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Hope you don't mind but thought I would start a new thread.

Tess the flowers sound great.That was very nice of your Dads friend. I planted sweat peas in the spring and I have managed to have a constant supply in my lounge since June.

Tess how is Claire?

Linda how are you? How is your Mum? How did your last CBT session go?

Lin are you going to join us here? Sorry to hear you didn't manage to get out shopping.

Tomorrow we take Alison to Birmingham. So today I plan to get all her washing done. Not really feeling up to it as these last few days all I have wanted to do is sleep.

Wishing you all a good weekend.


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    Linda tramadol used to knock me out my old dr gave me slow release 100mg these were great bit of a high waaaaaah :lol: but new dr will only give me norm 50mg not as good but can function with it now.

    Am off on hols tomorrow cant wait am like big kid :D

    Hoping you all have not too much pain while im away remember pace yourselfs

    Am taking pc with so will try and catch up while in Devon

  • Posted

    Hi Tess, Linda and Linnor,

    I hope you all had a good weekend.

    I did too much Sat so ended up sleeping a lot yesterday.

    Tess did Chris like his car? I take it he arrived home Ok.

    Linda are you Ok? Are you still trying to decide what to do with your garden? How is your Mum?

    Linnor I hope you are enjoying your holiday? I keep my fingers crossed that the weather stays fine for you.

    I managed to spoil all the new school shirts on Saturday got a black sock in the hot whites wash!!! Now they are all grey.

    Take care.


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy, Linda & Linnor

    Yes Lizzy Chris did get home ok. He liked his car but had a shock when he was checking on the cost of insurance. It was about £94 pounds a month. Why is it so expensive for boys on insuring cars. Its not a sporty car only a citreon m reg. Have you managed to get those shirts white yet!

    Linda how is your mum! How are you today!


  • Posted

    Hi Tess Linda and Linnor,

    Yes I new boys were exspensive to insure on cars, my friend has been in a similar situation, £1800 seems the norm for learner drivers. Alison who has been driving for about 3 years managed to get a really good deal on her 10 year old 1 litre engine Dihatsu. Fully Comp £600 she managed to get a deal of buy now and get 2 months free.

    No wonder there are so many people driving around without insurance.

    So how have you been Tess?

    Linda how are you? I hope you are not in too much pain!!! Have you decided what you are going to do with your garden?

    Linnor are you enjoying your holiday.

    Brought a minature bottle of Brandy yesterday and put it in the xmas cake. Do you think once a week till xmas would be too much??

    I'm just going to see nice bright white shirts and not dirty grey and if I think this long enough then it will become true??

    The counselling was ok yesterday plenty of tears from me, but she didn't say anything at all do you think she is waiting till I have told her every single thing before she says anything, I've had 1 hour and 50 mins and only told her half of what I have had to deal with since 2000.

    Its cold wet and windy here.

    Got to go now as tea is almost cooked.

    Take care all.


  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Yes, Tess insurance does seem to be very expensive, Chris takes his tes at the end of the month and has been looking at cars etc. There doesn`t seem to be any ryme or reason to how it works!!

    Hope your shirts will gradually get back to white, Lizzy. I had councelling several years ago when had lots of stuff to deal with and to be honest that was more help than CBT. Wow! I think we should all share your christmas cake. Yummy!

    Mum is doing ok, thanks we are just waiting for the appointment to come through for her cataract to be removed, and hopefully then she will feel much better. She is now making her own tea and the carers come to do her meds and check she has managed ok, also that she hasn`t forgotten to eat! She loves it where she is and has made several friends, they all enjoy the activites.

    Still having problems with my feet, its been 3 weeks now! The right one has got a rash on it now, so godness knows whats going on, GP will think I`m a hypocondriac!!!

    Well think my 30mins to myself each morning with my coffee is coming to an end as I can hear Ray getting up, so will go now. Take care


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy & Linda

    Linda I hope your feet feel better soon. There is always something for us to deal with pain wise. It is good to hear your mum has settled down and has made some friends. Like you say when she has her cataracts done it will be much better for her. How old is your son Chris! It seems to be more expensive for the younger boys as they class them all as driving to fast.

    Chris is 22 next week. He passed his test when he was 18 before he went off to Uni. He hasn't driven for 3 years so will seem like he is starting over again. He is waiting to hear from some TA jobs at a school in Peterborough and Fawcet.

    Lizzy you cake will be nice and strong with all that Brandy lol! When I did mine last year I made it at the end of October. I only put in a few teaspoons of brandy a week until Xmas to keep it moist. Might be a bit too strong if you put too much in but depends on how you like it.

    I keep waking early with lots of aches and pains in my legs etc. My toes get really painful if I bend on them or do too much walking. Probably your counselor is like you say waiting until you have told her everything before making any comments. I would find that quite frustrating for me!

    I do hope it helps you though.

    Well going out for lunch today with Claire and my one of my dad's friends Helen. Got a new wetherspoons open in Whittlesey where we live and I haven't been yet.

    Got to go now and get showered.


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy & Linda

    How are you both today! Had a lovely lunch yesterday and was nice to get away from the kitchen in progress lol. Been looking after Molly today as was off school with an ear ache. Stephanie is getting bigger now and is 15 weeks pregnant. Will know at 20 weeks whether a boy or girl lol. She wants to know as too impatient to wait until next year. They have decided on names already an Noah for boy and Lily or Poppy if it is a girl.

    Well going to try and get a lot of work done over the weekend now Stewart is off shift. He is not back at work until Wednesday now so hopefully get more done. Feel quite tired today with looking after Molly and not sleeping too well with Stewart on nights even though I have Chris now at home.

    Lizzy have you got those shirts white yet! That would still be niggling away at me lol.

    Linda I hope you are ok and how are your feet now.

    I tried my new pain tablets today for the first time codrydamol. Never made any difference to my pain at all. Dosen't seem to make much difference to the pain in my kneew and toes. Think I am going to see about that low dosage anti inflammatory tabs. Got to see Dr again in November after thyroid blood test so ask him then. Things are going to get worse over the winter with the cold and damp weather.

    Take care all!


  • Posted

    Hi all i'm back :D

    My computer died and been struggling to get new one but here I am.

    Hope everyone is fine and pain free.

    I have finally been diagnosed with Fibro/CPS new GP is really good got me on new AD's and going to start Tramadol. Been for MRI scan on spine and head. New GP is also sending me to physio so hopefully i may feel some benefit soon. Been really bad last few weeks not even able to move around the house so hopefully things may improve.

    Mums operation was cancelled whilst she was in the theatre sad

    She is waiting now to go in again. Anyway sign off for now speak soon

  • Posted

    Hi Tess Linda Linnor and Jeff,

    Tess I do hope that they get you some decent pain relief before we get too far into winter, I am deffinately seeing a difference in my joints with this cooler weather and rain. At least its sunny outside this morning.

    Yes the shirts are bugging me big time I can't replace as we are now out of money!!!!

    Wishing Chris all the best in the job market. Tess don't over do it in the kitchen this weekend.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your lunch.

    Linda I wish Chris all the best for his driving test, my daughter Vicky is hoping to take hers in October.

    Had a nasty letter from the bennifits office they have cut our mortgage interest by half, part of goverment cuts, so it means we have got to find an extra £75 a month from the small amount we get. Still no sign of a job for Alan he has another phone interview on wednesday.

    Thursday I went back to see my optition as my eyes were agony and he had a look, took over half an hour and he found that inside my eye lids I have developed an allergy to something, I don't know what as I don't wear make up. So now I have to go and get a prescription from my Gp to treat and then I have to go back in a months time so he can check my eyes and change the eye drops to something else as he thinks this is going to be a long term problem!!!!!! You are only allowed one eye test a year on the NHS so I had to pay and I will have to pay when I go back in 4 weeks. So next time I see my Doc I am going to ask if I can be referred to the hospital if the problem can't be sorted quickly, as it will be a lot cheaper

    Jeff glad you managed to get a computer sorted.What is CPS? I'm sorry to hear your mums opperation was cancelled that couldn't have been very nice for her. I'm pleased to hear that your new doctor is being more helpful.

    Linnor hope your holiday is going well.

    Take care all.


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy, Linoor, Linda & Jeff

    Jeff good to see you back on the site. Sorry to hear your mum's operation was cancelled. I do hope she doesn;t have to wait too long.

    Lizzy there is always something more to have to pay out for when you are trying to budget. I do hope your eyes settle down soon and all will be well with them. Is this anything to do with your Lupus.

    Linda I hope you are alright today and not in too much pain.

    Linoor I do hope you are having a good holiday.


  • Posted

    Hi Tess Linda Linnor and Jeff,

    Tess I think its to do with the SLE as SLE is like a self allergy. My chest has also been a little chesty which happens when my allergys are not under controll.

    Linda I hope your mum doesn't have to wait too long for her cataract opp. She will feel like a new lady once its been done. I hope you managed to sort your rash out.

    Take care.


  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Glad you have a pc again, Geoff, keep in touch! I have Tramadol only when the pain is unbearable as it knocks me out. Which is no good for me long term as I am my husband`s carer.

    Tess, both Ray and I have had codydramol and it did nothing for either of us!! Ray is limited to what he can take anti inflamatory wise because of his heart, so he takes paracetamol and codiene.

    My ankles are still like balloons and I can`t get shoes on so am still wearing the only pair of sandals I can get on!! GP gave me Naproxen last week which does give me some relief but makes absolutely no difference to the swelling, so think it will be back to docs again. Think I need a permanent weekly app booked I`m there so often.

    Lizzy, with regard to your optician look into the paying for another test thing, as Mum kept telling me she couldn`t see to read after she got both arms back in use. I tried to get the home eye test optician to see her but they told me that she would have to pay, but if she went to her own optician and there was a change in her sight there would be no charge. If there was no change then she would have to pay. So took her and there was a change in her cataract and it was free!!

    Well have some more jobs to do before I watch X Factor, so better go now Lol


  • Posted

    Hi everyone

    Hope you are all ok.

    CPS is chronic Pain Syndrome which is very closely linked to Fibro

    I know you guys dont really like the football but Liverpool are not helping my condition.

    My work has asked for a report from my GP on my condidtion i suspect they may try to release me.

    My wife has got a problem with her back could be misaligned disc or coccydynia got to go for calcium test. Problem is her job involves siting in front of PC all day so it is not helping her.

    The pup is growing FAST. Although he does bark all the time. Other dogs are getting on with him better.

    Mum is due to go in again soon for her operation she has had heart bypass surgery so everytime she has to get anesthetic they have to test her heart so it can drag on a bit.

    Anyway best get off the computer now she needs it for some work stuff.

    See ya soon

  • Posted

    Hi Jeff, Lizzy, Linda and Linoor

    Hi Jeff will be good when your mum can have her operation and hope it all goes well this time. I hope your wife gets on ok with her back and can't be very nice for her sitting down all day especially if she is in pain. I bet your puppy is getting a lot bigger now and it is good that he gets on with the other dogs. What dogs have you got? My sister in law have just got a new puppy and said it is just like having a baby all over again or worse. They have had several dogs but have died. Said never going to have another one but always do lol. I have never had any pets only my five children and found that enough for me to look after. My daughter has got a house rabbit and she is called tinkerbell and really well trained and no mess with the poos and wees lol.

    Lizzy how are you today. I hope your shirts are gradually getting whiter as you wash them. Have you put any more brandy in your Christmas cake lol. Going to have to have a trial run with mine as never cooked it in a gas oven before. Slowly getting use to it as I have always had an electric fan oven in the past.

    Linda I hope you are ok today and not in too much pain. How is your mum?

    Linoor are you back from holiday now and had a good time!


  • Posted

    Hi Everyone,

    Too tired to write all your names today.

    Tess no not had time to feed the cake, but will do in the next few days. Is a trial run so that you can have cake to eat. I wish we could have pets.

    Linda I hope all is well with you.

    Jeff funny you should bring up the football, now where are my knitting needles. Does this mean you won't be able to work?

    Got to go now as the inlaws have just turned up.


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