in and out of bathroom

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I would like some help here. I have been in and out of the bathroom with more stool problems and urinating more. I feel like my stools keep getting worse it seems like I can't eat anything with out having to go soft stool or diarrhea. Then I feel weak sick to stomach and then all day today I was urinating after I went diarrhea it seemed non stop today with the urine. 

Can anyone relate to this I don't know what to eat that will stay in my system please help me feeling blue and downcry

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23 Replies

  • Posted


    Wish i could help but cant say i have had this being post meno like you also are ?

    Had variation and urge to pee more mid peri which is common, but not in post meno.

    Hope it sorts itself out, maybe you should see your doc, may not be post meno related.

    Jay x

  • Posted

    Take yourself off to the Doctors that`s what everyone else does here ...Soz
  • Posted

    Is it possible you may have picked up a tummy bug and in turn it has got into your urinary tract? As already mentioned by Lulu, go to your GP and get yourself checked over so you can be treated if necessary
  • Posted

    yes me too...made me feel so weak, but I think it's improving. It all seems endless doesn't it? Although I feel like heck, there is a general overall improvement. A trip to the doc is advisable, but you're probably going to have to 'trial & error' to find what works for you my lovely xxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you for your lovely coments ladies I have had my stools checked no infection in the stools. It could be my zoloft that I am taking plus my metformin for diabetes and the rest of my medication, but sometimes I worry because I have had pain on my left side I know its not my gallbladder because thats on the right side then at times I have cramps in the middle of my stomach I'm just wondering if it is IBS symptoms but it goes on to long I don't know what to eat these days because of all this. 

      Do you ladies think it could be the gallbladder i don't know. 

    • Posted

      only a doctor could answer that after examination 

      good luck 

      jay x

    • Posted

      you and i seem to have similar symptoms.

      i'm 67 well past menopause.

      i,ve been going through this over 3 years and had all the tests in urology, gyno and gastro.

      nothing found except fibroids and very recently a polyps.

      had polypectomy but that made no difference.

      i thought maybe i had an infestation or bacterial disease and have treated myself but i'm just the same.

      when you say you have diarrhea, do you mean all of the day or does your usual bowel movement come out runny.

      mine started off being pencil thin and then became floaty ''cowpats''

      sorry to be so graphic.

      i have all clear on gallbladder and pancreas.

      my pain is also to the left where i assume my ovary is.

      that leaves hormones as the culprit but i havent done much research into that yet.

      it covers a lot of problems ie.thyroid and er cant remember but sit on top of your kidneys.

      these can cause digestive issues.

      so please let me know if you come up with anything and i'll do the same.

    • Posted

      Acually its not diarrhea its just really soft stools that come out yesterday it was most of the morning then in the evening when I had some Chicken noodle soup just really soft and not really formed and it comes out fast when it is soft. 

      I think it is the IBS and stress and anxieties mixed with all my medications like metformin for my diabetes, my zoloft, ativan, levothyroxine, for my thyroid, and my trazodone, these meds can cause soft stools and stomach problems at times because I have no infection and i was feeling anxious all day yesterday. 

      The stomach surgen is going to have a therapist see how weak my muscles are up there on the 24th of April 

      They say to eat fiber to help bind you maybe I just need more fiber

    • Posted

      To quote you "when you say you have diarrhea, do you mean all of the day or does your usual bowel movement come out runny.

      mine started off being pencil thin and then became floaty ''cowpats''

       I am 49 and had the same thing last Year. I went to my doctor for a full workup and nothing. I thought I was on my last leg.  I had no idea this was menopause related. It lasted a few months until it just went away. I did not have much of an appetite.  I also had the pain on my left side. I am so crying right now when I think of all the things I have been going through and had no idea it was all related to my hornomes. Thank you ladies for sharing.  

    • Posted

      oh monieet

      please dont cry .. 

      when i was in peri part i had mornings when i had to run to the loo, only the once, but each morning, mine was the magnesium supplements i was taking .. i was taking magnesium citrate / oxide these have laxative effects .. [rolleyes]

      so i changed to chelated magnesium and it all stopped, now i tend to be the other way if anything.. 

      anxiety of peri can cause digestive issues like you say erractic hormones etc 

      hang in there ... your not alone .. jay x

    • Posted

      I wish I could do chelated magnesium but I don't know how it would affect my body with all the medications I am on


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      if you are desperate to 'un' constipate yourself, do it the natural way.

      there are lots of options that wont upset your medication.

      prunes, kiwi, and my favourite pumpkin seeds.drink plenty of water also.

    • Posted

      i am positively ancient compared to you guys.

      i am wondering now if my symptoms have anything to do with hormones.

      i was on hrt for 12 years and was told to quit 6 years ago.

      stupidly i quit abruptly.

      could my my pelvic pain and digestive issues be hormonal.

      naaa surely one of the gynos out of 8 i've seen would have mentioned that to me.

      i eat like a horse these days and never put a gram on.

      sorry i'm thinking out loud.

      i'm not energetic nor lethargic so does'nt sound like thyroid issue.

      i've been having lots of tests over 3 years and still no diagnosis.

      just finding out if its gyno or gastro would be an advantage.

      one thing i am really paranoid about , is going to my doctor with some trivial ailment.

      i'm scared i'd be labelled as a hypocondriac.

      i would'nt stand a chance of getting treatment then.

      scarey !


    • Posted

      I am not constipated its just that I have a lot of loose stools they need to be more formed. I need to eat more fiber prunes will just make you go and I do not need that. 


    • Posted

      hi Chica 

      don't be scared about going to the doctor. You do not have an ailment. At times I think this way but we got to think positive. I have no infection in my bowls, no cancer so right now I am thanking God for what he is doing for me. We just have to think positive thats what my boyfriend did when he had prostate cancer, it has not come back and he is doing just fine, and my mom had lung cancer she has beaten hers, so if we did end up getting something all we have to do is be strong and pray to God and know that he heals. 

      You will be fine it just menopause you are going through how old are you i am 46 

    • Posted

      thats the point susan.

      i'm 67. i reckon i've already had 2 menopauses. one before hrt and the other after.

      the first was when driving buses and it was quite a bloody time,offered a hysterectomy but by the time the appointment come through,the bleeding had stopped.

      i'm reading now about vitamin b12 deficiencey.

      maybe its the cause of many a mystery ailment.

      enlighten'll be surprised.

    • Posted

      Hi Chica

      I tried Vitb6 had a bad experince with it my anxieties went up the roof, it went into a full blown panic attack so I just take my vit d3 in the morning and a multivit in the evening 

      Never doing the b6 again after that

    • Posted

      hi susan 

      didnt you say you only had ONE B6 and you had anxiety panic 

      how do you know it was actually the B6 

      seem to recall you you said you were bell ringing or something or your post .

      were you actually doing the bell ringing or watching and listening .

      i know for a fact if i was pulling bells i would for sure feel dizzy couldnt do it 

      maybe a coincidence or maybe B6 interfered with your prescription drugs 

      who knows .. 

      people must make their own choices and try these things, B6 never bothered me, only improves things and suggested by GP and Gyno so cant be bad for many ..


    • Posted

      I know it could have interfered with my medication but my sister did read that the vitbs can cause shakiness and dizziness
    • Posted

      maybe in very very high quantities ..

      i have used this B6 for ages instead of AD's and only good effects 


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