One week using "Wet Ones" with Benzethonium Chloride
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I have been using Wet Ones as recommended by Lynda79 (Clean eyes 4 times daily using 1/4 wet one) for one week
I can report the following.
Initial State:- Eye irritation/soreness/dryness including corneal ulcers, etc which I have had for over 2 months continually. Requiring washing approx 3-4 times daily with warm water, baby shampoo, eye drops etc..
When starting with the Wet Ones, I initially felt slight stinging around the rim of the eye, but this stopped after 24 hrs use.
After 3 days:- A lot of relief, maybe rinse eyes with just warm water if they felt dry.
After 7 days:- I have forgotten that I have blephoritus. Have to remind myself to clean eyes with Wet Ones.
I will continue to use the wet ones, now cutting down to 3x daily as recommended by Lynda79, and will update again next week. Hope this helps somebody, and many thanks to Lynda79 for sharing this.
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becky_60526 Honjon
becky_60526 Honjon
rhonda96606 Honjon
Can anyone help me finding things with Benzethonium Chloride in them? I looked on every color Wet Ones there is-- and apparently this is no longer there?
What is everyone using that works, please? I have been using expensive lid scrubs and I'm a writer and am constantly worried it is something more severe. I've been seeign things about tea tree oil. I hadn't tried this best because there are so many essential oil brands out there now who evern knows which ones have real tea tree in them. I've been looking for Lynda79 who seems to know a lot on this but I welcome replies from ANY and EVERYONE PLEASe? Who has successfully cured this? Does it stay gone or do you have to be vigilant?
IMPO question: Do I need to stop working out and sweating or does this actually help get the oil out of th epores?
sandra40102 rhonda96606
kaz90482 sandra40102
lynda79 rhonda96606
The wipes are in the US. You will have to order online if you are in the UK. The UK wipes have Benzalkonium Chloride in them and seem to be a little harsher.
I did kill the Blepharitis and do not have it any longer. The doctors keep looking really close to find it too.
I had the terrible itching and I also managed to transfer it to my other eye. That is why I tell people to use 2 wash cloths when wiping their eyes. A Dr. online mentioned that too.
Life can go on as usual. You can wear makeup, including mascara, when killing it too. I did. If you need that info let me know.
Hopie this helps you,
kaz90482 lynda79
kaz90482 lynda79
lynda79 kaz90482
Dear Kaz,
You need to order the Wet Ones, antibacterial hand wipes, online as the UK have Benzalkonium Chloride in them. You are not the first to say that they are irritating.
I just replied to Rhonda just above this post and she had the same questions.
Let me know if you need more info after reading my reply to her.
i will be glad to answer, I just don't want to say the same thing in a matter of such a short space.
njacacia rhonda96606
Hi, I'm new to this site, but developed blepharitis 4 months ago. I have spent much time reaing and studying this condition and determined that a major cause of blepharitis is an eye mite !!! called demodex. Tea tree oil treatment takes 4 weeks to work. You can buy many different shampoos and face washes, even Body Shop sells one on Amazon. I also purchased tea tree essential oil and mixed up my own 50-50 solution with the oil, distilled water and a drop of shampoo to emulsify. I apply to my upper and lower lids as well as eyebrows with a q-tip (cotton topped applicator). The eyelashes must be scrubbed, especially in the mornings as the mites lay their eggs at night in the dark. The mites burrow into the roots of the eyelashes which results in the intense itching. When they die they release all the bacteria in their bodies as they decompose, and voila--eye infections. I am now using hot compresses, the wet ones and a hydrochlorus acid eye spray. The prevalence of demodex increases with age, so that by the time we are 80 years old 100% of people have the demodex. I must have had these for years before I experienced the most terrible case of conjunctivitis which turned out not to be pink eye, but the demodex instead. Most doctors are hesitant to tell people they have eye mites, instead just treating with an antibiotic and steroid. I know I am not yet cured because I still have red eyelids, but the intense itching and gunk build-up in my eyes has decreased by a good 90%. I am the typical rosacea sufferer and it is now believed that the demodex cause the rosacea on your face. One nasty critter. When you see the pictures of demodex in people's eyelash roots you will be grossed out!!!
Riri222 Honjon
Can u upload a pic of which one u used I don't know which type to use for wet ones it's multiple
lynda79 Riri222
I used the Wet Ones in the red box that has 24 individually wrapped wipes. It says on the box Pocket Size Singles. On the bottom of the box it says that the active ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride 0.3%....
Antibacterial Agent.
I am not able to do what you ask and I am not sure if the site allows it.
I have no free tech support available--grandkids not here.
Hope this is enough to help.
emma90835 Honjon
Hi Honjon,
Have you been using the UK wet ones? If so can tell me which ones you've been using please? If you could send a link through that would be really helpful. I've been reading the comments on this forum and as someone recently diagnosed with Blepharitis would love to give them a try.
Many thanks,
lynda79 emma90835
Honjon did use the UK ones but many have said they were hard on their skin or eyes.
You can order from Amazon the ones from the US. I used the US ones in the Red Box that say Pocket Size Singles. There are 24 in the box and on the bottom is says....Active ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride 0.3%.
It did take over 3 months to kill it but I was able to use makeup and kill it at the same time. That involves throw away mascara wands and applicators. If you need that info let me know.
Hope this helps,