Maxillary sinus cyst!
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Is there anybody else on here that has a maxillary sinus cyst and symptoms? I suffer with terrible headaches and facial pain, ear pain to name a few, but my ENT doctor thinks that the cyst is most definitely not the cause of my symptoms!! It's a long story but I can't begin to tell you how frustrating it is! Not being believed. I am in the U.K. and wondered if there was anyone else in the same situation? If you had it removed, what were the circumstances and who was your ENT surgeon?
Thanks in advance 😊
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nanda94810 Maxcyst
Hello friends I am suffering from the same situation..I had CT done and it says 19mm of mucus retention cysts where my GP just gave me some nasal spray which didn't helped at all.. I am having symptoms like post nasal drip, headache, eye pain, tiredness and the most embarrassing thing is bad breath.. I want to get rid of it ... Please help me out..
margaret22116 Maxcyst
Hi Pheeb. I have suffered same symptoms. I do not have a cyst but changes in maxillary cells caused by chrinic inflammation. I had debilitating migraines and facial pain and dizziness. I have a form of vasculitis and it was never picked up until my early 40's despite suffering off and on most of my life.
Do you have any other issues like gut disturbance or any joint pain?
siva_rama_25783 margaret22116
margaret22116 siva_rama_25783
Hi Siva. Sorry you are suffering like this. Your symptoms sound a bit like Sjogren's. Do yoy have pain or swelling around the upper jaw area? Is you mouth dry or your eyes?
shyma29321 Maxcyst
I had a Maxillary sinus cyst 3 years ago which was discovered by my dentist. I had a dental surgery to remove the cyst and a root canal treatment. Before the surgery i suffered from headaches and facial pressure and days before the surgery i started to get swelling on the left side of my face. The surgery was very tough (i have high tolerance to anesthesia ) and the recovery took weeks of severe pain. 2 years later which is last year i started to feel the pressure again and my face swelling is permanent now. My left side of my face looks weird and asymmetric. I get severe pain in my face bones and i feel my jaw muscles contracting specially with cold air. i suffer from other health conditions and i have been speaking to all my doctors about these symptoms and they keep saying we will refer you but they didn't till now. The most annoying thing now is seeing my face shape changing and it really brakes my heart every time i look in the mirror. have any of you experienced this face symptoms?
alryk shyma29321
Most concerning is my left side that’s where I am having the most pain. I responded to someone on this forum my story so won’t repeat myself. But basically it’s back n forth to ent and dental specialists, had 2 teeth removed and possible sinus cyst. But my maxillary bone is sore! I have had a ton and I mean a ton is scans. I got rid of the only 2 suspicious teeth and even that was a pain in the rear getting something done with those teeth because I didn’t have tooth pain so no one wants to do anything with that. It makes me nervous having face pain . I complain EVERY day and everyone’s sick of it lol. My good side has been for months having on and off cheek bone pain- scans show inflammation on bottom of both cavities. So not sure if it’s a tooth now on other side? Another dead tooth?
Anyway- not sure what’s going to happen. The ent said he would happily do sinus procedure to remove tissue and cyst but says he doesn’t think that will solve my pain. I do feel inflammed now- along with facial pain- joy!!!!
alryk shyma29321
Maxcyst alryk
Good luck with your sinus specialist next week. I too have really bad bone pain in my face on the left side where my cyst is. I had an appointment with ENT last week and he said that I now need to get maxillofacial involved. This is because he thinks that ignoring he did operate and remove the cyst, he wouldn’t be able to get it all out. This is due to the fact that there is a pool of this stuff (the cyst) actually buried right down the bottom. And my tooth goes right up through the middle of it. He thinks perhaps they should go up through the bottom ( so above the upper teeth) and reach it that way. But I’m constantly battling and being pushed from one consultant to another. And none of them seem to have the balls to do something about it.
I am in pain on the left side 24/7 and it’s odd that you describe it as bone pain, because I do too. My cheekbone is painful to touch and the roof of my mouth is constantly sore too.
Please keep me posted on your progress and let me know how it goes next week!! I’ve got everything crossed for you. 😊.
alryk Maxcyst
I have 2 teeth left in the back of mouth-had wisdom teeth out a long time ago and recently 2 teeth thinking it would help problem. If I pull the tooth I am scared I would pull it for no reason. But it could be the answer to my problem- then I would have to get a partial denture in the back and I am ok with that if it solves this scary situation. But yes bone pain- hoping it’s just inflammation- and nothing else bad. Been going on for a year I think you said yours has been about a year as well? Keep me posted too! I will keep you posted as well next week. Trust me it will be another month by the time something is done with making appts and finding someone who knows what the heck is going on- meanwhile we are paying the price of their passing us back n forth!
Maxcyst alryk
Hi Alryk....How are you doing? Any news? I'm currently waiting on an appointment with Maxillofacial now as ENT have said part of my bone is missing in my sinus, so the cyst is actually sitting on top of one of my teeth! Similar to you I think>? I just feel like I am going round in circles here...meanwhile I am in a lot of pain, pressure and the bone hurts in my face. Antibiotics help but they are only temporary.....Please let me know how you're doing? x Are you in the UK by the way? 😃
alryk Maxcyst
we did correspond on another discussion i started. Whatever is going on with me has not been treated correctly. Been to specialists & I explain pain & symptoms but not getting proper treatment. I just saw a RHINOLOGIST a few days ago. He basically looked at scans & said keep an eye on it. BIG WHOOP! Meanwhile it is uncomfortable sleeping on the bad side so I avoid doing that. SO they discovered a piece of bone in your sinus missing? How odd. Whats new with you? I am still tossed back n forth from ENT - Dental.
nikki67295 Maxcyst
Hey Pheeb,
I just had an MRI done and I have a cyst in my left side! I'm not quite sure how big but looking at my own images it looks like it is taking up my whole cavity. I've had major headaches that i cant get rid of unless i sleep but once im up i have a major headache again. I have had ear pain to the extreme, ringing of the ears, hearing differences. I was recently diagnosed with vertigo i still have dizziness. I have seen a ENT im going to a neurologist tomorrow morning. I'm hoping they get this taking care of i would love to have my life back instead of all these medical bills and bunch of different doctors. I hope you get well and everyone else in this discussion!!
CoattailRider Maxcyst
Hi everyone! I have been diagnosed with retention cysts in both the left and right maxillary sinus. I've had sinus problems since I was a teenager which have only gotten worse over time. Also been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and I'm allergic to dust mites. In January of this year, I started having bouts of vertigo 3-4 times a week. Many of them were triggered by sound. I'm a customer service agent, and loud sounds over the phone would instantly make me dizzy and nauseous. If it continued, the world would start tilting to the left. So when you call to pay your cable/light/etc bill and your kids are screaming in the background, you could be making your cs agent sick! I also had headaches on only the right side of my head. (It shouldn't be a surprise, then, to know that the cyst on the right side is described as "large."
The vertigo was just awful, so debilitating. It would go on for hours.
The weirdest symptom is at times when my sinuses are a little stuffy, I get this buzzing and vibratory sensation in my right ear in reaction to the speaking voice of a particular drummer I like. He's also a very good singer. I watch a lot of videos on YouTube, and it can be really bizarre how the buzzing and vibrating will happen when he speaks, but when someone else talks, it abruptly stops. As my head gets stuffier, it starts to happen with other male voices (or females with deep voices). It's also happened with live male voices at work. Definitely bizarre as heck! My cyst likes musicians? When I talked about all this on Facebook, friends freaked out and told me to get a CT scan because of the repeated vertigo. I actually feared I had a brain tumor.
My doctor ordered a CT scan and they found the cysts and the signs of chronic sinusitis. I started using a nasal spray (Nasacort) every day. It's been a big help. It keeps me from getting sinus infections, which keeps my symptoms down. I still sometimes get vertigo, but not much at all as long as I use the nasal spray. My ear still buzzes and vibrates at times. I hope the cysts will not get worse so I can avoid surgery, but I guess we'll see what happens.
I was also diagnosed with lupus around the same time. I have no idea if the two conditions are at all related.
margaret22116 CoattailRider
If you find a good Lupus treatment you should be able to get your symptoms under control. I have the same issue and have been finding very good results with hydtoxychlotequin. It is an anti inflammatory and has settled down a lot of the inflammation in my sinuses.
CoattailRider margaret22116
Recently, I saw another rheumatologist and she says it isn't lupus, so I'm back at square one now. I did have a positive ANA blood test. *shrug*
My sinuses still give me a lot of crap, still lots of mucus, but the nasal spray still helps with my symptoms. Any doctor who says sinus cysts have no symptoms needs to get a couple of them and see what it's like; I'm sure s/he would change his or her mind.
My right ear also still buzzes. Which is still weird.