Im baaaaaack!

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Hi all, sorry to have been MIA for so long. TKR was last Friday, so I'm +5 days.

V quick check in tonight - came home this afternoon, sore, bruised, exhausted, emotional.......but home!

I'll be back in the next few days for a full update, but just wanted to let you know I've done it!

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    Did too much walking about the house and got told off a couple of times but been feeling really restless and sitting with legs up is not helping as makes my calf hurt.

    Taken the recommended dose of painkillers, just waiting for them to start working.  Got my single dose for in the night if I need it. 

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      Don't really think that walking about the house is bad for you . . but if resting means that someone else is doing the work, sounds like a good idea to me!  
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      I agree, but I did far too much, exercising and pushing myself so will take it easy today.  Feel weary as didn't sleep at all well last night even taking the tabs at 2am, managed naps rather than deep sleep even using all the relaxing methods of breathing I know!   Just getting hubby to carry slow cooker so I can add chicken for this weekend.  Even lazy cooking!redface
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      Another restless night......WHY. do they not tell you this happens to every one....I expect due to the amount of drugs you are expected to take any sleeping pill would be dangerous. Managed this morning to get up at 8, only because the hour had changed. Will just have to see how today pans out. Lousy weather as well. If you can't grumble on here .......

      What meds do you all take... I am on Ibruprofen and cocodemol.  Will run out of the Ibruprofen Monday night I ask for more?   Can't slide my knee back on the bed, using a tray to help.  but I can get my knee to bend if I sit at the computer desk and also dining table.  I also have a tall kitchen chair so can allow gravity to take my knee down and back.

      Enjoyed a lovely shower last night,  Getting in the bath to stand was not a problem but I did have worries about getting out the bath but managed it!

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      I was prescribed sleeping tablets in the hospital . .not that it did any good!  I sometimes took them in the following weeks, but haven't done now for some time. . Still don't sleep at all well, but can't keep taking tablets for ever!  But just occasionally, it does give you a few hours' sleep . . 
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      If I just have more than 2 hours sleep I think I could manage quite well, buts its the 7pm restlessness I hate as knowing I won't get a good night.  Trying not to think about it at the moment,   Would herbal teas be any use?


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      Somehow I doubt whether herbal tea would help,...even sleeping tabets didnt really make me sleep well, but definitely a bit better. . .  but I suppose avoiding coffee and tea would be a good idea. Sometimes I think that we programme ourselves a bit as well . .after nights and nights without sleep, we are expecting more of the same . . . and we certainly get it!  Haven't really been a good sleeper for years, so it's not such a shock to me as to someone who is used to sleeping soundly!  Maybe you need to ask to change from cocodaol . .but do it gradually . .Like tramadol, it's addictive and you can't just stop taking it. . . 
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      Despite feeling rotten and very sorry for myself last night, I eventually managed to get to sleep - although it was well gone 2am before I dropped off. I managed in the region of 6 - yes 6!! - hours!

      Im still on heaps of meds, Ive tried to play around with them a bit to see if I can cut any out, but paid the price - ouch!! On a daily basis I have Paracetamol up to 4000mg, Naproxen 1000mg, Omeprazole 10mg, Codeine up to 240mg, and Tramadol up to 400mg ) I tend to swap the Codeine and Tramadol around a bit depending on what Im doing, as Codeine makes me very drowsy). Prior to the op I was on the same regime, worked out over a period of time with my GP to find what worked best. I wasnt taking the Tramadol as much, because even though it was brilliant for pain relief, if I took more that 50mg at a time, I had terrible itching. However my pain was so bad the past couple of days I tried the higher dose out of desperation, and "touch wood" Im ok with it.

      Great news, daughter is being discharged today, on strict instructions to rest and continue antibiotics until her surgery date, which she has yet to recieve. Hopefully she wont have to wait too long...

      Done one good exercise session so far today, determined to manage the three today, then Hydro tomorrow and Physio Tues and Thurs - its all go! 

      Weaher is very odd here today, torrential rain interspersed with bright sunshine. The winds howling down the chimney, Im glad Ive not got to go out anywhere today! 

      Well done for managing to negotiate the bath, I also had a shower yesterday, and its one of my biggest treats at the moment, feels so nice.....

      Hope you manage to keep your spirits up, and heres to a good nights' sleep all round xx


    • Posted

      Good heavens, that's an enormous amount of medication!  I was never on more than 1000 paracetamol and 111 tramadol (the tablets were 325 paracetamol, and 37.5 tramadol, and  had three a day (not sure why it changed to italics suddenly!) . . .and believe me when I finally came off the tramadol, it was pretty traumatic!  Make sure that when you stop taking all these meds, you do so under a doctor's supervision . . .Codeine and tramadol together are an unusual combination aren't they?  they are both opiates . . Please be careful!
    • Posted

      That's an awful lot of drugs Terri, makes me think I should have taken more and perhaps exercise would have been less painful.  I used to take either co codamol or paracetamol as I was told not to take both and naproxem and lansoprazole.
    • Posted

      You can get ibroprufen over the counter take less often if swelling reduced. Co codamol eight a day I took but gradually replacing with paracetomol in daytime except on my Physio day . Better to take what you need to be able to exercise rather than try to be brave and take less but end up stiff and having to take more anyway! Don't wait for the pain before taking , take regularly
    • Posted

      Me too!  But surely with that amount of medication you would be pretty out of everything! I found that three Zaldiar a day (paracetamol and tramadol) kept me at a bearable level of pain . . although it was VERY painful when the physio came and started pushing and shoving the poor knee . . . I had to really push the doctor to give me that much . . . . 
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      Youre right,It is unusual to have Codeine and Tramadol prescribed together, but my GP and I worked really closely to get the righ combination - too much Codeine and I was out of it, too much Tramadol and I was scratching myself stupid! Its all annotated on my Medical Records why he's done it. I dont take them together, if its a day when I have to go out e.g physio, then its Tramadol, but Codeine suits me better at night. Oh and when I say "up to", thats the maximum recommended - I dont take the max of everything - Id probably be unconscious! Thats just the parameters I work within. 

      I dont know how Id have got throught the past few months without my lovely GP - hes phoned me at home, gone into the surgery on his day off just so that he could see me, and he once told me that he was watching the Football, and spent all half-time wondering what he could do differently to help me manage the Osteoarthritis pain! Hes a gem! 

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      That's good to hear!  My surgeon came into the hospital on a Sunday (when he lives 100 kms away) to see me, because he was worried he might have cut the nerve which controls the ankle, which I couldn't move at all for the first three days. . . . Some of them really do care don't they!  You must have been having some spectacular pain before the op!  From now on, I'm sure things will slowly get better. . with the odd down day which you mustn't let discourage you!  (but we all do of course!)
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      Youre dead right there, one bad day doesnt mean game over - Im unrecognisable from the state I was in last night - I actually feel a bit daft looking back at how I was, but I know it happens to plenty of others, and its the norm not the exception! 
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      Just been commiserating with my friend who has to go in for knee manipulation tomorrow then on the knee bending machine.  I had to go on that for my left knee 7 years ago.,....not nice.  I honestly can't remember when I last slept all night, must be at least 30 years ago now but I did manage more than 2 hour bursts.  You are right martinarvelo  I think I (we)  need to get into a frame of mind that I (we)  are going to sleep all night through...  wouldn't that be loverly...!
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      I think it was the threat of manipulation on my two week visit which made me work really hard up to the six week visit!!!  It sounds horrific . .although I know they do it with anaesthetic the aftermath must be horrible . . . 
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      Just phoned her husband, she is in the ward having something to eat and drink but has a 'nerve blocker' but he is ringing again after visiting tonight.

      Went out to Morrisons, only used one crutch, hubby wanted me to get into a wheel chair...NO WAY...... I didn't want a lot of things, but mushrooms in the first gangway and cheese in the last gangway, I must admit I was tired and could feel my knee tightening as I walked..but I managed it.   Sitting at the computer with knees bent at 91 degrees ( I took note in hospital) so satisfield I have not done any damage.  Had one of those horrible stoickings on my right leg, but had to take it off on returning home as the stocking had marked my leg, so its  too swollen to keep it on.

      Will ask the physio how long I have to keep the stocking on as DVT tabs finish tomorrow.

      Getting there slow but sure.


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