huge discomfort blow left rib

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31/2 yrs ago I had a mild stroke. The morning after I felt a small discomfort on my left side just below my rib. The dr looked and felt but could see or feel nothing. Said it may just go away. Gradually the discomfort got worse and now is sometimes unbearable. It is always present and has indeed reduced my quality of life to a great degree.

I have had CT scan, virtual colonoscopy, endoscopy, chest xray and ultrasound. All negative. I have seen a neurologist and 2 x gut consultants, again nothing.

After all that NOBODY has the slightest idea what is wrong. (this is a time when everybody seems to give up on a patient!)

The discomfort is just like as if someone is pushing their first firmy into the area immediately beneath my left lower rib and I tend to be automatically holding my hand, with some pressure on it, all day for somekind of relief.

Is this a nerve or a gut problem, or anything else and perhaps npthing to do with my stroke after all?

I now have to 'get out of my pram' to get any further tests done. Doctors switch off. Have you tried to push treacle through dry sand?!

I am 67. Has anyone else suffered this problem please?


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    I know this discussion is old, but just wondering if anyone as gotten any answers!! I am glad to know that I am not crazy and their are others that have the same symptoms as me but on the hand I sure dont wish this pain on anyone, sorry.  --

          I am 27, female, 118lbs.  My "ribgut" pain started about 3 1/2 months ago, along with extreme fatigue, nautiousness, confusion, weak, trouble breathing (wheezing in the afternoons) and a fullness feeling all the time. I have had all the same tests on here that everyone has gone thru, I have switched doctors twice, the only they came back once was tht I had a bacterial infection but after taking antibiotics l feel no relieve.  I've read online that it could be a gas pocket and to lay on left side or sit, again no relieve - not gassy not constipated.  The pain never goes away l think just staying busy occupies my mind from it but nothing eases the pain or helps with the breathing.  

       The only in site I've had is my aunt had been experiencing all the same symptoms for a year, ( having things tire her greatly whereas a month prior she could do effortlessly ) the dr first told her the same that it's anxiety or stress or even depression.  Now she finally got diagnosed that she has been allergic to wheat her entire life and after having it for so long( she's 51) that that's caused her the discomfort and she has MS (multiple sclerosis). I have brought this to my dr attention but she thinks l am too young (although bt reports show it's typically 20-40 and now finding even younger) and just wants to do a breathing test?   I don't know if any of my findings will help anyone l jst want to feel better!  The pain is making me depressed!!! And frustrating !!! 

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah. I just stumbled across this forum myself. I have all the same symptoms as you. I am a 33 yr old female. Pain came on suddenly a month ago and hasn't left. Sometimes it is better than others but never gone. I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, hida scan, ct scans and ultrasound. Nothing has come up. I have the same exact.symptoms as you. Have you found any answers or had any relief yet?
  • Posted

    Dear James,

    My deepest sympathies go out to you as I hear the frustration in your voice aboout doctors giving up on you.

    About eight years ago, I went through lung surgery and developed nerve damage from the surgery.   It's called thoracic neuropathy.  But on top of that it sparked off a dystrophy called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or sometimes now called CRPS (complex reflex pain syndrome?) or sometimes the nurses will call it CRIPS for short because it seems to cripple the patient.  Basically what it is is that the sympathetic nerves go haywire due to injury or surgery  (or maybe possibly stroke?)  What happens is the sympathetic nerves tell your brain when you are hurt after injury or surgery but then they simply don't shut off when you're healed and this is EXTREMELY painful and diabilitating.  There are some tests that can show if the blood is pooling around the nerves "sometimes" but most times the test will come back negative because that's how deceptive this dystrophy is   I don't know if the stroke could have caused this but after everything you've gone through it sounds to me just from my own experience that it might be worth checking into since you've tried everything else.  My lower three ribs hurt so bad now ALL the time and I'm on full disability (in the United States) from these two items. I know the surgical neuropathy couldn't be the same but the RSD OR CRPS could be from the stoke. You need to have a doctor refer you to a Pain Management Doctor.  You've tried everything else...why not go for it and at the very least they may be able to help you manage the pain you're in even if this isn't the answer.  RSD is still something some specialists will toss you over to the side or in some cases really don't think about, but it is a very real and a proven dystrophy that is so painful and progressively gets worse and can cause actually muscle loss. Please.don't give up.  With proper treatment it can get better. There are also RSD groups and websites available online if you would like to read further into it.

    I actually found this site because my husband was having extreme pain in his left lower rib and he has divirticulitis and most comments on this site pointed to that or that his spleen could have been inflammed because of it. 

    I received an email this morning from another woman who wanted some information and I was going to reply to her but when I pushed the button it led me to you.  I don't know if you're a man of faith but I am.  All things happen for a reason.


    • Posted

      Thanks for taking the time to write Beth. I can report no improvement in myself. Interesting to read about RSD and I will explore that.

      Like everyone else on here I will share any findings.

      We are all rather desperate to find the elusive answer!

      Thank you



  • Posted

    Hello from Memphis TN. I have been experiencing these exact symptoms for about three months. fFrom something sliding against my ribs to pushing against my side to relieve discomfort. The discomfort is amplifyied when I eat or drink a lot. I sometimes feel what feels like and electrical shock in my side below rib when i reach up for something. I spent 11 hrs in the Veteran hospital yesterday only to have the Dr. come in and say that it was GERD. They did an ultra-sound first and me and the lady both saw a small round object in my kidney and her boss (a dr.) said it looked like kidney stones with Hydro (explained that means fluid backed up). So they did a CT scan an thats when Dr. came in and said there was nothing there. I also feel a cold feeling after drinking ice water, and althought that may sound normal, I never had that feeling before. Im not to enthused by what everyone else has found out with all there test....I really hope this goes away or they find a reason.
  • Posted

    I have the exact same thing and had all the same tests and I haven't had a stroke. My doctors here in the states also suggested a forum (as my computer company usually does) but to no avail. No one seems to know what this is  but by golly there sure seem to be quite a few people suffering from it. Heck there are 41 replies on tis forum alone. When did doctors give up and leave everything to the patients. You really have to be your own advocate, health wise, now days. My pain comes and goes and it seems worse when I wear a bra (I'm sure not your problem James ;-) but even with I go without out I have the pain. It seems worse by the end of the day and is completely gone by morning. It starts up slowly around 8-9 am and then progresses to unbearable around 3-4 pm. If anyone finds an answer I"d love to know! (I'm 53)

    thanks for sharing your story!

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      Hi Dahinda. I have the same issue for about 5 to 6 yrs. Drs. said probably not serious otherwise would have killed me by now. After years of blood tests, xrays, ultra sound, FIT tests etc. my current Dr agreed to send me to a GI. A year later had a consult which she has scheduled me for a scope in a few months. She said it is unlikely to show anything. Yeah, and she said a colonoscopy (spelling?) would show even less.  I like my wine in the evening, she of course said I should cut this down. I'm tired of the constant pressure/pain that occurs under my rib cage, and figured it my be inflammatory or spleen related (again hopefully just inflamation). So I decided to cut alcohol out totally and take some probiotics (acidophilus and yogurt), Within a few days the pressure/pain subsided. Heartburn eased off. Bowel movements became more normal. This is all within a few weeks of quiting. I'm not even sugguesting you drink, but simply could very well be allergy, or imflamation related. You probably already know in your haed, what is likely causing this, as I, I was looking to doctors to find something else so that I didn't have to change anything in my life style. Still having to suck up the life style change, or at least if I don't, I have to relize I am causing the out come myself.

      Lots of luck, and thank you for your story.


    • Posted

      So funny, as I sit here with terriable pain drinking my wine. I'd say it is the wine but it starts at work and I definately don't drink wine in my elementary classroom (0; I will but it out, though, and see if things change. thanks so much!
  • Posted

    I have the same exact symptoms. I have a  swollen spleen. It gets worse when I am sick. Sometimes it hurts so much I can hardly breathe . 
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    I've had this same discomfort in my left rib cage for a while.  Sometimes turning into an unbearable pain that prevents me from breathing well.  It finally got so bad i went to see the doctor yesterday.  I've had my first round of xrays and ultrasound.  I have to say I'm now expecting it to show nothing, just like I see here.

    I am overweight and wonder the same question as chubbywubby.  Are most of the patients here overweight?

  • Posted

    Hello, I started having these same symptoms with the pain under my left rib after over  eating at lunch. I thought, as well, that it was pressure from my stomach. Well, I haven't eaten anything yet this morning and the pain has started again. This has only been going on for a few weeks and have felt this pain 3 times.  I was thinking it was probably gas because when I first got the pain, I also had pain up into my left chest/shoulder area.  I hope everyone gets some relief from this when we can find a good Doctor to take notice.
  • Posted

    Hello, I started having these same symptoms with the pain under my left rib after over  eating at lunch. I thought, as well, that it was pressure from my stomach. Well, I haven't eaten anything yet this morning and the pain has started again. This has only been going on for a few weeks and have felt this pain 3 times.  I was thinking it was probably gas because when I first got the pain, I also had pain up into my left chest/shoulder area.  I hope everyone gets some relief from this when we can find a good Doctor to take notice.
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      Although not always the case and I really wouldnt want to discount other medical conditions that are more serious, the underlying cause in a large number of cases with this problem is gastro-intestinal, ie gas or digestive problems, diverticular issues, etc.  I had this for a long time and I really appreciate those who say how severe and frightening it is.  I was convinced I was having a heart attack at one point and ended up in ER.  I changed my diet - cut out ALL processed or refined foods, swapped to wholemeal bread etc., cut down on starch and carbs a huge amount.  I then met my current partner who is vegetarian so now eat very little meat.  I am over the moon to state that I very rarely get any discomfort any more.  If I over indulge in junk food, say at a party or similar, I really suffer the next day and all the symptoms come back.  It's certainly worth reviewing dietary habits to see if it helps.  Even if it doesn't we feel healthier generally when we eat what's good for us.  Good luck everyone in finding the right solution for you.
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      I don't eat processed food and no white carbs, but I do eat meat, veggies, fruit, and salad.  I wish I could give it up because I know I would feel healthier for it. My husband is a meat and potato man, so would be hard to give it up. Thanks for your advice! 
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      I agree with Loxie and have experienced a great improvement since I learned I have a sensitive gall bladder and changed my diet thanks to sound testing and advise from my NaturoPath who has a PHd in nutrition. Not sure why the medical community and all their nutritionists couldn't do the same for me, but anyway...thought I was a healthy eater until I learned about the abundance of rancid oils and other triggers. Pork is another devil food for anyone with digestive or related issues. Diet is sooooo critical I can't stress enough for all the sufferers out there, please, please get help in this area from a NaturoPath or Homeopathic Dr. They truly understand this better than our western medical system. Lack of and/or too much of a mineral can also cause grave symptoms.
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      Doesn't sound like you have an unhealthy diet Melanie but it may be just one type of foodstuff that's causing the problem.  It's often really surprising what foods can cause intestinal tract and gut problems, they aren't always the obvious ones like too much pizza or fried food etc..  I found out my system won't tolerate legumes (ie beans, peas, etc) which are generally considered part of a healthy diet and we're recommended to eat more of them.  I feel like I've been inflated with a tyre pump if I eat them in anything more than miniscule quantities.  We're all different so what suits one doesn't always suit another. I have no problem with wheat, which a lot of people have an intolerance to.  I honestly hope you find out what's causing yours so you can get some relief.
    • Posted

      Melanie - Same symptoms here. Ibsee you wrote this about a year ago. Any relief or answers yet?

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