Hot flushes ? Menopause or Anxiety ;(

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Hi can anyone let me know if they have been suffering like myself i have been through a tuff time the last few  months i lost my job in oct 14 and am  in the process of a court case with work, my mother had a stroke in december 14 i have been to the hospital every day since it happen i went to my GP who informs me that i am suffering from generalizes anxiety i am 51 just and have been suffering for the last few months with the following and not sure is its the Menopause or Anxiety sad   i wake up at least 6-7 times in the night with hot flushes i then wake up with a headache feeling dizzy and shortness of breath feels like something is in my throat ( i think its something called Globu) i ache like mad wake up with numb arm and legs and my vision is a bit blurred i also have crohns disease which has flared up along with my other condition Biliary Gastritis which has also flared up sad i have had full blood count, Xray Thyroid test last month and all was ok i have also given up smoking 88 days ago after smoking for over 40 odd years smile and i have never felt so ill in all my life i am normally a bubbly person i look back on a few months and i see a different person i just want to feel well again !! can anyone let me know if i am suffering  from the Menopause or anxiety OR BOTH ? the hot flushes are killing me sad  i have brought  something called a ladycare maganet which i am yet to use ? anyone tried it look forward to hearing any thoughts and tips


Jenny xx

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Bless you Jenny!

    You could be going through both perimenopause (are you still having periods-even occasionally?) and with all the commotion that has taken place lately for you, a bit of anxiety as well. There are plenty of great posts on here to look over, one in particular by JayNeeJay's 66 symptoms.


    Sorry you are having a dreadful time. I have no knowledge about the lady magnet, but some ladies here have and I hope some can let you know what it does.

    You need some supplements I bet, another great post by Jay. Please look those posts over, they are very helpful!

    Hoping you feel better soon!

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Annie

      I need supplements for sure i use to weigh 8st 13 now weigh 7st 6 i cant seem to eat eiher and the weight is falling off me. i will checkout JayNeeJay's 66 symptoms new to this site how do i find him ? smile


    • Posted

      Weight fell off me too, yours may also be due to the personal stresses too that you mention. Stress can make weight fall off 😒


  • Posted

    Hi Veronica

    Oh hun, your going thro alot, but hot flushes are normally a good indicator of peri menopause. ( onset of post menopause)

    Post Menopause is immediately after 12 - 14 months of no periods following peri menopause.

    Heres a good link but the 66 symptoms are in 2 parts so scroll down page after some comments for second lot.


  • Posted

    Hi veronica

    You didnt put your age.

    I started peri meno aged 40 and had peri almost 10 years .. I am 51 in June and now post meno.

    For me in early peri i had night sweats and woke up sopping wet, also day flush but not too bad, felt unsure about things, anxiety, etc, periods declined as the years passed, i kept a diary of the periods knowing i was in peri etc .

    I took Maca capsules in beginning they helped alot and i still do. I take alot of vits and supplements that work for me, vit B6 very good too i will post a link about it

    Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay

      I am 51 just i had been having regular periods every 28 days with no protection up untill last month



    • Posted


      Sounds very likely then its peri meno.

      I am almost 51 and slready post meno.

      Your hot flushes etc sound classic,

      keep record of your cycles etc, and symptoms..

      Good luck

      Jay x

  • Posted

    Hi Veronica/Jenny

    Firstly:  I wish your mum well.  Strokes......don't take me there!

    I'm sending you my full sympathy both as a fellow Perimeno-pauser(!) and someone who's had to deal with these sort of symptoms while being in a terrible emotional turmoil with the stress of a loved one's ill health.

    I was nodding all the way through your post.  So much resonated with me, as I too had to watch someone I loved dearly suffer the effects of his Stroke, visiting everyday for 8mths. 

    I truly believe, reading your symptoms, and now looking back, a lot of my early Peri symptoms got engulfed in the stress (and sadly grieving process for us) of having a seriously ill parent. 

    I can see why you question whether your symptoms are pure Peri or anxiety.  I'd say a mix of the pair, from personal experience.

    I sympathise with your specific health issues, tho' I dont have them myself. What I do have is a family experience of Crohns, so  again, I completely know you're up against it - more so that me!!!  (I'm reminding myself of this fact as I have had a cr*ppy weekend, Peri-wise, and have probably over-indulged my 'Me Me Me' highlystrung self for a day or two:  it stops here Lady!!!)

    As for the fags (cigarettesbiggrin:  all power to you girl.  Unfortunately, when we were dealing with my father-in-law, my husband (his only child) went back to his crutch - cigarettes, as he could't cope with the stress.  A total irony I know, but thankfully he's been 'clean' now for the past 5yrs, but we all try to cope with stress in different ways. 

    I've read here about the Ladycare Magnet, lots of good reviews. So much so, after my own weekend, I might go get one myself!

    Know that you will get tons of replies, all really supportive and most will be a lot more helpful than mine. But I just thought I'd reach out to someone who's situation sounded so familiar:  at least I know how you're feeling.

    Chin Upsmile



    • Posted

      Hi Shaznay

      Thanks you so much for your kind words 😘 giving up the fags was not that hard to be honest my friend said why would you stop at a time like this but I was determined to do this for mum as she was a smoker so we both quit at the same time if you like 👍 I am looking into every avenue to try and make myself feel better 😁 how did u cope with your symptoms and what did you do to help yourself please share 😉 this can't last for too much longer surely I need to get back to my normal

      Self ASAP I hate this me I want the old me back 😡 xxxxx

    • Posted

      D'ya know what Veronica, I look back and I have absolutely no idea how I coped with it all! 

      My father-in-law was our last parent between up to pass, as I had lost my dad at 20 and we'd both lost our mums within 6mths of each other 14yrs ago.

      Looking back, I really don't know where I got it from as I was running our Business then, and we were so bloody emotional/strung out keeping our eye on him and his care in a NHS hospital .

      I can only say that I have a very strong, loving marriage to a great fella, so we leant on each other, moaned, swore (lots!!), supported and laughed together all through some of the shi**iest times in our lives. 

      I can see why some people would find help in SSRIs/ADs, but I really never thought of that as an option for me. 

      I hope you have a 'significant other' in your life who you can talk to and share all you worries.  My one is worth his weight in gold, bless him!

      Hope things are better your end


  • Posted

    red root tincture helps with helps the lymphatic system which is indirectly linked with hormone imbalances. I am in menopause and cant sleep without it. take 30 drops in a small amount of water 2 times a day. Also look into getting passion flower tincture for anxiety, it is like a xanax only it works faster and doesnt have any side effects. These items shouldnt effect any drugs you are taking but do your own research to make sure.
  • Posted

    Oh dear you have been through it and it will deffenately cause sweats if your stressed thats why many women end up on anitdepresents it supposed to calm you although i wouldnt take them. I have been through the lot,i am post no periods for 3 years.I went on HRT for 6 months but it wasnt good for me. I came off it as i went through a bad patch of being ill all the time.Because of this i didnt drink alcohol eat any chocolate or sweet snacks and gave up caffine i just didnt want it and i felt normal, Now i,m feeling better i started to drink again and eat rubbish,since i have been doing this I had terrible night and day it looks like i have to give up or continue and suffer.Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.

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