I still don't feel the same after smoking weed for the first time. NEED SUPPORT PLEASE

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Hello, Im posting here to get some reassurance and support. It has been over a year and a half now since I tried an illigal high (weed) for the first time and suffered a panic attack in which I thought I was going to lose my mind and die, and end up in a mental hospital. The high lasted about 4.5 hours. Nothing felt real and when the high wore off things didn't feel the same as before. I found out about derealization and depersonalization and I think that is what I have been dealing with since. I was diagnosed with GAD and I think I might of had it prior to smoking the pot but not to an extent that it bothered me.

The best way to explain it it just feels like something is off, nothings the same, i feel disconnected in a way. Like i keep trying to compare how i fet before the high (normal) to now but I cant exactly pinpoint what it is.

My vision gets weird and its hard to focus on anything. I see "noise" or static like tiny dots (visual snow) when looking at the night sky and floaters when looking at the blue sky. All things I have never experienced before the high.

At the start of this hell I thought I had died or that I was in hell. (It felt like it and my anxiety was through the roof and i felt nausous and panicky). I was obsessed with thinking i was going insane (schizophrenic) infact I still do get VERY VEEEEERY scared about it. Thinking that i could go mad. I also have light sensetivity wheb i look at something i get an afterimage if it that stays in my vision for a bit.

I feel like i had all my life ahead of me and now i cant live life like before. As if a part of me died. (Im not delusional though i dont think).

What has made it tolerable is being busy with study and work... But when im free all i do is be upset about it and feel miserable. I dont want medication because if the side effects and risks of psychosis/suicide.

I have no energy to do anything at times...

And i think the more time goes by the more i lose hope.

Please PLEASE if you can relate or have advice/support please contact me or reply to me here.

Thank you so much

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207 Replies

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    Hey Caolina ,

    I really wish to hear an update so I can know if this willing to go out or not , a help from you would be great.

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    i am going exactly through what you are going through. have you heard of anything or any help it would help so much. 

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      Hi I Jordan

      I'm so sorry you're going through the same thing.

      It's now 4 years after I tried it for the first time and developed "derealization" or whatever it is. Still haven't figured out exactly what it is but I think it's just anxiety.

      First of all please believe me that you won't go crazy. That was all I thought about when I first got it.. but nope!! It's just your flight fight and fright mechanism over reacting and making you feel like you're not in control.

      Over time I was able to just ignore it and keep living my life. I even got drunk for the first time in 4 years and nothing happened!! (I don't recommend trying to drink or anything any time soon because you're still super hypersensitive to everything and it will trigger another panic attack)

      The only real thing that has helped me is time and a really lovely partner who had been very supportive.

      I still have it in mild levels and the physical symptoms never went away (like the floaters and not being able to focus my vision too well).. but otherwise I'm living like before.

      Atleast trying to..

      Please don't hesitate to ask any questions

      I'm not 100% recoverered but I'm not freaking out 100% either

      .. I really wish you all the best and hope that it won't last as long as me

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      I'm happy you posted this after 4 Years! I smoked pot 5 months ago and had a terrible panic attack! It was the biggest panic attack ive ever had! Now I've been affraid of going crazy! But after reading your reply, I have hope! How old were you when you Smoked?

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      Hello the same exact things are happening to me right now I’m 16 years old do you think I’ll ever be the same? Have you recovered? It’s been 40 days since and I’m slightly getting better 
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      Same s**t happened to me I guess it is getting a little better but when i'm out with friends at night I feel very affected.

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      Hi please please reply I am 16 as well and did I think the same thing has happened to me but it was only a couple days ago. How are you going now ? does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this

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      im 17 and its been two weeks since i smoked. how are you feeling now?

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      are you still going through it because i and i need people like you to talk to because i feel like s**t

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      im going trough this s**t too, but i still smoke weed, uhg. I just keep smoking it even though I know i dont feel the same. For me, first time smoking hash was super duper cool, everything looked so nice, vibrant, chilly and I felt very relaxed.. ;D it was awesome. But second time, ive smoked some weed with tobbaco that my friend got, and dammn, after 3 hits, i was getting sick, so sick, everything felt unreal, thought i was gonna vomit and die at that place... i felt so dehydrated, i couldnt understand anything, when closing eyes my vision would start going crazy, it spins and it feels like im about to die if i continue to be with closed eyes... very very horrible experience, so yeah.. after that i have those same dots, snow vision... very annoying. But i personally , now i can ignore it, i mean, when i sober i dont even feel any other sides effects, apart that thinking about that i might be shizophrenic, sometimes that im crazy and is this world even is real... and simmilar thoughts. Oh, and i became very very sensitive to everything to sounds and touch, jeez. Though, about smoking weed, after that, i tried like 10 times, and only after 15 times from those horrible panick attacks from panic attacks i could think and be normal, but as i mentioned, i stilll feel some side effects when sober ( not high ). I hope you people could understand me. Sorry. Its hard to think for me when im high.

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      message me if you want to talk more about or we could maybe create a group, if somebody got idea... we may figure it out ;D

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      The exact same thing happened to me 19 years ago. I took drugs, had a massive panic attack, and then my anxiety went through the roof. I had derealisation/depersonalisation, along with the strange thoughts about existence. My eyes felt weird, visual snow, felt like I was living behind glass. Everything felt unreal, I felt like a stranger, people I knew felt like strangers. Too many symptoms to list. It was all just anxiety. What your brain is doing, is protecting you from anxiety. You've just went through something traumatic, the bad drug trip, and your mind tried to protect you by putting you in depersonalisation/derealisation. It is nothing more than a defence mechanism. The reason the anxiety symptoms and depersonalisation/derealisation hangs around is because of your emotional reaction towards it. You fear it, or get upset by it, or let it invade every thought, so it keeps protecting you, thinking you are still in danger. The trick is to not fear it. You don't have to like it, and I know how horrible and frightening it feels, but you just need to live along side it, giving it no extra thought or fear, realising it is just anxiety and your brain protecting itself. Go about your day, with it still there. Pay no mind to the strange thoughts and sensations it brings. You will never go crazy from it. Work, study, socialise, watch movies, yes you will feel uncomfortable, but not fearing it, and living is the way to return your brain to normalcy. I highly recommend the anxietynomore site. Thats what got me out of it,.and I suffered from it for 15 years (you wont). If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

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      Yeah man, thanks !:) Im better now, actually im doing very well now. I understood my problems and causes of anxiety and that "bad trip" my self and im really good at recovering, actually im better than ever, except that i have noticeable visual snow from second time of smoking weed. But not thinking bout it, im very very a better person living now, im happy. 😃 i actually dont even know how i am recovering that fast, maybe im lucky 😄 But i definetly feel normalised now. I mean i believed lots in my self that i will go trough this and everything is gonna get back to normal, or at least something to normal, and now it is actually quite normal 😄

      And from my researches, this syndrome is called HPPD, probably.

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      if someone wants to talk, be free to do so 😉

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      I promise you things get better I went through this for a whole week and reading stuff on this topic sorta helped but I want to tell you the way you snap out of it or go back to feeling normal. Is doing what you have passion that you often dont get to do as much anymore . For me it was playing basketball down in the old park I use to play growing up with some of my old friends I'm only 19 . I promise you this feeling gets better or back to normal once you find that one thing that always seems to calm you down or bring you back or brings you joy,hype,intense. a lot of these people will tell you it has to do with your "poor diet" I promise it has nothing to do with that. it's all in your head literally dont think about you feeling differently than before just ignore it try your hardest. you can definitely overcome it. and maybe you dont have a passion for anything just try to keep yourself occupied and build a passion for something! at the end of the day our passion is what drives us you can do it champ!

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      thank you, this is very inspiring. its been 10 years and im still dealing with it 😦 jw what drugs you took that caused it? b/c im worried weed just permanently altered my brain and it will never go back to normal

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      hey this may be random/weird but all our identities are unknown so i wanted to ask you... do you think premature ejaculation could be a side effect of dp/dr?? ever since getting it ive had some trouble with that

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      ive been going through the same thing. i think weird stuff and i wish i could go back to the old me 😦

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      i understand exactly what you're going through its been 17 years ago that i 1st smoked weed and i felt that i saw everything and everyone for what they were and even though it opened my mind to so many truths it also led to believe lies that my mind was sick or that i was not ever gonna be innocent or happy again something changed ever since i still can't put it into words what it is i just cant pinpoint it 100% however some people have a underlying problem that usually wouldn't come out and the weed brings it to the surface and some people have a psychotic episode when smoking it i do know a few people whp smoked and went crazy never returning to to themselves because it induced something in them that was buried ? sorry for long post hope you get 100% better i never did but everyone is different so please dont base what i said as something that will happen to you everyone is different like i say

      many blessings

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      yes yes that's what was one of my biggest symptoms 17 years ago how could i forget i felt as though the people i knew all my life were strangers and that they were going to judge me laugh at me i started wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap to make sure nobody ever looked me in the eye because they would see the weakness and sadness and attack me with it i felt. and also felt i was a stranger my whole personality changed i used to live in the sunlight i loved it i always hated the cold and dark and now I'm opposite i hate the heat the sun the light i want cold dark rooms i lost many friends and family as a result

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      hey, that really helped just knowing someone had the same experience as me.

      I still am kinda suffering with it but just knowing i'm not alone really helped.

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      Yeah bro I couldn't sleep for a week and a half and finally took some pills to go to sleep and now I'm grinding again but it's still there and I haven't slept without the pills yet and now that I'm running out I'm curious if I've evolved from those attacks.

      But focusing on the goals stops the racing thoughts. It's when I sit alone they come back but I've been trying to incorporate meditation I believe It is me awakening from a long awaited breakthrough of mental programming from an outside source. Maybe demons, something that was attached to me for a long time. I found myself becoming a better person through all of this... hmmmm a sign.

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      I find myself walking around and remembering old moments when I was a kid playing around with my cousins and stuff... Since the attacks much like this person on this thread I can say your right. It makes you appreciate life more and makes you wanna achieve more in life and drives you immensely.

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      hey man ive had the same thing for about 8 months and its been really scary. i would like to hear more on how to help/cure it. Get back to me if u can i really dont know how much linger i can keep going like this.

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      Hi, unfortunately I'm going through the same thing right now but after reading what you've said here I feel a lot more motivated to carry on. Thank you

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      hey, so am i. i really hope we get through this we should keep in touch my instagram my @ is flynnmckee. we'll get over it if not in this the the one afterwards.

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      i am going through same thing too. During my bad trip I felt like I was stuck in time and I was watching the same loop over and over again. I had an awful panic attack, was sweating and felt like I couldnt breathe. I still don't feel myself and worried that I had developed psychosis. After about a week I felt less crazy but still didnt feel myself. I talked to a friend who went through the same thing and she said it took her about 4 months to go back to normal. she said being in the same room where she had the bad trip triggered the feeling that she was going crazy again. I feel the exact same...and think our anxiety is perhaps linked to some sort of PTSD? That might sound extreme but I just think we are so worried and convince ourselves that it is happening again.

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      I don't even know how to thank you. Reading this really snapped me out of the constant fear. You're right to over come it, you must not fear it and push through it...thank you

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      I began to cry reading your post. its as if i wrote it myself . Parallel lives just as you said has happened to me. started in highschool and I just turned 40. still struggling time to time. I think getting a dose of detachment makes you start to question out whole being and existence and maybe what death is like . Thank you for sharing . It feels good to not feel "alone". I think im still angry that I dont feel normal because I still feel somewhat detached . Im not sure how to fix it or if it can be fixed ?

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      hi i wanna talk to you, like right now

      its my instagram id : insta_user_gram0

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      Hi Steve,

      Your message concerned me, how did the people who smoked never return to be the same. What happened to them? Have they not went back to normal yet.

      Hope your well


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      I have felt better since talking to my Dad about my anxiety yesterday about the night of a panic attack due to edibles about 4 months ago. I have had about 5 anxiety /panic attacks that last only a few mins since the night. I have gone to a physcologist also. Do you think I can beat these panic attacks and get rid of them in the future.

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      yeah man please i need this plesse reply for social media to fonnect

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      ive been going through this for 3 months? how long will this take? im for sure feeling alot better though

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      i feel like ive been perminantly alterd

      and i dont feel the same anymore its horrible and i cant explain it

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