My Citalopram diary

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Well following a admission to hospital 3 weeks ago for extreme fatigue, weight loss and pains in my abdomen and many test including a colonoscopy which all came back 'all clear' I've been persribed anti-depressants for stress and anxiety.

I have always had anxiety since my early teens but have NEVER been medicated for this I have always just 'dealt' with it. However with the pressures of work and imminate house move and young family I think my body/brain finally gave in!

So I'm trying medication in the hope I can lose the anxiety and get my life back on track, after reading many scare stories of the side effects (which nearly put me off) I finally gave in and took my first dose tonight - I was given sertraline 50mg last week as the first option but after what felt like a heart attack (I'm 30 btw) on the 3rd day I threw the towel in.

Having researched since I now know 50mg was quite a strong dose to start on!! So here I am round 2 and a new drug - this time Citalopram 10mg and I started my first dose tonight...well when I say first dose I took a quarter of a tablet effectively (2.5mg) I'm starting slow this time and building it up, I also have Gilberts Syndrome which makes some drugs reactive differently.

I'm going to keep this thread going to help explain any side effects and hopefully dispell and scare stories and hopefully share my own happy ending.

Stay tuned!

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    Sorry for the gap in updates but the good news is that there hasn't been too much to report back, the rest of the week on 2.5mg was pretty ok, some sweaty nights but broken sleep reduced.

    I have been on 5mg since Sat night noticed increase in broken sleep the first night, have also had some loose stools and Sunday night felt a bit sickly so just got an early night. All very manageable however and I can't guarantee any of these symptoms are due to the AD as many can be the result of stress.

    So I'll plough on with 5mg to Weds then I'll increase to 10mg. When you think about coming off these tablets it's recommended it's done in stages so my thinking is you should introduce them in stages also. It appears to be working for me and it's just my way others may be happier to jump right in.

  • Posted

    So a quick update, I've now been on 5mg since last sat - day 8 at the new dose and 2 weeks all in.

    I had my first panic attack since being on cit on Thurs whilst out driving, it passed fairly quickly but I felt down for the rest of the day as I lost confidence in the tablets.

    This was made worse as the day before I felt great, really happy, caught myself smiling throughout the day and was ME again, I stupidly thought they had 'kicked in'.

    No I'm back to feeling groggy, very little enegy, I have a knot in my chest and feel panicky/scared. Last night the sweats also seemed worse like I had a fever.

    I was planning to up my dose to 10mg on Weds but after my good day I thought the current dose is working. Now the side effects seemed to have ramped up on 5mg it's put me off increasing. So I'm thinking should I wait for the side effects to subside at 5mg then increase or just jump to 10mg and ride it out??

    I so want to be well for Christmas and be happy for my kids, I'm already beating myself up every time daddy needs to go upstairs for 'a rest'!

    A bit lost this morning! sad

    • Posted

      I've been on 10 for 32 days and now seeing an improvement (although today's not great). I'm thinking that your side effects are happening every time you ramp up the dose, I've read for instance that if you go from 10 to 20 then you have to go through hell again to get there ( I might be wrong, I'd be happy for some to contradict me). You are still quite early on in your recovery so I wouldn't worry too much, at week two I was still a wreck. I reckon you might feel strange again at 10 (might be worth doing it sooner than weds) but then it'll be a straight ride to feeling better with a possible few hiccups on the way!! Good luck xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Marf

      Good to hear your seeing some improvement!

      I think I'm going to bite the bullet and up to 10 tonight, the way I see it I'm already feeling rubbish at 5mg so may aswell feel rubbish at 10 and get going!

      I've been in bed all day so far, only got up to make some toast, was a bit teary so I went back to bed so the kids don't see me upset - feel like I'm failing them and my wife at the moment.

      Hey who knows perhaps it won't be too much worse, I'm glad I already got 2 weeks under my belt and it went by in a bit of a blur so hopefully another 2 and things will start to get easier.

      We're also in the middle of selling our house and buying another (we may complete before Christmas) so timing of this episode couldn't be worse!!

      I'll keep you updated X

    • Posted

      Well what a difference half a day makes...I honestly felt so bad this morning I thought I'd never get out of bed. But I got up around 2 had some soup, a shower and then played with my kids for a while and then took the dog for a walk and all since about 7ish tonight I've felt good again!

      This morning I would never have thought that AT ALL...just goes to show how these illnesses can give us such up and down experiences! I'm going to enjoy this good feeling while I have it because I don't know what tomorrow may bring!

    • Posted

      This journey is mad! Yes, I would definitely do 10 tonight then it'll be the last time you have to increase it xxx mornings are totally the worst for me, I'm a couple of weeks ahead of you, things are getting better but slower than I would like, stick with it though, I'm much better than I was xxx
  • Posted

    Well I'm happy to report that I had a better night last night, sleep was fine - not broken and no periods of hot that was nice.

    Got up this morning, had breakfast then took the dog for a walk, can't say I've got my confidence back yet - I still feel a bit panicky when I get the furthest away from my house and start thinking "what if I had an anxiety attack now, what could I do!" so yeah getting anxious about anxiety!

    I stuck to 5mg last night as I want get past the side effects a bit more and have a bit of a break break before moving on to 10mg, I also have an appointment with my GP tomorrow morning at 9 (which will be a challenge!) and I want see if there's anything I can take alongside if/when I get side effects on the increase.

    I'm going to try to stay as positive as possible this week I'll be glad to have got to the 3 week marker and hopefully my brain will begin to accept this new drug!

  • Posted

    Well I did it!

    Made it to the doctors and I didn't have a panic attack in the waiting room!

    Told doc how I have been increasing the dose steadily and she agreed it was a good strategy. I'm going to move up to 10mg tonight and she's given me some diazepam 2mg to take IF I have any severe anxiety attacks - she actually recommended I take one before bed the next few nights to allow the dose increase to settle in but I'm weary of taking them so will just keep them on hand just in case.

    Wish me luck and I hope you all have a good day!

  • Posted

    Well dosage increase here we go!

    Popped 10mg tonight after one week at 2.5mg and just over a week at 5mg.

    Given I've had such a pants day (been in bed most of the day with a knot in my chest and feeling rough) also had a bit of a weeping session when my wife came home as I'm sick of feeling ill and feel like a burden to everyone know! it seems so wrong taking more!

    But I have to persevere and push on through for another week or so, I'm hoping my body has already built up some resilience for these over the past couple of weeks so won't be too much of a shock.

    IF it is then Diazepam here I come! ...never thought I'd ever use that sentence or even have to take AD but life is full of surprises!!

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      I've done nearly five weeks now and worked today and was fine, I would never have believed I would be doing that a few weeks ago!! I felt like you, crying and asking my husband whether I was in the way etc. All I can say is keep going, the next few weeks won't be much fun but you need to push through (I never ever thought I could do it) with the help from these great people on this site, we're all here to help each other xxxx Also if you cry and can't stop or you wake up with that awful dreaded doom feeling take a diazepam, I couldn't have done it without it, and it works xxx
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      I was wondering if anyone has advice for me. Ive had the last week off work and started on propranolol 40mg x 3 a day to calm me down because of my anxiety and panic attacks. First few days I felt drowsy then started to feel calmer, was nice but now gone back to being conscious of my breathing and my chest being uncomfortable and headaches,cold hands/feet. I'm not in the stressful work environment to see how effective it really is. I've been given another sick line and to start with a low 10mg of citalopram with therapy. But I'm extremely anxious about taking these pills. I think my doctor said I'm fine to continue with propranolol along with citalopram but im really scared of the side effects I've read online that most people say they feel worse for taking them and are on them for years.

      Should I even look for a natural remedy ? I've noticed some people suggesting Holland and Barrett they have something to do with 5HTP? If someone could get back to me with more about citalopram that would be appreciated. Thanks xo

    • Posted

      Hey Bonnie, I've been on 10mg Citalopram for nearly five weeks as I was having more and more episodes of debilitating anxiety and panic. I can't lie, the first few weeks were awful but I felt I really had to try as I didn't want a repeat of those episodes. This  far in I feel much better and according to lots I've read it's still got a few weeks to go to reach its full effect. I don't know what propranolol is for? I would def try and push your fears to one side and take them, I wish I'd done it years ago xxx there are loads of helpful people on here too xxx
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      Also, it might be worth starting your own thread so you get more people reading it xxxxx
  • Posted

    Just a quick update -

    First day on 10mg - feeling great in comparison to the last few days!

    No knot in my chest, have got some appetite back, so have just enjoyed having a break today.

    Hope the next couple of days are as good if not atleast I've had today!

  • Posted

    Well day 2 at 10mg and on my way to 3 weeks altogether, so I thought I would summarize my experience so far.

    First week on 2.5mg was - apart from the first night where I had a headache and a really broken nights sleep pretty none existent in terms of side effects.

    Week 2 on 5mg was very mixed, first couple of days felt kinda rough but managable, accompanied with the bum squirts! Also 1 evening when I felt sickly so just went to bed early. Mood was like a bit of a yo-yo at times had one day 3 days in when I felt awesome, loads of energy, happy, joking all day wham - felt miserable and ill hindsight I think I overdid things the day before!

    Now at day 2 at 10mg and I have to say that the knot in my chest has gone, I'm starting to feel more calm and apart from my sleep being a bit more broken on the first night (wasn't as bad last night) I have to say I feel better at 10mg than the week or so at 5mg! Now before anyone rushes to up their dose I don't think that's the reason, the key is TIME! I think as I've been slowly increasing my body has had time to adjust.

    So my advice so far is...

    Be patience - when you're not well a day feels like a lifetime! I'm more impatient than most and given I was in and out of hospital for a couple of weeks before I started it already felt like I'd been waiting a long time for some relief. A few weeks in a lifetime is will get through this!

    Eat healthy - it's not much fun not enjoying food or having very little appetite but your body needs food, stick to a routine and eat what you can, get some fresh fruit - I've lived on bananas at times!

    Drink - plenty of water, cordial or decaf tea DON'T drink alcohol! I'm surprised how many people talk about how much they can drink whilst taking these! You have to put your mental health first!

    Be selfish - If you feel low, tired etc. Go have a long bath, get in bed, put a film on, read a book or just have a nap!

    Live in moment - if your having a good day or even a couple of hours - make the most it, enjoy it as a taster of things to come.

    Talk - to friends, family, your GP or forums like these - YOU ARE NOT ALONE...I've been surprised by how many people have shared their own experiences with stress, anxiety and depression with me and you know what they have all come out the other side and are manging it successfully!

    Meet the drugs halfway - OK this is probably the most important one, this drug will help you with symtoms you have suffered with BUT you need to do the rest, when you are feeling ok or even half ok you need to push yourself to go take that walk around the block, pop to the shop or even just getting up and taking a shower! That's where you start getting your life back...don't lay in bed waiting for the 'lightbulb to come on' one day you will just look around and think WOAH look how far I've come and the light will already be on!

    I'll continue to keep this diary updated as my journey continues X

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