open wound after hemorrhoidectomy
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Hello All,
I had a hemorrhoidectomy 5 weeks ago. This has been the most painful, challenging thing I have ever gone through. It has completely changed me as a person. I am completely depressed and anxious all the time. I am healing, but during my first BM I blew open one of my incisions. I had a giant, gaping open wound. it has gotten much smaller, but just when it starts to feel better, I have to poop again and it opens back up. Has anyone else experienced this? My Dr. will not give me a time frame for how long I will feel like this. I am desperate for my normal life back, or just to hear something positive. any words would be appreciated.
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Salex dd23
Hi there dd23.. I am curious to know how you are healing? I had a hemorrhoidectomy 12 days ago. Removed a large internal and 2 large external . I felt is becoming better till day 10.. I've been testing pretty much on my sides without sitting, straining or standing or walking much. But every since yesterday the pain came back with a vengeance. And my bms started stinging badly. So today I decided to take a look.. And sure enough there are 3 large open wounds... Frankly I did not think I popped any stitches but wondering if I did now.. I'm seeing my surgeon in 2 days.. Will update the blog on what my surgeon says... For now I do sitz bath a few times a day and survive in polysporin complete formula and 5% lidocaine cream....
ged39008 dd23
If you have an opened wound that must very painfull when going to the toilet. It can get inflamed if you are not taking antibiotics.
I'm on day 5 after the laser hemorrhoidectomy. I had 4 internal and 3 external roids lasered. What a painful experience this is after the op.
I had to do the op as I was loosing blood so badly, that my haemoglobin and iron levels dropped to 88 and 4.9. I was barely able to move around.
If anyone out there is having problems with hemorrhoids, please do not hesitate to act on them. I have delayed it for 9 years and are now suffering the worst nightmare possible.
Going to the toilet after BM,the pain is excruciating. It feels like you will pass out from this pain. Next time I will try to take double dose of pain killers before I go there. Fingers crossed it will ease off the pain.
Regarding my wounds, it seems that it is healing already and swelling is going away.
I'm drinking a lot of water and eating soft foods to make the poo loose (still the pain is unberable).
Good luck to everyone in defeating this hemorrhoid 'disease' .
susana2017 dd23
I heard you on the changing who you are thing.
Sending hugs and feel good soon wishes to you.
tankity_tank dd23
sez123 tankity_tank
Totally agree with everything you've said here
How long ago did you have ur op??
I'm 8 weeks out but still have pain just before the bm and a throbbing pain after that lasts for a few hours
Two wounds haven't healed apparently that explains why I'm in pain
I also lubricator just before I go. Hoping to protect the area somehow
m4444 sez123
I am 3 weeks post 3 thrombosed / 3 skin tags removal . This has been an absolutely horrendous ordeal and I've had 4 babies with no analgesia , let me tell you I'd rather go through child birth again than this ! I suffered badly with constipation for years but made sure I increased my water intake and fibre way before my surgery . I've had no trouble going post surgery and my stools have been soft and easy to pass . The last few days they have increased in size and seem to be hot so soft but still ok to pass . I just have horrendous pains / throbbing / aches after going that can last for hours after and is worse when I'm resting . I also have burning and developed a rash around my backside but I'm using bepanthen cream to ease that . I seem to have had good days , like last week in though I was making a break through with pain easing but now it's as bad as ever again . I also passed s little blood today which I haven't for well over a week . I have what looks like little haemorriods still around my anus which I believe is quite common , but I'm scared and worried something is wrong and I will always feel like this . I only had one flare up over the years I've had haemorrhoids so have been lucky it this is so much worse and I'm actually regretting having this surgery . I feel so down it's horrible . I wish everyone who is recovering from this surgery a quick and painless recovery, it really is horrendous
louise16695 tankity_tank
Yes, yes, YES!!!!!!! Everything you're doing/did I am doing - and they are SPOT ON. Well done and great advice to everybody!
I hope you're doing really well now?!
Love Lou x
Starapple72 dd23
lionetta_96733 dd23
Hi dd23 I feel your pain my happens after I have a BM it's hurt so bad that I can barley walk or sit. So I taking Ibuprofen 800mg from somebody. But I do have a appointment this Wendseday hopeful I don't have to have surgery.
barry1961 dd23
Mine is slightly different. Had stapled haemorhhoidectomy mid December 2017. Full retention by day 4 and admitted to hospital. Hospital finally administered enema around 8hrs after admission and only after morphine lasted 30 min. What happened next caused all the problems. Massive bowel evacuation, felt like someone dragged 15 fishing hooks through my rectum. Discharge from hospital 2 days later with pain killers and stools softeners prescribed. Excruciating pain with every bowel movement. 29 Dec back into hospital with what described as infection only to be re diagnosed as thrombosis (blood clots). Prescribed cream and pain killers. Well later and still in tremendous pain visit surgeon who then says, I'm booking you in for op today. I Had an abscess and infection. Pain relived dramatically although a seton was possible although surgeon left an open wound instead to help drain the infection etc. Sitz baths 3 times per day especially after BM. Its now 5 weeks since initial procedure and bowel movements not back to normal as yet. Pain isn't anywhere as bad although painful afterBM. I am back on stool softeners as last two days was like passing wood. I drink lots of water, eat high fibre but still experience constipation over last two days. One resulted in administering two enemas to get things moving. Back to soft motions today, residual pain though. Taking couple paracetamol every 6 hours now just to maintain comfort.
Im concerned about open wound as its still there but it's only been a week. Visit surgeon on Thursday for check up with hopefully some answers.
All up i have regretted it although maybe no other answer. I'm concerned i have created more roids because of massive BM in December and constipation last two days.
Need to push myself to do things like long walks etc as that is also important to keep moving.
Thanks everyone for submitting your stories, i feel for you all and realise in some instances, mine is not as bad as others.
Pain has been as high a 9 which resulted in morphine, now moving away from pain killer tramadol and paracetamol to just the latter.
Fingers crossed its heeled by the 8 week mark....
theresa63071 dd23
I see your post is 8 months old now so I am hoping you can advise me if it improved.
7 days ago I had open haemorrhoidectomy... skin removal and banding ... I have no idea if its all in tact. What I do know is I am trembling and feel sick about having another BM.... Nothing relieves the pain and I cannot complete a movement as I actually feel I will die!
Please tell me you feel better?
Theresa :-(
barry1961 theresa63071
Hi Theresa,
My initial operation was 18 Dec 2017 do not that long ago. I believe my op would have been more successful if not for full retention. Having said that what i experienced after and resulting 2nd operation may help you relax, hopefully in some small way. You fear of a BM is real and something you can deal with. It will be excruciating although it will not kill you, maddy feel like it though.
I didn't find any medication that would help that part. I used a product called Movicol, a still softener that works very well. Had three of these after each meal. Drank heaps of water and ate high fibre foods. It was horrible though. I was also fortunate that i have a spare bathroom with a large shower area. I will be blunt, i did not try to have a BM on the toilet, way to painful. I purchased all my disinfectants and bleaches and when the time came, i would have my BM in a standing squat position over the drain. It was painful but no where near as painful as in toilet. I also had the shower head on one of those looking flexible lines so i would instantly wash myself down with as hot as i could handle to relieve the pain and the spasms. Sadly i would also have to disinfect the shower area but it was worth it. I would then have a salt sitz bath for 20 min.
Having Said all that it was constant pain, the meds i mentioned in previous post worked to dull most of the pain but with the stool softener i was having 3 x BM per day and i dreaded it. I thought this was never going to end. Yours may heal faster than mine. I'm now into my 56 day since first op and 28 days since 2nd op. As of today no pain meds, can sit on toilet and pain is minimal. I did nothing for a month. I would move from bed to couch, undertake walking of around 20-30 min but loved my bed. Was it ever going to end. My mind was going, i was feeling sorry for myself but then this week it just changed.
I can't say how long yours will take my only suggestion is to try and reduce the pressure you place on your butt ie sitting on toilet. I apologise but i will be blunt I feel for women who need to sit to pee, having said that, i know what I'd be doing. I'm sure my household water usage has increased for all the cleaning I've been doing and washes. Sitz baths are a must. This will sound weird but i bought a baby bath and sat in that. Couldn't be bothered filing regular bath and i just used it in the shower recess.
I can only say hang in there as for meds, and I'm in Australia, they are the same just a different name. I would take paracetamol and tramadol at the same time and on rare occasions oxy. I'm off all meds now but only 2 days now.
Lost a lot of fitness and get tired quickly so thats something i can now deal with.
There is light at the end of the tunnel but it's can be a long tunnel although try a few things that help alleviate theBM pain.
Good luck, keep me posted.
sue1973 theresa63071
Heya Theresa I had mine done 9 days ago and was rushed back to hospital on Sunday and released on Tuesday but I haven't had a bowel movement in 9 days
louise16695 barry1961
You are a legend! 👍🤚
Greetings, I'm in Australia too ❤
These ops/medical conditions are HORRENDOUS. Worst thing/pain i've ever had (have a fissure too), even having Crohn's disease for 20 years.
Sending compassion & speedy healing to you/all x
kathy96513 dd23
I feel as if I’m constantly using sitz bath and ice packs.
Just when I think the swelling is getting a little better I have another bowel movement and the swelling returns and makes me feel like hemorrhoids are back. I feel like this week the discomfort internally has worsened and it does not seem to matter whether I use sitz bath, ice packs or pain medication.
I am fearful that I may have an abscess . I have not been able to sit on my bottom since the surgery due to too much discomfort/pain when I do .
I have had to lay on my sides .
I called my doctors office Friday after they was closed Wednesday and Thursday due to weather and the surgeon was in surgery all day Friday . I was told if no better after the weekend to call Monday and if gets worse to go to ER. I will die before I go to ER again because a couple weeks ago I had to go because of pain and they decided to do a rectal examination was like the worst thing I have ever been through that just about killed me kind of like having first bowel movement and then they decided to give me pain medication after torchering me and had the audacity to come back 30 minuets later and wanted to repeat the rectal exam again. Needless to say I told them Hell no they were not sticking any fingers or anything else up my ass and the only person going to be putting anything up my ass was going to be my surgeon. They quickly decided I needed to go home and could not be admitted.
I told them they were not talking to a registered nurse and that I know as well as they do that the morphine they gave me in my IV works quick but does not last long and by the time I get him I would be back where I was when I came to ER. I thanked them for collecting my copay though only to put me through hell and send me back home to be where I was coming in. The sad part is I work for the company that owns the hospital which I never told them until after I had my horrible experience.
The doctor became a little nicer after hearing this.
When I told my surgeon the next day in his office about them doing a rectal exam in ER he was livid and told me he would tell them to never do an exam on anyone who has had this type of surgery.