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Hello ladies, I am writing to share my story with you and my amazing home remedy that actually works! After nearly three years of suffering from these horrible, nasty, painful monsters, I finally found a cure.
I had my first abcsess at 25, it was excrutiating pain and went to the size of a tennis ball. I tried all the advice on the internet (sitz baths, hot compresses etc), none of these worked and I eventually had the marsupilaziton surgery (which for some people, is a permanent cure). It was uncomfortable and I was in hospital for around 10 days.
My second one came up around 6 months later, again extremely painful. I was admitted into hospital for surgery again but fortunately, it decided to burst itself in the night whilst in the hospital. I was discharged the next morning and was pain free.
A few months later, another one decides to pay a visit. So as usual, I go to hospital, which by this time, the gynae doctors are familiar with me. The doctor examines me and says it is not as big as the first two and that if I want, I can have it drained there and then. Obviously, this would mean that I would be awake throughout the procedure but also that it will be a quick fix and can go home the same day. I choose to have this and with a bit of numbing cream and squeezing of my moms hand, the abcsess is drained.
This procedure is painful, but NO WHERE NEAR AS PAINFUL AS HAVING THE ABSCESS! When you are desperate, you will do anything to make it go!
A year and a half passes by (present time) and my 4th one arrives. I went to the hospital within hours of feeling that familiar pain. it was not as large as it had been but I wanted to nip it in the bud asap before it got to that size and that horrendous level. The doctors turned me away twice over two days and said that they cannot do anything as it still isnt big enough to operate on.
Absolutely distressed, in pain and physically drained, I went home, where me and my mom frantically googled other peoples home remedy ideas, desperate to find a cure. We kept coming across a remedy involving,tumeric powder, coconut oil, baking soda and sea salt.
First, I mixed tumeric powder with the cocunut oil, to make a paste. This bought all the puss to the surface of the abscess, making it almost triple in size and the skin layer very thin, almost ready to pop. i left it on for approxamatley 2 hours. it does get very painful and uncomfortable but u can see that it it is ready to burst. A few painkiller kept the pain tolerable. Once it looks ike it is about to burst, mix the baking soda and salt in some water and dab on with a coton pad. I left the cotton pad there, held in pace with my underwear and sanitary towel.
Baking soda and salt are supposed to burn the skin. So when the skin is very thin, it shouldnt take much for it to tare which will lead to the abcess draining.
i left the cotton pad in place for twenty minutes and realised the pain of the abscess jad dissappeared. When I checked, it had burst! the pain relief is instant and you feel almost back to normal.
I am now writing this less than 12 hours later and I feel great. There is very little pain (only to touch) and hardly any swelling. The abscess is draining itself. I have been having warm baths to keep the area clean and speed up draining but overall Im feeling happy and relieved.
Please try this as it really does work! Be patient and brave no matter how hard it gets, and believe me, I know it gets hard! If u think about it, this is a logical remedy- the tumeric (an anti-oxidant) makes all the puss come to the surface, making the skin thin and the baking soda and salt (an acidic formula) burns the thin layer of skin making a hole for the abscesss to drain.
Good luck ladies! You can do it xxx
24 likes, 189 replies
marylou143 rupykc
paige2024 rupykc
I Dont no what to do, last night I was so over it that I decided to poke the thing with a needle and it hurt but it drained a little, but then stoped, I am guessing that was because there is so much build up that it clogged the hole.
I have not tried this option yet but how can i get the hole to stay open to continue to drain, I have a appoitment at 2pm to go in but its going to cost a ton of money and reading all the post on how it huts and the recovery is long, I would rather take care of it myself....Any suggustions. its about the size of a tennis ball.
jasmine0324 rupykc
erika82655 jasmine0324
Hi Jasmine, I get painless cysts all the time but mine are golf ball size. The only way they ever go away is when I have a doctor drain it
Since it's not infected mine never burst on their own, is this the same for you? Did the remedy work on yours? I would love to know your experience with a cyst that doesn't hurt. Anything you could tell me would be great <3 Or if anyone wishes to share please feel free to comment. Thank you in advanced and stay strong girls!!
alex47511 erika82655
MomTwoBoys rupykc
sandalz MomTwoBoys
Hi - I have tried this, the turmeric and coconut oil paste did the trick with even having to apply the baking soda and salt, result. I left the paste on for about an hour. I went to bathroom and the BC had burst !! Spent the next hour sponging with cotton wall pads with hot water, following by a hot shower (I don't have a bath). Hopefully it will continue to drain and as I am taking antibiotics it will go away.
michelle16155 rupykc
Thank you so much for sharing.
Royquarters rupykc
I am guessing based off of this post that I joined a woman's health blog not based in the US? Anyway, Google brought me here and I am glad I found a group of people going through exactly what I have been experiencing for the past 10yrs whethervyou
This article is dead on accurate. I have spent thousands of my own money researching these literal "pains in the rear" Abcesses and have not come to a cure that is simple and fast just yet.. But I will..
I am currently going through this as we speak, once again. The Tumeric trick is the best out there, hands down. I just wanted to add to your blog some things that I have found out and methods I used to remove them.
So the mixture or paste that rupykc has used is one of the best that I have seen in the past 10yrs. Her theory is 99.99% effective (we can never say 100% although, this works). Only thing I did differently was numb the center before getting to the salt/baking powder solution and I added icy hot into my mix. I used icy hot speed stick on the entire area around my abcess, then applied the baking soda/salt directly to the head of the abcess. It wasn't longer than 25mins, and I was draining ungodly amounts of "burning lava".. the icy hot assisted in the healing process. As it drained out the swollen area healed simultaneously.
My personal research and microscopic fun:
1) The unfortunate truth about Abcesses is once you get 1, you will get more for life. Could be 2 weeks later, 2yrs later, or even 20yrs later. Once it has breached your bloodstream you are stuck with it. It may not be in the same spot, but it will be back.
2) if you decide to get one Lanced or Lance it yourself, be sure that you pack it full of Gauze. These heal from sides to center. I made the mistake of removing the Gauze the next day after my very first one, because I felt better. It wasn't but 4 days later, that I was back at outpatient care seeking more attention.
3) Before using the Tumeric trick, cut a Potato into 1.5" chunks and tape them directly to the abcess. Along with puss, blood, & bacteria, they contain poison. A potato will suck the poison through and you will even see it on the potato.
Each of our bodies are different, and we will react differently to products. I use the potato first, then the Tumeric Trick, and lastly the salt/Baking Powder. If the salt doesn't work fast enough, I numb it up, suck it up, and slice it myself. Not all of us can afford to pay $350 or more for a 2min procedure (minus the lidocaine of course). These home remedies are a cost efficient measure and worth the try, and some work better than a hospital. I'm not saying don't consult a Dr if you are in excruciating pain from a boil or abcess. There are some that are so stubborn that you have no other option and most of us are in so much pain we can't even think straight. If your Abcess has not popped (after 5 days for me), I suggest higher power. I usually get them in my Armpits and occasionally where my thigh meets my buttocks. Currently the pain is pulsating through my bicep telling me the poison needs to come out and is ready. If I can't pop this tonight, I will most likely be heading to outpatient tomorrow.
Thanks again for your post, I was happy to find that I was not alone..
Take care everyone!!!
Teresa6785 Royquarters
Dward1104 rupykc
I can't tell you how grateful I was to come across this blog or informative essay. I've suffered from these cyst for 15 years and this current absess has by far placed in my top three. You have been a blessing, words can't express my gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your story is very similar to mine and I hope this method helps me long term.
Vlidge rupykc
I owe you SO much! Woke up Wednesday morning with a very painful, but small BC. After minimal research I purchased a Sitz Bath and soaked several times. It helped with pain temporarily, but changed nothing. Thursday morning I woke up in substantial pain and it had swelled to about golfball size. I did MUCH more research and found your post. I had all the ingredients on hand except Coconut oil, but it was too painful to go to the store to get some, so I figured olive oil would be ok. I'd planned on doing the process Friday morning, but then decided to go for it Thursday night and "sleep on it" so to speak. I woke the next morning and although the pain was intense, it was concentrated into a very small, specific point. I went to bathroom to relieve myself, shower and prepare for the salt/baking soda portion, but realized it had already just opened, so I skipped the salt/bs stage. During the day I continued to take a few sitz baths followed by an antibacterial ointment. It continued to drain and shrink all day, and by Saturday morning, there was zero discomfort or drainage. 72 hours. Again, I owe you SOOOO much!! Thanks! My contribution would be to keep old wash clothes on hand and use them during the Turmeric and drainage stage. Sanitary pads attached to underwear will rub and irritate, but a cloth rolled into a long tube shape, held in place by the underwear, does not move and is soft and absorbant.
leah15120 Vlidge
I had marsipulation in 1989.
I had a reoccurrence soon after that but metrondizole worked (antibiotic).
Nothing for years.
Then again in 2014.
That one I managed to by using hot water bottle and I used tea tree oil.
Then 6 weeks ago I broke my leg and had to have surgery.
Within 2 weeks the largest BC ever.
It was very hard about 3 cm.
I was prescribed metronidazole without success.
Went to A&E was given Flucloxacillin 500 4 x 24hrs to soften cyst to abscess.
Told to return a week later for a word catheter. Really didn't want to do this is to my mind it is just prolonging the pain.
Although large this one hurt then the others or maybe it was because I have so used to pain now because my leg.
It did get to the point where I couldn't sit down and as I can't stand my husband paid for me to go to a private hospital.
Please me this isn't something we can afford but I was so depressed and nothing was working.
They made an incision and drained and packed it with ribbon.
Two days later the wedding was out and the cyst had resealed and started to get large again.
So last night I sat in a bowl of salt water and squeezed.
I applied tea tree oil.
Again this morning and just a few minutes ago.
This time I was successful and saw a small amount of pus in the water.
I just want to stop it resealing.
I am going to try acupuncture.
I see this as a blockage.
I am praying that this helps.
I was interested in the turmeric treatment.
I am glad you tried olive oil.
I am allergic to coconut so don't want to use coconut oil.
I may try the turmeric but as what I am currently doing is helping I am just too scared at this point.
I am curious about how you actually lance it yourself.
Do you use a needle or a knife or tweezers?
How do you sterilise it do you just hold it in a flame?
Thank you so much for sharing as this is such a distressing condition.
What is so sad and surprising is the lack of expertise and skill that the medical profession lack in this area.
I called the consultant that had done the incision on Saturday in a blind panic yesterday morning when I felt the cyst returning.
She returned my call this morning and seemed surprised I should be sitting in salt water. In fact she seem to be completely vague about why I was sitting salt water and using the tea tree oil. She did advise me to squeeze. Otherwise there is no other information forthcoming. Thank you for listening x
Charly2309 rupykc
evelyn68373 rupykc
I hay a question have you have another cyst after the 4th one?
Dward1104 evelyn68373