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Hi to all you LS sufferers out there, I'm 63 and had it so servere that my life was a living hell, l was competent horse rider and a very active person all that changed. I have had LS for about 10 years and it got to the stage where l ended up with multiple ulcers six or seven at a time that would NEVER go away because as some were healing new ones would appear and it was a never ending cycle, then l was hospitalised for three days as l had 11 ulcers at the one time and could not pee as the pain was so excruciating l had tried everything , nothing worked then l though enough is enough. None of the cortisone or steroid creams were helping at all in fact l think that they were making it worse. Out of sheer desperation l threw everything out and started to apply olive oil to the LS just the cheap plain home brand olive oil that l had in the pantry. Within three days the ulcers started to heal but the the best thing was that NO more were appearing they were finally clearing up and the burning and itching was also disappearing as well and the only thing l was using was the olive oil. Within two weeks l had absolutely no itching or burning and NO more ulcers, the skin that had suffered from the LS was now soft again. That was eight months ago. l now enjoy a normal pain free sex life again the skin stretches without burning or tearing (just use plenty of lube) and l had an excessive amount of white patches which has now mostly disappeared all thanks to the olive oil. My gyno was amazed at the improvement, there is no swelling, no dryness, NO inflammation and almost all of the white patches have disappeared even the scaring and lesions have completely healed, he was so impressed that he has documented my success and is monitoring my continual improvement he has even now started several other patients on the same treatment that were having little or no positive results on the steroids and cortisone creams. Ok this is all l do l have an egg cup full of olive oil that l leave in the toilet and when l go to the toilet l pat the area dry, liberally apply the olive oil in around and between my labia lips ,clit and up inside my vagina as far as possible soaking everything in the oil then gently pat with toilet paper the area ALMOST dry but leaving the area still moist. That is it, that is all l do nothing more, l have a small container that l fill with oil and pop in my purse if I'm going out for the day . I use the oil EVERY time l go to the bathroom. You will notice a distinct improvement within about three days and 100% Within a couple of weeks. Good luck to all those who try this l hope it works for you as well as it has worked for me, l now ride my horses everyday and can were tight jeans without any issues at all which was a thing of the past. It's natural it's cheap and everyone one of us has olive oil in our pantry . 😀😀😀

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    Hi Everyone!

    35 year old Mom here, still breastfeeding my second who is almost two. I was just diagnosed last week and am seriously bummed out. I think it was triggered by stress; my husband was diagnosed with MS in July and my mother with Stage 4 lung cancer at Christmas. I was prescribed Clobatezol, but I am reading about all the different possible remedies. I actually also have a patch on my breast that we think is also LS, so fun! Has anyone tried tea tree and clob? I do not have itching, just white, scaly patches. I honestly thought I had stitch from when I gave birth. Not sure what to try first. When you get to the scaly skin, can that be reversed?

  • Posted

    Yes virgin olive oil works. My doctor told me to use. I have flare ups but not many. Olive oil keeps urine away from skin easy wiping.
  • Posted

    So helpful to read about others' experiences with this condition. I was prescribed Clobetazol and told by my gynecologist that I would probably have to use it for the rest of my life - yet I should be careful not to over use it - ?? A course of one month on it worked for me, but the condition returned about six months later. I don't want to be using steroids on a long-term basis, so I tried an old family stand-by for healing skin, zinc oxide, which works great to prevent itching but which doesn't make the condition go away. I'm going to try the olive oil treatment. My dermatologist told me there is a theory that the condition can be related to irritation by urine, so it makes sense that anything acting as a barrier layer would be helpful. My gyn advised me to use soaps without perfumes. I think I may have caused my condition by spraying myself with perfume in that area - just a theory. Interesting how many people who ride horses have the problem - I do a lot of sitting in my work, and find that wearing loose-fitting clothes that allow air is helpful. The problem gets worse with tight jeans and perspiration in combination with sitting for too long. My gyn also advised allowing airflow at night - no undies when sleeping. I think it is important not to scratch, even though it provides relief - my dermatologist told me that scratching any area of skin can actually change the cells into a type that release histamines, which cause itching, so it can be a vicious cycle. Good luck to all in managing this unfortunate condition!

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    Ouch, you were spraying perfume on your genital area?? That had to hurt! Or were you using an oil based one?

    I asked my gynecologist if olive oil would be effective for LS. She said it would sooth but not heal; only steroids would heal it. I questioned the safety of using it every night. She said steroids are harmful to healthy skin, but can heal problem skin. I should use it nightly until the skin is presumably back to normal.Time will tell.

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    Hi there I have tried this on myself and it's been a week but I am curious to know how long I need to apply this. Thanks again for posting

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    Hey hot2trot i am using the olive oil for 3 days now..n now i realize my it itches me unbearable

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    I can’t thank you enough for posting about your experience. I had suffered for over three years with three different doctors using very expensive steroid creams that only made it worse. When I read this, I immediately started using the olive oil plus I squirt water lots of water there  for cleaning after each bathroom trip. Th relief, for me, was almost instant. I had ulceration that began healing, the itching stopped, the rawness began to smooth out and my skin is now beginning to feel almost normal. I did see a new dermatologist who promised she could put it in remission if I used Bethamethasone Diprepionate .05%. Between the EVO the water cleansing and the ointment, I truly have my life back and I feel I’m on the road to complete healing. I did leave the EVO off for a day and I could feel the rawness and tightness coming back so will never do that again. Thank you for letting us know about EVO. 
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      nancy, was one of the steroids triamcinolone acetonide? Went back to the doc after just over a month of using it nightly along with estradiol cream. She said everything was coming along nicely, though to be honest I didn't even know I had a problem with LS until I saw her for another issue. I posted here already that I asked about olive oil and her response was it would soothe, but not heal. I have no issue with urine burning, but maybe I'll try using some oo during the day and the steroid at night. I'm not very comfortable with the idea of all the steroid use despite her saying it's fine.

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      That was not one of the four different steroid creams prescribed. I suffered two years without a diagnosis, so mine was pretty severe by time I saw a dermatologist. Someone else on this forum suggested putting baking soda in the water and I do put in a tsp. There is no cure, only relief and this gives me the relief from the pain and itching I endured for over three years. 

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      nancy, I don't know how long I have had it as I hadn't seen a gynecologist in 3 years and was not in any particular discomfort. Over the past winter I had an internal itch that would come & go. Went to see a gyno two months ago for the itch and she diagnosed me with the LS and said it was probably causing the internal itch. However the itching did not go away with the creams so I asked for flagyl (which had worked for non-specific infection  years ago). I felt better immediately after taking it, but I feel twinges now & then so am trying women's probiotics for a month. The twinge still comes & goes; I'm about half way through the course. May try the flagyl again if it doesn't stop by the end of the 30 days. Am now wondering if the LS can cause an internal itch. Do you experience that?

    • Posted

      Hi Beverley, LS can cause an internal and external itch.  I think the internal itch is much worse than the external in my opinion.  It happens when you are flaring and having other issues.  Once you get on top of things hopefully it will go away. Try Cutting out sugar and alcohol and see what happens.
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      Yes, mine began with unexplained itching, mostly at night, for over a year. Did not think anything of it until I began to experience more than itching. Rawness, bumps, painful to urinate and the itching became unbearable. 
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      What the doc said was "sometimes what is external can feel like it's internal". That sounded odd to me. As the itching stopped literally after taking one Flagyl, it appeared to me the illusive itch which was accompanied by an odor was caused by an internal infection.

      Right now I am trying women's probiotics. May be a waste of $30. I am half way through the course. Sometimes get a slight itch and the odor. Not consistent.

      In the meantime I am continuing with the estradiol cream for the AV and the steroid ointment for the LS. Coconut oil as it soothes and seems to quell any itch. That could mean the itch is caused by the AV, the LS or  perhaps the antibacterial properties of the C.O. are lessening the itch. I don't know how to figure this out.

      I'm sure this sort of thing explains why doctors seem always to be guessing re diagnosis. Everybody seems to react extraordinarily differently to AV and to the treatments given by the docs.

    • Posted

      Hi, the internal itch is one of the classic symptoms of LS, unfortunately.  Many women have it.  What your doctors said sounds daft to me, it is like he is not giving you credit for knowing whether you have an internal itch or an external itch.  I dont know much about AV so I have no idea about that.  

      The best form of probiotics is from Kefir, you can make it at home and that is either water kefir or milk kefir and the Kefir grains contain about 30 strains of bacteria, making it a very rich and diverse probiotic, much better than the bottled stuff.  Google it and that will show you how to make it.

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      Hi Guppy, I read a lot about kefir two years ago and watched youtube videos on making it. Couldn't find any grains or anyone who had a clue as to what I was talking about. Thought I had to make the water type as I am lactose intolerant. Bought little packets of starter at the healthfood store to make my own only to realize it required milk. I made it with milk, had no negative reaction, then went to the grocery store and saw the bottles said 99% lactose free. I have never looked back! The store bought one is fine and has about completely "cured" my IBS (another gift after menopause). Nothing any doctor suggested did a thing for me. I now tell every doctor I see that if they have patients with IBS they ought to be telling them to try kefir. Doctors probably think I'm a bit loony anyway as I am always questioning them. (I flat out refused to take statins. Now I notice attitudes toward cholesterol have changed and they no longer harass me about taking them. My mother's was off the charts and she lived to be 95, died do to complications from a fall, not high cholesterol.)

      I really don't want to have to make kefir. I'm sure like anything else homemade it's better, but I'm satisfied with the positive results from the store bought. I even tried using the kefir internally before I saw the doc to see if it would end the vag itch. Instead it got worse and caused a discharge, same as the multi-gyn did. Yogurt internally was slightly better, but not the answer.

      I see the gyno again at the end of Oct. I am alternating the probiotic orally & vaginally as I think I may be having digestive reactions to taking it orally. If the itch continues I will go with another round of Flagyl. If the odor didn't accompany the itch I wouldn't be as convinced it is not an infection. Of course, maybe AV makes one more prone to infection, I have no idea. Am beginning to think AV makes one prone to insanity caused by trying to figure it out!


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      Beverly, dont worry you dont have to make the Kefir lol!! I'm sure the shop bought one is quite good.  I would just be careful with what you are putting up your Vjay, I kinda lost track with what you were saying.  I wouldn't be happy having an odour down there, maybe you should see your doc because the end of October is quite a long time before you see your gyno. cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Doctor is on vacation. Spoke with the nurse because I seem to be reacting to the nightly steroid for the LS. Did have my doubts about using it for so long. The hormone cream for the AV started burning so I only apply that twice a week and now the steroid is turning me flaming red. Will see what the doc has to say when she returns. In the meantime I'm cutting out the steroid.

      Re your suggestion to cut sugar and alcohol, I don't use a lot of either but do ingest some. I tried the no sugar no carb diet right after menopause. Lost weight immediately, but could not sustain that diet. I'm a very moderate person when it comes to ingesting anything, but I do love a taste of dark chocolate and the occasional glass of wine. The only definite precursor to the itch I have ever noticed is stress.

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      After a full day without using the steroid I already feel better.

      I believe it is a different thread on LS where someone has recommended olive oil for the LS (after rinsing with a baking soda solution). I may try that, but I don't have issues with urine which some women do, so will start with just the olive oil in a day or so. 

      Good luck to all of us! 

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      I'm using the same as you are. I'm using the Triamcinolone ointment 0.025%, and the Estradiol Cream. Do you use both at the same time? What I've been doing is just using them before going to bed, but haven't been using them together. Some nights I use the Triamcinolone and other nights I use the Estradiol . I really like how the Estradiol feels as I think it really helps with the dryness. During the day is when I try and get along with coconut oil, or olive oil, or sometimes nothing. Other times if I feel any itchiness, I'll use the Triamcinolone during the day. I like that the Triamcinolone is a mid-strength steroid. It's less irritating, but still does the job. Sometimes if I'm going to use it during the day, I'll mix it with some coconut oil.

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      Svenska, I use a tiny pea size of the estradiol every night at vag entrance. No applicator. Some nights I skip the estradiol because I know the carrier creams can cause soreness. Doc said that was fine; play it by ear. Clearly we are all different and have to experiment a bit.

      Told to use steroid twice a week. Very little of it as any signs of LS seemed to have gone. But I am getting what feels like a buzzing sensation on the clitoral hood now & then that concerns me and a sore spot that comes & goes. Gyn said she saw no sign of LS, but it was fine to try some of the Tri on it. Another poster said her doc said that feeling is a sign of active disease and to use the steroid. Doctors are trying to figure this disease out along with the patients.

      Wonder if this protocol will have to be continued for 20 years (if I live that long!).I did want to switch to estriol as it is supposed to be safer, but I left it at home and am away for the winter. In the meantime will use the estradiol.

      I had been using more coconut oil, but I think the hormone cream has helped(?) so I don't use it as much. It's hard say. I'm just very grateful I don't have severe symptoms. Assume you have AV and LS. How long have you been using the meds?

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