huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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    I am a 59 year old, healthy man. I have the same pain you are referring to.

    I have had all the usual tests. My Dr and a few specialists have found nothing. I do have a scoliosis in the mid back which often cause significant referred pain in other areas of my back and side but I do not think the two are related.

    I tend to believe it is gastrointestinal but I sure would like to find a way to manage it.

    • Posted

      Hi Richard.  I believe you're correct in your assumption that it's gastrointestinal.  I changed my diet a few years ago and am now almost totally vegetarian and I haven't experienced this type of pain for a while now.  Many years ago I had a friend who had weight issues and 'yo yo' dieted - which meant her diet was often very poor and she collapsed whilst out one day from pain of a similar nature.  She was diagnosed at the time with diverticulitis and told to only eat 'whole' foods.  Highly processed foods were causing her diverticular problems, leading to intense pain.  It resolved itself once she had cut out refined and processed foods from her diet.  Mine did the same.  Hope that helps.
    • Posted

      I have been going to the doctors like a lot lately for this pain in my lower back on left side and under my left rib and feeling pain very much internally like in my kidney area. Hurts more when I am more active such as moving in different positions. I can be sitting standing, lying down.....ALWAYS PAIN! I feel a little better after I bathe or shower (but who doesn't, right).

      First the doctor told me after the first test that I had blood in my urine. This cause suggestion to have an ultrasound of my kidney. The Nurse call me and scared me so much I was praying to Allah all my 5 daily prayers... so much making sure I say my Dua prayers. I guess it worked or they do not know what they are doing. She told me that I had a blood cyst on my kidney....what???!!! O no then like we all do I go to the internet and google exactly what they tell this is not good. Then the doctor scheduled for me to have a CAT Scan...there isn't blood on my kidney supposedly women have fibroids naturally and it not what they thought it was...So now I am on antibiotics for DIVERTICULITIS or COLITIS....they don't know. So they gave me 2 antibiotics....Oh and I forgot I have an UMBILICUS HERNIA which probably isn't helping anthing...I pray to Allah that we all find out our resolutions for our pain and I hope we all receive our blessings...Jazakallah khair

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      I forgot to say I don't eat much hardly any processed foods many more fruits and veggies all the time and I don't hardly eat fried foods, I don't drink, don't smoke, drug free, and am not a diabetic and I normally do not take any daily meds. I don't have any health issues except these above ^^^^. I am 50 years old
    • Posted

      Your post was three years ago and I am wondering if you have found any relief? I am a 50 yr old female and have the same exact thing you do. A slight scoliosis causing pain in left hip and right shoulder but feel this isn't related to that. I've had all the test and only conclusion was spastic colon. I have yet to find something to relieve the discomfort. Sometimes it feels like someone is pressing a finger in my rib cage and other times it feels like a fist

  • Posted

    I have had discomfort under my left rib on and off for years. In the past it used to just go away on its own so I never knew what it was although when I was in my thirties I remember a Doctor telling me it was FAT. Him saying that has always stuck with me so when I get the discomfort the first thing I do is try to lose weight but like another person said, othr people far bigger than me aren't suffering with this. In recent years the discomfort has got worse and for much longer periods. It became my first and last thought of the day, it felt like there was a lump inside that was restricting my movements; it was uncomfortable to stand for long periods washing up or ironing and I was always aware of it. 

    It definitely caused me to have stress so in the end the Doctor suggested a scan which I had but it didn't show anything. 

    I noticed that when I went on holiday it was never as bad so I started to think stress from work was causing it. I eat an awful lot of fruit....with my breakfast, at work between meals and with my dinner. I decided to cut it from my diet as it was something I didn't eat while on holiday  and I was trying to find out if it was diet related.

    'Touch wood' this is my third week without the discomfort and I feel like I new person.

    I just wanted to mention it on here just in case it might make a difference to someone else.

    I think I was always getting 'blockages' ... 'Bunged up' from eating certain foods. I'm going to watch my diet now in the hope that I can control what's happening inside.



    • Posted

      Try going to a gastro doctor and asking about diverticulosis or the much worse diverticulitis.  I just thanked someone earlier in the post for bringing this up.
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      Try taking medimucile and flax seed, you will stay regular and the stomach pain should go away.


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    I have the exact same thing and it has been getting worse all month (I teach and stand up almost all day, thought sitting doesn't seem to help). I have taken to holding my left side under my art apron all day long. I was hoping for some answers online, no luck. I have Hashimotos disease, with that comes hypothyroidism (low thyroid), I noticed one other person on here had that. Anyone else? 

    Two years ago I had pain so badly in the same area I thought it was a heart attack and was rushed off via ambulance from work. It wasn't and they couldn't find anything wrong then. This seems to come and go but it is REALLY BAD right now. ahhh who to go see?

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    I also have this pain - feels like someone has a handful of my insides right under/inside under my left rib cage and they are squeezing, pulling, ripping,stabbing, cutting it, I'm either bent in two breathing like I'm in labour or curled in a ball balling my eyes out , for me if I jam a pillow under my rib cage and sit on my knees crunched in a ball  on my couch it helps for some reason it makes it bearable when it's unbearable, and smoking weed also makes it bearable.  I lived with it for 5years and went through a million tests and a million different prescriptions before my doctor FINALLY found out MY problem I was diagnosed with celiac disease( wheat allergy)  ((7 years ago now ))and that solved my mystery pain BUT I still get the pain quiet often because I'm seriously allergic to wheat one tiny crumb and I'm curled up in a ball with a pillow jammed under my rib cage (pressure helps my pain a bit) 

    BUT everyone is different this was my problem but it might not be everyone's on here but it's worth a try it's a simple blood test (while your still eating the same as you do normally ) and another blood test after not eating wheat for a month 

    Ask your doctors about it smile 

    • Posted

      Your reply is very helpful Kathleen.  Coeliac disease (eg gluten intolerance) is definitely a possibility for these types of pains.  In fact the pain described in the original post is almost certainly liable to be digestive/bowel related in some way.  The symptoms could be as in your case wheat allergy, diverticular problems, or merely gut intolerance to processed or refined foods.  My present partner is vegetarian and since changing my diet substantially so that we can both eat the same foods, I've had no recurrence of my previous similar pain issues.  Thus in my case it was probably digestive also.
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    Have you ever heard of Costochondritus ?  It is an inflammation of the chest wall.  I have the same problem.  Stress seems to trigger mine.
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    My husband was having this pain tonight and so I went searching through the internet and found mostly it may be due to the spleen.  This page was very helpful so I've copied and hope it helps some of you

    Pain under Left Rib Cage

    The rib cage, also known as thoracic cavity, is an area that is most prone to accidents, and exposed to injury. It surrounds the chest muscles by supporting the shoulder girdle. The rib cage encases a large number of critical organs and pains in this region can be due to an underlying medical condition of these organs. A pain in the chest area is often a cause of alarm due to the possibility of heart pains. However, it is important to understand that not all pains in the rib cage indicate serious medical conditions. Having a proper understanding of what causes pain under left rib cage and surrounding areas can be useful when deciding whether the pain is a negligible matter or a medical emergency.

    What Causes Pain Under Left Rib Cage?

    There can be a number of reasons for experiencing pain in left side under ribs. These can be due to injuries, sever illnesses or some underlying condition. Following are some of the most common attributes of pain in the left rib cage area:

    Heartburn or acid reflux - This is a common cause of pain in the left side of the ribs. This may be triggered as a result because of over-consumption of acidic foods or drinks that generally cause heartburn. The pain is sharp and sometimes mistaken as a chest pain. Some may experience a bloated feeling due to lack of stomach acid to break down the food.

    Spleen irritation - Irritation or rapture of the spleen can also cause discomfort and pain under the left rib cage. Pain in the left shoulder tips is added signs of a spleen rapture or damage.

    Gas in the colon - Also known as the splenic-flexure syndrome, excessive amounts of gas trapped in the colon can cause pain under the ribcage. Gas in the colon can trigger pain in the left upper abdomen or the lower left chest. A person suffering from such pain should sit in a chair to rid the colon of the trapped air. Consuming food that causes indigestion can contribute to such gases.

    Costochondritis - This is a condition that results from an infection of cartilages that bond the ribs with the breastbone. This can be the result of a forceful impact of the shoulder and rib cage area or caused by a viral infection. Unbearable pain is experienced near the breastbone as the patient breaths heavily. Costochondritis is often times misunderstood with heart attack because the pain usually erupts from under the breastbone. The condition needs to be diagnosed with a physical examination.

    Broken rib - If the injury is in the left rib cage, then this can cause an explosive pain in left side under ribs, especially while breathing deeply. It can be diagnosed by taking chest x - rays.

    Pneumothorax - The lungs collapse due to a rupture in the lung membrane and the air leaks out to the cavity between the lungs and the rib cage causing pain under the rib areas. This is a condition that would need immediate medical attention.

    Stomach ulcers - A sharp pain under left rib cage can denote an ulcer in the stomach. This can cause pain that move up to the shoulder blade area from the rib cage region. Depending on the severity of the condition, the pain may last only a few minutes or reoccur in intervals.

    Irritable-bowel syndrome - This is a condition which cause pain in the abdomen, bloating, and cramps. It also disrupts normal bowl movements by causing diarrhea or constipation depending on the affected person. The sharp pains under the rib cage area can result in with the cramps in the intestines.

    Other conditions that cause pain under left rib cage include diverticulitis, pancreatitis, Intestinal infection, inflammation of the heart sac (pericarditis) and dissection of the abdominal aorta (Aneurysm).

    Treatment of Pain under Left Rib Cage[pain under left rib cage]Treating pain under left rib cage can be complicated because of the wide variety of possibilities that can be causing the symptoms. Some conditions such as mild muscle inflammations can be treated with a pain killer while broken ribs will need emergency medical attention. A ruptured spleen too will need surgical intervention. In case of being diagnosed of pneumothorax, the treatment will depend upon the severity of the condition and may need insertion of a chest tube. In case of heartburn or acid reflux, medications such as Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, or Dexlansoprazole as well as changes in the diet can treat the condition. If the pain in the left side under ribs is caused by costochondritis, then medications such as Indocin, Relafen, and OTC pain relievers such as ibrufen can be used in the treatment of pain. If diagnosed with irritable-bowel syndrome, laxatives are recommended while a high-fiber diet would be a long term remedy.

    Pain in the rib cage area usually results from an external injury or a forceful impact that may have caused internal damage to organs within. Broken ribs can cause excruciating pain in the underside of the ribs. A pain under left rib cage can be a manifestation of an illness or disease affecting the organs that are located in the left side of the rib cage. The urgency of seeking medical assistance depends on how the pain started and how sever or prolonged the pain is. Since a number of critical organs are present within the left side of the rib cage, neglecting pains that are persistent can be very harmful. If persistent pains or sudden and sharp pains are experienced and injuries are sustained to the rib cage, emergency medical assistance should be sought to avoid life threatening conditions.

    Hope this helps some.  I AM NOT a doctor at all and just thought this may help you find further information or make it more comfortable with your doctor


  • Posted

    As others have written, "Like you I have a similar pain ...".

    The pain I experience feels as if something is rubbing against my lowest left rib, and if I relax my stomach out (buddha style) this offers a bit of relief. Also the pain can be felt at times from the back side of my rib cage above kidney.

    Docs sent me down the road of colonoscopy (worthless and I should have realized), wanting me to do a barium swallow (refused this, but also know it would have revealed nothing), stool analysis (all normal except noted not able to digest long chain fatty acids and recommended wide spectrum digestive enzymes).

    Associated with the long chain fatty acides is another symptom - light colored stool. Comparing dark chocolate to milk chocolate, my stool can be light milk chocolate colored, and goes dark chocolate with the digestive enzymes. Also, when the pain seems worse, the stool color seems lighest. This tends to involve the pancreas, at least in description. 

    Stool analysis showed no bacteria associated with ulcers.

    Another clue, if I drink raw cabbage juice for 4 or 5 days in a row, the pain goes away entirely or nearly for weeks/months. Thus, you'd have to suspect it's an ulcer. Perhaps near the ducts with the pancreas and when the ulcer flairs up the pancreatic enzymes are blocked.

    One injury I had was a hernia that seemed to affect at least six points (two on either side of groin just above penis, with the one on right side resulting in a small bulge and the left side seems to have healed completely, two at the rib cage in front, and two on lower back). The small bulge remains in front, in right lower back there remains some pain that seems to have evolved into sciatica moving into the hip and thigh, and this lower left rib side pain. Don't know if this is related or not.

    There are some days where I don't notice the pain at all during the day, but at night have to adjust position to find a comfortable one.

    Other clues might be that during the 90s took ciprofloxin, a wide spectrum antibiotic, about 8-9 times which has led to broken tendons here and there, including abdominal tendons. Since pushing out abdomen, buddha style, offers some relief, suspect this is somehow involved.

    One other clue, is that when I've not eaten and the pain is felt, that taking a probiotic also seems to offer some relief.

    However, if I could just keep up with drinking raw cabbage juice every couple weeks, I suspect this might heal it completely.

    My personality is generally type A, kind of a high-strung person, self-motivated meaning I drive myself.

    Hope this helps or gives clues to anyone reading.

    • Posted

      Did you ever figure out anything else, this sounds like me, everything you have described.  It was found that I have pancreatic divisum, do you know if you have that?  It's controversial as far as if it causes us the pain you describe.  But just wondering if you have had an MRCP to reveal that.  Thanks!

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