Oh my god, I have an extra rib (cervical rib!)

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Hi there,

I am one of the 1 in 200 people who have an extra rib. I just found out about, how do doctors and chiropractors miss something like this... I have been suffering for 5 years with neck and back pain.. yesterday I had a back scan for the first time when the chiro discovered the nasty rib!

so for 25 years I never knew this, anyone just had a similiar shocker like this?

I was asked by someone how the hell do you not realise that you have an extra rib.. well how does a person know!

To all the sufferers with this problem, take good care of yourself. In two weeks when I am through this pain (I am going to chiro 3 times a week !) I have to start exercising... perhaps a blessing in disquise becaus I am 7 kg overweight..

take care

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  • Posted

    My sentiments exactly. I've had 11 MRI's in the last 15 years and this last one neurosurgeon see them, one on each side. How did they go unnoticed all those times. I also have herniated and degenerated disc in my neck so I'm in pain everyday. The neurosurgeon that I saw did not want to touch anything. He just made me depressed. I was glad that he was honest but still was depressed.
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    I am 20 years old . 6 months back I had felt numbness on my left hand( mostly on the fingers) and little pain on my left shoulder.

    I have taken x-ray and it has shown the presence of cervical rib.

    Then as per the advice of doctor I have taken some tablets, thn after few days every difficulties have gone. Then after 4 months I had felt the same pain and numbness. I took mri cervical spine and Mr angiogram ,the result showed the presence of cervical rib bilaterally but no evidence of compression. Then I was advised to take Neuro conduction velocity test by the doctor. It shows that severe compression on median nerve at the point of wrist. What shall I do now?

    Is all these problems happening because of cervical rib? What shall I have to do?

    Can anyone help me?

    • Posted

      Hi, I just found out that I have them too. I'm looking into what I can do about the pain that I deal with everyday. This is crazy for sure. The last specialist that I saw said that he did not want to touch them. I instantly was depressed because I have pain all the time with the 5jacked up disc in my neck. I'll let you know if I find out anything. Good luck

    • Posted

      Surgery... Sounds like you have TOS like me. Yes, ALL your problems sound like my laundry list of issues as a resulf of my mutant cervical ribs. Get yourself a great Vascular surgeon like myself. In the interim. It's a Structural problem so you can do ALL the PT and yoga you want and it's not going away... I had Thoracic Outlet Syndrome... still do, but surgery was the ONLY  option. Also, Lyrica for nerve pain 200mg 3 times daily. Sleep on my back. It's uncomfortable for sure... but it helps me. Also Lidocaine patches or stinky Tiger Balm Patches at night are my UBER favorite... get the large ones at the local drug stores for like $6 for 5. They last even AFTER you take them off and will help you sleep.
    • Posted

      Thanks, this was very helpful. Did the surgery help you? You say you still have TOS, what kind did you have, Venous or Nerve. Mine, I think is nerve, as I don't have a cold or blue tinted hand. I get tingly and numbness. Extreme pain in shoulders on top and between shoulder blades. Can't move my neck any direction or movement without pain. And I have ribs. Two. So wondering if I should/need surgery. Did it help you?

    • Posted

      Surgery changed my life, for the better. I don't have the pain I used to. I believe mine is also nerve. I had my left cervical rib removed. My left cervical rib is a little bit bigger than the one on the right which is why I don't have the same issues in my right arm. I do still have some numbness and tingling. I started PT again and it is blowing my mind how well it's working. Im going for DJD in my neck but it seems to be helping with my left arm problems also. 

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    They are only tiny ribs and usually cause no trouble.
  • Posted

    Oh my. Did you feel something under the rib to identify that diagnosis? Mine moves around a bit. Can't stand that. My bra irritates too.
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      Ginger I think you will find the extra ribs are near your neck. Dont worry about it.
  • Posted

    I did as well. I'm 39 years old and I just found out. I had surgery in March 23rd to remove the left one because it was causeing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. My mom calls me her little mutant. I tell her I have to come home to feed my extra ribs... LOL.  You HAVE to laugh about it sometimes... for me it's been a painful nightmare. Thankfully the surgery has helped tremedously.

    Welcome to the FAMILY! XOXOX

    • Posted

      I am so happy to hear a positive outcome. I also laugh, and kinda think it's funny / but not fun to be a mutant, as you know. Painful Nightmare is correct.  Please tell me about your recovery. How much pain are you in daily 4-5 months later? Thanks. Glad you are doing well xoxoxo

    • Posted

      I'm doing amazing! Physical Therapy helps now, to get back on track. I've lost strength in my left arm tremendously. As far actual pain goes, there are days where I forget I even HAVE a problem. Then, I may fall asleep on the couch or sleep weird and I'll have pain again that is resolved with PT. Back to the drawing board. I believe JUST having those days where I forget ALL about it, is BEYOND WORTH IT! Good Luck!

      Yes, you have to try to stay as positive as possible. Actually Cymbalta helps with that as well as nerve pain. Don't get me wrong, I also believe that you ALSO need those days where the world sucks, I hate my life, I'm never getting better, I want to crawl into a ball in my condo and ignore this sucky world. That's healthy too... just as long as it doesn't consume you. Lots of chocolate , ice cream and bad Lifetime movies help too! hehehe

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