Manipulation under anesthesia, your experience?

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I go on Friday for this and I'm a bit concerned. I am diabetic, and am finding out that an mua often fails because of this. Surgery is most often needed due to failure.

What has your experience been with your mua? Did you feel better right away or did it take time?

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  • Posted

    Hello Kristina! So happy to hear that you're doing better and better! I'm sorry for my long delay in response. I've tried several times to reply via my iPhone, but some kind of video ad keeps popping up and won't let me. My laptop has been on the blink but I just got that taken care of and the problem with the ad doesn't seem to be impacting me when I now try to respond using a computer.

    I agree with the comments above...I think you will be amazed at how much better you in in 5 weeks. I am now 2 months past my MUA. I did 6 weeks of physical therapy and regained about 90% of my range of motion. I still have a good bit of trouble reaching behind my back, such as to unhook a bra, but other than that, I'm mostly back to normal. I remember that the reaching behind the back was the last thing to come back with my previous FS, so I'm not too upset by the fact that this aspect is going slow.

    Hang in there and continue working hard in physical therapy. I'm guessing you will be able to manage the crutches in 5 weeks and that a scooter may not be necessary. At least that will be my hope and prayer for you. smile

    • Posted

      Thanks for the response.

      The motion behind you back is called external rotation. It's what I'm having trouble with. My surgeon said getting that back is a must before i can do strength training. But i need my strength to be on crutches.

      I don't know how long it will take. I keep waiting for the scar tissue to come back, there is still a chance of that happening. I am hoping this doesn't happen.

      Meanwhile I'll keep on exercising and hoping for the best.

    • Posted

      Just over 3 weeks after the manipulation and my shoulder is starting to refreeze. I can't lift it as high as I could a few days ago.

      I am going to call my surgeon next week if physio leads to a dead end.

      I purchased a pulley system so I can continue to exercise my shoulder after I'm done physio.

      Now I'm really scared. I'll probably need another surgery due to this. I was warned that being diabetic could cause this.

    • Posted

      Awwww Kristina I'm so sorry to hear this sad This unfortunately happened to me and I needed a further manipulation - awful to have to go through this again .........but it did the trick 2nd time around smile soooo I'm keeping everything crossed for you that your 2nd will also do the trick smile please go for it - you wont look back my friend...........I need to make an appoinment with my GP so I can see orthopaedic surgeon and get surgery for this my 2nd fs because its gotten quite bad now sad I'm so upset that I'm now suffering with a second fs sad  Oh the joys lol............Praying for your speedy consultation and treatment xxx


    • Posted

      So sorry you're going through this. This kind of suffering really sucks.

      My biggest problem right now is that I'm not strong enough to be on crutches. I was told today that they would decide at the hospital what the best course of action would be.

      It might be that inpatient rehab will be my only option.

  • Posted

    On Thursday I am seeing my surgeon for a cortisone injection. Hopefully this will help, but if not, at least we tried.
    • Posted

      Keeping everything crossed for you Kristina  smile hope all goes well today....... smile  

    • Posted

      I was hoping to have better news, but unfortunately, my short trip to the hospital wound up lasting until 9pm.

      After the injection with local anaesthetic, I went to the lobby to wait for my ride. While waiting, I developed a severe allergic rash and hives. I was itching all over.

      One Dr tried Benadryl, but it didn't help. She left without reassessing me. I had been discharged and had to be deregistered in order to be seen by another Dr.

      He ordered meds that I didn't get until he had to breathe down my nurse's throat about not getting me the meds.

      I was given Prednisone and zantac, that did help, but it didn't last long at all. But I now have a prescription for 3 days of Prednisone to try to get me over the hump.

      I'm hoping that the cortisone wasn't the issue, but I won't know unless specific allergy tests are done.

    • Posted

      Oh NO!!!! Gosh Kristina! How awful for you! I hope Prednisolone helps! And with all thats gone on I truly hope and pray that this injection works even though you are allergic to either the local anaesthetic or the steroid they injected! Scarey stuff sad I'm so sorry that you are having such a bad time from all of this........Sending gentle hugs x

      I am going away for a few days and may not be able to get in touch from saturday but I will be thinking of you and praying that you get some relief soon! Linda x


    • Posted

      Thank you Linda.

      I slept solidly through the night, waking up to a bit more pain, but I expected that.

      Still a bit itchy this morning, but my hubby will be going to the pharmacy for me today.

    • Posted

      Despite all the crap I went through the other day, it was worth it.

      Already I feel a lot of improvement with my shoulder. I have more movement, less pain.

      So I happy with my choice o have the injection.

      I think I'm at 70%, probably won't get much better than this, but it's better than nothing.

  • Posted

    It's just about a week until surgery, and I'm happy to say that the cortisone worked, for now.

    I still have a substantial amount of pain, and the range of motion isn't 100%, but my guess is that I'm at the 80% I was told I'd get.

    I have my preop appointment tomorrow, pick up my scooter next Wednesday, then have surgery on Thursday.

    Nervous? Yes. And I'll be more so the day surgery comes.

    Hoping I don't go through more of a nightmare, I've had enough of it.

    • Posted

      Hi Kristina can't believe your surgery is next week! That has gone so fast! I'm keeping everything crossed for you smile I'm sorry to hear that you are still in so much pain sad you have suffered enough!! 

      I was away last week - flew to Malta and got some sun on my shoulder smile flight wasn't to bad - I took my pillow with me and plenty of pain killers! The sun was magical and helped so much!! I have an appointment next week so I'm hoping to get surgery soon smile 

      Take care and let us know how you get on smile Gentle hugs x

    • Posted

      Glad you had a good time, always nice to get away.

      I just can't wait to get this over with. The problem that I face is with a nerve block, considering what happened with the cortisone injection last month.

      The surgery is expected to take 3 hours, pretty complex and delicate.

      Hoping that things go well.

    • Posted

      Hasn't happened yet, about 5 hours to go.

      I'll post tonight or tomorrow afternoon when I get home.

    • Posted

      I've been out of surgery for about 4 hours now.

      I was given a nerve block prior to going to the operating room to help with the pain after surgery. Well, the nerve clkock has caused most of my leg to have no feeling, except that I have pain at the surgical site.

      I cannot feel or move my toes, but I'm sure that will change soon enough.

      They put me on a pain pump to help with pain management, I have used it quite a bit so far.

      The major downside is that they had to put a catheter in my bladder since I can't pee on my own. This will come out tomorrow morning.

      I have a splint on, not a full cast, only the back and bottom are hard. I'm worried about hurting myself with it like this, but hopefully nothing happens.

      Here's s hoping for an uneventful recovery.

    • Posted

      Phew!!! All done and dusted!!! Well done you!!!! Now I'm sure everything will heal great!! You'll soon be up and walking and pain all gone  smile Big relief for you after everything you have been through! Take it easy and listen to your body - take each day as it comes  smile Wishing you a speedy recovery  smile gentle hugs. Linda 

    • Posted

      Thanks. It's currently 4am, and I have barely slept. Pain and itchiness have kept me awake. The nerve block has not worn off yet, but I can imagine the pain I'll be in when it does.

      I'll get by though.

    • Posted

      I'm still in the hospital, things haven't been going well. Too much pain and lots of muscle spasms in my ankle.

      It looks like I may be moved to a rehab center for the next 6 weeks. I'll know for sure in the next few days.

    • Posted

      Oh no!!! I'm so so sorry to hear that you are suffering so much  sad

      I hope they sort out your pain meds soon & find out what is causing these spasms you are having........No fun for you  sad

      At least they will sort you out with rehab & physio! Keep us informed x

    • Posted

      It's been one nightmare after another for me. They never did solve the spasm issue, nor have they fully gotten on top of pain management, although things are much better there.

      I am still in the hospital, and one day last week they had to put a catheter in to drain my bladder again.

      They got me up on my crutches for rehab, the second day, I'm sure I pulled my biceps muscles. I also think I've torn either my labrum again or my rotator cuff.

      Every time I'm on my crutches, my shoulder hurts a lot. My surgeon, who only deals with feet, did a brief exam of my shoulder yesterday and said he won't touch it.

      He's now on vacation, and hopefully his replacement, will do something. She happens to specialize in shoulders, specifically slap tears. Just my luck. Maybe I can convince her to deal with the issue while I'm here.

      The next part of the nightmare is where I go from here. They said no rehab program existed for ankle surgery. My choices were home or to a nursing home.

      Since I'm having trouble with stairs because of my shoulder, with much procrastination, I have decided to go to the nursing home for a while. There I can do some rehab, and if I get a bed at my choice facility, I can stay with younger people.

      This will only happen depending on what the surgeon says about my shoulder. If I need surgery, I'll be in the hospital longer, then maybe to rehab.

      I don't know what will happen. All I know is that I can't get into my house safely.

      All I want to do is get out of here. I've been in this room for 9 days now, and I'm bored out of my mind. I've only been outside once, and have been allowed to shower once.

      The food is boring and repetitive. The nurses are OK, but I can tell they are tired of me. I've seen roommates come and go, never here longer than a few days.

      One of them, she felt so bad for what I can going through, she gave me what she thought was a small gift. I had told her about the trouble I was having raising the funds for the scooter rental.

      She decided to help me out with this. In an envelope she gave me, I counted through the money after she left. Get small gift was $500. I was floored. But she never left me a way to thank her for it. I just hope she knows hoe much I appreciate it.

      All day I listen to this old senile woman begging for certain people to help her. She calls for her parents. I think her parents have been long gone. She does not stop unless she's asleep.

      My 2 roommates noe are both seniors, one with a broken femur the other with a broken knee. They speak broken English, so it's hard to have conversations with them.

      My husband has come by a few times, his mother once. Otherwise, no visitors. And it sucks. I'm majorly depressed, them increasing my mood stabilizer medication has not helped.

      Yesterday I contemplated suicide, but was lucky to be able to talk to a nurse who suffers from depression. It made me feel a little better, but not enough.

      Hopefully I get out of here soon

    • Posted

      Hi Kristina how are you doing now?? I'm so so glad and relieved that you spoke to your nurse regarding how depressed this whole thing is making you! And I can thoughly understand how you must be feelng  sad

      I hope things have improved vastly for you?? Please let me know how you are doing  smile Hugs x  

    • Posted

      This is the start of day 15 in the hospital. It's been very challenging to say the least.

      I was off my crutches for a bit, bug got back on them yesterday. I had felt like my shoulder had given out completely at one point, and I was back to the commode chair to go to the bathroom.

      But I was told that ifni wanted to be approved for convalescent care, I needed to be doing physio as they do physio twice a day and you have to be participating in it.

      Pain was under control for a little while, but until this morning, for about 3 days, it had flared up pretty bad. Now it's tolerable.

      I've been outside 3 times in total, not ideal, but better than not getting out at all.

      I'm surviving, I don't know how, but I am.

      I got a new roommate yesterday, and will be getting another one today. And I will probably continue to be the youngest one in the room.

      Hopefully I get approved for convalescent care soon.

    • Posted

      I hope you can move out of the hospital soon. Is your shoulder well enough that you could work on some kind of hobby/project while you heal? Just thinking it would help pass the time.

    • Posted

      I have appointments i need to go to, and will be finding ways to get out, even if it's only for a few hours a day.

      Otherwise my husband is buying me a portable DVD player on Monday so I have stuff to catch up on.

      I'll find ways to keep busy.

    • Posted

      Oh no Kristina! I was hoping you had better news  sad

      I'm speechless as to how much you have been through  sad

      Very very slow recovery for you  sad

      I truly hope that things get sorted quickly so you can get on with your life........keeping everthing crossed that you get the approval  smile

    • Posted

      It has been so hard, losing one side of your body is extremely difficult, but I have found it so much harder after surgery.

      Each day goes by that I wait, it becomes harder to stay positive. I cry all the time.

      I'm hoping to move next week, it's definitely not going to happen yet.

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry this had become a terrible experience. You've made it this far which shows how strong you really are. Have you started a journal? They say sometimes that helps and I would suggest writing one positive or one thing you're greatful for a day. I really hope things start looking good up for you. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    • Posted

      I hesitate to keep a journal, I don't have enough positive things to say.

      I take it one day at a time, it's all I can do.

    • Posted

      I am moving on Monday, and I'm glad to be getting out of here. Maybe I'll have more visitors when I move.

      I have to do physio twice a day, nothing on weekends, so at least I can go do something then if I'm not going to appointments during the week.

      I can't wait to get out of here, I've been in hospital far too long.

    • Posted

      Yay!!! Pt will hopefully be good and hopefully will help you heal quicker. Good luck
    • Posted

      Its one issue after another, and I have to wait until I move out of here to voice my concerns, because I'm ignored here.

      The splint was changed yesterday, but the tech who did it clearly does not know what he's doing.

      First of all, he put many layers of something over the top of my ankle, that, along with the wrapping is causing extreme pain.

      Then, instead of putting my foot at a 90 degree angle, he didn't even bother worrying about that. I feel like I'm in a high heel shoe, without the heel.

      No matter how high I hold my leg, my big toe touches the floor. This is going to be problematic, as the longer I'm standing, the more my toes swell.

      This splint is tighter than the last one, and I'm taking pain meds every 2 hours due to the pain I'm in.

      The surgeon didn't care, said she won't change it, despite my complaints. So tomorrow I'm going to start complaining as soon as I see the dr. I refuse to suffer in agony.

      I got to see the ankle yesterday, it looks ugly with the raw incisions, and is extremely swollen.

      I just can't get over how rude this surgeon is. I have to wait just under 2 weeks to get this thing off

    • Posted

      Oh no. Not sure where you are but is it possible to get another opinion? Doesn't seem like you should have to suffer in that for trio more weeks. Good luck

    • Posted

      My nurse was going to get someone to see me, then she changed her mind. I don't k ow what I'm going to do.

    • Posted

      Good luck. If you can try to distract yourself If you have Netflix I suggest watching weeds
    • Posted

      I moved on the 31st, and have had issues here too. They are nice here, that's not a problem thankfully.

      However, I've been having intestinal problems since last Thursday. The dr thinks it's c.diff, and is treating me for it. Because of this, they have me on a bland diet.

      The dr also thought that the splint is fine, it allows for ligament stretching. I personally think that maybe my surgeon didn't want that yet. Either way, I'll find out tomorrow when the stitches finally come out.

      I'm still in pain, but they only give me Tylenol for it. The spasms are bad, but not painful anymore.

      I have nerve damage, whether it's temporary or permanent remains to be seen. My big toe spasms when I point it down. The next toe points down, and the next one is higher than the others.

      The swelling doesn't take long to start up, and takes hours to go away. I can barely move my toes when they swell. And my whole leg swells too.

      Thankfully the splint is gone tomorrow, but I know the transition to a cast is going to be painful as I still feel a lot of pain.

      I finally have wifi so I can get online more often.

    • Posted

      Oh gosh Kristina  sad  more problems for you  sad  This must seriously depress you? I hope they are looking after your mental health this time? Its kinda one step foward and two back  sad how miserable for you............ and now ????C.diff???? you poor thing  sad 

      Well lets get positive huni smile they are treating you for c.diff, you have overcome frozen shoulder and had your foot op which is still pretty awful but you have come such a long way! So try and stay positive my friend - things have to get better for you! Sending hugs xx

    • Posted

      Glad you finally got to move. Hope you find some relief when splint comes off. Stay strong.
    • Posted

      They are not dealing with my issues. I saw my psychiatrist yesterday and she said my moods are only because of the situation I'm in and should improve when I get home. I hope so. I don't see her again until December.

    • Posted

      Continue to try and do things to boost your mood. A lot of people I know are really excited by the adult coloring books. They say it is very relaxing. Maybe give it a try
    • Posted

      To clarify in case you are not familiar. Adult coloring books have different patterns and relaxing pictures to color that are more elaborate then a child's . When i read over previous post it almost made it sound like they contained inappropriate pictures. lol

    • Posted

      I've seen them before, but they don't interest me. I just don't have the patience for things like that.

      Instead, I have a portable DVD player, and I have lots to watch.

    • Posted

      As long as you can have something to do to help pass the time. Hope stomach issue clears up quickly. Good luck.
    • Posted

      Well, its now 5 weeks out of surgery. I wish i had better news, but I dont. Well, the only really good things are that physio is actually only 3 times a week, and that the dr was wrong.

      I found out that I don't have c.diff, and I'm slowly, very slowly returning to normal in that aspect.

      Pain and swelling are still an issue. In the cast though, it does take a little longer for the swelling to start, but my whole lower leg swells when I'm out and about.

      I'm waiting for an appointment to have ultrasounds done on both shoulders, this is supposed to be faster than an MRI appointment.

      Not sure what these will show, but I still have to wait. In the meantime, being on my crutches is almost agony, but I have no choice, I have to use them.

      My cast comes off on Friday, but I may have to go back into it since pain is still rather strong. I take my own hydromorphone that no one knows I have, but I primarily only use it when I go out.

      Hopefully I have better news next week.

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