One week using "Wet Ones" with Benzethonium Chloride

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I have been using Wet Ones as recommended by Lynda79 (Clean eyes 4 times daily using 1/4 wet one) for one week

I can report the following.

Initial State:- Eye irritation/soreness/dryness including corneal ulcers, etc which I have had for over 2 months continually. Requiring washing approx 3-4 times daily with warm water, baby shampoo, eye drops etc..

When starting with the Wet Ones, I initially felt slight stinging around the rim of the eye, but this stopped after 24 hrs use.

After 3 days:- A lot of relief, maybe rinse eyes with just warm water if they felt dry.

After 7 days:- I have forgotten that I have blephoritus. Have to remind myself to clean eyes with Wet Ones.

I will continue to use the wet ones, now cutting down to 3x daily as recommended by Lynda79, and will update again next week. Hope this helps somebody, and many thanks to Lynda79 for sharing this.


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  • Posted

    Hello Honjon,

    Could you please tell me which wet wipes I need to buy for the UK?

    Many thanks smile

  • Posted

    I am new to this forum, as well as I was just diagnosed with Blephoritis 2 days ago. I am taking antibiotics and also antibiotic ointment, but was still suffering a lot. I read some of this thread earlier today and it was enough to make me run out and get Wet Ones immediately. I will continue with the other treatment that the Dr. gave me but I tried the Wet Ones immediately, and maybe it is coincidence and maybe not that I felt relief almost right away. Is this possible? Also, I saw someone comment that they use a q-tip with a piece of Wet One wrapped around it, and that works great, but am I supposed to just put it below my lower lash, or do you put it right on the rim, above the lashes? Thanks so much! This truly gives me Hope. As I said, I was just diagnosed, but I have suffered for months, due to misdiagnosis in December.
    • Posted

      Dear Debbie,

      Some eye doctors online said to use the antibiotic on the eyelashes. They called it "off label use" of the antibiotic.

      You could give that a try. I even asked the doctor after I had killed the Bleph why was it put in the eye on not on the problem?

      You have to make sure you are not allergic to detergents or fabric softeners or even the handsipes themselves.

      I used the wipes and rubbed along the eyelash area That included the rim. Just be careful to not get into the eyes. If you do, splash some water into your eyes.

      I used the wipes only 4 times a day for just over a week. Some are saying that it drys out their eyes. I went down in the use really fast. It does take over 3 months to kill it. I used the US wipes that come in a red package.

      Hope this helps,

      Lynda 79

    • Posted

      Hi Lynda79,

      I have been using the wipes since the day I first read your post, and I have not had any problems with it at all. My eyes feel quite a bit better, but I am not sure how to credit that yet as I am taking antibiotics and using an ointment that was prescribed, too. I am so glad I found this forum and grateful for your words as you have been through this for awhile so it is good to know that it can get better. Your advice is greatly appreciated and you can be sure I will keep working on it. Thanks so much!

    • Posted

      Hi lynda, I have few questions.

      Do you have links to which Wet Wipes you used? Because there are quite few of them and not sure which on it is exactly.

      And how do you use it exactly? Do you just wipe them to your eyes for like a minute and wash off with water?

      And also do you really have to do it 4 times a day? Because many people can't do it 4 times a day and can only do it 2 times a day due to work.


    • Posted

      Dear Arnold,

      I used the wipes 4 times for just the first week and a half. My eyes felt so much better that I went down to 3 times then 2. One girl told me she used them 2 times a day and her lashes even grew back in.

      The wipes I used were the U S ones. They are in a red box and they are at Walmart if you are in the U S. Some have ordered them online if in other countries.

      They are in drugstores too.

      I did not wash it off but it takes about 10 minutes for the quats to work so you can wash off after that.

      Just be sure that they contain the .3% Benzethonium Chloride.

      Make sure you are not allergic to detergents or fabric softeners or even the handwipes themselves. People with sensitive skin should not use them.

      Hope this helps,


    • Posted

      How long do you have to rub your eyelids each time? Like a minute? So can you rub wipe to your eyes and just leave it like that?

      Ans is it dangerous if it gets to your eyes?


    • Posted

      Dear Arnold,

      I rubbed my lashes as I went across them. A back and forth motion but it was quick. I repeated it on each lash twice as I tore the wipes into 8 sections. If it gets into your eyes just rinse with water.

      I did not rinse it off but you can after 10 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to work on the problem. You can research the words online and you will find that info.

      They use Benzalkonium Chloride as a preservative in Steroids and other eye meds. I did read that prolonged use could have a bad effect on the eyes. That is why I switched to a preservative free eye drops for lubrication for dry eyes.

      Hope this helps,


    • Posted

      i would recommend cliradex rather than wet ones which is available on line through amazon or there website - works much better and all natural look at the reviews for some many people who have had it for years  - it work for me - the wet ones are to harsh and dry out eyes too much - dr's do not recommend wet ones due to chemicals in them  - i use 1 wipe cut it into in 4 and keep it in tin foil until next use as it is $50 for 24 packages - at night is better before bed don't put drops in do the facecloth eye drops prior the last application of cliradex - if you have it bad they recommend twice daily - did for lst couple of days - if you have problems with it they have a website you can watch before you order - (after saying that the wet ones do work i used them in december to get it under control) the thing is it came back a month later - you need to keep the rountine going daily or it will flare up again - good luck let me know what you think of cliradex
    • Posted

      So just rub the eye lashes like for few seconds on each eyes and just leave it like that? for 4 times a day?

      Do you know if there is any danger of worsening the eye visions?


    • Posted

      HI Arnold. I used the wet ones for quite a while. And it helped get rid of my blepharitis. So far I have gone to two annual eye dr appt.  the first appt he didn't see anymore blepharitis and my eye sight has not changed. This last appt same thing. The dr told me keep doing what your doing. Because it is working. And no eye sight change. I don't want the blepharitis to come back. So I still do the maintence of baby shampoo everyday. The dr told me that was too much. I could do it every other day. 
  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I have been diagnosed with ocular rosacea and MGD, six months after LASIK. I've had facial rosacea for at least 20 years. I feel like my dry eye symptoms are improving, no doubt helped by the short course of oral azithromycin I'm currently on.

    I was wondering, how have people with ocular rosacea/MGD managed with using Wet Ones? I've been using them for a few days and my eyes have become significantly less itchy, which is awesome. The only problem is creasing under my eyes that makes me look much older, but I couldn't care less if I can get my symptoms under control.


    • Posted

      Can you still get LASIK when you have blepharitis?

      My visions are horrible, as well as having blepharitis.

      So I'm thinking to have LASIK later in the future, but I also have blepharitis.

  • Posted

    they didn't work for me my eyes are worse and such bad irritation - it gets rid of itch but unfortunatley the chemicals are too harsh for my sensitive eyes -  i am now trying a new product called cliradex
    • Posted

      Yeah... I spoke too soon! I had to stop because of red eye and irritation. How do you find the cliradex? I'm using tea tree foaming cleanser from the body shop just now, which seems to be keeping things fairly well under control. If I could only stop having intermittent blurry vision...
    • Posted

      amazon sells it very pricey 40 i am getting irritation around the lids from it , howsever, its seems to be loosening the eyelid crusts and watering - it takes time to work - it was recommended by eye doctor check amazon the reviews are great - its very harsh careful on how u use it - i think i rubbed too hard and it does burn for a bout a minute

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