work and at home and spray it on my pressure points (behind knees, insider arms etc.) when it was really hot out. I'm going to pick some up this week.
Coconutflower, Yes I too still have redness where the pumps and pustules used to be. I can't seem to get rid of them either.
To answer your questions:
I remember that I felt relief from the raw burning feeling in a matter of hours.
However it took about a week to really make a dent in it.
I did not mix it with oil. I used the diaper cream to start with and then a couple of weeks later, I started mixing zinc powder with CereVe cream.
Why not give the Elidel cream and Avene Cicalfate a try as Tash and others here have recommended. And of course see what your holistic doctor advises
Sorry Kimberly..... keep posting.
But in terms of how long it took to see results, etc,, I was actually hoping asking Harry.
Sorry for any confusion!
Both of your symptoms/Ailments are related and can be dealt with using the same approach although Kimberly you may have to incorporate some first aid to start with. PM me as I may be able to help you with that.
Fiona I am saddened to see that you have bee prescribed Antibiotics as this will only promote a perfect environment for Candida Albicans to thrive.
Here is what I recommend you both do and firstly I STRONGLY advise against taking any Antibiotics unless you have a life threatening Bacterial Infection.
You need to purchase the Following:
TwinLab "Super Enzyme Caps" 200 Capsules x 2
Biona Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (With the Mother) 5 Litre x1
Bio-Kult Candea, Probiotic Multi Strain Formula. x 2
Take two Super Enzyme Caps prior to EVERY meal you eat from now on. The reason for this approach is that the Enzymes will help immensely to break down the food that you eat and assist in the detoxification of your Blood, I will explain more later but to simplify it for now Im illuminating the fact that most of the food you are consuming is Enzyme deficient. Read up on why Enzymes are Vital for good Nutrition.
In the Morning when You get up (Before you do anything) Boil the Kettle with mineral water (NO CHLORINE) You guessed it!! Chlorine Kills Bacteria and Your Good Gut Bacteria.... Adjust the temperature by adding a little cold mineral water and drink any surplus until you have about two mouthfuls of water in the Glass, at this stage ADD one Table spoon of the Apple Cider Vinegar (Rich in Enzymes because of the Mother, a ball of living enzymes that floats in the vinegar) I warn you, it is not easy to drink, I breathe in before I take it so that I can't smell it whilst drinking it. (Experiment to what suits you) Take this again in the evening about 30 minutes before you go to bed. This is to assist in digestion and to start and Kill the fungus that has compromised your intestinal wall (Could be over Years or after a Course of Antibiotics.) Do Not pour Boiling Hot water directly onto the Vinegar as this will Zap the Enzymes. Look up other benefits of ACV with the Mother, You will be Amazed.
Bio-Kult Candea, PROBIOTIC Multi Strain Formula. Take Two Caps per day at any time preferably before you consume the last meal of the Day. This will start to build up the Good Bacteria in your Gutt that will start to maintain the Intestinal wall and repair the Damage that the Candida fungus has done. This will take up to a Year but your Symptoms should clear up within a Month. I noticed a vast improvement within a week, but I was focussed on only that and didn't work at all during the recovery process. I don't want to give you a time scale as it will depend on the severity of the overgrowth, again I don't want to scare anyone either.
Now the Theory behind this treatment is as follows:
Your Saliva contains some natural enzymes but depending on how well you Masticate your food will depend on how well the Stomach will process it. Obviously the better prepared you are to accommodate the Chewed food the easier your system will be able to process it for Nutrition. The Nutrition is given to your body through your Blood stream and this is where the Global Epidemic is located. If your Gutt Flora is compromised by Bacterial inhibiters such as Chlorine, Alcohol, Detergents (Sodium Loreth Sulphate) or at WORST CASE Anti-Biotics then the Fungus Candida Albicans are allowed to overwhelm your intestinal tract and eventually perforate the Intestinal Wall allowing small particles of food and Toxins directly into your Blood stream.
Imagine your excrement allowed to enter into your blood stream.
(I want you to take a moment and think of the possibilities that would arise from this happening) Do you think that you would see problems with your Skin or even feel a little under the weather, maybe fatigued or even foggy in the Brain.
Now assuming you don't know this is happening to you and you have a Rash appear on your face, do you think that a Cream of any kind is going to help you? It will at Best stop you feeling the irritation.
How many ailments do you think are caused by the compromised Wall of your intestinal Tract? Your Skin is pretty much like your Third Kidney, so what about the Two You can't see?
This treatment is not just about remedy to your situation, its also about understanding the function of your Body and how to Help Your Body function at its optimum to Ultimately serve YOU as a Homo sapien (Human)
Financial Gain. Unfortunately there are many facits to Modern Day Health Programs that don't promote the Ultimate wellbeing of an individual, and as you can appreciate there are a Mine Field of Scams out there which prey on desperate individuals looking for help, so not only have you to overcome your illness before it overcomes you, you also have to dodge the Pitfalls of not knowing what the solution to your problem is.
It is Far better to know the Cause of a problem than to keep treating the symptoms.
Now if You think that what I have shared with you is Wacko or even far fetched, ask yourself one simple question: What do I stand to Gain from this? The answer is "Humanity"
If my experience is that of renewed Health and Vitality and I can GIVE that to someone else, Should I do that without asking for Financial gain if my Plate is full and I don't need it?
The Brand names I have mentioned in this post are only my preference, I am in No Way promoting them for any financial gain. If you care to PM me your details I will even go as far as to buy you your supplies if you are financially chalenged so that when you are rid of this situation you may share your experience with others who are less fortunate than yourselfs.
Kind regards
mehak81921 Harry33122
cara333 Harry33122
Live Long and Die Short, NOT the other way round.
Kind regards
I am just afraid to start down this path because I can become obsessive. But then knowledge is power. Thank you for making me think Harry. Will PM you
Coconut lover, Try increasing the Enzymes and take two half an hour before you go to Bed along with the ACV. You may have damaged more of your Intestinal lining than you think. I don't need to know, but am assuming that when you refer to Alcohol you are talking about Hard Alcohol such as Vodka etc, this can take Years to rectify and may need a Growth Hormone support if Chronic.
One thing that can assist a faster recovery is regular exercise, one 50 minute vigorous walk every other day. Theory being Torso movement assists Bowel Movement and stimulation, Bare in mind that the Small intestine is some 6 meters in length and the Large (Colon) is about 1 and a Half Meters in length. If the intestinal wall is compromised with Candida Albicans There are other factors that you can consider if you are not repairing fast enough, they are: toxicity of Food eaten (combinations of Fungus and Sugar, or Bacteria and Sugar) stop Eating Deserts after a meal, This is a Practise I NEVER DO! Ingest Nothing that is none Organic and Natural. The Putration of food in your intestine is also what you need to avoid