Overwhelming Negative Thoughts

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Hi Everyone! So I have had anxiety issues since I was a kid but this last year or two has been the worst it's ever been for me. I find myself always reverting back to my negative thinking ways. I haven't seen a therapist or a professional because frankly I can't afford it and I always end up chickening out when I do find a somewhat affordable place. 

I've been researching a lot about different anxiety disorders and I'm most relatable to that of OCD and I definitely feel I have depression as well. I'm sorry if my post is a little excessive but I find that even writing it all down, gives me some relief of all the stress I feel. I would really love any feedback and any type of help you could all give me. 

I am constantly making myself feel like I'm a bad person. I have a lot of negative thoughts running through my mind on a daily basis. I will bring up bad memories from the past of things that I did wrong or when I had made bad judgements. It's really hard for me to try and move on from past mistakes. I am always saying in my head, "I should of did this" and "why didn't I do that instead." I beat myself up over things I can't change. I notice that anytime there is something that is going good for me, I will find reasons why I don't deserve it or why I'm not worthy of having it in my life. 

I also have panic attacks when driving alone. I always worry that I hit someone or something and didn't realize it or notice. I turn the radio down real low so that I can hear every noise just in case. I get so nervous and worried that I will check my car a bunch of times just to see if there's any type of damage or difference. I think the worst if I feel a bump or hear any type of ding. 

I think the biggest thing that triggers my anxiety disorder is my fear of how people perceive me to be. I really need reassurance from others in order to feel like I'm doing things right or that I'm a good person. Everything I do or say in front of people, I analyze. I try and figure out what they are thinking and how they are judging me. I just want everyone To like me and think I'm a good person. I try to relate to everyone so that they have a positive view of me. I am always in fear of people getting the wrong idea or misinterpreting something I said and in doing so, they think I'm a terrible person. 


I also get really stressed out whenever I go into stores because I get worried that the people working there will think me or the person I'm with is trying to shoplift. I will as far as buying something I don't even really want just so that they don't think I went there just to steal something. 

When leaving the house, I go over everything  in my head and if I'm not sure whether I locked, shut or turned something off before I left, I worry the entire time something will happen to my dogs while I'm away because of it. Like if I don't make it apparent that I checked all candles were blown out, then I will just worry that my house will burn down with my dogs in it. 

There is a lot more that goes on in my head but I don't want to over load you guys in just one post. I am hoping that some of you can relate to any of the issues and can give me some advice as to what helps you. It can be so isolating living with an anxiety disorder because I know I keep these thoughts to myself since I know no one else in my life can understand what I'm going through. I avoid a lot of the things I love because they trigger my OCD thoughts and it just makes me so stressed and depressed. I want to be able to control my thoughts and just  be happy. 

Thanks for taking the time to read my long post and I look forward to hearing anything you have to say about it.  

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74 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi Mary, ive been going through a lot of similar things that you went through and i was wondering since your last post has things gotten better for you in these last couple of months and if you dont mind sharing your experimce with me.
  • Posted

    Hi Mary,

    sorry to hear that you're feeling like this! It sounds like you really do want help for how you're feeling and that is the first step. I understand how you feel about expensive therapies, but from what I've heard they are very effective in helping with anxiety disorders. Also, are you on any medication, because it can really help! You say you don't want to rely on them which is understandable, they are not supposed to be relied on, just to lift you for a while so you can help yourself. Also they are nothing to be ashamed of AT ALL. Depression and anxiety are medical disorders that often require medication. I know lots of people (including myself) that have taken medication for anxiety and depression, it's way more common than you think.

    Anyway I really hope you're feeling better soon! Go to your doc! x

  • Posted

    I am goung through these thoughts since 2 weeks ago and its not stopping. Everything is a negative. I cant even go out alone ad I ferl somat bad will happen to me the further I go away from home

  • Posted

    Wow Wow i cant believe that there is other people suffering the same like i do .....

    i really feel your pain every word fits into me

  • Posted

    mary you told exactly my problem and i suffer this from my childhood.when i was small at first i thought it would overcome.but time after time it stays on my mind and attack more.now it is ruining my life,my dream, my hope everything.my ambition all are gone.now i am nothing.And for my prblm i couldn't mix with anyone. from my childhood i lead a lonely life with no one except my parents.
  • Posted

    Hello Mary,

    Are you familiar with the Serenity Prayer? It is a prayer in mans words said in prayer to GOD. (not in the bible so not GOD's word) 

    I chose this as my piece of advice to you after reading your post.

    Why? Well what I feel your dealing with is a very common and overwhelming 

    battle of the mind. Thoughts that are real to you but not necessarily tangible to the touch or by sight...fear if you will. Not to scare you or be to spooky in the matter, but lets face it here, we as human beings are often plagued by negetive spritual presence that hold our minds captive. They use occurances that has happend in our lives, store their memories in our brains, and replay them at their leisure only to torture us at thier will. 

    So what do we do and what weapon do we have to combat this torture? Only prayer! Prayer to a higher power. This is my advice that works for me and also to to other believers...Pray. I chose the serenity prayer for you because I'm not sure of your faith. The Serenity prayer is a prayer you can say, chant, sing, mutter until it seeps into your brain, mind, body, and spriit, until it becomes a spirit to fight the spirit that is haughting your mind. 

    God grant me the serenity 

    to accept the things I cannot change; 

    courage to change the things I can; 

    and wisdom to know the difference. 

    Living one day at a time; 

    Enjoying one moment at a time; 

    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 

    Taking, as He did, this sinful world 

    as it is, not as I would have it; 

    Trusting that He will make all things right 

    if I surrender to His Will; 

    That I may be reasonably happy in this life 

    and supremely happy with Him 

    In Jesus Name 


  • Posted

    Hi Mary, I can relate to your issue.. I feel the exact same way. I tend to think about my mistakes from the past and I try to alter them, even though I know that it's not going to help me. And deep down, I know that I'm not a bad person but for some reason, I keep putting myself down and I tell myself that I'm the worst human being alive. And I also have a hard time making any friends because I constantly think of what others think about me (The way I look, the way I talk, the way I act) but I don't tell this out to people because to the outer world, I'm a "carefree" person. Also, if something good ever happens to me, I tell myself that I'm not good enough or that I don't deserve it and I try to push it away from me. That's what happened with my girlfriend. I felt like I couldn't keep her happy and that she deserves someone better than me. So, I broke up with her. And the worst part is, I didn't even tell her why. I just said "I don't think I'm the right guy for you". To this day, I regret doing that. She was the one person in my life that made me happy but I felt like she was too good for me. I don't even know why I'm telling you this.. And this is actually the first time I've told this to anyone. But writing all of this gives me a weird kind of satisfaction...
    • Posted

      Harry.... & Mary,

      I,m Kevin.. I completely understand what both of you have iterated, as I really haven't really read much past these two, if I do I get sidetracked and lose focus and this is actually this is one of the very few times I can think of I've actually stayed on task as weird as that sounds...

      • Harry- Brother I'm sorry to hear about your girl like that, man I completely understand I wonder what would a girl want with me when I know I am a generous person i'm nonconfrontational a motivational I'm attractive (i don't feel that but I know I am) i'm just a really nice person and a great guy I help somebody out if they need help actually I think i help other people more than I help myself... I don't get why I am so hard on myself why all the self-loathing why I feel like I'm being judged or watched if I go outside or go somewhere like even my neighbors.... I think if I walk out to the mailbox... like someone's looking at me at the very least and that's f*cked up... I too will turn down my radio and just listen to my car I don't quite understand why other than the music puts me on edge, I think I'm more worried about my automobile and damage happening to it. I think there's a lot of OCD things i am unaware of, I know the term PTSD gets crossed reference with soldiers more often and although not a soldier I definitely fit every criteria of the definition of PTSD. My anxiety Gets so bad... The racing thoughts all my God I don't even want to think about it right now I had to find some peas and writing this as you both had mentioned – I don't know I'm just worried about everything and even though I know deep down inside at least I was at one time capable of achieving so much at the age of 39 I feel I've withered into the shell of an old man from an AA meeting... You know the guy(s) im talking about... Person I've always said I definitely do not want to become a hollow shell of what used to be, no confidence, no pride no self-respect no dignity no self-worth although I must admit and this is only happened on extremely rare occasion but I will stand up for myself... Specially if someone gets in my zone or raises their tone with me. I feel like I've reached a point where I have nothing to lose, I've had the day where i methodically planned out my suicide. I was going to drive down to this parking area and do it outside of my car so I wouldn't make a mess for my father have to clean up. I could not stop dwelling on putting a bullet in my head. I felt so horrible all i could think about was "surely death is less painful than what I'm experiencing now" which was probably the worst day of my life. I don't think about that much if at all and I've told that maybe twice – and I am rattling on. There is so much I want to say but I'm worried that I'm going to offend someone or what someone else is going to think about what I've posted here? Is that not crazy or at least messed up? Yeah I'm pretty frustrated right now I think I want to close this book up thank you for sharing your experiences I do understand what you're going through and I'm sure you understand what I am... (not having a woman is killing me)

  • Posted

    Hi I read your post And it sounds like me in some wayz I question are analyze everything I say are do . I Have no energy are motivation.How are you dealing with it may e we can get togeatber are something to help one another. Please reply Ruthie
  • Posted

    I also have very negative thought patterns. My mom was very negative, unrealistically. She always said things were "terrible" and she saw the bad side of every situation. I feel this has impacted me badly. As a child I tried to fix all of her problems, but it was impossible. I viewed life as something to fear, and that most people are bad. 

    For a year, I've been working through my issues. My negative thoughts start in on me when I'm alone, doing something mundane like driving or painting the house ( I love to flip houses). One day I was painting for several hours. My negative thoughts started in, this time about how bad of a mom I was. My logical brain actually knew these thoughts were not realistic, that they were extremely negative and that they were not going to happen. I was catastrophosizing about a situation that was happening in my life. Next thing, I started arguing with my thoughts. "That's not even true because my friend said I'm a very good mother." "Even my son has told me over and over what a good mother I am." "My son's grandparents have told me what a great job I've done raising him." And then the thoughts would argue back... "Yeah, but there was that time you did.... " On and on. 

    Finally, I stopped painting. I sat down. I spoke out loud since no one was around to think I'm crazy! This is going to sound crazy! I came to the realization that these thoughts are NOT ME. These are not MY thoughts. I realized they must be from something external to me, but living inside my head, like a parasite. I knew that I was not what my thoughts were accusing me of being, yet the thoughts wouldn't stop. So... I said out loud, "I'm onto you! I know YOU are not ME! I'm not going to put up with this negative line of thinking anymore. Obviously you are a parasite and you need me for your drama you are creating. You must thrive on negativity. Well, I'm not going to take it anymore! Go away, go find somewhere else to live." I actually yelled at my thoughts. I believe it is what people refer to as "ego." 

    I'm telling you, honestly, after I said that, I heard silence, nothing, nada, no more thoughts in my head the rest of that day. It was eerily silent, and it was so weird. I've had these running negative thoughts my entire life. It's very frustrating. You might try this! Do it when you're alone, ha! 

    Negative thoughts have come back, but they are much less frequent, and much less severe. Now they consist of actual events and past negative memories, rather than possible contrived outcomes that didn't exist, so they are easier to take. I'm working my way through them with Melody Fletcher's (Deliberate Receiving on You Tube) method of overcoming past emotional problems that recur in life as patterns. 

    I really, really hope this helps you or someone else! It has helped me so much!!! I believe our negative thoughts are not us. I have no idea what, who or where they come from, but command they leave you! Xoxo

    • Posted

      Hi Carol, 

      I loved your response to Mary18945 because you described me.  I have suffered with negative thoughts all of my life.  It is a curse which effects every aspect of my life.  I believe that it is something outside of myself like a parasite that feeds on me.  I have suffered from depression and self doubt my whole life.  I set people up to reject me to keep it alive.  And, I have this insatiable appetite to keep trying to do better.  It's insane!  I'm coming to a place that I understand (a little) that it came through my parents who were very negative and in terrible need of want for love, but more importantly, my anger toward them.   I was an accident and they didn't have much to give.  I'm sick of the sad story as I'm 57 and I'm hopeful that the rest of my years will hold some joy.  It's been a hard road and I know that's part of the story I keep repeating but would love to give it up.  I really appreciate your story.  I would love to experience silence and calm.  I am sorry about my part and hurting all the people I did.

      Your Truly,


    • Posted

      Hi Cheryl-

      I'm so glad you resonated with me. I don't recall if I mentioned it, but I've suffered from depression as well. 

      About 6 months before my confrontation with my ego, I guess it's called... Or the parasite, I like to call it since it accurately describes it to me, I read a book called, "The Emotion Code" by Dr. Bradley Nelson. The book tells you how to release trapped emotions that stem from childhood. It was a HUGE help to me, healing me in so many ways. The first way it healed me was for me to actually look in the mirror and like myself. I never liked myself and didn't know why. The book talks about a very easy technique, muscle testing, and asking yourself (your higher self) questions to get to the meat of your negative emotions and then ultimately release them. I spent an hour or two at a time for several days releasing trapped emotions. It was amazing. 

      I'm still wrestling with negative thoughts in my head somewhat, but it's better than it used to be. I also struggle with making bad decisions, but am working on that too. 

      I hope I can help others with my experiences, just as I hope to learn from others. Let me know if you have any questions about the trapped emotions. I wish you the best! Do not feel bad about hurting others. You are hurt yourself, or you wouldn't hurt others. It's not your fault. We all do the best we can in this life. Sometimes are best isn't what we'd like it to be. I believe we all want to improve, and we all want to help others. I also believe you can't give away what you don't have so we must start with loving our self, building our self up, creating love inside. 

      I also want to constantly improve and grow. When a person has that, I believe they will. What we seek we eventually find. 

      Take care! 


  • Posted

    It's amazing to me, reading through these posts, how many people deal with negative thinking, self-doubt, depression, thinking they are not worthy. There are so many forms of this, but it all leads back to the fact that many, many people do not like themselves and do not feel worthy. They feel others are better than they are. I know, because I've dealt with this my whole life. Think how many people are on anti-depressants. It seems like an epidemic, to me. 

    I'm tired of feeling like this! I know you all are too! I want to figure out the root cause of this problem that is overwhelming our society. It seems there isn't a "fix" to the root cause, but only pills and such which just mask the symptoms. There must be a fix! I believe there is and I'm going to find it. 

    I don't know much yet, but I'm seeking the solution. Of course, there is probably more than one solution, but all I need is one. I do know I've healed many aspects of my troubled soul, and I'm still working on the rest. 

    One thing that IS working for me is to follow your hunches. Follow your instincts. Listen to that tiny little instinct, your gut feeling. It's there inside you, and the more you develop it, the more you listen to it and follow it, the louder it will get. I have found that my instinct is NEVER wrong. It always steers me right. Your instinct is what is best for you. You are all you need to truly care for. When you care for yourself, the rest will fall in place including your loved ones and kids. Doing what is best for ourselves always ends up being what is best for those around us as well. And, if it isn't, those people will drop away as they weren't supposed to be in your life permanently. 

    Do any of you have any input regarding this? Your instinct? 

    Thanks for reading! 

    - Carol


  • Posted

    Hi, I can relate to your situation.I am 48 and suffer from depression symptoms and alot of anxiety symptoms. I have done many psychotherap, tried many meds and still struggling with those symptoms. I am blaming myself for struggling for so many years!
  • Posted

    hi mary i am mark kim 21 years old boy from philippines . Just right now, only i found my self that my feelings is not a normal if i dont have search it to google i dont understand my feelings right now that i have anxiety disorder what your posting is that exactly i thinking of everyday specialy when im alone. i thinkg someone will gonna die the like what you said "I think the biggest thing that triggers my anxiety disorder is my fear of how people perceive me to be. I really need reassurance from others in order to feel like I'm doing things right or that I'm a good person. Everything I do or say in front of people, I analyze. I try and figure out what they are thinking and how they are judging me. I just want everyone To like me and think I'm a good person. I try to relate to everyone so that they have a positive view of me. I am always in fear of people getting the wrong idea or misinterpreting something I said and in doing so, they think I'm a terrible person" i cant foucused on my job 

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