Pain after endoscopy? Chest pain, discomfort swallowing

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I had EGD yesterday with sedation. Felt pretty much fine yesterday, minus a little chest discomfort when breathing in deep. Today I've had no appetite and have discomfort swallowing, and a persistent discomfort in my chest. Waiting for call back from doctor. In meantime, reading about perforation and wondering if this sounds serious. I don't want to go to ER for a bunch more tests if this is normal. Does anyone have any experience with pain like this following endoscopy? Thanks very much.

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    Hey I was wondering if anyone on here has had chest pain for several weeks after an endoscopy and then had it go away? I had one done 3 weeks ago and I still have constant mild pressure in my chest all the time. Ive never had this before. I'm worried because the doctor stretched my esophagus out even though he said i didn't need it he said he did it in hopes that it would help with the lump I was feeling in my throat. I would have asked him not to do it unless it was medically necessary but I didn't know that needed to be said??? I'm reallyyyyy hoping that someone on here can please tell me that they had it for several weeks and then it went away.

    • Posted

      Hi dont let me discourage you because everyone i have seen on here says it has gone away for them within a week or two. Ive had mine for a year haha. I have no idea what's wrong i had a barium swallow and they said it was normal so they act like thats it and there is nothing they can do. It's hard cause im 28 and consider myself really healthy. But im sure yours will go away because that is what i see on here.

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    i had a upper endoscopy Friday on the 26th and my

    throat is basically ok but im having lil chest discomfort doesnt seem major but i want it to stop

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    I had mine 2 days ago. I've been having chest tightness since yesterday. I called the on call doctor yesterday and he didn't seem concerned. it hurts worse when I eat. is this something I should be concerned about?

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    I know most all of these comments have been a long time ago. But I had an endoscopy almost 3 weeks ago. I did have center of chest pain at first and stomach discomfort. I was able to get a small belch out and it helped. But the day after my endoscopy I had strong left breast/chest pain. It was worse when I ate. But that eating issue went away. But my chest/breast pain didn't . It was like I had a chest wall strain. Movement hurt. Last night I woke up and it was severe enough for me to go to the ER. They did a battery of test. EKG, Chest Xray, CT scan, bloodwork. I even had a diagnostic mammogram today with an ultrasound in that area. Everything supposedly checks out. So far it seems that I have a severe chest wall pull. I was prescribed muscle relaxer and something to cure my throat. I have gastritis and a hiatal hernia. Nether of which is bothering me now. I don't want to take a muscle relaxer. I just want to go back to having an painful upper stomach. This is wrecking my quality of life. I know it is probably coincidental that less than 24 hours after my endoscopy I have this issue. My back hurts in that area too.

    I don't see anyone saying anything about a chest wall pull feeling on their left side. I was laid on my left side during my endoscopy (also had a colonoscopy at the same time. ) They found a pre cancer mass in my sigmoid colon and I am scheduled to have part of my of my colon removed. I am not having issues with that but that left breast/chest pain that hurts when I inhale sucks. I should mention I am left handed so everything I do and lift is with my left hand. I sleep on my left side. So I am sure all of this is making it worse to heal.

    • Posted

      I am having pain in my sternum area an occasionally the feel in my back the pain yes is more on the left side i also was on my left side. I just had an endoscopy Monday an still in pain today. I've been told to get into the er but im nervous. I also was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia an they did 2 biopsies both came back benign.

    • Posted

      dear keljo, i'm experiencing exactly the same, please let me know if you have recovered?

  • Posted

    Yes I am experiencing chest pain an yes I do understand what you mean about going to the er if things will go away eventually. I've been told by 3 nurses today to get into the er.

    • Posted

      I felt the same way. The reason for the ER is "they" say women present heart attacks different then men. I also heard that possible heart attack can come on gradually over weeks. I never had my chest issue until less than 24 hours after my endoscopy. It has taken about 5 weeks to gradually lessen the pain. I still get twinges. My NP freaked me out looking at my ER chest x ray saying there is a bit of pulmonary inflammation. What? With pending surgery and the stress and worry about all that now I have to worry about pulmonary inflammation? Well I had 2 chest x ray that was ordered by my surgeon prior to my ER Stint. They are clear, nothing there.

      My NP said my blood work was beautiful. So I wasn't having a heart attack but one never knows the reason for the chest pain that is why it's best to have it checked out just to make sure.

      If they tell you to go to the ER you should, at the very least you will have peace of mind.

  • Posted

    hi I know this is an old post... I had an endoscopy done days ago an I'm feeling pressure an pain behind my sternum... it kinda takes my breath away... hope it doesnt last too much longer... I'm starting to worry xx

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