Maca Root supplements
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I ordered a bottle of Maca Root supplements and am awaiting the shipment. In the interim, I read a review of the supplement from two individuals that said it raised their blood pressure. Have any of you ladies who have taken this experienced an increase in BP? I read on a website somewhere that Maca actually lowers BP so I don't know what to believe. Any thoughts?
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jayneejay sharcerv52408
It never raised mine, doc always says ihave the blood pressure of an athlete.
I have taken maca capsules for 11 years, but i take a break off them like you should.
I shared an article on here about Maca and how it helps. It was the very first thing i took in early peri, and continued as it helped me alot.
I take equiv to 2500mg per day. ( one capsule) rainforest food maca 5.1
Give it time to work, a good month.
Jay xx
sharcerv52408 jayneejay
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
I not great, still got shingles and lots of pain that goes with it.
And 3 bulging disks in spine.
Quite fed up, but hay ho that is life.
Hope your keeping well
Jay x
HotDot7 jayneejay
tricia52422 jayneejay
jayneejay tricia52422
oh bless you hun, well HRT may help but... It only postpones menopause, when its stopped you get the menopause again, the hormones decline like they wanted to naturally and its back.
i didnt have HRT not ideal for me, but didnt want it anyway..
i am age 50 now and 20 months post meno, had a 10 yer peri, and its been tough at times.. I had the flushes in day years ago and the night sweats and Maca 5.1 ( rainforest food Maca) helped me no end..
i take alsorts tried and tested and they have suited me personally.
however, last summer newly post meno, i had the hot flushes return .. I do live in southern spain which has never affected me before, but the heat was bringing on 20 plus flushes a day.. This lasted months but has now subsided, just hoping it stays that way ..
i took Vit E 400iu daily and still do..
B6 ( 100mg) a must ..i take 150mg daily ..
Jay x
the only tyoe of HRT i do use, as my Gyno suggested is Ovestin ( Estriol) vaginal Ovules, for vag dryness, and ovestin cream for outer bits ..
dryness been a nuisance for me, but this really helps, it only treats that, its doesnt enter blood stream or illiminate other symptoms
jay x
tricia52422 jayneejay
i thought you used magnesium also?
i looked up the rainforest foods organic maca and there was a "gelatinise" version ?
do you think I should still take the anti depressants until I start on the supplements. I am not depressed just exhausted with the flushes and sweats and resulting lack of sleep! The GP gave me the anti depressants to help with the flushes.
I also take Naratriptan tablets for my migraines and read on the Migraine Forum that Magnesium can help these!
i am going on holiday on 2nd April to Malaga so am running out of time to try to control these symptoms so would really appreciate your views.
Tricia. X
jayneejay tricia52422
Yes i take a few other vits , i take plenty each day, which help me personally.
Yes i take Solgar Chelated Magnesium
And other ones too.
tricia52422 jayneejay
tricia52422 jayneejay
I have just received my vitamins (but still awaiting delivery of the Maca Root supplements which should arrive tomorrow).
I will take the Solgar Chelated Magnesium before bedtime tonight - do I need to take 4 of these tablets?
Have already started on the Menopol Plus and decided NOT to continue with the anti-depressants!
Do You think the Estriol ovules you taking are helping with Menopause symptoms as they are a form of HRT?
Tricia. x
tricia52422 jayneejay
sorry ME again!
Further to my above posts - I am not sure whether I am peri or post Menopause.
I do not know what dosages of magnesium I should take and also do not know if I am deficient in B12 - although I have already bought the supplements.
I do get acid reflux and therefore have been taking Lanzoprazol for a long time as I have a sliding hiatus hernia! As I suffer tfrom migraines it would be GREAT if the MAGNESIUM could solve these so I wouldn't have to take
hope you are well. Your help is invaluable as I do not have anyone else I can talk to. This forum is so great to see other people understand the symptoms
Take care. Thanks in advance.
Tricia. X
jayneejay tricia52422
No Ovestin Estriol vaginal Ovules only treat vaginal dryness, they do not enter blood stream or act like HRT in any other way.
i have a mild womb prolapse and dryness so these ovules are vital for me.
they do not help with any other symptoms .
Solar Chelated says 4 x 100mg per day..
thats the usual dose .. Approx 400mg.
its up to you if you want to stick to 4 per day.
try and take two an hour before you go to bed, as they aid a good nights sleep too, relaxing ..
jay x
jayneejay tricia52422
have you had a period lately ?
When you have not had a period for 12 to 14 months after peri then you are post menopause
jay x
everything drys out post meno as hormones are low low low..
my Gyno suggested Ovestin ( Ovestinon here )
also i have ovestin vaginal cream, which i use occassionly for the outer bits and around vaginal entrance to keep all elastic and hydrated etc ..
The ovules i actually cut in half while still in sealed blister wrap ( or they crumble) and i only use half an ovule twice a week at night bedtime, so it goes to work while i sleep and rest.
ovules are lovely, they are not messy and i feel the relief straight away, soothing etc
jay x
HotDot7 jayneejay