Is this Balanitis? I'm 21, had it most of my whole life, no treatment has worked
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Hello, I've seen a doctor many times about a mild condition I have on my penis glans, have been prescribed 3 different creams including Betnovate and a Hydrocortisone, a course of antibiotics and a swab which said I was clear and still the condition remains. I used to have a tight foreskin up until last year which is now sorted from stretching, and I think the condition began during my teenage years when I wasn't able to wash the glans. It often feels dry and can sometmes feel slightly painful when the foreskin retracts, almost like its rubbing and the sensitivity everywhere is quite high still, not sure if this is due to the condition. The urethra opening is always red and inflamed and red areas appear frequently around the glans itself. Any advise on what I should do would be much appreciated, have attached a photo too. Many thanks!
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jt0097 Verstarix
I started having the same issues around february 2018 and it started with a rash and a itch then the itch went away and the lining of my glans (bottom of my penis head) swole up and it has permanently been inflammed for over a year. it looks like the second guys picture but more inflammed and red,
i have seen several doctors, urologist, and dermatologist and nobody has a clue and they tell me it looks fine for the most part. this is driving me crazy bc i know it isnt the case. i have tried creams and nothing i have gotten all kinds of test and all negative i feel pain in my penis every now and then and im not sure what to do at this point. will be glad to answer any questions or help
simon81468 jt0097
I have the same issue for coming up to year now tried every lotion and potions over the counter and nothing has worked, I have kind of given up, the only thing I can think off now is an underlying problem elsewhere in the body I am borderline type 2 not through being overweight but through alcohol maybe its that for me? What I do know is after extensive research its just a male mystery that seems to have no answer.
ryan37929 Verstarix
Hello guys,
I seem to have a similar condition as you but I am not sure if we are all talking about the same problem here. I have been experiencing irritation and redness on the tip of my penis for more than a year now. I have seen many doctors just like you, but to no avail.
However, I came across this so called 'Chronic pelvic pain syndrome' that is very common in men and most of the time it is misdiagnosed as prostatitis. This condition can produce very different symptoms from rectal pain to penis pain and irritation. It is basically caused by muscular tightness and nerve irritation inside your pelvis.
It is merely a guess that our problem has something to do with this condition, but it's certainly worth a try.
Ps.:I attached a photo of my condition. I have also noted that the irritation/pain is much worse when I am anxious, after ejaculation or sometimes even after bowel movements. This fits in my theory since the same muscles and nerves are used when peeing/having a bowel movement/ejaculating ecc..!
john93991 ryan37929
mine looks very similar to yours, but mine is a bit milder. it's not as sensitive, but can be with different underwear.
Freele88857 ryan37929
My condition looks very similar to yours. How did you get it? I got mine 9 months ago after having a small tear below the glans from rough sexual activity. Tested for std - negative. Got antibiotics (fucidin) for the tear (which is fine now). Reduced the sexual activity alot to help the tear heal and it did, but then this condition started to happen within weeks after the tear. Have tried antifugal and hydrocortisone on the glans with no luck, it acually makes it worse. It also hurts a little after urinating. Been seeing two different doctors and two dermatologists, none of them can help. Any news on your situation?
simon81468 Verstarix
sounds painful I will let some one else try that first
TJ456 Verstarix
guys listen, and you need to listen i have fixed mine !!! you must do all these steps and i promise you will see results in a day or two to 2 weeks!!!
this matters, keep the foreskin pulled back while you wee and if a splash of wee gets on your penis glans then make sure you get a tissue, wet it and then clean it, simple process and then wipe it off and make sure you dry it after . guys this really worked for me such a simple fix!
TJ456 Verstarix
Also guys im finally going to the doctor next friday and i will tell you how it goes, also after sex my pain was in extreme pain like on fire i wouldnt reccomend having sex and its not chlamydia or gonreha becuase i got tested and came back neg for both. I will let you know how treatment goes
daniel95328 Verstarix
little update from me, I'm currently doing a 4 week course of oral steroids, 2 weeks in and no improvement in the slightest, not sure what the next step will be
rahul65931 Verstarix
i have same problem. keeping it dry makes glans less sensitive but after sex it becomes red and painful that i cant even touch it forget about the second round. my foreskin is little tight and i had vigorous rough sex without lubrication for a long time. even i was in pain i had done rough sex. i think this has made situation worst. sorry for bad english.
Tillolenski Verstarix
Hi guys! I'm new here. I'm 14 years old (I know this forum ain't for such young peeps) and my problem LOOKS the same but I have no other symptoms than redness, so my meatus is just red. In fact, it's basically numb... I don't know how to explain it but you all have an irritated meatus. But on my meatus I can not feel anything, unless I "squeeze" it. It is less swollen than on the picture, but still. I talked to my mom about it, I even showed her my dick and she said it's normal. I don't know what to think, since I did see pictures of people having a meatus like me and it wasn't a problem, heck I even saw antique sculptures with penises like that so I'm not sure what to think. I feel sorry for you guys and also, I think that docs don't pay enough attention to this "problem".
steveb0t Verstarix
hello this thread is the most info ive gotten on this issue
im 19 and ive had the problem since highschool.
i didnt know you had to retract your foreskin to until i was 15 so or course i ended up with phimosis and a short frenulum. after stretching treatment i could finally pull it back and it took about 2 weeks just to clean all the built up smegma, mostly because it hurt just to touch my glans. this was when i began my research to figure out how to cure my hyper sensitivity. ive got the same problems, red at tip, no natural lubrication, contact hurts, slightly purple around bottom of glans. i havent seen any doctors and the only thing ive tried was trying to desensitize my glans with contact while my glans were dry which helped just slightly since now i can atleast bear the pain. im going to try some methods posted on this thread hoping i can cure my problem at least a little. this problem pretty much has caused me to never even talk to girls because i already know sex is going to hurt.
james71085 steveb0t
dw the sensitivity goes away the more you expose it to touch, but the red tip which i still have idk how to fix it
anon49646 Verstarix
hey the head of my penis looks exactly the same. ive had balanitis for around 9 months now. i remember i had put nystatin on it for around 25 days and it had gone away for around 30 days and then came back. now ive taken flucanzole and i have applied the cream for around 37 days and i will be stopping and crossing my fingers. if you take advair or any type if sterioid apparently that can predispose you to balanitis. ive been on alot of sights and its made me really anxious ive been to every time i want to see a doctor i have to tell my mom and i hate that because im very embaressed. i will make another post on this if it comes back but please reply and tell me if you have had a solution i dont want to deal with this for the rest of my life. i feel like i have no one to talk to.
TJ456 anon49646
mate were all in the same boat, after using a steroid cream the tip of my penis is now very red and i get discharge. so think yours isnt that bad compared to mine.
Gabe007 anon49646
My friend I have the same problem, everything was after a balanitis, today I am looking for an answer in this forum to find something that will help me, because it hurts even today after almost 1 year I also have no one to talk to, if you want we can speak by whats app or something I think this problem affects the tranquility of a human being.