I want to give up.

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sorry to keep posting guys but feeling pretty desperate

I'm about 16 days of sertraline 50mg, swapping from citalopram

the past few days have been getting increasingly difficult with worse anxiety and mood. yesterday I had a panick attack and it's got do bad today I had to send my 5 year old back home to his mum and feel so guilty about it.

I'm really struggling and everyone says to carry on. will it get easier because I dont know how long I can feel like this.

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  • Posted

    Been there two weeks ago but feeling much better now as I finish my fourth week on 50 mg. As you know, many users have reported the same side effects on here. There's nothing easy about this period. It plain sucks. My anxiety was so bad, I felt constantly on edge. During week three or four you probably will see moments where the anxiety lifts before it descends again. Kind of on and off. I know how you feel. I made it through it, you can too! Don't be surprised if you get a really good day just to go back to another bad day. I wouldn't draw any conclusions until week six. Rather, until then you should remain hopeful. Chances are you will be much improved.

    Good luck, man!

    • Posted

      thank you for replying I appreciate it x

      I sometimes feel slightly better in the evening but not by too much tbh.

      it's the morning and during the day my anxiety is so crippling! I'm on the edge constantly it feels like

      how did you make it through, what helped?

      I'm glad you are starting to feel a little better so that's really good.

      hopefully it starts kicking in properly for you soon.

    • Posted

      I made it through because I told myself that every day down on the medication would bring me closer to where it finally becomes therapeutic. I also kept doing strength training to distract myself, however, nervous and exhausted I felt. In the evening, podcasts and audio plays also helped me.

      I had no other drug for mitigating side effects as I am too afraid to take benzo drugs. I have recently started meditation practices and have a feeling that this will be helpful.

      I am a huge coffee lover, and so I have a cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. This might sound counter-intuitive but I am so used to the caffeine that it did nothing to heighten my anxiety (which, by the way, seemed impossible, ha).

      You owe it to yourself to get yourself to that therapeutic window. You've been through the worst window already. Sertraline can be highly effective. Give it a chance to work for you.

    • Posted

      thank you for your advise an input. just hearing from people who have been through or are going through it makes it feel less lonely if that makes sense.

      I'm glad you can still enjoy your coffee! I like to drink tea but haven't been able to in months because of how it can make me feel.

      I'm trying really hard to keep distracted atm but nothing seems to be helping. I feel very wobbly on my feet so haven't managed to go outside much which a few days ago I had no problem doing at all. so feel like I'm completely going backwards.

      very disheartening. I feel like I'm getting worse and not better if that makes sense and that is really scary.

    • Posted

      bless you potato i completely relate to what youre saying i cant even function right now the updose and downdose is kicking my arse, cant believe i feel like this after a year because of a faulty bottle, take it hour by hour do whatever you can to distract yourself, wish i could take it away from us all, all we want is to be calm for godness sake x

    • Posted

      thank you toria x

      I'm sorry that you are struggling too x your message just made me cry because I feel so bad for you after all that progress x or I'm just a wetty lol x

      I know how hard it has been for you but you've got this far and it will get better! we have to believe it will x

    • Posted

      awwww bless you, hoping you get through this phase quickly, hows your tummy, has it settled yet, mines been bad the last few days x

    • Posted

      it has settled a fair bit and so has the jaw clenching. the anxiety and depression are killing me today. feel like I'm constantly on the verge of a panick attack. I feel soooooo poooooo!

      awww bless you x have you got anything that will help your stomach or anything to help keep your mind busy today? hope your partner is looking after you aswell today lol x

    • Posted

      Force yourself to do little things just to show yourself you can do them. Practice a habit or a custom you enjoy just to remind yourself that it is still there, momentarily buried under the layers of anxiety but completely there still. Then pat yourself on the back and take comfort that you'll come back to your old self, just not right now at that very moment.

      As you know, you will feel getting worse if you think about your anxiety all the time. It's the nature of the beast. I certainly know from own painful experience.

      The thing with anxiety is that it doesn't "destroy" your self. I often noticed that from one moment to the next one can feel so much better suddenly (and also so much worse, I guess). But the sudden changes that one can notice are a clear indication that anxiety is a layer that envelopes your mind but that can also be pulled away. In a way it is harmless but, of course, to us sufferers it can be crippling.

      If you have a set of dumbbells at home, do something with them. Show yourself that your body is still strong and can lift them. Maybe you'll get a little dopamine reward if you do it intensely enough.

      Yes, trust that the sertraline will help you. But don't just place your entire hope in a drug. You need to trust yourself again first and foremost. The drug is just a crutch that can help but it isn't you and your abilities.

    • Posted

      i feel the same so anxious and every time i eat i run the toilet its so crap (pun intended) x

    • Posted

      thank you so much it really helps seeing other peoples perspectives and thoughts on the situation. you are definitely right. I'm trying at the minute to put a game on that I used to enjoy playing and hoping it will take my mind off things and remember that I used to enjoy it. even if it is only for half an hour it's better than not at all.

      I'm trying really hard to tell myself it's just the anxiety and I will feel better and get back to my normal self.

      even last week I was still managing to go to the shops or go out if I needed and have my son but it all seems so far away right now. not from lack of trying x I am trying to push myself to do these things so i know i have nothing to be anxious about. but in losing the battle at the moment. i just need a little push from the meds to help and get me back on my feet but instead they are making me feel worse x thank you I'm gonna re read your message and try and put it to good use so thank you x

    • Posted

      hahaha amazing! oh no that's not good. try to keep hydrated though if your food is.......escaping you lol. it will pass you know. hopefully because you weren't on the updose long it will pass pretty quickly this time round x

    • Posted

      thanks potato so rubbish isnt it, just when you think youre making progress you fall back to the beginning, honestly cannot count the amount of scary thoughts ive had grrrrrr! oh well you know the saying what doesnt kill you makes you stronger x

  • Posted

    I only took this for 3 days back in March and felt weird on it so i went back to GP and was propanolol, i felt fine without taking any after stopping sertraline Wednesday night being the last but Saturday was hell with what i now know were withdrawal symptoms i had muscle twitching sweating and parethesia never knew anything about withdrawal or its possibility although its all in the leaflet my GP never mentioned a thing to me it was very scary.

    • Posted

      sorry to hear that. sounds horrible.

      withdrawals are meant to be horrible. I can never tell what's withdrawal and start ups to be honest

    • Posted

      Hey lois ! still not well.

      Sleep was on and off.

      Mood feels low and still no motivation.


    • Posted

      gs but at least you are getting some sleep.i went one week without sleep.i look like all the characters in the walking dead.no lie.

    • Posted

      I look like that too lois. i havent been sleeping good at all.

      I also just feel not myself and no motivation at all.

      thanks !

    • Posted

      Um not as much . im scared to get addicted or dependant on it.

    • Posted

      is your anxiety improving at all gs? it's good that u haven't felt like you needed your benzo too. that's a good sign. hopefully you will start to improve now x sorry I havnt been replying much x very hard to know what to say to help you when I feel so crap myself

    • Posted

      I'm not sure about when it will become addictive or not but I'm sure a low dose will be fine buddy.

    • Posted

      Yeah i know potato. I just feeling headache and low feelings.Anxiety is there too.

      I cant rest and my eyes are heavy but im wired .


    • Posted

      I know the feeling buddy x have you felt any improvement yet? x

    • Posted

      Hey potato! not by much . I just feel unwell and sick .

      Anxiety is up and down.

      My big issue is not wanting to do much .

    • Posted

      Hey potato i feel numb too and just not myself.

    • Posted

      I think that's your minds way of just having a little break and a rest after everything you've been going through.

      it needs to heal.

      it's good u are up and down rather than constant x

    • Posted

      you are on your way to recovery gs .up and down anxiety is the first sign.

    • Posted

      Hey lois ! yeah its the low feelings and no motivation too lois.

      Like im numb too with little motivation.


    • Posted

      i still pout and stuff . im not functioning anymore here laying around.

      i wanna just not be like this.

    • Posted

      I been taking them for around 4 weeks and a few days now.

      How you feeling?

    • Posted

      surely its longer than that because I'm nearly on 3 weeks on Thursday.

      it's still early days buddy. when you get bad just have a look at that post o sent you earlier x

    • Posted

      going on five weeks buddy you know.

      i feel like poo now and daily.

      What you do daily to manage it?


    • Posted

      Yeah i just feel spacey and out of it feeling . Head throbs really bad. Feel like im on something.

      Im numb and nothing really matters.

      I just eat and lay around lately.


    • Posted

      think of the positives in that.

      you are eating that's a good sign.

      you dont care about much. that's a hell of a lot better than worrying about everything 24 hours a day.

      has your sleep improved?

      I'm sure it will pass gs just keep going x

    • Posted

      Yeah im barely eating. I am worried still and just feel like nothing.

      Sleep a bit better. not by much.

      Its like my head is so bad i wanna crawl out of my skin.

      I would like to go out more and to the gym or something.

    • Posted

      go to the gym it will be good for you.even if its just cardio for ten minutes.seen people is so important while recovering.

    • Posted

      eating and not worrying sounds perfect to me lol! do you know even after a year i can only eat certain things its crap i basically eat the same meal everyday as lots of foods trigger reactions x

    • Posted

      Try to get out for a little while. If your evenings are better go then. I found it helps a lot. Try not to do something that will add stress or anxiety. I walk through my neighborhood for an hour+ in the evening. I'll try to notice things that I find pleasant like children playing or someone walking their pet and sometimes engage with them for some small talk if I'm feeling up to it. It's hard but it helps me feel a little better. Sometimes I will start a little jog to get some cardio, but nothing too exhaustive. These things help me feel a little bit more normal. I also seem to sleep better if I get some exercise. I hope these things work for you too...You'll get through this gs...

    • Posted

      I went and now back and just not feeling right in the mind.

      I feel so out of it and just unwell.

      I also feel racy mind and stuff.

      I dont think i can do this .


    • Posted

      The drugs in my system are stopping me toria.

      im sure you can relate.

    • Posted

      aw gs you can do it youre doing it! it gets easier i promise, honestly sometimes i go out put a cap on cant look people in the eye and cry other times i smile and stroke dogs x

    • Posted

      Its getting harder lois . i feel so wired and dont feel up to much .

      Im anxious too can feel it reved up today.


    • Posted

      trust i know how you feel but i have to push myself hard x

    • Posted

      Yeah i know. I just dont feel clear headed like head is so foggy and blah.

      I understand its hard but man its so hard that i wanna just quit .


    • Posted

      you cannot quit.how else are you going to cure your illness if you quit?

    • Posted

      I know lois but im in so much mental anguish now.

      I feel like i lost control.

      I feel worse than ever lois.


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