I need some help again! suffering....womens issues
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Hi again, my name is Jennifer and I am 48 years old. My periods are fairly regular, however, at times shorter or longer, late or early, heavy or light. Now I went on a mid cycle ovulation predictor website. I used their calculator. I am currently in the middle of my cycle, and not getting too graphic, I can tell I am ovulating. Twinges on my right side by my ovary. But, I am noticing I have had a dull achy headache for the past 4 days, achy neck, very anxious and uneasy feeling. I am also having a lot of stress in my family, two members of my family in rehab for Heroin addiction, my neice in a bad divorce, my father Bipolar and 88 years old. My husbands father very ill in South America, only has weeks left. Very sad and depressing. My husband is leaving again for the third time this year for South America to help his parents and be with his Dad. My children and I can't go, they have school and it is very expensive. Getting very upset and panicky, and my health anxiety hitting the roof. Whats wrong with me? I am scared and nervous and depressed. Any words will be helpful and comforting. Thank you =((
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jayneejay jennifer85396
oh hun, your having a sad and stressful time, this will impact on how you feel stress is very hard hitting .. and can affect the body and mind in all sorts of ways ..
cant say about peri menopause with you as not sure if your skipping periods, or regular or having flushes etc etc , if not then maybe its your stressful things thats your dealing with ..
big hugs hun
jay x
donna38794 jennifer85396
susan21149 jennifer85396
Sorry you are going through this you are really going through a stressful time.
Have you ever thought about taking some time to yourself take a vacation and get away for a while and relax. Do some yoga talk to someone.
I know when I am stressed out I have a lot of anxieties, my stomach acts up and I am moody torward everyone.
I will pray for you take it easy things will get better just hang in there and think positive things
BellaRubia jennifer85396
Good recommendation from Jenny, as it may sound impossible, breathing to relieve anxiety and stress is very efficient.
There is nos wift way to go through life, bad things happen and affect our minds and bodies. Nothing is wrong with you, anxiety can be powerful and destructive. Really try and breath, drink water, keep your mind full and WATCH your thoughts, they can be dangerous.
You will always find someone here able to talk to you and maybe give you a good advice...
Be well <3>3>
jennifer85396 BellaRubia
susan556 jennifer85396
As jenni23555 has said from a point of view as a christian although its not easy but the words found in Matthew 6 :34
So never be anxious about the next day,+ for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles. How true this is, sometimes there are situations in the family where we just cant alter or help much so all you can do is look after yourself, deep breaths and drinking water as said although seemingly two basic things do indeed help.You are staying behind for your children who need their mum so this is then the only area you can deal with at the moment, the others will take their course and i wish your two family members in
in rehab for Heroin addiction well. Need you ask whats wrong with you, id say theirs plenty to explain how your feeling at the moment, not easy when these things all seem to hit us at once and at an age where we are more vulnerable as well. You know many if us on hear are hear for you when ever.
jennifer85396 susan556
susan556 jennifer85396
queSera jennifer85396
I know you've had some lovely, helpful replies from others.
Just a quick suggestion (don't think this has been mentioned- apologies if it has) - vitamin B complex: this time last year I was all over the place (47, periods crammed together then gaps, feeling 'old' and fed-up), but then I decided I must try vitamins, and now I'm having a couple of spoons of something with most of the vitamin Bs, easy iron etc (from the supermarket), I have more energy, a more positive outlook, less prone to feeling 'hormonal' etc. So if you haven't tried this, then please consider it. My Dad (been gone nearly 20 years now, bless him) swore by vitamin B complex - good for nerves, energy, lots of things.
Take good care - we're thinking of you.
sheri54049 jennifer85396
jennifer85396 sheri54049
jayneejay jennifer85396
shaznay96184 jennifer85396
Wowww, slow down kid!! Breath.......!
You sound like me, on a few occasions,way back when I was aged 41 and 46 when I was trying to cope with the loss of my mum & mum-in-law (within 6mths of each other) and my father-in-law. Terrible, terrible times.
You have my complete and utter sympathy as I 'Have been there. Done it. Don't want the T-shirt', and sometimes look back and wonder how I - or we, as me and my husband had to deal with so much of this on our own - got through it.
I can't give you a magic remedy to help you through this, but hope that you have someone close to you that you can talk to about all this, in your poor husband's absence. A sister, girlfriend maybe?
I honestly believe with the later loss, some of my Perimeno symptoms were hidden in my stress, worries and eventual grieving process. They were so similiar to having a breakdown, but I now look back at them and see them too as classic Perimeno symptoms.
Like a fool, I'm really hoping that this was the case, and that I'm sorta over the worse now at 54 (Peri can go on for years, so I've gleened from this forum
I recall after my father-in-law passed that I went to my GP demanding some help for my Peri symptoms, I was moaning on and on, and then I opened up about watching my father-in-law die after being in hospital 8mths, visiting daily, running a Business, caring for a family, then.........Massive meltdown: crying, sobbing. She was great, and very quietly explained that what I was actually experiencing was grief: I was bereft at the loss of my loved one, and that it was perfectly normal, and that I should cry and shout, and get this off my chest as part of my grieving process.
Just talking to her, a complete stranger really, made me fee a million times better, because for those 8mths prior, it was just me and my husband trying to support each other through all this emotional stress.
I won't say that it has been easy, but probably easier for me than my husband, as his father's only child. But we have always loved and supported each other through some truly sh*tty times, and come out together, still loving each other.
Regardless of chatting to someone who knows you, I think a trip to your Doc might be a good move for you, even just to talk out your worries. You never know, they might even start the ball rolling with some blood tests to check all's well with you generally. But I think its probably a good thing to talk to someone.
Chin Up Kid. Go give your kids a big hug and kiss and tell them you love them: you'll be amazed at how good it feels when they do that back to you
shaznay96184 jennifer85396
Its hardly going to send any of us into a fainting fit now, is it?
My apologies Jennifer. I was saying you had my complete and utter sympathy in your current situation.
jennifer85396 shaznay96184