Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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Mike.Honcho Verstarix
I am so glad I found this forum. I have been struggling with an extremely similar problem (constant irritation of the tip and opening of the penis after peeing and ejaculating, red patches scattered throughout head of penis, sometimes stinging, but nothing really painfull, just the redness and inflamation of the glands of the head of the penis, dryness on the penis and lack of natural lubrication, the skin on the head of the penis kinda slightly cracks and dries out unless i use lotion) I have been tested for bacterial std's and came back negative, however i have had unusual redness and imflamation for around 5 months now, i have tried cannisten topical cream, which did nothing, i clean the penis daily and dry it off after showering. I used too masturbate roughly without lotion and not properly clean the penis (uncircumsized) and found that this problem started with the skin flaking off, so i started using lotion and then slowly red patches and all the other symptoma began occuring. i have no idea what to do about it and have constant anxiety about it. It is so nice to see so many people in the similar boat as me. My biggest guess is that is occured over a long period of improper care and trama on the skin from dry masturbation, or ballantis.
maxpower2020 Mike.Honcho
My issue is very similar I think. It started off as red patches about 5 months ago (middle photo) that would resolve in a couple hours to a day. There was also skin flaking with dryness and I started using lotions at this point as well. At present day there are very slight red patches (not as bad as the middle photo) that happen randomly or during erections (third photo). Then they disappear within an hour. The penis also feels different during masturbation and sex (dry and lack of natural lubrication). The urethra/penis opening becomes inflamed after ejaculation and sometimes after urination (1st photo). I've also roughly dry masturbated my whole life (29 years old) up to 9 times /day sometimes and had sex with 75+ different women.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chlamydia and gonorrhea tests negative. HIV test negative. Doctors said they couldn't test for herpes because there's no active lesions? One doctor said it would go away on it's own and recommend just to use Vaseline. One doctor prescribed lotriderm cream (antifungal and corticosteriod) which didn't seem to help after 2 weeks now.
donovan02601 Verstarix
My doctor said this is called "meatitis" (I suffer from similar issues). He says putting neosporin on three times a day should help. For me, it has helped but not completely solved the issue.
UnknownCause Verstarix
Hey guys, im a circumsised teenager, and about 3 months ago i noticed pain to the left side of my meatus, like severe pain to the point where touching it sparked pain and wearing certain boxers. However, when i masturbate, everything seems fine, my glands are shiny, but apart from that, everythings normal, although sometimes i find difficulty maintaining an erection, but i can always revive it. Also when i urinate, everything's normal. I dont know if my anxiety make me think i have a low sperm count too, but i think i do. i found putting ice on the darker part of my tip, which i think is a rash or bruise (i dont know its hard to tell because im darkskinned) it helped a lot, but it would always flare up again. ive thought it was a UTI or HPV. I had unprotected anal sex about a year ago, but everything was fine after that so i think that may be unrelated, or the E.Coli from her rectum entered my urethra and was dormant for sometime, and eventually started irritating my skin (i dont think its an internal issue because i only have pain on my skin) I also had unprotected vaginal sex about 7 months ago, but that lasted like 30seconds, i had a condom on before but it was uncomfertable so i decided to go bareback. I had STI checks and everything came out negative, Chlamydia, Gonerrhea, HIV and Syphilis, so im leaning towards a HPV infection or UTI infection, if not then trauma to the penis tip as the girl i had unprotected anal sex with was very aggressive giving me oral sex, with a lot of teeth. Guys i dont know what this pain is but it helps me to know im not alone, but it would be good if we all solved this together.
EDIT: oh yeah, also i dont see any visible cuts or impurities, just pain and my penis tip is a bit wrinkled and where the pain is, its a bit darker
caleb04109 Verstarix
hey all just another update. (not much has happened).
upon taking my results to my main doctor he prescribed otocomb otic ointment which is used for skin infections mainly of the ear. also some cephalexin. he believes that its a skin infection causing the inflammation so for the next 14 days thats what im doing.
i also got another full blood test for everything/urine and ultrasound of my kidneys, prostate and bladder. suprisingly compared to my last ultra sound there was no thickening of the bladder wall and prostate was normal. also was able to empty my bladder besides 18ml which is fine. My last ultrasound years ago had urine retention and thickening of the bladder wall.
blood test was fine besides a vitamin d deficancy (no diab, no thyroid issues) and sediment rate was slightly raised (due to inflammation) urine test came back fine also (no suprise).
so anyway, the next gen test is not bulletproof and it depends on your doctor whether they will take action on it. Im still glad i did it for peace of mind as i know that is the best testing for urine when all these other tests showed nothing and i think lots of us a different symptoms. .
I also abstained from sex with my partner for 2 months and no masturbation for 21 days and it did nothing, maybe slight less pain when urinating but overall no change in the inflamed meatus etc.
as for the red penis glans mine has calmed down a lot since not putting anything on it. i wash using only water and every third day or so ill use some ph balanced soap free wash on it and then blow drying it agter the shower.
following a strict diet this month also to lose some weight so lets see where we are in a month. ive found that eating well and not drinking a lot before bed has stopped my nightly urination. i might get up once now compared to 3+.
i hope everyone is doing well, i hope we will all get through this soon.
junior03056 Verstarix
so my test results from a specific testing company has come back and are as follows..
Staphylococcus epidermidis 78%
Staphylococcus lugdunensis 20%
Im currently doing some research on what this is but its some form or can cause some form of a UTI.
i will forward my results to my urologist and see what comes of this, they already gave me 5 weeks of Ciprofloxacin which i haven't started yet as i wanted to know what was wrong with me first.
Mr_Jim junior03056
Staphylococcus epidermidis hmm, I wonder if this is a form of cellulitis we all have. Interestingly, I saw a gp last who suggested this, but then decided to hang fire for dermatology to have the final say.
junior03056 Mr_Jim
yeah its a bacteria that lays in our skin/mucus and i have mucus in my urine, im just trying to find out the best medication i can take for something like this, just glad i found the cause of my problem finally.
Mr_Jim junior03056
Cephalexin looks to be the best cause of action.
pistonhead junior03056
This is actually very interesting to me. I had a very strange episode about 15 years ago when I was in my early 20s. My gums started to bleed and would not stop. My gums started reseeding and my teeth started getting loose. The dentist did not have a clue what it was, as there was no obvious bacteria or anything that would cause gingivitis, my dental health was really good. He put me on some strong antibiotics. The conditions started to go away but came back again once I stopped the antibiotics. It took 3 rounds of antibiotics to cure me. My gums have never completely grown back (apparently they don't) but luckily they still look normal and my dentil health is actually very good.
The reason I bring this up is I just looked up the antibiotics that cure staphylococcus. They are the same ones I was prescribed for my gum issue. So maybe I have the same thing again this time causing my penis issues.
Don't take the ciprofloxin until you speak to a doctor. IT wont cure staphylococcus. I took a months course and it did nothing for me.
I assume you did the next gen test someone else posted previously? I showed that to my GP earlier this week and he said do it and come back to him with the results. My GP is very supportive and has said he wants to help get to the bottom of this.
junior03056 pistonhead
what antibiotics did they give you for your staph infection and can you remember what type of staph did they find?
my doctor and urologist wrote to the american microbiologist who confirmed staphyloccus epidermidis is and can be a cause of a UTI.
my doctor and urologist still told me to take a month of cipro which is currently messing me up.
Steves8012 junior03056
A chap posted on another thread saying something familiar and had enterococcus faecalis and was given an antibiotic cream that sorted it but post looks like its gone annoyingly.
Anyone explored this route?
Mr_Jim Steves8012
I'd be more concerned about how the enterococcus faecalis got into the urine... I know I am. I've just been diagnosed with this.
Ideally this will need to be orally administered.
donkey1234 Mr_Jim
ive been told i also have Entrococcus feacalis in my urine, im currently almost at the end of ax1 week course of Nitrofuratin antibiotics, no real change im afraid. what have they said to you Jim?
simon81468 Steves8012
I think I found the post you were looking at, The doctor gave him Mupirocin 2% and Elidel cream and the guy say's everything is back to normal.
Steves8012 simon81468
That was the one. Thank you. Going to give that a shot as nothing else to lose!
simon81468 Steves8012
let us know how you get on, im going to give it a go when I can get to the doctor's.
donkey1234 Steves8012
yeah keep us updated bro, definately worth a go
Steves8012 donkey1234
Sorted some. Doctor said never heard of it being used in this fashion but wouldnt hurt to try. Usually used by doctors to get rid of bacteria when working in hospitals. He's also intrigued and asked me to get back in contact with results.
Will keep all posted
donkey1234 Steves8012
did you get Mupirocin or Elidel, or both?
Steves8012 donkey1234
Just the Mupirocin, other ones just a standard cream i think
simon81468 Steves8012
any improvement with the Mupirocin?
Steves8012 simon81468
I would say yes, most successful yet. Still got another 3days of treatment so not 100% its going to fully resolve issue however as hasn't gone away fully but seems to have sorted the pain
danny38634 Steves8012
i havent experienced any pain yet but my meatus is red and swollen. did the treatment help with this
ed68163 junior03056
did the results of this next gen test lead to resolution of your symptoms? ive already spent $2000 on bullcrap appointments so this test is nothing. just want to know if you can get treatment from a doctor with these results that didnt come from that doctor
junior03056 ed68163
they ask to get a doctors signature in order for them to be able to give you treatment if you need it based on your results.
My urologist has confirmed that the staph bacteria found in my urine has no significance to my symptoms.
ive just finished 4 weeks of cipro/contifloXL/antiflamatorys and still have slight symptoms... booking in with my urologist again but beginning to loose hope that ill ever he fully cured hut on a brighter note i feel 80% better.
ed68163 junior03056
sounds pretty annoying that our urologists cant help us, but when we find bacteria in our urine. theyre just like oh no thats not going to cause irritation. like who says so, nobody else can help. whats the problem with antibiotics killing that bacteria and just seeing if that solves the problem.
ed68163 junior03056
"Staphylococcus saprophyticus is a Gram-positive, coagulase negative, non-hemolytic coccus that is a common cause of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs), particularly in young sexually active females. Less commonly, it is responsible for complications including acute pyelonephritis, urethritis, epididymitis, and prostatitis." academic research letter says otherwise about it not being your problem
junior03056 ed68163
yeah ive already read that im going to bring it up when i go back, ive done like 8 weeks of cipro now no luck.
maxpower2020 junior03056
What do you mean when you say 80% better? Like less redness? Less pain?
Steves8012 maxpower2020
Not so convinced with these tests. Ive also spent the cash. Like most mine returned some Staph result. As yet though many on here taking heavy antibiotics but yielding no results. Going one more round myself then giving up
junior03056 maxpower2020
most of my symptoms have either gone or nearly gone, the only thing im concerned about now is my cloudy urine and dryness of the glands sometime, change in meatus and inflamed uruthera even though i barely have pain.
ed68163 junior03056
have you found any reasons to believe that it could be resistant to your treatment, or is your body resistant to that antibiotic?
Steves8012 ed68163
So im halfway through a course of Levofloxicin which so far has had zero impact. That's it for me after this with antibiotics. Will have also tried coamoxiclav and doxy so need to assume if it was bacterial it would have gone by now. Not sure where else I can go with it so hoping time will be a great healer
ed68163 Steves8012
its possible that the bacteria you may have, has a resistance or just isnt affected by those antibiotics
Steves8012 ed68163
Its fairly unlikely. Only thing that has come back on tests is the staph and that should have shifted by now even with Co-amoxiclav
ed68163 Steves8012
my urologist and infectious disease dr are both sceptical of the ngs test. kinda unfortunate because the testing my doctor recommends is very very expensive. at least here in the US, doctors arent allowed to stray far from their particular training, or they just get uncomfortable when something isnt FDA approved
Steves8012 ed68163
Yeah the doctors here aren't fans either. If a number of well trained medical professionals are all saying the same thing it makes sense to listen. Whats the very expensive test they have suggested?
ed68163 Steves8012
its just a pcr for ureaplasma, also highly sensative urine culture at university of michigan hospital. my std testing at that place for all the stds possible cost $1800 without insurance. with insurance it is $800. why the heck should i ever have to pay $800 for std testing... doctors here are scared of anything that isnt fda approved, which is sad because theyre missing out on so much potential. probiotics are not approved by doctors because theyre homeopathic, alternative medicine. theyre all scared to prescribe marijuana too, because theyre bought out. i have little trust in medical system here in the states, obviously i listen to what they say because they are much more experienced but i always follow up with research from multiple sources. i do think this ngs urine testing is very accurate, which is why staff came back for you, staff inhabits skin on our whole body. its up to the doctor or us, to determine if its causing irritation. all im wanting is to see my results from this test because i think its better than a culture and also much cheaper for me.
Steves8012 ed68163
Ouch. This side of the pond you can rock up and test for most things at no cost repeatedly
ed68163 Steves8012
my doctor approves of the next gen sequencing. hopefully i get some answers here.