One week using "Wet Ones" with Benzethonium Chloride

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I have been using Wet Ones as recommended by Lynda79 (Clean eyes 4 times daily using 1/4 wet one) for one week

I can report the following.

Initial State:- Eye irritation/soreness/dryness including corneal ulcers, etc which I have had for over 2 months continually. Requiring washing approx 3-4 times daily with warm water, baby shampoo, eye drops etc..

When starting with the Wet Ones, I initially felt slight stinging around the rim of the eye, but this stopped after 24 hrs use.

After 3 days:- A lot of relief, maybe rinse eyes with just warm water if they felt dry.

After 7 days:- I have forgotten that I have blephoritus. Have to remind myself to clean eyes with Wet Ones.

I will continue to use the wet ones, now cutting down to 3x daily as recommended by Lynda79, and will update again next week. Hope this helps somebody, and many thanks to Lynda79 for sharing this.


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  • Posted

    Hi Honjon

    Are your eyes now free from Bleph, I have been diagnosed with blepharitis keratitis which has caused several scars on my cornias, i am desperate for some kind of remedy.


  • Posted

    Also any you guys know if wipes work on posterior blepharitis?

    I have posterior, not anterior blepharitis.

  • Posted

    Wow, I just saw an opthamologist and I told him about they wet wipes.  He told me it's a bad idea to use it.  Anyone asked the doctors about wet wipes?
    • Posted

      Cannot believe it would be a good idea to get that near

      your eyes.   I tried it and it was hard to get to borders of

      lids without getting in eyes.  My eyelids dried out badly.

      I stopped using them.  Not willing to risk my sight.

  • Posted

    Do the Wet Ones help with red eyelids making them no longer red? I noticed people mainly complained of itchiness and swelling or even red eyes, but my main blepharitis symptoms are red (and scaly) eyelids.
    • Posted

      Yes. It helps me with both, after I cleared the bad swelling etc with the recommended wet ones for about 6 weeks, I have been cleaning my euelids with tea tree pads. If you are in USA, Trader Joes facial cleaner pads with tea tree as a daily every other day maintenance has helped me too. But if seasonal allergies bother you too, just keep handy the wet ones, that's when I particularly get red, itchyand flaky dandruffy eyelids too. Tea tree pads do the trick most of the time for this though. Hope this helps.
    • Posted

      By the way, you can get a 2 pack of the tea yree pads for aprox 12.00 us, via Amazon USA.
  • Posted

    Dear Honjon,

    I was diagnosed with oil gland dysfunction and have blepharitis.  I have been using the wipes for two weeks.  Last night I had horrible discharge that stuck my eyes closed.  I cleaned my eyes and then it happened within two hours again....this happened three I got little sleep!

    My question is while using the Wet Ones did you ever have bad days where your eyes manifested all sorts of symptoms.  As I read the replies, it seems those who successfully used the wipes had reduced symptoms immediately.

    My eyes seemed to be doing better until last was so!

    Anyone with experience here using Wet Ones I would love to hear your answer to this...I feel discouraged hoping this works.

    And whether this works on me or not, I want to say a big "Thank You" to Lynda and Honjon and others for discussing this potential cure for others.

  • Posted

    Thank you I am am at wits end to find a treatment


  • Posted

    When you cut up the wet ones do you store the remainder in a plastic bag so they won't dry out??? In Tupperware? Please advise.

    • Posted

      Hi Elle,

      I did the wet ones for about two months.  I would cut the wet ones into eight squares and place them in a covered tupperware bowl for the day.

      After a few months the wet ones gave me dry eye so I switched to manuka honey #20.  That finished the blepharitis off.  I have had two eye doctors tell me there is no sign of blepharitis or conjunctivitis.  So, this stuff works..... Dawn

    • Posted

      How in the world do you put honey around your eye?   How do you

      control where it goes?   do you leave it on or wash it off.   I'm

      really curious since I've been dealing with Bleph for about 25 years.

      Wet ones really dried my eyelids.   Got afraid to put that stuff so

      close to eyes. 

    • Posted

      Hi Faye,

      Wet ones dried my skin and finally gave me dry I went to the manuka honey.  If you go to the discussion, "Using Manuka Honey to cure blepharitis" on this site I go into detail how I apply it.  I ordered Mail Tees by Fran Wilson on Amazon.  I also ordered Manuka Doctor 20+ from Amazon.  One secret is to give this time......!  I started last April with the wet ones....did that until June 1st....then did honey twice a day.....last week doctors can find no sign of it.  Another secret is at night leave the honey residues on all night.  You can always private message me if you have questions.....Dawn

  • Posted

    Just trying to get your successful regime down. For how long do you use the Wet Ones? Five minutes? Do you also place clean, very warm compresses on the lids (above & below the lashes?) Do you rinse your eye lids after you use the Wet Ones or just gently pat them dry? Do you have flaking on your face or other areas of your body? If so, what have you used that was helpful?

    • Posted

      Dear Elle,

      I am so sorry I missed this. Most people who use heat do not use it at the same time as using the wet ones. I wiped each eyelash area 2 times. A total of 8 strips that I tore the hand wipe into. I did not rinse but you can after 10 minutes as that is the time it take for the Quats to work (Benzethonium Chloride is a Quat). 

      I only used the wipes on the lashes of my eyes. One young girl pressed the wipe to her skin which was a mess from acne and it was infected. I had her hold the wipe (unfolded) on the spot for about 10 minutes and then turn the wipe over and hold again on the spot for another 10 minutes. When I saw her a couple of days later that spot looked so much better and not yellow and infected. No rubbing just holding on the spot. 

      I have used the wipes on my ear that was infected after I had it re-pierced. The solution they gave to use had Benzalkonium Chloride in it. So when that was not doing the trick, I used a wipe front and back of my earring for a few days and cleared it up.

      My daughter had a stye and she used it on it and took about 2 days to kill but she continued using the wipes for 4 days just to make sure she said.

      Hope this helps,


    • Posted

      Hi Lynda. I first got blepharitis about 5 months ago. I get individual eyelash extensions, I have been getting them for over 2 years usually about once a month. Then 5 months ago the day after I'd had my eyelashes done I woke up and my right eye was swollen. Started panicking and googling everything, blepharitis kept coming up. Used Vaseline and sudocrem (nappy rash cream) after a few days swelling had gone down and I thought maybe I'd just slept on my eyelashes funny and they had dug into my eyelid and irritated it. But no, every month now when I get my eyelashes done straight away the next morning my right eye is swollen, then the dry flaky eczema type thing started happening on my eyelid. I still continue to get my eyelashes done usually by the end of the month after having them done the symptoms have almost cleared up then as soon as I get them done they come back again. Now my left eye has started the same cycle. I got my eyelashes done yesterday and this morning my right eye was swollen more than anything. I still continue to wear makeup and to try and hide the redness. I've been scouring the internet all day and have seen good reviews for a lotion called blephasol which I have ordered. And I have seen your post about wet ones and will buy them tomorro. I will update the site once I have tried both of these and I am praying I can get the same relief lots on here have spoken about. Fingers crossed !!!

    • Posted

      Dear MiaaMimi,

      You may want to stop the eyelash extensions for a few months so you can kill the Staph infection. I had it in my lashes too.

      You can use mascara on your lashes and still kill it. You need to use throw away wands, one for each eyelash, when you use mascara and never double dip. 

      You have to use 2 washcloths for your face. One for each eye. You can reinfect yourself. I had it in one eye and put it in the other myself. 

      This was mentioned by a Dr. online too, to do this.

      Make sure the Wet Ones are in the Red Box and have .3% Benzethonium Chloride in them. There seem to be many kinds of hand wipes. People in the UK have had to order them online.

      Hope this helps,


    • Posted

      Yes as much as it kills me I think I might take a break from getting my eyelashes done. And yes I am in the uk, I have ordered the blephasol online - will let u know how that goes. And I am going to my local pharmacy to get the wet ones, they have them online but I can't see the ingredients list so I will go there myself and check the packaging. Thanks so much for this forum I'm really hoping it works !!

    • Posted

      Can anyone help me finding things with Benzethonium Chloride in them? I looked on every color Wet Ones there is-- and apparently this is no longer there?

      What is everyone using that works, please? I have been using expensive lid scrubs and I'm a writer and am constantly worried it is something more severe. I've been seeign things about tea tree oil. I hadn't tried this best because there are so many essential oil brands out there now who evern knows which ones have real tea tree in them. I've been looking for Lynda79 who seems to know a lot on this but I welcome replies from ANY and EVERYONE PLEASe? Who has successfully cured this? Does it stay gone or do you have to be vigilant?

      IMPO question: Do I need to stop working out and sweating or does this actually help get the oil out of th epores?

      FINALLY I found you-- what do you mean a quat? 

      Any new ideas on cures?

      What wipes and products should I buy? I'll get every single thing. 

      My eyes are too sore to do a lot of reading on here so please, Lynda, give me a detailed response, if you will dear, on all I should be doing-- every single things!

    • Posted

      Dear Rhonda,

       Quats are a large group of  Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. That is what Benzethonium Chloride and Benzalkonium Chloride are called. They have been shown to be an effective low-level disinfectants.

      Please look the info up online on how they work as it disrupts the bacterial cell wall and eventual death to the microbe. 

      I found my Blepharitis to be a Staph problem. 

      This is probably why it worked on my lashes.

      Tea Tree Oil kills Staph too. It has to be diluted.

      I used the US wipes and can only say that these worked for me. 

      I wore makeup and mascara (water based) while killing the Blepharitis.

      I bought new makeup and never double dipped into anything. I used throw away wands (one for each eye). I put eyeliner on with a makeup applicator that looked like a cotton bud (cupe tip in US) but had a sharp end and a flat end. One for each eye. Never putting anything used back into the makeup.

      It takes 10 minutes for the Quats to work. You can wash off after that.

      Some people have allergies to detergents, fabric softeners or lanolin and cannot use the wipes. 

      The UK ones are harsher, some have said. They have Benzalkonium Chloride in them.

      I used a solution with Benzalkonium Chloride on my ears when I got them pierced. One ear was getting sore. When I looked at the ingredients I decided to use a Wet One and cleared it up in a couple of days. 

      My daughter started to get a stye and used the wipes for a couple of days and killed it. She used it 2 more days to be sure she said.

      You need to use 2 wash cloths when washing makeup off or wiping eye area.

      Some have used the wipes just 2 times a day and had results too. I used them 4 times for a week then went down to 3 then 2 times for several months. 

      As my eye felt better I decreased the use but 2 times for several months then waited and when it bothered me again I did it for a couple of days or a week and one more time after that and it was gone.

      Hope this helps and please order them if you do not have sensitive skin.



    • Posted


      I followed your instructions and my eyes are so much better.  My optometrist was impressed and has told others about the Wet Ones.  Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Posted

      Like which one to get it's different types of wet ones wipes could u upload a pic

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