I'm so scared with my anxiety and depression I just need help 😞

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I'm 28 and have been suffering with anxiety and depression for about 10 years. The first time it happened it really scared me not knowing what it was and the doctors didn help much either until they noticed it was anxiety and depression. I was put on citalopram and it helped but having to up the dose every couple of years because it kept creeping back.

About a month ago I had a massive breakdown and felt so hopeless. Went back to doctors and they gave me diazepam to calm me down and to switch to a different anti- dep. I'm a week into changing to sertilene and my anxiety has peaked again and I'm struggling. Hardly sleeping and eating. I'm just so scared. Getting side effects with these new tablets and just keep thinking they are not working.....

I can't go out because thinking people will judge me and that I'll have another bad episode and go straight back to square 1...

I just want to feel better and feel like me again. 😔

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  • Posted

    I'm going through similar things having spent three months battling life changing Generalized anxiety and OCD and depression I feel lost without a direction but I just keep hanging in there sometimes you just gotta follow that voice that says things will get better even though it's been made near silent by all the hardship things will get better hang in there one of these days we will find ourselves again are you in therapy or have a therapist?

  • Posted

    Hi Tom,

    Have just read your post... Sounds like you and I are in the same boat... I'm on day 10 of taking Sertraline... It's hard as I do feel more anxious but I'm trying to think positively and say to myself it's the pill doing this to me, once it's in my system it will start to work...!!

    This whole experience is the scariest I have ever been through and also the most life changing... I am no longer able to work, been signed off for 6 weeks so far... Which is very out of character for me... But like lots of all of the lovely people have said we just need to focus on getting better and staying strong... We will get through this...

    I have found keeping busy in the day long walks down my local high road of get a bus somewhere for a look in the shops helps me... My husband is also off work with me as I'm too scared to be alone... again very unlike me...

    I have to just except this is me right now but I've started Meds and CBT and changed my diet so I'm doing everything I can to get better... There isn't a quick fix... It will take time... We just need to stay positive and focused...

    If I'm honest the hardest thing I find throughout this whole experience is the insomnia... I'm only getting 3-4 hours each and every night and that is with sleeping pills (Zolpidem) 10mg which my doctor said she won't give me any more of once finished this lot as I've had them everyday for around 6 weeks now... That scares me a lot... So if any of you lovely people have any advice on support for sleeping that would be great... I already listen to mindfulness to sleep no caffeine, lavender oil, all the usual self help stuff...

    Tom Edwina is right, we will get through this ok... Where abouts in the world are you..?? I'm in London... Message me anytime...

    Bekah. 😃

    • Posted

      hi, you are doing all the right things for sleep and it will come back naturally, its just so hard just now. Ive done the mindfulness, lavender,caffeine free stuff.  I have resorted to lowest dose of mirtazapine possible and it definitely helps me sleep.  Maybe you could discuss with your dr.  I have a warm bath and read a little then put lights out.  Dont get me wrong, i do still have nights when i lie awake for what seems hours, very frustrating.

      I too feel awful that i need my hubby to be with me all the time, i dont like being on my own.  If we go out i need to stay with him too.  I was never like that and dont understand where it came from. CBT is supposed to help with that but i find it hard to put into action.  Keeping on trying.

    • Posted

      Hi , hope tom gets back to you you sounded so similar, great you sound like your really pushing yourself to keep busy and keep your mind off this , it is an anxious time. I tried everything , the sleep thing drove me mad, 1 hr then I would wake worrying, after few days started getting about 4hrs, gradually I started to get a regular sleep pattern back , it's just crappy at moment it's such a long night and made me worry more, I had my mum stay for a few nights and we would stay up late talking etc( bless her) as my hubby works away. Keep up good work , try to stay positive, hopefully each day now you will feel a little more positive??

    • Posted

      Hi Ann,

      Thank you for your post... Can I ask what is Mitrazapine..?? Are you on any other medication..??

      We all just need to stay positive and have hope... The not sleeping is the worst for me though... I think even if I had 6 hrs a night I might cope a bit better during my day...

      So lovely to hear you have your husband there to support you...


    • Posted

      Hi Edwina,

      Thank you for your post, how did you manage to up your sleep..?? Anything I haven't tried..?? How long have you been suffering..??

      This literally came on me over the last 3-4 months but and changed my life... Can't work, can't do any of the things I did before... My life before this was so happy... I just don't understand how this can happen to us... 😢

      I desperately trying to search for success stories... I want to get better... I want my like back and my daughter wants her mum back and my husband wants his wife back...


    • Posted

      Hi I've suffered for years, looking back at school people used to think I was shy but I was very self conscious, even then I had some sort of anxiety as I used to always obsess over the next day at school etc, head always going over things, wouldn't stop. As I got older I got so down sometimes I thought easier not to go out. That's when mum stepped in . I broke down at doctors and they were really good. Put me on small dose of diazapam and mum would drag me out, tried therapy, pushed myself or I knew I would have no life. Basically need people to talk to and push you, good doctor, meds do help but I only take now when really panicy on occasion. I have a better understanding now, know. This won't kill me , just horrid. Always passes. Best thing was realising I wasn't mad and other people have this, it's such a lonely illness when you think you must be the only one that bad. The sleep came back gradually, like everything it's a waiting game which is frustrating. Don't get me wrong , I still have nights when my heads going round and round and I can't sleep ,It's not as often now. Glad you're really looking into this and asking for advice, lots of people here with advice and reasurance, talk anytime, hope you get some peace of mind from reading here. ??

    • Posted

      It is really reassuring to hear others experiences with anxiety...

      I think looking back into my past I had issues but just nothing has tipped me over...

      My husband is great just like your mum has been for you... He has and is being my total rock...

      I guess I have always been an over thinker and always thought the worst ... 😢 Not good I know and as much as I tell myself to change I end up back thinking the worst...Its a horrible cycle...

      I also have the feeling of blocked ears especially in one ear, and very sensitive hearing and ear ache... Been to ENT doctor and nothing wrong and has all been put down to anxiety... I just can't believe how many real physical symptoms a mental health condition can have... That is also very scary... I have lots more to add but won't even start as the list will go on... Plus I'm trying to block them out... I was thinking I might post about my ear on a new thread to see if there is anyone who stuffers with the same problem...

      I am desperate for the Sertraline to kick in and do its job... Together with the CBT I'm hopeing that I can get through this... The doctor gave me diazepam too... I took one when I was in a super panic, the effects of the pill was horrible... I couldn't move or talk properly for a few hours and was only 2mg... what was really frustrating was I thought it would send me to sleep and it didn't just made me lie there not able to do anything... So now I'm too scared to take it again... I also have propranolol that the dr prescribed me so I might post a thread on that and see if anyone is using that to help whilst waiting for the meds to kick in...

      So much racing round my head today... Where abouts in the world are you edwina..?? I'm in London... xxx

    • Posted

      I really love your positivity... I hope that I could be so positive... I think it would really help speed my recovery up... I think I have learned the mind is the most powerful thing of the human body... It scares me... xx
    • Posted

      Hi I'm up north, Cumbria, I get a blocked ear as if it needs syringing, glad you got hubby, can't imagine poor people who have no one. Stick to your med , sure it will pass soon, if not discuss again with doc, but have tried others and seem to take an age to kick in, I'm sure a lot of people must give in and stop just as they could begin to help. Totally get diazapam didn't work for you, some people do say this, ok for me , and it's there just if I need it. Everybody seems different , wish there was one med to cure anxiety that work for everyone( no such luck) . Battle on. Your doing great, always here, hope your much better very soon, keep me updated??

    • Posted

      P.s you to will soon feel much more positive and share how you have coped, it's easy to lie down and let this beat us, your doing well, keep it up. Think Tom was trying to reply to you, hope he manages , in such a similar dilemma ??

    • Posted

      I said that it's just horrid with these side effects today it's nausea that is bothering me, hate feeling sick just want side effect to go. I just want to start to feel normal and slowly get back into the saddle of going out and not being stuck indoors.

      I know bekah it is tough I've been signed off from work for another 2 weeks as I need to feel bit better to get my confidence back.

      I'm in Cambridge

    • Posted

      Hi, mirtazapine is an antidepressant which does a lot of people a lot of good but it is hard to stop. It gives massive insomnia. I just want rid of it but the sleep it gives is why a lot cant get off it.  
    • Posted

      Ok, I've not heard of it... I'm really struggling with insomnia right now... 4 hrs a night if I'm luck and no chance of getting back off once awake and not able to nap in the day... That has been ongoing for 6 weeks roughly now... That is with sleeping pills... 😢 Just need to break the cycle... xx

    • Posted

      Hi Tom,

      I really hope the nausea settles soon... Could the dr prescribe something to settle that feeling..??

      I'm desperate for my life back too... 4 months ago everything was very different... My life was good... Great job, amzing family, holiday booked, so much to look forward too...

      Now everything is so painfully hard... Not being able to go to work kills me as I am usually a laugh a fun loving happy social person...

      I desperately want to hear from others who have suffered and got their life back on track to give me hope... The more success stories i read the more it settles me ... Everyone on here is great so glad I found this forum...

      How long have you suffered with Anxiety Tom..??

    • Posted

      Hi still no let up from that awful nausea , how you coping otherwise, had any sleep, hope if nausea passes the worry will lessen and the awful hopeless feeling will go. Any improvement at all ? ❤️
    • Posted

      Hi Edwina,

      i am feeling reallynbad, dont know if ts the mirtaz. Or or what but had the most horrific real nightmare last night, woke in middle of it and cant feel better. Its like something has changed in my brain and nothing nice happens anymore.  Yet I managed a family party at weekend.   Maybe i pushed too hard.  Dont know how to get through today.  Im sure these meds dont help as i never felt fear like this before i was ill.  Anyone else get this.  Any how are the sertraline users managing?

    • Posted


      It has eased a little bit today, feel a little bit more me today plus I got a hypnosis session today. It more of the negative thoughts which are making me depressed, just feel like I got a mixture of depression and anxiety with the panic attacks. Just want to start feeling like me again and to enjoy life like I used to

    • Posted

      Yer the doctor gave me something it's where I don't like being sick and then I constantly think about it. It's all the negative thoughts that go round my head.

      I've suffered from anxiety and depression for about 10-11 years. I started off on citalopram 10mg then worked up to 40mg and everything was good, but then bout month ago I had a huge breakdown and I couldn't cope. Docs gave me propranadol but that gave me a tight chest and problems breathing, then it was diazepam for a week to calm down then docs said about switching antidepressants, so first it was 30mg cit and started on 25mg sert for 4 days, then 20mg cit - 50 mg sert for 4 days, then 10mg cit - 50 mg sert for 4 days which I'm on my last day of. So hopefully I'll start feeling better soon.

      What about you?

    • Posted

      Hi great you feel a little better. Hope hypnosis helps, my dad had good results, hope it boosts your confidence , your doing ggrrat looking for anything positive that minght help. The racing thoughts still get bad for me, drive me mad, but as you get better you'll be able to cope with them better, they are rotten. I call them washing machine head as they go round and round and won't stop. Good luck for today . Let me know how you get on??

    • Posted

      Hi sorry you had bad night, don't be discouraged. Know it's horrid, I've had similar nights like that in past , even got mum round(again) as it scared me to go to bed the next night, but guess what , I was ok, just needed that reasurance as my anxiety was convincing me it would happen again. You didn't do to much at family event , you pushed yourself and that is positive. I know you think you can't get through today as last night has made you feel worse, you can , I was told take today an hour at a time , talk to someone, clean a little , watch to, walk outside( if you can) just take some deep breaths of fresh air, ring someone else etc. The days are long when you are having a really anxious day but I have got through many, tell yourself tomorrow will be better. Know it's hard the way your feeling but lots of us out here and we all have to fight this. If still concerned about meds in couple of days discuss with your doc, but let's get through today, always here, let me know how you get on, ??

    • Posted

      Hi Tom,

      yes, depression and anxiety all mixed in, its not nice to live with. 

      Glad you are doing something positive today, hope the hypnosis goes well for you.  Please report back with any good info.

    • Posted


      Struggling today, had hypnosis yesterday and it didn go brilliant and left with more doubt that I won't get better.

      I only had 1/2 hours sleep and today I feel so tense, tired and just can't seem to switch off my mind. I just want to feel better and be able to enjoy life again, everyday is hard either hardly any sleep, wake up anxious and loads of negative thoughts going round my head.

      It is only 12 days on sertilene will this get better..... I'm so scared

    • Posted

      Sorry your hypnosis wasnt great.   Maybe it takes several aps to see improvement.  Have you tried the diazepam to help you through?  Trying to get on sertraline does make you more anxious. Hope today will be better, once they kick in you will feel better.  If not, you can change to new anti dep, lots of choices.
    • Posted

      How do you get the horrible negative thoughts out of the head??
    • Posted

      Million dollar question.  Try to keep occupied, doesnt need to be difficult tasks. Get outat least for a little while for a walk each day, fresh air, take deep breaths and concentrate on breathing.  Try to read a little on meditation and mindfulessit gets easier the more often you try. Speak to a friend on phone if you can.  In time this should all help.  If youre stuck,even gett online here for some conversation.  Everyone is so kind and understands the feelings.
    • Posted

      Hi tom , eddy, sorry hypnosis didn't go too well, are you going to persevere with it, getting hardly any sleep is awful, it makes you feel even more down, so it's hard to not get negative, as Ann said try to keep mind occupied. You've got support here, 12 days now, push on , it will get better. You went to your hypnotherapy appointment, could have chickened out, keep trying to be proactive and don't let the negativity win. ( know it's hard, really do) ??

    • Posted

      Really struggling today,thinking i might have to up my anti dep to try to see if i am any better.  Tried a month ago and only managed a week then had to drop back. Side effects of unclear head and just out of whack.  Psych appt next week. Last time he told me to add anti psychotic but was worse. What can he try next? Been through so many. Any ideas welcome
    • Posted

      Sorry ur not feeling any better. Can u hold out till your appointment and discuss that your really struggling now. I didn't likectrying too many meds , anti depressants made me ill, I thought I was better with just diazapam to just calm me when anxiety was really bad, know meds can help along side self help. I just could not find anything that didn't make me feel worse. Discuss with your doc as some people have good results when meds kick in. Sounds like you are a little depressed( or down) no wonder , llnow the feeling well, we just want to see results and know we won't always feel this way. Hang in there, great if you could see friend or chat, anything to take mind off stuff going round in your head, ??

    • Posted


      I feel a little better today and I keep telling myself this will get better in time, I just don't no if I'm on the right dosage as I feel only like 25% better... how do I know?? coming off citalopram to sertilene has really hit me for six.. had a really bad day yesterday as well

      Just want my normal life back like seeing friends, going to work and eating properly

    • Posted

      Hi your feeling 25percent better great, it's slow going but tomorrow could be 50 , 75, then you've cracked it. Knew you could stick in, I look back and it's hell 12 days seems endless , but we seem to reach a turning point, hope very soon you'll feel more relaxed and can focus on kicking this crappy anxiety. Won't have to focus on when meds will start working can focus on pushing yourself to get a life back, know you can do it, everything takes time , just take baby steps, a day et a time . You'll soon achieve little things and it will push you to do more??

    • Posted

      Yer I no, my heads just feels weird like dull, spaced out n hard to concentrate on stuff. I do feel bit more relaxed just some times it creeps up on me like after I had a nap earlier...

      not as many negative thoughts but they are still there but I keep trying to think positive

    • Posted

      Keep it up, you've been through the ringer, as you get stronger you'll be able to focus better, ' not as many negative thoughts' is progress, hope you post tomorrow saying feel even better and your mind is clearer??

    • Posted

      Yes, i met a friend yesterday after three mg valium.  I am pretty sure im depressed now as it wont leave me.  Because ive had such trouble with a/ds i am now scared about what dr will want to give me.  A higher dose of the last one nearly sent me up the wall.  Im so frightened now i dont know what to do 
    • Posted

      Glad you saw friend. Tell doc your worries( making you feel worse etc). Try just to take your Valium when really anxious. Know that feeling of it just wanting to shift and get better, anxiety does give you a feeling of hopelessness,Similar to depression, there is hope though❤️
    • Posted

      Hey still feel the same today, just tension and muscle shakes, doctor said its probably because I'm not sleeping properly.... only got 2 hours sleep... mind seems little clearer just these shakes and tension over my body. Just got no energy to do anything.

    • Posted

      Hi tom. Glad mind seems a little clearer. I still get muscle tension , can feelvtense all over, and shaky. Can seem to be there all time, or just if I'm really tired or if I rush about, feels horrible( annoying). I can put up with this nowadays but you've been through a rough few weeks. The racing negative thoughts and racing heart are the worst I think but all wil lessen as you get stronger, keep me updated with your progress, you seem more positive than a week ago, just takes time to even itself out,??

    • Posted

      Hi Tom I was reading your posts and l have been in your situation more than once l would just like to point out that coming off citalopram can cause a lot of the symptoms you are describing so l would not assume it is all down to the new antidepressant.Give it at least 8 weeks to level out in your system and in the meantime take it a day at a time and don't expect too much to soon.

    • Posted

      I'm not just want to slowly get better and I no it's goner take time. What did you go through marleen?? Just these shakes in muscles and tension are bit worrying.

    • Posted

      All that you have mentioned and high anxiety , lowered mood,h, hopelessness and obsessive thinking thankfully it settled down.The sad fact about all these drugs are they increase the symptoms and thoughts we are trying to get relief from.Now l have to say l had to change a lot of times before l found any that suited me however you could be lucky.Just don't stop because that achieves nothing.

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