just got the news that my prostrate needs to be removed, cancer, not happy,any word of encouragment
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geoff90305 steve82587
AND before any of this is decided, you should get a mpMRI done. It will show you the extent of the cancer and you will get a radiologists report about the location, size and if cancer has spread to the seminal vessels and outside the prostate.
With this information, lots of research, and some great advice from this forum, you will be in a better position to make a decision.
Roger2Dodger steve82587
One would think your Urologist would discuss your biopsy results with you before mentioning any treatment. A bit premature to tell a patient his prostate needs removed, before biopsy results are discussed. (If he the Urologists gave you that diagnosis) Before any treatment, one needs to consider all options, and even consider second opinions. You have time.
You did say you did not know any results of. Testing until Wednesday. G'Luck going forward, I wish the best for you.
Roger i
rick75354 steve82587
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer last summer and had it removed by radical prostatectomy mid September. I have had some complications concerning a restriction of my urithra tube which had to be stretched to increase flow just before Christmas and is going to be done again March 1st. The recovery is not fun, but that being said, I receaved a clean bill of health from my doctors now and everything seems to be returning to normal slowly. I still wear a pad but it is more for my peace of mind than control. I can wear it all day and it will still be dry when I go to bed at night.
I just tried a 20 mg Cialis last week, and although I wasn't my old self, things are starting to stir "down there", so I am hopeful that before too long I will be leading a normal, cancer-free life. Whatever you do, it is your choice, but I am not a wait and see what happens kind of guy and I am glad I went through with my surgeons suggestion and got the cancerous prostate out of me as quick as possible.
Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
MK51151 rick75354
it looks like you are lucky one with ED. I am 52, had RARP on November 2, 2016 and as of now I am completely dead down there. No signs of life with 20 mg of Cialis. As of incontinece, I improved a lot and now mostly with stress incontinece but I still need 1 pad / day.
Recovery really sucked and life after RP sucks.
Returning of erections after RP is equal to man declared with brain death.
Both are artificially kept alive and might come back only by miracle.
I am not trying to scare newly diagnosed but that is something to count with if surgery is promised route of cure.
rick75354 MK51151
My surgeon was able to save both nerve bundles and I still don't get what I would call an erection, but there is signs of it coming back. I'm 62 and I had my RP Sept 21/ 2016 so I am a couple of months ahead of you.
I've only tried the Cialis a week ago, so don't give up just yet.
In fact, all of my improvements have come in the last month. Up until then, nothing. RP recovery really does suck, I agree.
I had open heart surgery to replace my aorta vale a couple of years back and I would rather go through that again than what I'm going through now, but I'm not about to throw in the towel yet. Plenty of time left for improvement still.
PureAsh MK51151
You wrote :'',Recovery really sucked and life after RP sucks.''
But part of this is your own attitude. None of us would choose to go through RP out of choice - only as a matter of necessity. The alternative is no life at all. Better life with one arm than death with two surely??
MK51151 rick75354
I am 10 years younger and never had problems city erections before surgery and never used any ED drugs. It worked always on demand. What I have now. Nothing, just lumpy useless dick.
MK51151 PureAsh
What is wrong with my attitude? Was naive and selected surgery. What did I gain with surgery? Incontinece and ED if you call it gain. Doing nothing and enjoying life would be way better and still in time I could chose treatment to prolong life. I personally value quality of life over longevity?
After RP life really sucks. I enjoyed sex before surgery and never needed any ER pill. Now what? No signs of life even with 20 mg of Cialis?
Do you have any idea how expensive ED drugs are?
ES28567 MK51151
rick75354 MK51151
I suppose that some of my optimism comes from having an older brother and a neighbour that went through the same thing as me. Both have recovered well but it took a lot longer than 6 months for them to get back to, if not normal, at least a quality life. My brother was a good year before he could manage an erection and that has me looking forward, not backward.
Try not to stress about it too much and give it some more time.
What we went through was a very major trauma to our bodies and even if it takes a year or more, we can still bounce back from this.
When I was recovering from heart surgery, I felt so bad that I was wondering if it was even worth it, but that was 3 years ago now and is only a bad memory. I really hope that a couple of years from now, we'll both be looking back and thinking it was worth it, and that we will both be alive and healthy.
PureAsh MK51151
My last reply was deleted by the moderator either because I mentioned a web-site where ED dugs were a very reasonable price or because I suggested you take a higher dose without knowing your circumstances.
Just to say we all have different situations and I am sorry that you feel so negative at the moment - hopefully things will imporove and this time next year, you'll be as active as you wish to be. Good Luck!
MK51151 PureAsh
i am not negative. Just writing about real experience as it is and about my disappointment. When you hear from Uro "you are young and in excellent shape, no doubt you are recover all functions to pre surgery level" is just a phrase that is told to everyone. Urologists are not cutting branch that they are sitting on. I am disappointed in my self how I blindly trusted my urologist. I new fairy well about SE but still hoped I won't be hit that hard. But I was wrong. So my experience with surgery and recovery is way worse than I anticipated.
PureAsh MK51151
I suppose, it's too late to do anything now - and we are in the hands of 'the experts' in these situations . Every human is different and how they react to surgery will also be different.
Fingers crossed - things will improve with time for you.
MK51151 PureAsh
I hope you will make right choice for your treatment and won't regret it later.
For me is to late but if I could go back, I would be on AS and enjoying life as long as possible and do minimal treatment when it becomes really necessary, not when urologist says it is needed.
Time is never recoverable, what you miss you miss. It is gone with the wind.
PureAsh MK51151
True. Unfortunately - whichever decision I make I won't know if it was the right one until afterwards. Such is life. Good luck with yours.